God of Destruction

Chapter 3911: Saving calculation

Chapter 3911: Calculations

Time waits for no one, no one dared to resist. Under the terrible pressure, these latecomers had to condense their attacks with all their strength, and under the guidance of the other party, they burst out their most powerful blow, and the terrifying force instantly hit Above that huge vitality, a terrifying aura burst out instantly, and at this moment, those people immediately took action, the huge destruction aura tore apart the vitality barriers, the vitality blocking everyone was swept away, everyone's mind was It's easy!

"Everyone, this is not the time for us to relax. I don’t know how many people are coming madly in the future. Our situation is not as good as imagined. The blocking force is cleared. But our journey is just beginning. Concentrate your strength and set up a powerful formation restriction here, completely turning this place into a terrifying formation, blocking the people behind it, we can't make wedding dresses for others in vain, I think no one wants to accept other people Compete with yourself for the opportunity!"

ruthless! I have to say that these people are vicious enough. In this short period of time, I have thought so much. In order to guarantee their own interests, they will not hesitate to set up terrible traps in this landing place, waiting for the enemy to take the initiative. Jump in!

"These guys are really vicious enough to lay such terrible traps. Fortunately, we didn't reject them before. Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for us. It is better to stand with these terrible guys than to be an enemy. Many, at least we don’t have to worry about being cheated to death by these bastards!" When they heard the words before, the hearts of all the latecomers were solemn, and they were all shocked by this terrible calculation, but after being shocked, they They are also in ecstasy, blocking the pace of the latecomers, and their chances of success are invisibly enhanced. As for how long they can block the opponent, this is no longer in their consideration!

There was no hesitation, no one asked, everyone acted frantically and took out their best array restriction. After a while, in this world, they were enveloped by countless array restrictions. The prohibitions were superimposed frantically, forming a terrifying trap. Without a strong enough defense, once you fall into it, you will die!

Can you be kind to the enemy, especially the enemies coming from behind are competing with yourself for great opportunities? For these enemies, they are not soft-hearted, it can be said that they are very powerful, they use very strong, you need to know more Buy some time, and you can get more benefits. As for the people who will be offended to death, this is not in their consideration at all. For them, the dead enemy is the best enemy. vicious.

A short period of time passed, and everyone present did not have any reservations. After some arrangement, they all paid a huge price, and each of them needed to pause for a while to recover, but there was a trace of them on their faces. With a faint smile, this kind of result is what they are looking forward to most. Whether it is the latecomers or those before, they are very satisfied!

The road ahead is opened, and the traps that block the enemies behind are also laid out. At this time, these people on the scene no longer have the tacit understanding and concerted efforts before, but become vigilant and cautious one by one, and all of them are selfish. After all, chances are limited, and there are too many people standing here at the moment. When chances appear, a war will be inevitable. Once a war breaks out, death will be staged frantically. I don’t know how many people will fall. At this time, it is normal for everyone to think about him!

Instinctively, these people could be divided into four small groups once again to guard against each other, but they all maintained a normal tacit understanding. No one broke this rare peace at this time. As long as the opportunity did not appear, the tacit understanding would be Will keep it, everyone didn't say these words, they just kept it in their hearts.

At this time, it is directly revealed whether they are fully prepared or not. The first to recover is still the first group of strong men. They recover one by one before the others, but after regaining their combat power, they did not rush forward. , Even if the huge vitality has been swept away, there is no power to stop them from going forward, but carefully sailing the ship of ten thousand years, they once again exploded in the first time, sweeping the entire planet in an all-round way, looking for the secrets of this planet, only The more you understand, the smoother your actions will be in the future, and you will be able to ensure your own safety and let yourself survive this catastrophe!

Yes, this is a catastrophe. Great opportunities have always been accompanied by catastrophes. Every strong person standing here knows this very well. They are all prepared. When they step into the secret world, they will do it. Okay, the worst plan, don't look at it now that they all seem to have done their best, but everyone understands that everyone's real killer has not been displayed.

dignified! Soon a solemn look flashed across the faces of every group of strong men. The results of the exploration made their hearts heavy. This weird planet brought them too many shocks and too much helplessness. Without the barriers of that huge vitality, I can control the situation of the entire planet in my hands, but when I really do this, I am still too self-righteous and too arrogant, and things are far worse than I thought. It's more difficult.

On this entire planet, there are no relics at all, and there is no abnormal situation. If it is necessary to say that it is abnormal, it is that the entire planet is shrouded in forests, even if the previous huge vitality has been swept away, but this planet The huge trees above still condensed a powerful force and still brought them huge troubles!

"Damn it, how could this be? The whole planet is covered by trees, and there is almost no abnormality in sight. This is too weird. If this happens, either the secret of the planet is not on this surface, but on the earth. It is either that everything we see with our divine consciousness is false, and this weird planet is shrouded by the powerful avenue of illusion, at least a small part of it is shrouded by the avenue of illusion, so that we are fundamentally divided. Unclear what is true!"


There are two possibilities. This requires everyone to make a choice. Although there are only two choices, they do not seem to be difficult, and there is half the chance of success, but this is not a question of choice, but a matter of chance. People will miss the opportunity, and the many previous efforts will be turned into water, and the great situation will be cut off!

