God of Destruction

Chapter 3920: Festival

Chapter 3920 Gods and Demons Appear

Xing Tian didn’t know the thoughts of these strong human races, and didn’t want to figure it out, because he had his own ideas. The battle between strong human races and barbarians fell into Xing Tian’s eyes from the very beginning. It can be said that their every move They are all in Xingtian's grasp. These human experts want to kill with a knife, but they have the same idea. Otherwise, at this critical moment, Xingtian suddenly came out of the forbidden land. You must know that in this In the battle for chance, Xing Tian has always occupied the initiative!

Regarding the barbarians’ all-in-one array, Xing Tian did not expect it to completely block the corpses of the gods and demons behind him. From Xingtian’s point of view, this is impossible. Even if all the barbarian kings are desperate, it is impossible to destroy them. If the corpse of the **** and demon behind him is so easy to be destroyed, it would not have been sealed until now. It is impossible that the power of the corpse of the **** and devil will increase terribly when the forbidden place changes. What I originally saw was not all the power of the corpse of the gods and devil, there were even more terrifying and terrifying powers that were always locked in the body of the corpse of the gods and devil.

When Xing Tian took away the original treasure of the Dao of Poison on the body of the corpse of the **** and demon, the corpse was immediately alarmed, and the instinct revived in his body, and this resurrection made him feel anger for the first time, and felt Xing Tian The existence of Xing Tian immediately pursued and killed Xing Tian, ​​the reason is because of Xing Tian’s faint aura of poisonous avenue, in the endless years of confrontation, this **** and devil corpse has already recorded the source of poisonous avenue. Own damage!

Although Xing Tian sealed the original treasure of the Dao of Poison in the first place, at the moment he seized this treasure, Xing Tian's body was inevitably contaminated with the original aura of the Dao of Poison, so when he did not feel the threat of other forces, this statue The corpse of the gods and demons instinctively pursued Xing Tian, ​​strangling Xing Tian, ​​the enemy he hates!

It’s a pity that at the moment when Xing Tian seized the source and treasure of the Dao of Poison, the magical powers of the Dao of Space-Time on his soul also broke out completely. He pointed out torn open the void, rushed out of the forbidden place, and directly descended on the strong humans and In the battlefield between the barbarian kings, and frantically lead the disaster behind him to the barbarian's all-inclusive array!

Although Xing Tian didn’t know much about the power of the Shifang Jumei Great Array, he could have made Xing Tian think that the chaos behemoth condensed by the Shifang Jumei Great Array would be hostile to the corpse of the gods and demons behind him. If this chaos beast could Attracting the attention of the corpse of the gods and demons, one can easily escape from this crisis. As for the life and death of the barbarian king, it has nothing to do with Xingtian. As for the life and death of those strong human races, Xingtian will not be concerned. On, after all, the Daos are not conspiring together. In the Great Tribulation, it is already very good that I did not go to them. You must know that the Great Tribulation is fighting, there is no mercy!

Xing Tian was charging forward frantically, and the human race and the barbarian king had no idea what was happening in the taboo, and did not understand that there was a terrifying threat behind Xing Tian, ​​if the barbarian king knew that there was a terrifying figure behind Xing Tian The corpses of gods and demons, they were afraid that they would not easily take action and would not stop Xingtian's escape. Unfortunately, these barbarian kings did not know all of this. When they saw that Xing Tian was coming in their own direction, they did not think too much. They directly blocked Xing Tian and blocked Xing Tian’s path forward. The power of the Jumei Great Array locked Xingtian!

"Little devil, stop immediately for this king, explain to this king what exactly happened in the forbidden place, why suddenly the **** of the forbidden place disappeared, and what did you see in the forbidden place, What treasures did you get?” As we spoke, a dozen barbarian kings were separated from the Shifang Jumei Formation and surrounded Xing Tian, ​​deliberately escorting Xingtian to the Shifang Jumei Formation, as long as the Shifang Jumei formation was reached. In the great formation of Jumei, Ren Shi Xing Tian has the ability to pass the sky, but also kneel down!

