God of Destruction

Chapter 3913: Conspiracy

Chapter 3913: Conspiracy Stacked

"Dear fellow daoists, I know this is a good suggestion, but don’t forget, it’s not a trivial matter. It is related to our chances and our future. Who of you can guarantee that those people will not have the opportunity to directly appear? To get this great opportunity, the opportunity must not be missed, and the loss will never come again. If we lose this opportunity for nothing because of our momentary care, then we are too stupid. I would rather take the risk than see this happen. On my body!"

Although the idea of ​​leveraging is good, this method has a huge hidden danger, which will make you miss a big opportunity. Faced with such a situation, people who are truly incomparable will not choose. They would rather face the danger themselves. He didn't want to lose big because of small things, and lost his great opportunity for nothing. After all, the road to the strong came out of the sea of ​​blood.

silence! For a moment, everyone fell into silence. When they heard these words, everyone was asking themselves and thinking. This time they gave up because of danger and chose to give in. Perhaps they would be safer, but they lost. The determination to go forward courageously, but the courage of oneself has been lost, and a hidden danger has been planted for one's own practice!

"Well said, we are all wrong. We shouldn't think about so much about chance, we shouldn't think about so much. We are cultivators. We were born against the sky. If we want to go further, we are naturally going forward. Since we want to be surpassed, we have no choice but to give it a try. Isn’t it dangerous? Even if death is before, we have to go forward courageously, and die on the road of charging, instead of falling under the erosion of years. Perhaps the endless years have made us forget what war is and what blood is, and that's why we will fall to the present step by step!"

"War!" In an instant, the war intent in everyone's hearts was ignited, and everyone no longer had any fear. Perhaps the front was very dangerous, but they didn't need to be afraid, because they were practitioners, and they couldn't be afraid. It will only leave hidden dangers in your heart, hinder your own path of practice, and even become your own ecstasy at a critical moment!

Just when everyone made a decision, just when they were about to let go, a burst of laughter rang out: "Hahaha! It's really great, you **** really did not live up to our expectations, and finally found A place of opportunity!"

As this voice fell, a powerful spatial wave appeared above them. As soon as that powerful spatial wave emerged, it quickly turned into a powerful spatial array, and an enemy used the power of the original space to tear apart the void. , Descended directly into this world, directly avoided the many obstacles, and appeared in front of everyone!

"Damn it, we are calculated, we are calculated!" When the first group of strong men came to realize the emergence of this large array in front of them, it was a pity that everything was too late and the enemy had already appeared. There are enemies that leave a time and space imprint on them. When they find a place of opportunity, they will naturally stimulate the power of this imprint, and let those hidden enemies determine the coordinates, and then directly descend with the power of the space avenue. Come to this land of opportunity!

"Before starting the action, I observed that we did not have any time and space imprints on our bodies. This power was not left on us in the first place, but was caused by the subsequent batch of bastards. Their ignorance was broken. Our major event is that they were stained with this time-space brand, and after contacting us, they secretly stayed on us!"

Soon these powerhouses found the reason, but it’s too late to find it. They can no longer monopolize all the benefits, they can’t monopolize the inheritance of this place of opportunity, they will face terrible competition, and even face-to-face. No one can let go of a real **** battle, faced with such a huge temptation as the land of chance!

"Huh! What is there to worry about, even if we are calculated, in the end everything is determined by strength. These **** dare to calculate us, they must bear our anger, go to war, let them know ours Great!" A roar sounded, followed by a terrible fighting spirit soaring into the sky. Under this situation, it directly inspired the first group of strong people to fight!

"Well, isn't it a battle? No one can count us without paying the price. Today, they will use their blood to wash away the shame on us, so that everyone knows what the end of our enemies will be! Even death, We will die on the way to the charge, and we can also make the enemy pay a heavy price. This is our mission!"

In an instant, the terrible fighting intent was screaming frantically, and the fighting intent of the team gathered together to form a terrible aura, directly overwhelming the crowd who had just arrived, without any concealment. With crazy and domineering intent to kill, it seems to be going to fight them directly, and directly compare the lives of these newcomers!

"Damn, how come these **** are so crazy, they go to war and fight to the death if they don't agree with each other, what do these **** want to do, don't they know what compromise is and what they want to communicate?" When suddenly faced with such a terrible situation When fighting intent and killing intent, those newcomers were dumbfounded, and there was a slight panic in their hearts! It’s right to think about it. They are all based on calculations, they are all based on wise men. They have always been playing tricks and weird. They have forgotten that there is another kind of person in this world, that is, crazy people. Pay the price for your carelessness!


"Stop it, you **** bastards, stop it. We are all here for chance. Before we see the big chance, there is no need to sacrifice our lives like this. That will only make other people cheap. You have to know that in this world But there are not only the existence of the two of us, but also the existence of others. If we fight like this, we will only let them reap the benefits of the fishermen. We think this result is something you don’t want to see, we You can sit down and talk!"

Negotiations, I have to say that these latecomers are a little too ignorant. At this time, under this situation, negotiating with their own competitors is too self-righteous. You must know that not everyone puts everything in the way they do. Above conspiracy and trickery, not everyone is willing to compromise for profit, at least these people in front of them are not like this, their fighting spirit is not weakened by these words, they are still so violent, so crazy, and they want blood to fight. The feeling in the end!

