God of Destruction

Chapter 3916: Life saving

Chapter 3916: Vitality

When faced with such a big issue of right and wrong of race, these people all showed enough sincerity that they could sacrifice themselves for the sake of race. Although they were in the calculations of the enemy and could no longer see the hope of survival, they were able to do so. It is also a rare thing to maintain such a mentality under terrible pressure. You must know that not everyone can do this. No matter when, there will be some weak and ignorant people, and no one does it at this moment. Such a stupid thing is hard to come by, and it is with such sincerity that these desperate powerhouses exude terrible killing intent and crazy fighting intent. That kind of killing intent and fighting intent makes many The kings of barbarians are terrified!

"Crazy, these human **** are really crazy, they have such terrible thoughts, such terrible murder and fighting intent, this battle is afraid that we will have to pay a certain price, we still underestimate the madness of humans, I underestimated their will. Although they have experienced endless years of tempering, the strength of the years has not really obliterated the crazy fighting spirit in their souls!"

"No, it's not that the strength of the years did not obliterate the fighting spirit in their souls, but that this time our plan has a big problem. We are too self-righteous. We always think that everything is perfect under the plan of endless years. But we only look at the problem from our own perspective, and this Qiaqia has become our biggest flaw. We have driven these human **** to a desperate situation. At this time they can't see a chance to survive. In this desperate situation Below, the killing intent and fighting intent in their hearts naturally broke out frantically, causing the embarrassing situation in front of them!"

Among these barbarian kings, there are still some who can see through the problem and directly point out their mistakes, but everything has happened now, even if they can understand their shortcomings, they cannot make up for it, because at the moment The situation does not allow them to do so. Perhaps some people think that as long as the human race powerhouses in front of them are allowed to survive, they can dissolve the fighting spirit and murderous intent in everyone’s hearts. But thinking this way is really wrong. If you do this Now, that is self-defeating.

When the situation has reached this point, the many strong humans of the human race are already determined to die with the barbarians. Even if the barbarians let go of a way out, they will still think that this is still a huge trap and will not ignore it. On the contrary, they will make a big shot at this gap, and will even directly destroy their carefully prepared ten-party all-out array. If this happens, everything they have arranged will collapse, and the endless years of preparation will also be lost. It will turn into flowing water. As long as these barbarians have a little sense of reason, they won't let go of this issue, and won't make fun of their lives.

Even if it is to pay a heavy price, as long as these human race powerhouses can be killed in this secret world, then the price is worth it. After all, the price they pay is far less than the human race, for the barbarians That's enough, and as long as the goal is achieved, the barbarians can take advantage of the world's leading role and continue to complete their arrangements!

"Yes, we are still too self-righteous, too arrogant, too forgetful, forgetting that we can't do everything, otherwise there will only be greater hidden dangers, and this is the way we are now, but now we are already on the string Even with this huge flaw, we can only bite the bullet and continue. For the barbarians’ general trend, even if it’s sacrifice, we must do it and face it. We must not ruin the whole for our own reasons. The barbarian’s plan, let’s fight, use our most fierce way to fight with these **** human bastards, not fear death, death is just returning to heaven and earth, returning to the ancestors, that is not sacrifice, but glory, and fight for glory. !"

war! In an instant, the barbaric sentiment that had been affected once again skyrocketed, and their minds were completely healed at this moment because of the changes in the human race. The auras of these barbaric kings instantly merged into one. The powerful fighting spirit is blocking the impact of the strong human aura.

"The ten directions are all annihilating the big array, give me! All the ten directions are all annihilated, the blood slaughters the world, annihilation! Annihilation! Annihilation!" As many barbarian kings shouted, a powerful aura of destruction enveloped them The brand of Destruction Avenue on their bodies was ignited, and they finally activated this vast array of extinction in all directions and began to promote the power of this terrifying town clan array!

There was a loud bang, and in an instant, the entire world of the void was enveloped by that terrible power, and endless destruction aura was drawn from the depths of the void, gathered together, and evolved ten terrifying sources of destruction. Giant beasts, every giant beast is a real chaotic giant. They are the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. Every giant beast possesses terrifying power of origin, including death road, darkness road, destruction road, etc. The power of the source of the negative avenue, it is the giant beasts of these ten terrible negative avenues that condense this terrifying array of all directions, which can destroy the world!

When the giant chaotic beasts appeared, they all exuded the terrible original aura. They appeared like the incarnation of the original road, representing the power of the original road. When the ten giant beasts appeared, the entire planet would be Shaking, the defense of the forbidden place was collapsing, and no forbidden power could be resisted in the face of this terrifying force of destruction.

The light of the taboo continues to rise, and is constantly destroyed by the terrifying force of destruction. This is the resistance that the forbidden place stimulates when it feels the threat from the outside world, and it is precisely because of this instinctive resistance. , Those strong human races can continue to stand there without being knocked down by the breath of these ten terrifying chaotic giants!

"Damn, these savages really paid a heavy price for this day. They actually sacrificed ten chaotic giants in blood, and they were even more terrifying than the ones we had seen back then. This is the background of the savages, this is them. If we dare to fight head-on, this time if we can't break the ten directions and destroy the ten giant chaos beasts, the consequences are really unimaginable, and the luck of the entire human race may really be wiped out!"