In an instant, the aura of a dozen barbarian kings pressed down on Xing Tian. When the power of the Shifang Jumei Array was locked on Xingtian, the terrifying aura in them, the terrifying destruction power of the Shifang Jumei Array, Xing Tian felt that his mind was suppressed, that the void around him was solidified, and the enemy's power exceeded his imagination.

"Okay, it's really great. I didn't expect these **** barbarians to have such terrible power. The stronger their power, the longer they can hold the corpse of the gods and monsters, the greater the confidence they can Retreat all over!" Although the strength of the enemy was shocking, Xing Tian was an incomparable surprise at this moment. The stronger the opponent's strength, the safer he would be!

Maybe now I don’t have the power to resist the barbarian king’s coercion. In the eyes of the opponent, he is just like an ant, but Xing Tian believes that these **** barbarian kings will soon be unable to laugh and will soon pay a lot for his actions. As long as the original aura of the poisonous road on his body dissipated, when the corpse of the **** and demon rushed out of the forbidden place, the first person to chase and kill would not be himself, but these **** barbarian kings.

"Don’t be impulsive, fellow daoists. Everyone is your own. Now, there is a big problem in the Forbidden Land. A huge monster with terrifying power was suddenly awakened by a powerful outside force. It is rushing out frantically. This monster, we all have to die, no one can leave alive!" At this time, Xing Tian's face showed a panicked look, giving people a kind of guarded mind, and the mind was hit hard. No one doubted this. Everything is just a deliberate performance by Xingtian!

"Hahaha, my own people are really ridiculous, stupid human race, there are monsters in the forbidden place, can the terrible monsters fight against our ten directions? The strongest monsters will be destroyed in all directions. There are ten deaths and no life!" Hearing Xing Tian's words, the ignorant and stupid barbarian kings all sneered, all expressing extremely proud!

Why do these barbarian kings have such thoughts and arrogant words? The main reason is that Xingtian's power is too weak. In their eyes, Xingtian is like an ant. , What an ant said is powerful, in their opinion, it is still not an ant, it is not worth mentioning, it is precisely because of this arrogant idea that they have forgotten the changes of the previous ten squares. The chaos behemoth condensed by all directions is out of control!

"It must have been born by chance. The Forbidden Land really has the inheritance of the previous era, and the power of our previous wars shocked the defense of the Forbidden Land, and restored the power left by the last era. This is us In any case, we can’t give up, even if we let these damned human powers go, we must get this inheritance!"


For a moment, these ignorant and stupid barbarian kings were overjoyed. They regarded everything Xing Tian said as the present world by chance, and each one was naturally extremely excited, and this excitement made them forget the threat and the place here. How dangerous the environment is, ignorance makes them step into terrible death step by step, let them step into death!

"Yes, it must be an opportunity to come to this world. The kid will quickly tell everything you know. What exactly did you see in the forbidden place, why you can appear in the forbidden place, and how do you pass through the gods of the forbidden place? Don’t conceal something, or else this king will let you not survive, but not death!” After thinking that the opportunity appeared, the voice of the barbarian king became more brutal!

"I promise that I know everything I can say, I will say everything I see!" Xing Tian showed a look of frightened mind and a heavy blow, as if he had already lost himself. Tragic look!

Xing Tian’s performance made these barbarian kings look at each other, feeling that they don’t need to intimidate each other at all. The other’s mind is already on the verge of collapse. If it is a little harder, it will only be the opposite, and let this kid They collapsed directly, and if such a situation occurred, they would ruin their own major events, so they did not dare to continue to pressure Xing Tian, ​​for fear that an accident would scare Xing Tian to collapse and prevent them from getting the news they wanted!

