God of Destruction

Chapter 3915: Unparalleled fighting spirit

Chapter 3915

At this moment, as soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions became extremely dignified and solemn. A terrifying aura enveloped everyone's hearts, and everyone's hearts were like a boulder. Such a terrible situation made everyone feel Understanding the seriousness of this matter makes them have to be cautious and careful. If there is the slightest carelessness, it is a devastating disaster!

"Why is this horrible formation of the ten directions? Even the strange life outside can't resist it. If so, then once this great formation breaks out, don't we all have to die, don't we have to resist this great formation? Is there a way? Haven't you all seen the power of this all-in-one big formation, didn't you think of a way to crack it?"

"Cracking the Shi Fang Ju Mie Grand Formation, you said it lightly, do you think that such a great formation can be cracked by one or two of us? If the Shi Fang Ju Mie Great Formation is really so easy to crack, it will not be The barbarian town clan formation, why do you think those **** barbarians can live to this day, is the kindness of the human race? No, it is not our kindness, but the other side has a town clan group such as a ten-way destruction Array, let the people's clan luck have to give up their lore!

"In this way, we are really dead and dead, and we really have to be trapped and killed by these **** barbarians in this secret world. Since this is the case, we still say so much to do, and we will kill them directly and fight with them, even if we die. , I can't make these **** barbarians feel better, and let them know what we will end up with!"

I have to admit that there are still many **** people among these people. When they understand their own situation, their first reaction is not to surrender, not to escape, but to pull the enemy to death. In this dangerous situation, With such a character, I have to say that they are really amazing, at least much better than other people who are at a loss!

"What's the hurry? It's not the time to desperately. Even if we want to pull each other to death, we must do our best to inflict heavy damage on each other. Now there are weird lives that stand in the forefront. We still have enough time to prepare. Maybe here. During the period, there were accidents. After all, this place is no small thing. No one knows what kind of existence this weird life is like. If the power of the all-in-one array shocked the origin of this place of opportunity, maybe we still have a chance. !"

Waiting, placing one's life on others, and waiting on the emptiness. I have to say that this choice is a child's play, but this is the only thing everyone can do. You must know that among these people, it is not All people have the belief that they will fight to the death, pull the enemy to death, and more people are afraid of fighting to death. They don't want to die with the enemy. In a word, they are afraid of death, they want to escape, they want to escape this war!

When everyone was talking about the madness of the barbarians, and worrying about their current situation, the changes in the outside world were accelerating, and the terrible power of destruction was condensing crazily, so that everyone could clearly understand Feeling the weight of the pressure they are facing now, let everyone know the horror of the situation, such a change makes their look extremely hideous!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, just when everyone hoped that the weird life could last longer, suddenly the entire space began to oscillate and undulate, and the giant net covering everyone’s head was torn apart. Under the action of that terrible force of destruction, this giant net that was a huge threat to everyone was torn apart, and at the moment the giant net was torn apart, a strong barbarian appeared. This is not ordinary The powerful, but the king of barbarians, they stuck the node of the void according to a certain position, and exuded a monstrous aura of destruction on their bodies!

At this time, a series of terrible destruction auras continuously caused the destruction of the avenue between heaven and earth. The original power of this avenue penetrated the barriers of this space, condensing a terrible destruction avenue field outside the planet, forming a terrible The destruction of the avenue space, in this space, the aura of the destruction avenue occupies an advantage, becoming the king of the avenue!

The many barbarian kings who have appeared are all condensed with the terrible origin of the Dao of Destruction, as if they have already prepared endless years to lay down this great array of destruction, and they have completely integrated into the destruction of chaos. Dadao, and this is not the case of one or two kings of barbarians, nor is it a dozen people, but the king of barbarians with hundreds of people, and hundreds of people have laid down a great array of all directions, this kind of power is almost locked. The space for everyone to move makes them nowhere to escape, and this is not all the forces of the Great Array, behind the hundreds of barbarians, there are more barbarians strong, just those people It is not used for fighting, but used to prevent possible emergencies, it is used to stabilize the formation of all directions, and it is also used to prevent the escape of these trapped people, even those trapped. Can break through the blockade of hundreds of barbarian kings, and it is difficult to escape the blows of those barbaric powerhouses hiding in the dark!

"Damn, this is really a conspiracy of the barbarians. They don’t know how long they have been preparing for this moment. There are hundreds of barbarian kings, and they are all kings who have condensed the origin of Destruction Avenue. These **** **** are really It's enough capital!" Seeing the appearance of these barbarian kings, everyone still doesn't understand, the truth of the matter is already on paper!

Let's fight! At this moment, everyone understands the truth. Everyone has no retreat. Even if they don’t want to fight, they must fight. As long as they still have a little desire to survive, they must let go of the enemy. There is only a crazy life and death duel. , To be able to cut a life-saving blood path from it, hope to escape without a fight, that is to see no hope of survival!

"Hahaha, stupid human race, this time you are finally fooled. This time you will have to pay a heavy price, and you will have to pay for the cause and effect of the year. Once the ten directions are out, you will not escape. ."

"It's just a big chance that I don't know, a chance that has not been clarified, and there is no chance that is actually seen. You fools are deceived. One by one, you stupidly ran here to throw yourself into the net. You human races really are. The most greedy creatures, today you will pay for your greed and stupidity. This is the price you should pay!"