Looking at the ten terrifying giant chaos beasts in front of me, although they are only the incarnation of the Origin Avenue, this incarnation still has a huge impact on everyone, and casts a terrible shadow on the hearts of all powerful people, who They all understand how serious the consequences of losing this battle are. The barbarians have such a powerful assassin, but the human race still has the power to fight against it? If these ten giant chaotic beasts swallow their energy and blood, their energy Fortune will be even more terrifying and terrifying!

"No matter how great the price is, we must destroy the origin of these ten chaotic giants. We must not let these **** barbarians conspiracy to succeed. This is our responsibility, no matter what we fight with each other, no matter what What kind of grudges do we have, at this moment we are not fighting for ourselves, not for the forces behind us, but for the entire human race, fighting for the survival of the human race, we are duty-bound to fight to the death and never stop. !"

"Fight to the death, never die!" A series of roars resounded frantically throughout the world. According to the liver, the strong human races were roaring. With their roars, a series of terrifying powers erupted frantically, and powerful attacks frantically Go to the ten giant chaotic beasts, hoping to blow them up and destroy them before they erupt!

At this moment, the ten terrifying chaotic giant beasts opened their eyes, and a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies. The powerful force instantly aroused the great array of all directions and ten sources of power. Melt together, forming a terrible storm of destruction, directly greeted by the joint attack of many powerful humans, and the two terrible forces collided wildly, as if hundreds of millions of stars exploded at the same time, bursting out incomparable The destructive power completely destroyed this piece of void, resulting in terrible void fluctuations. That weird life was completely destroyed at this moment, and the terrifying giant net disappeared without a trace, as if it was completely destroyed by that. Destroyed by the terrifying shock wave, disappeared directly into this world!

If someone pays attention to the planet, they will find that at this moment, the many trees on the planet become extremely weak, and countless fallen leaves cover the entire planet’s earth. This is the result of the destruction of the giant web of weird life. And when the trees are weak, the connection between them also becomes intermittent, as if the original one life is to be directly divided into countless lives, in order to preserve one's own life and enable oneself to survive this A terrible life and death crisis.

A single life can easily be destroyed by the terrible impact of the two sides in that terrible war, and if it is divided into countless lives, as long as there is a tree alive, as long as there is still a tree root with vitality, then this strange life There will be a ray of life, and you will be able to escape a life in this terrible catastrophe. This is the biggest life-saving method of the strange life!

In the terrible loud noise, the terrifying shock wave sent the human race's many powerful people into the air. In the center of the power impact, all vitality was cut off, even the earth and the void were all affected by this terrible force. Kill! Yes! In the very center of the shock wave, the earth was completely killed and became a real extremist land, and the void was killed and became a real place of nothingness!

Horror, crazy! This is the terrible consequences caused by the war between the two sides. Together with this kind of war, this weird planet is really going to be destroyed. No wonder the weird life before this has reacted so drastically that it could have felt the threat of death. , Let it make the final decision, divided into countless clones, in order to fight for the last chance!

Not only were the strong human beings retreated, but the many barbarian kings who presided over the Great Destruction Array also turned pale one by one. Although they were protected by the Great Destruction Array, their minds were still affected. After a strong impact, you must know that at that moment, they were not only facing the full blow of the human race powerhouse, but also facing the impact of the original power of the Forbidden Land. It is exactly that, they will have Such a result will be such a terrible impact!

"Damn, the power of this forbidden place is too terrifying. This place is not suitable for use as a battlefield. That terrifying power has an aura that is forbidden by the heavens and the earth. This is the forbidden place, the origin of the taboo, these damned If the human **** rely on the power of this forbidden place, it can make us pay a greater price, why has no one noticed the power of this forbidden before?"

After feeling the terrible impact, some of the barbarian kings couldn’t help complaining. This result exceeded their previous expectations and made their plan present a huge hidden danger, which made them unacceptable. After all, such changes made They need to pay a greater price, and this price will be the sacrifice of more powerful people.

"No, it's not that we didn't notice it before, but before those endless years, the power of this forbidden place was not so strong at all. We underestimated the expansion of the forbidden place. The endless years have passed, this forbidden place. Not only was the origin of the world not obliterated by the power of the years, on the contrary, it became stronger and stronger. This is really a big joke. The origin of the secret world did not have the power to obliterate the taboo, but gave it new vitality. This is really true. It's ridiculous!"

Anger, there is endless anger in this voice, that is anger at the secret world, because this result makes the barbarian's plan again appear a huge hidden danger, and this hidden danger will make the barbarian pay a heavier price, even It is an accident that their plans will be destroyed or even collapsed. You must know that the power of the taboo is extremely terrifying. Even if they have a great array of destruction in all directions, they will suffer from the counterattack of this terrible taboo origin. Serious damage!

The power of taboo is a power that is hated by the world, but in this void, the power of this taboo has not decreased and increased. This is really ridiculous, but this is the fact, no matter how angry or how angry these barbarians are. Not to be reconciled, and must accept this result. This is an unchangeable fact, and they can't help but face it. Such a change also gave those human race powers a ray of life. Although this ray of life is very weak, it is really in this desperate situation. There is a glimmer of vitality, and all the strong people can feel this slight change, and this slight change makes them crazy. Seeing the vitality, they are more sure that their previous decision is correct, only to die. Only then can Zhan be able to break out a **** path that belongs to his own vitality, and be able to free himself from this mortal situation!

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