Why these barbarian kings don’t directly extract Xingtian’s soul and find the answer they want from Xingtian’s soul. It’s not that they don’t want to do this, but reality does not allow them to do so. They all have a terrible source of destruction. , And each of them is branded with the terrifying road of destruction. Their power is mainly destruction. They want to extract the soul of Xingtian without harming the information in the soul. This is very difficult for them, especially Xingtian. The situation is even more dangerous. Under these various reasons, they can only give up the simplest method, and have no choice but to use Xing Tian's words one by one!

"Asshole, this Xingtian is really too embarrassing, it's a stubbornness at all, his mind is so fragile, those **** barbarians are scared like this before they start to deal with him, it's a loss of our human face, like this How can a **** become a person to be robbed, how can he open a secret world, our previous thoughts are all very wrong!" For Xing Tian's performance, some human race powerhouses could not help but yell. In their eyes, Xing Tian behaved too much. It sucks.

"No, don't jump to the conclusion too early. This Xingtian is indeed very unbearable, but his mind was not destroyed by those **** barbarians, but was impacted by the Forbidden Land. We have no idea what happened in the Forbidden Land. What is the situation, so it’s too early to draw conclusions. Perhaps the forbidden place is really terrifying and dangerous. After all, chance is always accompanied by danger!"

Yes! Opportunity and danger always accompany each other. With great opportunity, there must be great danger. With the strength shown by Xingtian, facing the great danger caused by great opportunity, it is naturally difficult to resist. It is also hopeful that the mind will be washed away. Not everyone can take advantage of the great opportunity of, the weak and weak want to get the great opportunity, that is to kill themselves!

"Hurry up, don't delay, I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense, I want to know how you entered the forbidden land and broke through the defense of the forbidden!" For Xingtian's weakness, the barbarian king is very Annoyed, what I want is the real situation of the Forbidden Land, rather than wasting time on Xing Tian!

"Divine forbidden, I have never encountered any divine forbidden, and I don't know what divine forbidden is. After I entered the secret world, I was directly in the forbidden place. I don't know what happened?" Xingtian whispered. Muttering to himself, his eyes were still full of doubts, as if he didn't understand how these barbarian kings could ask such stupid questions!

"Damn, this kid's luck is so good that he will enter the land of chance for the first time. Unfortunately, he has great fortune, but he has no great ability. He obviously got a great opportunity, but he returned empty-handed, a forbidden place, chance. The land is too terrifying for him, so he has no resistance at all. Don’t waste time asking, and you can’t ask anything. His mind is on the verge of collapse, and he has no value anymore. !"

Xing Tian has no value. This is really a ridiculous statement. Although these barbarian kings are very powerful, they are really very poor in their minds. From such a close distance, they did not notice the true situation of Xing Tian or Xing Tian. Lying, perhaps this is the result of arrogance, and this is the impact of the Great Tribulation on them.

Just when the barbarian king was about to destroy Xingtian, after all, to them, such an ant like the death of Xingtian was not worth mentioning, but at this moment, there was a loud bang, and a terrible force broke the taboo. Earth, everyone felt a terrifying aura, it was a power that surpassed all of them, as if the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth descended!

Immediately afterwards, a huge corpse of a **** and demon appeared in front of everyone. Its body was too big and too big. Any strong man is an ant in front of it, and it exudes a terrible horror. Power, it seems that this trace of power can crush the void, and any strong person is extremely small in front of it, and it is an ant!

"Damn, I finally understand why this kid looks like that. Not to mention such a terrible power, not to mention his little ant, even we can't bear it. He can rush out of the forbidden place alive, it is a big deal. Fortunately! Don't worry about that kid anymore, don't worry about the existence of those human bastards, and try your best to mobilize the power of the all-inclusive array!"

In an instant, the barbarian king who presided over the Shifang Jumei Array yelled in a deep voice. When the corpse of the gods and devil appeared in front of everyone, he felt the violent chaos beasts condensed by the Shifang Jumei Array, this chaos giant The beast is going out of control again!

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