God of Destruction

Chapter 3919: Xingtian appeared

Chapter 3919: Xing Tian Appears

When the strong human race felt threatened, the king of the same barbarians also felt the threat of death. In contrast, they received a greater impact, because they were manipulating the ten directions and destroying the great array and commanding that The chaotic giant beast condensed by the ruined origin, and although the giant beast is not a real life form, it is more sensitive to external threats than the strong human race!

"Damn it, the Shi Fang Ju Mie Great Array felt threatened, not to be more precise that the Chaos Behemoth we have felt threatened!" As the barbarian king who presides over the Array, he instinctively squinted his eyes, his expression He became extremely dignified, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes. Such a threat made him suffer a huge impact and made him feel a little uneasy about his plan this time, because this time the barbarian paid too much. , Once it fails, the entire barbarian will face the disaster of extinction, and even the beginning of this catastrophe will not be able to survive. Once the secret world is exposed, the entire barbarian will become the target of public criticism and will face the blow of the entire world. It will even attract the will of the world!

"Quickly, gather your mind with all your strength, and master the ten directions. In any case, you can't let the chaos behemoth that destroys the source of condensed get out of control. Otherwise, it is not the **** human beings who fall first, but we, all of them. Although the giant chaotic beast condensed by the Great Destruction Array is not a real life form, it retains a trace of the instinct of a giant beast. This threat makes it roar instinctively!"

Yes, at this time this chaotic behemoth is roaring. In the face of provocation, it must respond. This response is naturally to take the initiative to have a real confrontation with the threatening existence. At this time, under such circumstances, Once the Chaos Giant Beast takes the initiative, it means that these barbarian kings who preside over the Shifang Jumei Array will lose the initiative. They will be controlled by the Shifang Jumei Array. At that time, their situation will be very dangerous. A behemoth out of control doesn't care about its own damage at all.

"Asshole, why is this happening? Why is the situation out of control again and again? Why are there so many accidents in the plan we designed at the beginning? This is basically just joking with everyone's lives!" During the three changes, some barbarian kings couldn't help but burst out of dissatisfaction in their hearts, and couldn't help complaining!

"Enough, I know you have dissatisfaction in your heart, but this is the cruelty of the world. Although we have made every effort to prepare, everything is not up to us. The catastrophe is coming and everything is not under control. The most important thing is that we are Fighting for the race, even if the plan is wrong, we can only bite the bullet and continue. This is our responsibility. I don’t want to hear such complaints again. We must know that for this battle, our entire race has paid so much. What a price!"

Yes! For this race war, the entire barbarian paid too much and too much. All the barbarian kings who were present knew it well, and these kings were also part of the plan, and they all understood the cost. It’s not amazing to just use the consumption of people like them, even to say that they are also the beneficiaries of the plan!

"Don’t complain, don’t argue, this is the challenge we must face for the rise of barbarians. This threat does not come from the human race, but from the taboo. It is said that we were too self-righteous at the beginning, and the taboo is better than us. The imagination is even more terrifying, and now this forbidden place has something wrong, and we are naturally the first to be impacted!"

"Yes, the problem comes from a forbidden place. I knew that there would be such an accident. Even if it was a high price, I still have to find out. Unfortunately, it's too late now, but we have been affected. The same is true for the strong, but they are weaker than the impact we endure, and this also shows that we are strong, and that our plan is right, but the general trend of the world is not on our side, as long as we persist Go on, you can still win!"

These words sound very good, as if the barbarians still have the advantage, but if you really think about it, you will understand that their ten-pointed all-out array has been on the front line and has received the greatest impact, even They have the ability to withstand disasters for the strong human race, who made their great array of chaos condensed and has a trace of instinctive power!

"No matter what happens, we now have no choice but to give up our lives. Even if we may fail in the end, we can't shrink back. Even if we die, we must ensure that these strong human races will die with us. Everything in the Secret Realm world has leaked the slightest, or the result will be unimaginable, this is my last request to everyone!"

Just as these words fell, the forbidden place changed. The outer barrier was trembling violently, and a terrible light burst from the depths of the forbidden place, and the next moment, the outside of the forbidden place All the prohibitions are full of cracks, it seems that one of the taboos will be broken in the next moment, and such a terrible change makes them powerless to stop.

With a crisp bang, a terrifying force broke out of the forbidden place. When everyone looked at it carefully, they found that it was a figure that flew out of the forbidden place like lightning. It seemed extremely Embarrassed, and this body flew directly towards the Great Array of Ten Directions, and did not react at all to those strong human races standing outside the Forbidden Land.

"Damn, what is going on, how can there be anyone in that forbidden place? Could it be that someone rushed into the forbidden place beforehand, and all the changes before it were due to him?" When he saw this situation, Some barbarian kings couldn't help but wonder that someone could break into a forbidden place, and such a method was not available to them.

"No, this is impossible. Even if someone can break into the forbidden place, it is impossible to cause the world to change. We can't do it, and he can't do it. The only explanation is that the forbidden place has loopholes, and this Ren Qiaqia found a loophole, but it seems that there is a big problem in the forbidden place, and he has to escape!” Soon the barbarian king objected. In his opinion, no one can forcibly break into the forbidden place. In, no one can break through that terrible forbidden!


"No matter what the situation is, since this **** can escape from the Forbidden Land alive, he must know some of the conditions in the Forbidden Land, and he happened to attack us, we can catch him first and ask about the forbidden land. What happened? You have to prepare ahead of time!” When he said this, there was a glimmer of coldness in the eyes of the barbarian king!

