God of Destruction

Chapter 3917: Jieren Huangzhen Shiyin

Chapter 3917

"Stop complaining, we have no choice. When the war is together, we have no retreat. All directions will be wiped out. The enemy will be destroyed or we will be damaged. This is our destiny. The enemy can fight desperately. We can too. Heaven and earth can restrict us, but this is not the reason for our fear and retreat. When we make that decision, we should think of the consequences of doing so. Perhaps our decision is not tolerated by the world, and oppressed by the world! "

"Yeah, at this point, we have no choice. Don't double-heartedly. We have no other choice. We will devote ourselves to this battle of life and death. Either we will destroy the **** strong human race in front of us, or we will fall. In this secret world, we are backlashed to death by the power of the Shifang Jumei Array. When we accept the brand of Destruction Avenue, when we use the power of this brand to push the Shifang Jumei Array, we have no retreat. !"

Seeing that the hearts of the people are constantly being shaken, the strong man who presided over the all-out battle can't help but stand up and warn such people not to waste their energy and half-heartedly, because after the start of the war, everyone has no way out. Refundable!

When many barbarian kings were worried about this sudden change, the strong human race once again regained their spirits and launched a new attack. If you did not see this sudden change, everyone I still can't see a trace of vitality, but it is different now. The emergence of this vitality has made all the strong people even more crazy and desperate!

"Imprinted in the imperial town, imprinted in the world, extinction! Extinction! Extinction!" With a roar, a strong human race, it should not be said that a real human emperor appeared, and his hands were sealed, which is unimaginable The powerful force of "was born between his hands. This is the power condensed by many Dao laws and the embodiment of humanity. These many forces condense a huge seal of God, and a treasure seal of human luck. As soon as Zhen Shiyin was printed, the whole world was shaking!

In an instant, all the strong men of all races also shrank their pupils, and were shocked by everything in front of them. They saw the luck of the human race, saw the luck of the dynasty, and saw the power of the law of heaven and earth, and this power was condensed here. On the body of the emperor, this is not a treasure, not the ultimate treasure to suppress the luck, but a true supreme magical power, the supreme magical power that condenses human luck!

"I rely on, this is the emperor of my human race, the real power of the emperor? I didn't expect that in these endless years, there will be a man who is strong. This power is really strong and terrifying enough. As soon as the world seal is released, it represents the supreme power performance of humanity, even if the ten directions are all destroyed, it can be hard to shake!" As a strong human race, many people have not seen the action of the strong human emperor. , But they are not unfathomable with the supreme magical powers of Human Emperor Town Shiyin, because for them, these old monsters, they all know the power of the human emperor strong in the ancient times, and they know the terrible human emperor's magical power.

It is precisely because many powerful people understand the power of the human emperor’s way, no matter how weak the human fortune is today, no one dares to stand up and fight directly. They are all afraid of the human emperor’s magical powers. , They are all worried that they will face the suppression of the supernatural powers of the human race. You must know that they are the same as the human race. The supernatural powers of the emperor road restrain their power. With 200% of the power, it doubles the blow. Even the most powerful Human Race powerhouse, once he is targeted by the Human Emperor, death will be waiting for him. The Human Race’s emperor’s magical powers will be enough. Everything that can destroy them, the emperor's way cannot be violated, this is the power of the racial supernatural power!

"Damn it, this is the power of the human emperor, these **** of the human race also hide their power, and the ancient human emperor is alive, they are really **** it, this is forcing us to desperately, the humane emperor’s magical powers, the humane luck blessing, can’t Let him continue. Otherwise, when he mobilizes the power of the entire human race, our plan will be completely exposed. The human race will surely discover the changes in this secret world, and the ten directions can lock all information. , Can cut off the contact with the outside world, but can not cut off the change of human luck, don’t keep it anymore, do the last killer, or we can use the power of destroying the road brand to resist the attack of this human emperor’s power. But no one else can do it!"

Not only were the barbarian powerhouses horrified by this terrifying magical powers, but also the many powerful human races were also horrified. Some forces that secretly opposed the human race dynasty were also terrified. Originally they thought this world is a disaster. When it came, the luck of the human race had weakened to the extreme, it was time to change the dynasty, but I didn't expect the human emperor's way to be so terrible, I didn't think that the gap between my own power and it was so big that I couldn't imagine it!

Ants! When the supernatural powers of the human race's imperial Dao appeared, and when the imperial seal of this person moved, a shadow was cast on the hearts of all the powerful people, and they all felt the tremor from the blood, in front of this person's imperial seal. , They are like ants, their magical powers and their combat power have been crazily weakened, and this is because the human emperor did not directly target them, just a leak of breath, if it is really confronted , They don't even have a chance to resist!

The power of human luck is unmatched, and the power of humanity is extremely powerful. This is the power of the human emperor to suppress the world. This is the authority of humanity. The power of human authority is not something ordinary forces can overthrow. It can truly overthrow an era. The rule of the human race dynasty is not the power of that sect, but the power of the fate. Only those who truly possess the fate of the human emperor can truly face the suppression of the human emperor, and can overthrow the rule of the human fate and re-establish it. The new dynasty of luck.

Of course, foreign races also have this ability. Like these **** barbarians, they have such thoughts, but it is a pity that they never thought of hiding a real human emperor among the many powerful human races they calculated. The Human Sovereign who has mastered the power of human luck, perhaps his dynasty has long been shattered, has long since been dissipated in the long river of history, was wiped out in the long river of time, but he still has a trace of human luck, mastered A trace of humane authority.

auzw.com In an instant, this powerful human emperor pushed lightly with his big hand, and the powerful human emperor's power in his hand exploded, and the human emperor’s seal turned into a meteor and rushed directly towards it. The Shi Fang Ju Annihilation Array, an unimaginable impact swept in all directions, and the violent force seemed to tear the Shi Fang Ju Annihilation Array in front of you directly, and let it be destroyed directly between the heaven and the earth!