Just as the war was about to start, the void was turbulent again, another powerful force tore apart the void, and another group of people appeared in this world. It was obvious that those who wanted to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit were really not. Shao, in those three groups of people later, there was a time-space imprint of more than one force. Now the time-space imprint is stimulated, making these conspirators crazily descend into this world, let them kill them all directly. Enter the battle of chance!

When someone appeared again, the eyes of the first group of strong men all showed a hint of shock. This result was what they did not expect. They also despised the three previous teams to the extreme, and even they were secretly exposed. I don’t know when I’ve been branded, and I still want to fight for opportunities. I really don’t know how to die. It’s my own sorrow to cooperate with such a group of bastards. I knew that these **** were so stupid and ignorant. Kill them directly, but unfortunately it's too late to say this. All this has happened, and I can only face all this!

If there were only a group of enemies, then they would fight for a fight, but another group of people came, which weakened the intent and killing intent in everyone’s hearts a bit. After all, they didn’t want to let others gain a favor, either. Don't want to make wedding dresses for others, so the **** battle that was about to break out instantly disappeared, and everyone kept calm tacitly!

When everyone is facing each other, when they dare not act rashly, there is a group of people outside the planet, watching this weird planet silently, and their faces show endless killing. Meaning, as if to destroy all living beings in the entire planet, as if to cut off this planet!

"Great sacrifice, is our plan really foolproof? There really is a big chance here, and it really makes those **** rush in desperately. They really have the ability to tear the void and descend directly on that planet. Those **** **** really can Positioning coordinates, this is too unbelievable! This is a secret world, and the void is not so powerful!"

"Don't worry, those **** have enough power to tear the void. Although the secret world is strong, it is not really without weakness. This secret world is not opened for the first time, but it has been opened for too long. The years have long been forgotten, but for the truly powerful forces, this is nothing. They all know the existence of this secret world. Those **** human races know it, and we barbarians know it, after all, this is ours. As long as those **** come, don’t even think about leaving alive. If they don’t die, how can we barbarians dominate the world, how can we seize the world’s karma, and become the lord of the world? This is our only chance to come back! As soon as the ten directions are all annihilated, those **** who have the ability to reach the sky will die without life, and they will surely disappear in this secret world!"

"The big sacrifice is not that I am timid, but that the enemy's background is not trivial. They don't have assassins, won't they break through the air at that critical moment? After all, those big human forces, the marquee, have a great background. Once they leave, our trouble will be big, and our thousands of years of preparation will be turned into nothingness!"

"Hmph, this is impossible. Even if those **** have a strong background, as long as they enter this secret world, there is no possibility of turning over. This secret world is different from the outside world. Any assassin here will be weakened, because There is the original existence of the previous epoch here, which will suppress all the forces in this era. No matter how powerful the original treasure is, it will be suppressed in this secret world, unless they have the same origin of the previous epoch as this secret world. The treasure, and this is impossible, because the original treasure of different eras cannot be retained in other eras, and the will of heaven and earth will not allow it!"

After the era’s destruction, the original treasure of an era will either be directly destroyed by the power of the era, or it will form a secret world and be sealed in the secret world. This is the power of the rules of heaven and earth. No power can match the rules of heaven and earth. There is only one kind of power confrontation that may cause the original treasures of different epochs to appear in the same epoch, and that is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth when the era is shattered, and now is the beginning of the Great Tribulation of Era!

"Don't worry, the enemy will be fooled. As long as the stupid **** of the Human Race can't let go of the greed in their hearts and the opportunities in this secret world, they will be dead this time. It's time for this world to change and lose these. The hidden powerhouse, the human race will no longer be able to stop the iron cavalry of our barbarians, and the whole world will be in the grasp of our barbarians! All directions will be destroyed, let alone a planet, no matter how big it is. The scope will be imprisoned and destroyed by the power of destruction! Rest assured, as long as the time comes, everything will end, and the era of human race will be shattered! The era of our barbarians will appear, and this world will truly fall on us In the hands of barbarians, we are the protagonists of heaven and earth!"

The idea is good, but the reality will be as beautiful as they thought. You must know this catastrophe of heaven and earth, this era of catastrophe is not as simple as they thought, after the catastrophe, the realm battlefield world will be completely integrated into In the supreme chaotic world, at that time they could really be satisfied, able to master this world, and able to withstand the impact from the supreme chaotic world?

What is the terrible power of the Shi Fang Ju An Array that can make the barbarians so admired, make them so confident that they can be so arrogant that everything is under their control and everything will be a foregone conclusion? If the barbarians have such a powerful force, why don’t they fight the human luck head-on in the realm battlefield world, capture the human luck head-on, defeat the human race and become the protagonist of the world, rather than in this secret world Come to calculate the power of the human race?

No one knows why the savages did this. After all, what the savages think and what calculations are in their minds are only clear to them. Maybe they really have the ability to reverse the universe, and the ability to change the general situation of the world is not necessarily true. After all, this is the epoch. , This is the end of the realm battlefield world, under this kind of environment, any accident may happen!

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