"Well said, these greedy and stupid human races deserve to pay the price for their actions. Today we are here to be ashamed. The shame and painful lessons you brought to us barbarians in the ancient times will be paid back today. Here to you, use the blood of you **** to wash away the shame left on us back then."

"No, today all this is just the beginning. Next, we will destroy the nests of your major forces step by step, let you fall completely in this cosmic age, destroy the human race, take over the power of the entire world, and become The protagonist of the world holds the authority of the entire world, and this world will be ours."

These barbarian kings who suddenly appeared were all laughing frantically, each with a triumphant look, each of them was extremely excited, and after planning countless years of plans, today finally successfully unfolded, and everyone finally Seeing the hope of success, how can these barbarians not be excited and how can they be unhappy with this result, you must know that this is the long-cherished wish of countless barbarians, for this long-cherished wish, do not know how many barbarians died, and today they will All this successfully!

"It's over, it's really going to be over this time. These **** barbarians really have laid a net of heaven and earth. Even this weird life can't withstand the power of the ten directions. We don't have the power to resist the impact of this destructive force. !"

"Don't say the power of the ten directions to destroy the great formation, even the combination of the barbarian kings in front of us is enough to cause us heavy damage. We must know that the other side can be a hundred barbarian kings, just their own combat power, It's enough to kill us all, not to mention that they also prepared this terrifying array of all directions. These **** barbarians are really vicious."

"Damn it, how long did these **** barbarians plan? Is it possible that since the ancient times, they have been thinking about us one day? Otherwise, how could they gather so many barbarians quietly? The king, and it hasn’t made us aware of it, and hasn’t made people aware of the clan’s fortunes. Even when the fortunes are changed from time to time, they haven’t taken any action. It seems that we have all underestimated these **** bastards. , The ignorant **** of the Human Race are too careless. It is because of their carelessness that the terrible situation today has appeared!"

To shirk responsibility. At this time, there are still people who don’t forget to shirk responsibility and shirk all these responsibilities on the human race. Although there is a little reason for his remarks, the reasons are not sufficient and endless. The human race has forgotten many things in the years, and the changes in the fortunes have gradually let them put down their vigilance against the barbarians!

"What's the use of saying these now? Everything has happened. We can only fight with all our strength now. If everyone still has the idea of ​​survival in their hearts, then use their greatest strength and devote themselves to this terrible war. Come on, we have no choice but to fight a **** path from this terrifying trap with all our strength, or fall into this trap!"

war! At this moment, no matter how weak people are in their hearts, they have to fight with all their strength, because everyone understands that barbarians will not give them a chance to survive. This is an unsolvable war, a battle of life and death, and they want to survive. Only by blazing a path of blood, only by stepping on the enemy's corpse can he walk a path of survival.

There was a loud bang, but a strong man made a bold move. He stepped out, and the void of billions of light-years was trembling, and layers of ripples poured out from the void, shaking so many strong men present were spirits. Trembling, he stepped out with this foot, as if the ancient gods and demons trampled the heavens and the earth, trembling the entire universe and shaking the entire world.

what? When faced with such a terrible blow, the barbarian kings were still laughing wildly, but after laughing wildly, their pupils were shrinking. For these barbarian kings, no one would have thought that anyone would dare to be there. At this time, he took the initiative to attack, and he was still alone and outrageously, facing their many barbarian kings, facing their all-in-one array!

In this attack, all the barbarian kings felt a crazy power, that was a violent, domineering, and self-respecting aura, and in this aura there was a trace of the intent to give up life and death, and it was The emergence of this warfare made many barbarian kings feel extremely shocked. No matter how strong the enemy is, it is not terrible. The terrible is this fighting will to give up life and death. An enemy who is not afraid of death is the most terrifying, because their There is always the idea of ​​pulling people to death in my heart!

At this moment, all the barbarian kings have their hairs erected, and they are frightened. They all clearly feel the terrible murderous intent and terrible fighting intent in this blow. It seems that this blow contains the other side's body. Power, this power is not only reflected in the impact of that power, but also manifested in the impact of the soul, the impact of ideas!

"Damn, can't let him go on, or he will be unimaginable, his madness will make all the strong people go crazy, once such an accident occurs, it will be a devastating blow to us, and we will pay a heavy blow. The price of the human race was relying on such madness to break a **** path from the many crises and occupy the protagonist of the world!"

When faced with this blow, the barbarian kings who had faced the War of the Ancients were terrified. They worried that the situation of the War of the Ancients would happen again. They did not dare to let the enemy in front of them continue, or else it would be considered Able to kill the opponent will also pay a heavy price, even if they can destroy these captured enemies, the barbarians will also pay heavy damage, and that is the damage that the barbarians cannot bear. You must know that these people are barbarians with endless use. The combat power that only came out over the years!

"To fight, to die, we can not think about ourselves, we can not think about our own forces, but we can't help but think about the luck of the human race, we can't let the luck of the race fall, and we can't damage the protagonist status of the race, This is the responsibility we have to bear. Even if we die, we have to bear the heavy responsibility of the race and make these **** barbarians pay a heavy price for their actions. This is the obligation of each of us. Let's fight, don't have any reservations, we have to use our lives to buy enough time for the human race, so that the human luck will not decline!"

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