God of Destruction

Chapter 3912: Knot changes

Chapter 3912 Changes

A single power is not worth mentioning in this test. If you want to compete for this great opportunity, there is only the power of everyone, and this is the only way. No matter what happens, you can move forward and retreat freely. It is everyone understands. This is why they are all acting collectively, and no one has left the big team. In such a weird world, such an act is self-defeating!

"Everyone, time is running out. The three damned **** are no longer watching us. It's time for us to act. Under this earth, we don't know what we will encounter. Acting earlier can also be more. Be sure, after all, we don’t have so much time to waste. If there is not everything we want under the earth, we can also return to this planet as soon as possible and continue our search, lest we really miss the chance, then the gain is not worth the loss. Up!"

"Well, let's act now. After all, we don't know where the place of opportunity is. If it is really above the ground, we have been trapped in the earth. Even if the place of opportunity is present in the world, it is difficult for us to detect it. It is the best choice for us to determine the situation under the earth earlier. Let us act!"

Under the influence of common interests, these people immediately launched actions, and each of them immediately mobilized their own power to disappear on the ground, deep into the earth, and when they entered the earth, they all fell to the ground. Taking a breath of air, they all felt the horror in the depths of the earth, and felt that the whole earth was entangled by the dense tree roots, forming a terrible giant net. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they not I would believe that the trees on the entire planet are one body, one life, under such a huge giant net, it can be seen that there are so many secrets hidden in the depths of this earth!

"Everyone, it seems that our guess is correct. The real opportunity lies under this earth. The giant net in front of us is the first problem we have to face. We need to calmly enter deeper into the giant net. Although I know that everyone has extraordinary powers and supernatural powers, but this time we face a different enemy. This is a weird and terrifying life. Maybe it has no wisdom, but the instinctive reaction is enough to make us pay a heavy price! "

"Yeah, this life is really weird. Everyone can't be careless. Once we startle this weird life, it will be a devastating blow to us. At this time, everyone will take whatever killer they have. Come out and don't keep it anymore. If we can't even pass this level, it will be difficult for us to see the place of opportunity. This may be our final test!"

"Everyone, let me remind you one last thing. At this time, you can't have any good fortune. It is better to rely on yourself. Faced with such a terrible and strange life, everyone has no ability to watch other people. If you are delusional, If your own problems rest on others, it will only kill yourself. No one can save you. Okay, everyone prepares. I will count to three. Everyone will act together. Success or failure depends on their strength and luck. Hope Good luck everyone!"

"One, two, three! Action!" When the voice fell, everyone tried their best to pay for it. Opportunity cannot be missed. Lost will never come again. Now he is standing in front of the gate of opportunity and cannot be ruined by temporary ignorance and stupidity. This opportunity, at this time, they are all doing their best to pay for it, and they all took out their own assassin, so that they have the ability to pass through the giant net in front of them!

'brush! With the sound of', everyone passed through the barriers of the giant net and successfully entered the new world, and the moment they succeeded, when they were happy for this, the whole planet was shaken by it. , Their actions still affected the normality of the planet and shocked the three teams on the ground!

"Damn it, this is the trembling of the planet. Someone has touched the origin of the planet. Quickly check which direction is it? Which team found the place of opportunity?" Voices screamed frantically on the planet, and the strong one by one They all exploded frantically, to explore the source of fluctuations, to find opportunities.

"Asshole, how could this be? We can't even feel the direction of the place of opportunity. This shock does not give a clear position at all. It seems that the entire planet is trembling. Now our trouble is big, we have lost the opportunity!"

"Shut up, calm me down, don't force me to do it. We can't feel the direction of the shock. Is it so difficult that we still can't feel the location of other people? Give me my best to search for the location of other people. As long as you find them, you can Find the opportunity!"

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. For the other two teams, they can naturally find it, but for the first group of strong people, they can't find them at all. After all, these people have already penetrated into the earth. In the depths, they are not on the ground at all, how do they look for it under such circumstances!

"No, we only found the traces of two teams, and the first group of strong men couldn't find them. These **** calculated us. They had already noticed the place of opportunity and deliberately guided us to the wrong road. !"

"No, if this is the conspiracy of those bastards, this is impossible at all, because we choose the direction first, and they can only accept the final result, unless the place of opportunity is not above the ground, even if it is a fantasy. The Avenue is just a bait. If so, we should really underestimate these bastards, we really have to be calculated!"

At this moment, some people finally understand a little bit, but everything is too late. The other party’s calculations have already succeeded. These people have missed the first opportunity and have been abandoned. If the chance is not above the ground, it is only possible. Under the earth, no one thinks that the land of opportunity will be hidden in the void, because only under the earth can those **** **** avoid their attention, can enter the land of opportunity, and be able to seize the opportunity !


"The opportunity is under the ground. We act now. We can't let those **** **** take the opportunity, and we can't let them take the chance! Even if we pay a high price, we must stop these **** bastards!"