Don’t think that these barbarian kings came here to calculate the human race powerhouses, to wipe out the human race powerhouses, but they still have terrible greed in their hearts. There is no shortage of those who are interested in forbidden places among these barbarian kings. It is really possible to get the inheritance of the previous era, and it will be endless benefits for them.

At this moment, the strong human race also saw all this, and some people couldn't help but wonder: "It seems that someone ran out of a forbidden place, and it seems to be a companion of our human race, how could he rush to those **** barbarians? He didn't see the terrifying formation of all ten directions. Isn't he afraid of being killed directly by those barbarians?"

Was killed by the barbarian's all-in-one array? This is really a big joke. If Xing Tian were to be destroyed by these ten directions, it would be really unexpected. At this time, the reason why Xing Tian would directly rush towards the barbarians was not because he had discovered Shi Fang. The existence of the Great Array of Jumei, Xingtian did it deliberately, because Xingtian wanted to bring disaster to the east, and wanted these damned barbarians to block the corpse of the terrible **** and devil from chasing after him. Xingtian was not afraid of these barbarians. If you dare to kill the killer, you must know that Xing Tian has two great treasures on his body, no matter how powerful an attack is, it is impossible to kill them in one blow!

"Warn him quickly, don't let him be caught by the barbarians!" Among the strong human races, there are still good-hearted people who open their mouths to warn Xingtian. Unfortunately, Xingtian did not take this warning in his heart at all, and still madly asked ten. Fang Jumie left. In Xingtian’s eyes, the power of the strong human race was not enough to fight the corpse of the gods and devil behind him. Only the barbarian’s Shifang Jumie array had a trace of blocking power. Only the giant chaotic beasts gathered in the chaotic destruction avenue have a little resistance!

Xing Tian, ​​who practiced the avenue of chaotic destruction, could instinctively feel the terrible pressure and impact from the giant chaotic beast. If he could kill people with a knife, and use the power of the corpse of the **** and devil to destroy the ten directions, he might have the opportunity to swallow it. Going to the origin of the Great Array of All Ten Directions, you can make yourself one step further in the practice of Chaos Destruction Avenue!

You Dao means that a dead Dao friend does not die a poor Dao. Xing Tian originally had no friendship with the barbarians, nor did he have any contacts. If there was anything to say, then there was only grievances. Xing Tian didn’t care about the life and death of these barbarians. For Xing Tian All he really cares about is his own safety, only his own practice, and even at this moment in Xing Tian's heart there is an impulse to take the ten directions and destroy the big formation, but Xing Tian deeply understands that he does not have that ability and can only continue. patience!

"Wait, I seem to know that guy?" Suddenly someone among the strong human races said silently: "That guy seems to be a new junior in the Fortune Dynasty. This mysterious world seems to have been opened by him, perhaps He really found something in the forbidden place, maybe he saw something, otherwise he wouldn't be so panicked."

"What, this kid is the person who opened the secret world, and can open the secret world, is he the person who should be robbed in this great calamity? If so, maybe all this can really make sense. , It is really possible to get some benefits in the Forbidden Land, it shouldn't be said that it is the Land of Opportunity, but how could he rush towards the barbarians!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the strong people were shocked. If this speculation was true, the problem would be serious. Those who should be robbed, they have the power of heaven and earth to protect themselves, even those who die too much, those who should be robbed. There will be nothing wrong, no matter how dangerous the place is, the people who should be robbed are without taboos. If you say that the easiest to get benefits in the catastrophe, it is naturally the people who should be robbed!

Shocked and shocked, but no one wants to beat Xingtian’s idea. Those who can stand here are the elite elites of the human race. They are all well-informed seniors. They all know the horror of the people who should be robbered, and the response. If the people of the robber fight against it, it is definitely not done by the wise. If you get into the person who deserves the robbery, then it is tantamount to getting in trouble. The cause and effect of the big cause will cause you to burn yourself if you are not careful. The huge luck in the body can be without taboos and ignore all threats!

"Okay, good for it. Since this kid is the one who should be robbed, he should do so. Let these **** barbarians bear the huge evil fruit. The barbarians can be extremely domineering. As long as they dare to do it, they will be affected. The backlash of heaven and earth's calamity will surely increase the body by cause and effect. We will wait to see them ruin themselves, and watch them get the body by that calamity!"

Soon the strong human race became excited about it. In his opinion, this is a great opportunity, an opportunity to reverse the situation. As long as the barbarians dare to attack Xingtian, they will endure the backlash of heaven and earth, and cause and effect. In this way, people like them have the opportunity to get out of trouble, and even have the opportunity to enter the land of chance, looking for the inheritance of the previous era!

I have to say that this person always thinks about things on the bright side. They forget that this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. The appearance of the catastrophic person itself means a great danger, even if there are barbarians in front of them, but they Will these people have nothing to do, will not be contaminated by cause and effect, and will not be affected by the qi? This is impossible, and those who should be robbed are bound to be dangerous!

Benefits make these human race powerhouses instinctively forget this. When they see new hope, they can instinctively make such actions selectively. If no one knows the horror of those who should be robbed, this is not It is possible, and why no one stood up to oppose, no one stood up to run away, it was the greed in their hearts?

No, this is not entirely the cause of greed. It is more that they were affected by the qi of heaven and earth at the moment Xing Tian appeared, and their minds were affected by the qi of the sky, so there is this scene at hand. , Obviously there was a chance to escape, but they didn’t do it, instead they wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman, to watch the barbarians be affected by Xing Tian’s calamity, and watch the barbarian’s all directions. The big array is shattered! This is the horror of the qi of heaven and earth, and this is the horror of the people of Xingtian Yingjie. Being in the tribulation of heaven and earth, it affects the minds of other creatures all the time, pushing the tribulation all the time!

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