God of Destruction

Chapter 3918: Fight to the End

Chapter 3918: Deadly Battle

"Damn it, I underestimated the madness of the barbarians, and underestimated their preparations. The all-in-one array is beyond our imagination. This time we are in big trouble. The barbarians really want to die with us! "Feeling the power of the ten directions to destroy the great formation, some of the strong human races couldn't help but exclaimed. Such power made all of them truly feel the impact of death!

"What if they can do it without dying, we have no reason why we can't. If they want to fight, we will fight with them, and fight to the end, without dying, we will use our ultimate strength, otherwise we will all have to die. Here!" The Human Sovereign expert shouted again in a deep voice, revealing a faint dissatisfaction in his eyes, because he knew that these people still have hidden means, and the situation has reached this point, they still have something to hide, this is simply taking Everyone’s life adventure!

When hearing these words, some people couldn’t help but feel ashamed, because they all have selfish hearts, and they don’t want to expose their ultimate strength. They all fantasize that they can hold on to the end with the help of other people’s strength and can bring down all sides. Destroy the big formation, and then he can use the last killer to protect himself and save his life.

"War, human emperor town world printed!" It was another heavy drink. This human emperor strong once again used his own power, and this time in order to have enough impact, this human emperor strong burned. Although his own blood is only a trace, it has paid a heavy price for him. A trace of the human emperor's blood is very important to him, but he can't do it at this point, or he can't see it at all. With vitality, it is almost impossible to expect some people around him to resist the great array of extinction in all directions, and it is even difficult to achieve a situation where both lose and lose.

Others are not clear about the horror of the barbarian’s horror, but the human emperor who really smashed the horror of the barbarians from the front understands that the longer the time is, the more it will be for them. The more disadvantaged, the Shifang Jumei Array can not only lock the void, cut off everyone’s retreat, but also block the origin of the void, and the Shifang Jumei Array itself can continuously gather and destroy the origin from the void, here. Under this circumstance, people like them naturally cannot see the vitality!

No matter how much the price is paid, a crack must be torn apart, otherwise it will not be supplemented by the source of the outside world, and it will only fight by relying on its own heritage. It is really ten dead and no life. Seeing this danger, the emperor The strong can't speak, because he deeply understands that if he speaks out by himself, it will only hit everyone's confidence and only make the situation worse. Although it is said to let everyone understand the danger of the situation, it can stimulate everyone’s will to fight, and it can make everyone more crazy, but it will also hit everyone’s confidence. If confidence is lost, no matter how great the fight is Come to life!

war! In an instant, many strong human races gathered their strength again. This time they dare not have any reservations. It is necessary to know that the leading human emperor strong have burned their own blood power. If they still have some reservations, then they really have to Self-defeating, once the human emperor fell, they really lost their pillars, and no matter how hard it is to fight these **** barbarians, they can’t face the terrifying impact of the horrific array of destruction. It can be said that everyone’s life and death They are all pinned on this strong human emperor!

When the many powerful humans of the human race once again made their move, the barbarian king who presided over the battle of the ten directions was terrified. The thing they worried most still happened. The human race was so crazy that they would never die with them, and would not give them. A little breathing opportunity, once again launched a terrible attack, we must conduct this life-and-death duel at the fastest speed, and prevent them from recovering their own consumption with the help of the ten-pointed array. You must know that the longer the time is, right The more advantageous they are!

"These **** of Human Race have seen through our intentions, don't hide anything, fight back with all your strength, even if you pay some price, we must suppress the madness of Human Race, otherwise we will sacrifice more companions, and now we need someone to make sacrifices. Now!” When the worst situation appeared, the barbarian king had to make the worst plan. He had to sacrifice his subordinates and the companions and subordinates hidden behind the Great Array. Only in this way If they can keep the Shi Fang Ju Miao Array from being damaged, and the Shi Fang Ju Miao Array is not broken, they will still take the initiative and occupy the advantage!

There was a loud bang, and another terrible battle broke out. The human race's condensed full blow was once again resisted by the ten directions. Under this blow, the many powerful humans of the human race were all Wounded, all of them looked exhausted. They all took out their assassins and tried their best, but they still did not break the barbarian’s ten-pointed battle array. This result made them extremely distressed. Their confidence took a huge blow!

Many powerful people in the human race only saw that the Shifang Jumei Array still exists, but they did not see the heavy price paid by the barbarians behind the Shifang Jumei Array. Hundreds of barbarian powerhouses tried to preserve the Shifang Jumei. The Great Annihilation Array was not damaged, and used his own life to offset the full blow of the strong human race. The sacrifices of hundreds of barbarians and the strong made the source of the Shifang Jumei Array consume more than half, making the Shifang Jiuqi The battle power of the Great Destruction Array has been weakened a lot. If the strong human race can condense such a blow again, they can directly tear the Great Destruction Array in all directions and directly deal a fatal blow to the barbarian kings in front of them!

"Damn, we still failed. These **** barbarians were prepared too well, we can't shake their defenses at all. Now we only have to sacrifice our lives, and only use our lives to explode the final strength, using our flesh and blood. To complete the destruction of the Shi Fang Ji An Array with the soul, and fight for the last ray of vitality for our human race!" Seeing everyone's failure with all one blow, the human emperor's eyes showed a faint sorrow and a trace of unwillingness.