"This kind of ban on the avenue of illusion should not exist if we can stop the full exploration of our spiritual consciousness. After all, we have seen it before. The ban on the gods other than the planet has been broken. There can be no such illusion on this planet. The existence of the power of the Great Dao, which can prevent us from exploring the divine sense, must be a powerful original divine forbidden. Therefore, in my opinion, the second possibility is the greatest. The secret of this planet must be hidden in the earth, and our goal should be under the earth!"

"Everything can't be said absolutely. Although we have seen the previous divine forbidden break, is everything we see real? Would it be an illusion? If so, we just saw it with divine consciousness Everything we arrive may not be real, but if it is so, our trouble will be great. The planet is so big. If we want to find the place where the chance is, we have to travel the whole planet, and we don’t have that much. time!"

"Yeah, we don’t have so much time at all. It takes too much time to explore every part of the planet. The most important thing is that we don’t have so many manpower at all. Don’t look at these **** now. It’s very peaceful, but when it comes to great opportunities, they will instantly become extremely cruel. It is impossible to count on them. Under this situation, I think we should focus on the ground, even if it is If the choice is wrong, we still have a chance to reverse, after all, this planet is really too big, and it is not easy to explore!"

"Okay, we'll make this decision, but before we act, we need to solve these big problems. Otherwise, if they are there, everything about us will be clearly seen by them. If they keep following us, we will be embarrassed. Up!"

"There is nothing to worry about. We now have four forces. Since then, we have chosen a direction and explored this planet. As for the result, it depends on our respective abilities. If they are not capable, we can only blame them. My own practice is too weak, and I cannot blame us for not fulfilling them. Naturally, they have to bear the responsibility!"

Time waits for no one. Every extra minute puts a lot of pressure on these people. When they negotiated with each other, they didn’t wait for the other three parties to ask questions. Each group of people said, "Dear fellow daoists. , We are in big trouble now. Although we have swept away the huge vitality that was shrouded on the planet and removed the power that prevented us from moving forward, we have fallen into a new predicament again, and we are caught in a terrible fantasy on this planet. Shrouded by the original power of the avenue, the entire planet is strangely the same, and we cannot be sure that this place is the place of opportunity we are looking for!

"What? How is it possible? No matter how weird the planet is, it is impossible for all places to be the same. Have you made a mistake? How could such a large planet be enveloped by the origin of the Dao of Illusion? You must have made a mistake! "

Faced with a burst of doubt, those people smiled disapprovingly and said: "Whether things are as we said, you can explore for yourself, the whole planet is weirdly the same, every place is exactly the same, even each one. The trees are all exactly the same. If I say that they grow naturally, I would not believe that although there are many weird situations in nature, such weird situations cannot exist. If we must say that they exist, it means that the entire planet is illusory. The avenue is shrouded, and everything we see with our spiritual consciousness and eyes is false. To find a place of opportunity, we need to work together!"

"Damn it, it's really like this. How could this planet be like this? Isn't our previous efforts wasted? It's impossible to find a place of opportunity on such a large planet. It takes too long. Searching every space, it was the **** who made such a weird test, which is embarrassing us at all!"

"Well, it's useless to get angry, and it's useless to swear. It won't solve the problem. If we want to find opportunities, we must face all of this. We used violence to directly destroy the previous vitality, but this road of fantasy is different, using violence It cannot be solved. This requires us to find the nodes of the avenue of illusion and break them one by one. This requires us all to work together. Now we have a team, we can choose a direction to start, I know, everyone Fellow Daoists must doubt that we have conspiracies and calculations, knowing which direction is most likely to be the place of opportunity, so this time we choose, in the end, the three of you will choose first. Success or failure depends on God’s will, depending on your own destiny. !"

Yes, at the beginning, the other three teams did have such doubts in their hearts, but when the other party uttered these last words, their thoughts were dispelled. Under such a general environment, they wanted to find opportunities. You really need to look at God’s will and your own destiny. If you don’t have that fate, you won’t get anything no matter how much you put in. Perhaps the test of this level is a test of air luck, a test of everyone’s air luck. People with great luck can naturally find a place of opportunity, and without luck, they will naturally pass by with great opportunity. They have not experienced such a situation, so no one doubts the other party's intentions!

"Well, we decided in one word, so it was decided, everyone depends on luck, we choose the East!"

When someone made a choice, the other two teams quickly made a choice. In the end, each team could only choose the West. When the choice was made, everyone did not hesitate anymore. Time waits for no one, and they all agree with each other. The land starts to act according to their own choices. For these people, they are not worried about accidents, even if the land of opportunity is not in their own direction. When the land of opportunity is opened, the origin of the day is The fluctuation of the breath will also permeate the entire planet. At most, I just lost the opportunity, so I maintain a tacit understanding with each other, and there is no dispute!

Cast net search? No, no one has made such a decision. It is impossible to succeed in a net search on such a large planet. Since everyone chooses to decide everything by fate, the three-party team will naturally act in a group, regardless of the opportunity. Whether they are in the direction of their own choice, everyone still has a chance to fight for the chance. On the contrary, if they are scattered, that is the real opportunity to cut off their own!

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