God of Destruction

Chapter 3914: All in all directions

Chapter 3914

"Is the plan of the Great Sacrifice sure to be foolproof? If there is any omission, the plan we have prepared for countless years will be destroyed once, and even our people who act this time will be destroyed here. The secret world can limit the enemies of the human race, and It can restrict us, a slight difference, the consequences are unimaginable." Although there is an explanation of the great sacrifice, there are still some savages who are worried in their hearts. They ask again, hoping to confirm all this again!

In order to carry out this plan, the barbarians paid a great price and prepared silently before the endless years. Only in this way can they quietly gather so many powerful people in this secret world. Without the slightest awareness of the human race’s fortune, it can be said that the strong people gathered here are already a small part of their own strength, and it can be regarded as the ultimate power hidden by their endless years. If this power is damaged, it will affect the entire barbarian. Said it would be a heavy blow!

In fact, what worries the barbarians the most is the exposure of the matter. If they fail this time, without these powerful people who can sweep the human civilization in one fell swoop, the human movement will be aware of their plans and will surely attract them. The crazy counterattack of the entire human race, no matter the human power, will not be willing to see the rise of the barbarians, and will suppress the barbarians at all costs, and even gather the power of the entire human race to destroy the great threat of the barbarians!

Perhaps, when things are exposed, the barbarians are not only facing the power of the human race, but also the power of other races. After all, it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Under such a general environment, no one party wants to Seeing the rise of the barbarians, they will do their best to attack the barbarians. At that time, the barbarians will become the target of all people. They will be chased to death by all forces in the entire battlefield world. If it is that point, the barbarians will never come back. Chance!

Of course, this is only the worst possible. In the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, all forces have selfish intentions. Even if they fear the rise of the barbarians, they will not necessarily invest their power to participate in the fight against the barbarians. In the frenzied attack, after all, many forces are more willing to reap the benefits of the fisherman, waiting to see the barbarians and the human race come to a loss.

Was this plan only made by the barbarians themselves in the realm battlefield world? Is it that they themselves want to make this crazy plan? No, they did not do it themselves, but were guided by the barbarians of the Supreme Chaos World. Therefore, in the endless years, they have gathered such a huge force to be able to do this at this time. Crazy move!

However, once this action has begun, everything can no longer stop. In the secret world, even if the outside world is willing to help, it can’t be done, and even the barbarians of the highest chaos world can’t continue to affect the world of the realm battlefield. , It can be said that this time the plan must be foolproof and must not make the slightest mistake. This is related to the grand plan of the entire barbarian race!

"Don't worry, the plan this time is seamless and foolproof. As long as the forces of all parties come to this secret world, it means that they have been completely deceived and can't get rid of our calculations, whether it is the human race or other forces. As long as they step into this planet, as long as they dare to participate in this so-called battle for chance, there is only a dead end waiting for them. The chance here is not other races, but we barbarians, but We are not as greedy as they are, we know how to advance and retreat, but other races do not have such rationality, which gives us this opportunity!"

When talking about this, a crazy smile flashed across the face of the great sacrifice, and he said in a deep voice: "This time we have planned for a long time and prepared for a long time. The entire array is foolproof. As long as someone steps into the planet If they can escape from the planet, they won’t be able to escape the strangulation of our great array. Wait at ease, there will be no problems. All we have to do now is to wait quietly. , Waiting for more ignorant people to step into the trap!"

The barbarians spent endless years and paid a huge price to lay such a net of heaven and earth. Naturally, they were not reconciled to destroy only those people who stepped into the trap before. They longed to be able to strangle more enemies, and it would be best to kill the whole All the creatures in the secret world are swept away, so that their barbarians can swallow the whole secret world, and they can slowly refine the whole secret world into their own, and become a great heritage of the barbarian race!

Ambitious is a good thing, but too big ambition will ruin a big thing. The barbarians have good ideas and perfect plans, but this is a catastrophe. Any accident can happen, and everything may not be like them. As planned, at least they did not expect Xing Tian to be able to enter the core of the planet, to be able to find the city of time and space, and to refine the city of time and space. Perhaps the barbarians who discovered this weird planet did not notice the existence of the city of time and space. , Didn’t know the existence of this original treasure at all, so now the situation has long been out of their grasp, but they don’t know at all, they are still acting according to their own plans, secretly waiting for others to surrender. Caught.

No matter how strong the Shifang Jumei Great Array is, it is also limited, and it may not be able to fight against the origin of the secret world, and it may not be able to withstand the impact of the corpse of the gods and demons sealed in the forbidden land. The plan is successful. Their so-called plans are just a joke, and they will be devastated. Maybe they can give other greedy people a devastating blow, but under the impact of the corpses of the gods and demons, they will also be destroyed. Sexual blows, whether the barbarian's calculations can succeed now, or Xingtian's plan can succeed, everything depends on their mutual luck!

"Hahaha! More and more people are appearing. Almost all of our old friends are acting. This time they never thought that this would be a big trap, but the time is almost up and we can no longer Continue on, after all, no matter how powerful the Ten Fang Ji Annihilation Array is, it is impossible to slay all the strong in the entire secret world. We should not be too greedy. It is only for us to destroy these bastards. enough!"


Seeing more and more power rushing into the weird planet, and seeing the constant fluctuations of time and space power, some barbarians finally couldn't bear it, and talked to persuade them to start the sacrifice, everything should be adequate, not too greedy, No matter how good the layout is, it is difficult to succeed if it exceeds the limit of its own ability. It is impossible to do everything!