No one wants to die and step into destruction, but the current situation cannot help them be the masters. In the face of the righteousness of the human race, these powerful people can only sacrifice themselves, and only in this way can they inflict heavy damage on the barbarians and destroy all directions. The big formation, as long as the ten directions are destroyed, the human race will be able to have a ray of life. No matter how long the barbarians have been hidden, their resources are limited, and they can condense the ten directions. The resources of the entire barbarians have been used, such a terrifying formation of all directions, there is only one among the barbarians, and the same will no longer exist.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect that we devoted ourselves to the endless years of cultivation. We thought that we could break through to higher levels and survive this catastrophe, but we didn’t expect to face the threat of death as soon as we stepped into the catastrophe. Stepping into destruction, this is really a big joke, but for the survival of the human race, even if you give up your life, you will not hesitate!"


"Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we can't destroy this all-inclusive array. As long as we can destroy the foundation of the barbarians, even if we sacrifice ourselves, our own interests are not worth mentioning in the face of racial interests!"

Yes, when the race war broke out, it was not worth mentioning to sacrifice oneself for the survival of the race. This belief is not only manifested in the barbarians, but also in the strong human race. The righteousness of race has been deeply imprinted. In their souls, when the racial war broke out, all the strong would make this crazy choice!

After receiving the full blow of the strong human race, the barbarian kings also consumed a lot of money, and the origin of the ten-way extinction large array also consumed more than half, causing the entire large array to tremble. However, the eyes of these barbarian kings There was a hint of smile, because they were still successful, as long as they blocked the blow, they were invincible.

However, these barbarian kings were happy a bit early. They forgot a more important issue. The human race would sacrifice themselves. Although the origin of the human race has consumed more than 70%, or even more, as long as they are still alive , There will be the final blow, give up one's own blow, and such a blow is not weaker than the previous attack!

"No, these human **** are going to commit suicide attacks. Everyone prepares quickly. If the moment of crisis is really achieved, I hope that someone can sacrifice themselves with me to preserve the existence of the Great Array. When the Great Destruction Array is still there, my barbarian has a chance to rise. Once the Great Destruction Array is broken, all our plans will disappear!"

Although these remarks are somewhat difficult for strong people, the strong who presides over the ten directions all take the initiative to stand up for self-sacrifice, and other barbarian kings naturally cannot object. After all, someone must make sacrifices at a time of crisis, just like the previous choice. Everyone is for the future of the barbarians and for the victory of the race. This is a choice that must be faced!

"No, it is us that should be sacrificed. It is nothing if we die, because we are only a member of the Great Destruction of the Ten Directions, and you cannot sacrifice. As long as you are still there, the Great Destruction of the Ten Directions is here. You are We can sacrifice the soul of the Great Array, but you can't. Even if we are going to die, we will die first. Only when all of us fall can you fall!"

Among the barbarian kings, there are still wise people, and there are still existences who can see through the general situation of the world and understand the fundamentals of the Great Array of Destruction. Although they have all got the mark of the origin of the Great Way of Destruction, they are just the Great. The chess pieces of the Array, they are dead, although the origin of the Shifang Jumei Great Array will be damaged, but it is not too big, but if the soul of the Shifang Jumei Great Array dies, the Shifang Jumei Great Array will really lose the biggest the power of.

The situation has reached this point, why both sides have no idea of ​​peace talks, although it seems that the barbarian king has the advantage, but if the human side is really desperate, and has the ability to pull them to death, why can't both of them sit down and negotiate? It's not that I can't, but I don't want to, I don't dare, because this is a racial decisive battle. Together, the two sides will never die! Peace talks are just a joke, no race will do this, race wars are so cruel!

"Come on, let us come to the final battle, to see if your barbarians can resist the attack of all of us. Although we are defeated, we still have the final blow!" The barbarian king who was running frantically in all directions and annihilated the great formation, the human emperor strong uttered a cold and deep cry, and the sound was full of endless killing intent!

"War, this time you have won our respect, but this is a race decisive battle. We have no choice. Come on, let us bury all of you with the power of an all-inclusive array. This is our destiny and also Your destiny, when you step into this trap, your destiny is already doomed, and there is no possibility of a comeback again!"

Everyone is their own master, so there is no kindness. Whether it is a strong human race or a barbarian king who presides over the battle of all directions, they are all murderous. As for the origin of this forbidden place, Under these two impacts, it has already been washed away, unable to continue to support the strong human race, and now the strong human race needs to face all this by himself!

When the two sides clarified the situation, the entire area was transformed into a terrible killing field, and the entire planet was shrouded in terrible murderous intent. Under the confrontation between the two forces, the terrifying murderous intent filled the entire planet, and all creatures could I clearly feel the murderous intent from the void, the murderous intent of heaven, the murderous intent of the earth, the murderous intent of human, the murderous intent of heaven, earth and human condensed here. This is the real killing. It is a killing for the two major races. This battle is also a race. The clash of luck begins!

The murderous intent is increasing frantically, and the cohesion of the two sides is getting more and more terrifying. No matter who is eager to launch the final impact, everyone is waiting and gathering the most powerful force, because this is the final decisive battle. People will have the slightest carelessness. In such a confrontation, there will be only a glitch, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Well, what's going on?" Suddenly, the human emperor's heart trembled, and there was a horrible feeling of heart palpitations on the soul, and this feeling of heart palpitations did not come from the barbarians. The Jumie Great Array, but originated from the unknown, from the forbidden place that is about to go to destruction, and this palpitation is even more terrifying than the barbarian’s Shifang Jumie Great Array, as if there is a terrifying one. Existence is resurrecting in that forbidden place. And the existence of this horror is the source of his palpitations. What big secret is hidden in this forbidden place? Could it be said that there really is a legacy of an era in this forbidden place, and the battle between the two of them at this moment has caused this heritage to be activation?

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