When this roar fell, the three teams immediately acted and went deep into the earth. When they entered the earth, they were immediately shocked by everything in front of them. This terrible giant net made them feel the death. The threat gave them a terrible pressure. Although this giant net has not yet fully exploded, but because of the previous events, the instinct of this giant net has already recovered a little. It is precisely because of this recovery that it gives The threat of death!

"It's really a bunch of **** bastards. They conceal the truth of the matter from us. The advance of these **** has shocked this terrible life. If we want to succeed, we need to pay a greater price, and it is even harder for our side. We can guarantee our own safety. After all, no one knows how the other two teams will react in the next moment. If we want to protect ourselves, we must get in touch with the other two teams and act with them. Unthinkable!"

"Yeah, these **** really deserve to die. They have calculated this point and left us with such a big problem to prevent us from chasing and blocking our progress, so that they have more time to come. The great opportunity of plundering the land of opportunity, these **** are so insidious, too vicious, not merciful at all!"

kindness! It is really ridiculous to talk about kindness in this situation. They were originally enemies, and it was a big joke to talk about kindness with the enemy, but these people in front of them didn't feel that they were wrong, because They don't think they have problems. In their eyes, the real problem is the first group of strong men. They are too greedy, they want to take advantage of opportunities, these talents are bastards, and they deserve death!

"Contact them, contact them at all costs. In any case, we must reach an agreement as quickly as possible. This is our only choice for the opportunity. I believe the other two teams will make the same decision. After all, this is not The issue on our side is a matter of great opportunity, and no one can bear it!"

Yes, when this happens, these three abandoned teams have no choice. If they want to continue to ensure their ability to compete for great opportunities, they have to compromise and have to give up their concerns. Without uniting together, only with the strength of all of them can they recover the lost opportunities before and then be able to fight the enemy head-on!

Yes, at this moment, there is already a strong intent to fight in these people's hearts. No, more accurately, it is the intent to kill. It is calculated by every group of strong men, and they are teased by the other side. , This is a great shame for the three of them, they must fight back, otherwise just this failure is enough to shake their heart!

Under the pressure of that time, the three teams were soon linked together. In the face of a common enemy, they let them abandon each other’s worries and worries, so that they can use the shortest possible time. Fulfill your wish!

Soon the three-party team determined the time of the attack. On such a big issue of right and wrong, the three-party team did not dare to play tricks or play tricks, because doing so would kill people, and no one dared to risk their own lives. !

After a while, a series of terrifying attacks swept across the entire giant net in an instant, and the strength of the three-party team was combined. Under that close arrangement, the three-party team also took all their strength to deal with this shock. Under the action, there was no accident. The power of these three teams directly broke through the barriers of the giant net, allowing them to enter the depths of the earth instantly.

"No, those **** have already noticed the situation in the depths of the earth. They have rushed through the barriers of the giant net and have entered this world!" When the other three forces attacked with all their strength, when they passed through the giant net When blocking, those strong men who had just stepped into this new space immediately noticed it. Such a situation made them feel dignified and changed their look!

Stop these enemies and prevent them from coming to compete with yourself for opportunities? Such thoughts appeared in the hearts of the first group of strong people in an instant. Unfortunately, they just thought about this kind of thought and did not dare to implement it. They should know that they are not facing a team, but a whole three. In a one-to-one situation, they still have enough confidence to defeat the enemy, but one enemy three. Such crazy things are beyond their tolerance. If they do this, it will be stupid and self-defeating. !

"It's too late, it's too late. These **** are more cautious and smarter than we thought. Our previous calculations can only be considered a half and a half. At this time, we want to block the three-party team. It’s impossible. All we have to do is to do our best. Before the three enemies have really taken action and haven’t stepped through this new space, complete the space exploration and find the opportunity we have always expected. A place! Let’s act, time waits for no one. We really don’t have much time left. If we don’t work hard, we can only accept the fate of failure!”

What will be the result of failure? There is no need to ask other people. These people are very clear in their hearts. For them, failure will not only affect their own safety, but also make their own luck and lose their luck. There is a dead end, even if you can barely survive the current crisis, you will eventually die in this catastrophe!

"No, we shouldn't fight for action. At this time, this kind of sentiment is fluttering, and eagerness to act will only plunge us into a more terrible crisis. It should not be us, but the **** **** of the three parties. They are more impatient than us. After all, we have the opportunity now. They don’t want to miss the opportunity, so they can only speed up. We can take advantage of their nervousness and let these three **** **** become our subordinates. My little pawn, explore this new space and new world for us. With them, we can minimize our own damage!"

"Okay, this is a good suggestion. This vision is really good, and we can see the problems that ordinary people can't see. This matter is so set. We are now watching the changes and waiting for the three-party team to act first, waiting for them to take action first. , As long as they take action, we will have the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman, and we will be able to take the opportunity to get more gains, even if this space has a strong defense, we don’t need to worry about our own safety, the three-party team will do it for us Test everything out!"

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