"Yes, we really can't do things too far, and we can't offend all the forces to death. The most important target for us to deal with is the human race, not the other weak beings, although we are not afraid of their resistance. , It’s just that there is no need to increase the difficulty for yourself, it’s not necessary to let them go this time, let’s start!"

When the barbarians were preparing to do something, the forces outside the forbidden land were also a little unbearable. After all, there was only one chance, and there was not only one force that came outside the forbidden land. As time passed, more and more The more forces appear, the entire outside of the Forbidden Land becomes strange and terrifying, and even to the point of horror!

Fortunately, those who preside over the overall situation are still calm, otherwise a **** battle has already been staged outside this forbidden place, but no matter how calm, it will change over time. Everyone His patience will be wiped out bit by bit, and the murderous intent in everyone's heart will gradually be revealed, letting the situation go to the destructive side!

"Damn it, it can't go on like this anymore. If there is no way for everyone to reach an agreement, I'm afraid a **** battle will break out. At that time, I don't know how many people will fall here. The **** battle will never stop. In the end, only one force can survive, and even everyone will die together, and this result is not what I want!"

Many powerhouses are vigilant in their hearts, thinking about ways to resolve the current crisis, hoping to cool down this fierce situation, but the power of Yunju here is too much, how can it be possible to resolve it? , Especially in a short period of time, this is almost impossible, even if you speak yourself, it will cause a **** battle!

A loud bang resounded in everyone’s ears at this moment, and then everyone clearly felt that the whole earth was shaking, and a terrible shady instantly enveloped all the people in the depths of the earth and beyond the forbidden land. The strong, it seems that at this moment, the entire planet has evolved into a terrifying land of destruction. The terrifying aura of destruction is constantly eroding everyone’s body. The most terrifying thing is that this aura of destruction is still blocking everyone’s consciousness, letting They can no longer feel the surrounding situation!

"What's going on? What happened? Why did it suddenly become like this? Did we trigger the prohibition of this place of opportunity?" For everyone, the first thing that came to mind was their uncomfortableness. The murderous intent that radiated triggered the restriction outside the land of chance, causing the terrible power in the depths of the earth to burst out!

"No, it's not the case. This is not the restraining power of the land of chance, but the power of the barbarian's Shifang Jumei Array. Only the Shifang Jumei Array can condense such terrible power of destruction and emit Such a terrifying power of corruption, I am afraid that all of us have been calculated, and we have been calculated by those **** barbarians. Everyone has been fascinated by the benefits, forgetting that the secret world is in the territory of the barbarians. These **** barbarians have already set up their traps and are waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net. Now we are afraid that we are already in the Great Strike Force!" There are those who have come into contact with the barbarians. The powerhouse of the formation said solemnly to the others, although endless years have passed, the breath of the barbarian's vast array of extinction still makes him unforgettable, because he has too many companions who have fallen in this ten. Fang Jumei's strangulation!

"Damn it, how could this happen, the savage **** want to go to full-scale war with us? They are not afraid to arouse our anger, and are not afraid that we will destroy the entire barbarian in this catastrophe?" Everyone was shocked and angry. , I never thought that the barbarians would be so crazy and would lay such terrible traps against them in this secret world!

"Afraid? When did the savages and lunatics be afraid? They did it, why are they afraid of full-scale war with us, and this is a secret world. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, we have much chance of victory. The most important thing is As soon as the Ten Directions All Annihilation Array came out, the world we were in was sealed, and we could not contact the outside world at all. If we want to contact the outside world, we must first break the blockade of the Shi Fang All Annihilation Array. Those **** barbarians dare to be here. It’s time to do it, I’m afraid we’ve already prepared everything. Now we’re in big trouble. If we want to survive, we first put aside our disputes and settle the barbarians outside, breaking this **** big array of destruction. , Only in this way can we have a trace of vitality. Perhaps the so-called opportunity does not exist at all. It has already been taken away by the barbarians, and the entire place of opportunity has already become this terrible trap!"

"I have also seen the horror of the Great Array of All Ten Directions. As soon as this blast came out, our situation was indeed very dangerous. Fortunately, we are now in the secret world, where there is the breath of the previous era. If we were in When the outside world is trapped by this great array of the ten directions, it is truly dead and lifeless. Now we can use the power of the planet to weaken the power of the great array of the ten directions. With the existence of that terrifying giant network, we can still For us to withstand the impact of a part of the great array of destruction!"

"Huh! What's the use of saying these? Do you think those **** barbarians would not have thought of it? They dare to make a big move at this time, under this situation, and they must have the power to restrain the giant net, no matter how strange the planet is. How powerful is his life, it is impossible to escape death under this vast array of all destructions. As soon as the origin of the Dao of Destruction comes out, the power of destruction moves, no matter how strong it has vitality, it will be destroyed little by little. The power is obliterated, and when the giant net is obliterated, that is, when we die, our power can't resist the full blow of the ten directions and annihilation. There is no way to break the situation. Our death is just Time is only, so there is no need for you to be happy so early!"

Although these words are a bit cold, this is the truth. When the Shifang Jumei Array came out, everyone was caught in a terrible crisis. The Shifang Jumei Array was not broken, and all of them could not escape. Anyone who understands the terrifying power of the Shifang Jumei Array does not think that the strange life of the planet can withstand the Shifang Jumei Array for too long!

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