Obviously, this emperor still has time to continue to condense the luck of the human race and the power of human authority. Why does he want to attack in such a hurry? What is going on? For all this, many people do not know, do not understand! It’s not that this emperor doesn’t want to continue to gather strength, but that he can’t do it. Although he was once an emperor, it’s no longer his time. The human luck he can bear is limited, and he can control the humanitarian authority. Limited, if you continue, you don't have to wait for the barbarian to launch the all-out array, he himself will be overwhelmed by the terrible human luck, and he will be backlashed by the power of human authority!

"You must not let this **** human **** succeed. The ten directions will be destroyed. The ten directions are combined. The chaos will destroy the world. The fierce beast will break the sky and be invincible. I am the only one who can kill!" These barbarian kings also have their hairs erected. , It broke out in an instant, all of them were screaming frantically, venting the fear and anxiety in their hearts!

At this time, if the Shifang Jumei Great Array really can’t withstand the impact of the imperial town’s Shiyin, the people in the formation will be backlashed, and the comrades hiding behind will be even more devastating, even if it’s Shiyin. Fang Jumie’s large array was torn apart with a small hole, which was also an unbearable consequence for them. The plan laid out by endless years would completely fail!

There was a terrible bang, the horrible sound of the Shifang Jumei Array, the ten giant beasts roaring, they all felt the impact from the imperial seal of the people, felt the terrible threat of death, under this pressure Below, the ten giant beasts quickly merged together under the guidance of the barbarian king, forming a more terrifying chaotic beast. Its appearance seems to exist to destroy the world, and the violent aura of destruction radiates from it. Come out, the terrible chaotic destruction origin is condensed on it!

If Xing Tian is here at this moment, he will feel the original changes of this giant chaotic beast, and he will be able to feel the true meaning of the chaotic destruction avenue, and he can take his chaotic destruction avenue one step further. This giant chaos beast is imprinted with chaos. The true meaning of destroying the avenue, even if this giant beast is a phantom condensed by the formation, but it has a trace of true chaotic destruction power, pointing directly to the true meaning of the chaotic destruction avenue, but Xingtian is not here, there is no Get this opportunity!

"Destroy the true meaning, the power of destruction, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!" Hundreds of barbarian kings tried their best, seeming to communicate with the giant chaos condensed from the ten directions of destruction, using their own power. , Using his own will to control the power of this chaotic behemoth, such crazy behavior, every moment is consuming their origin, their spirit!

Boom! A loud noise shook the world, and an unimaginable original power came through the endless void. It seemed that any power could not withstand a single blow in front of it. This power came directly in the body of this terrifying chaotic behemoth. Once again, this giant chaotic beast has undergone an amazing change. Under the action of that terrible power, a terrifying eye appeared in the center of the forehead of this giant chaotic beast. This eye is extremely terrifying, extremely terrifying, as if As long as you look at it, you will be completely destroyed by this power, and your will will collapse. This is the Eye of Destruction. It contains the eye of the power of the endless destruction of the road. Its existence symbolizes destruction and exudes endless destruction. Its existence It is taboo, it is not allowed in the world!

Only taboos can stand against taboos and resolve the current crisis! The origin of the previous taboo land has worried the barbarian king, and the appearance of the human king knot has increased their fear and anxiety. They have to use the ultimate power of the ten-way destruction array, and have to stimulate the chaos and destruction. The power of the array is imprinted, leading to the coming of destruction!

When the eye of destruction appeared, the endless power of destruction was condensed in the body of this chaotic behemoth, and an irritable force was formed. The phantom of a grinding disc appeared in the mouth of this chaotic behemoth. , When this grinding disc appeared, the void was trembling, and the world was crying, as if it was the appearance of this grinding disc that both the void and the heaven and the earth felt the danger!

Yes, this is the phantom of the Destroying Millpan, the ultimate expression of the origin of destruction. Under the guidance of the barbarians and the many kings, the phantom of the Destroying Millpan has been condensed, but it is like the previous human emperor. Like the supernatural powers of the human race’s imperial path, the power of this extinction millstone cannot continue to condense. It is not because the ten directions can not withstand the impact of that power, but the environment does not allow it to continue. The power of has already impacted, and if it does not erupt, the Great Array will only be overwhelmed by the power of Human Imperial Town Shiyin. Under such circumstances, it can only attack passively!

With a loud bang, the power of the World Seal of Human Emperor Town was directly destroyed by the power of the World Extinguishing Millstone. In front of this World Extinguishing Millstone, the human emperor’s imperial powers gathered by the Human Emperor seemed to be vulnerable to a single blow and were immediately wiped out. , And the world-destroying millstone still hasn't dissipated, and it is still moving forward, as if it has locked this strong human emperor and will destroy it here!

"What? How is this possible, the power of the World Seal of Human Emperor Town has been wiped out, when was the Great Array of Ten Directions so powerful!" At this moment, the powerhouses of all races were stunned, and this result made them unbelievable!

"Damn it, when is it? You are still in a daze. Hurry up, or we will all have to die!" Seeing the reaction of these people around him, this human emperor could not help being furious. This is a life and death duel. The **** has lost his mind and made such a low-level mistake. This is simply joking about his own life and is not responsible for his own life and death!

When they heard this roar, many human race powerhouses just woke up, one by one burst out their full strength, facing this terrible blow, and the power of all people gathered the terrible array of all directions. It was defeated with a single blow, blocking the arrival of this disaster, allowing everyone to escape from this terrible danger, but this is just the beginning. As long as the ten directions are not broken, they still have to face it. The terrible death threat, this is the danger they must face!

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