God of Destruction

Chapter 3921: Jie Ming Wu

Chapter 3921

Fight, in an instant, the giant chaotic beast condensed by the endless destruction origin rushed to the corpse of the **** and devil, instinctively to make it fight the corpse of the **** and devil, and at the same time, it was attracted by Xingtian The corpse of this **** and demon also moved the target, no longer chasing Xingtian, but focusing on this chaotic behemoth. The two sides instinctively broke out at this moment. A crazy battle is unfolding. No one can stop them. For a duel, Xingtian can't do it, barbarians can't do it, and heaven and earth can't do it. This is from the instincts of the corpses of gods and demons, and also from the instincts of the giant chaotic beasts. Once they meet, they will never die!

"Damn it, the Shifang Jumei Array is out of control. We have lost control of the Chaos Behemoth. This sudden corpse of the **** and devil has triggered the instinct of the Chaos Behemoth, and our trouble is big!" In an instant, the host The barbarian king of the Great Array understood the current situation, but unfortunately he understood it, but he could not find a way to resolve it.

"Damn, it's all the trouble caused by that ant. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of this **** ant, how could there be such a big trouble!" When faced with such a dangerous situation, many barbarian kings involuntarily took all responsibilities. Pushed onto Xing Tian’s body and determined that all of this was caused by Xing Tian. Although their thoughts are true, everything has happened, and everything is beyond their control. Now they are out of luck. They have control over the Great Array, even now they are. I can't help myself, I have to lose the influence of the Chaos Giant Beast, and I have to consume my own origin under the operation of the Great Annihilation Array.

Yes, the situation has reversed at this moment. These barbarian kings are affected by the Shifang Jumei Great Array, and cannot escape from this life and death battle, because they have merged with the Shifang Jumei Great Array. , They want to retreat, only the ten directions are destroyed, but as long as there is a chance, they will not make such a decision. The ten directions are the root of the barbarians, once they are lost After all the ten directions will destroy the big formation, the consequences are not they can bear. The endless years of preparation will be turned into water, and the entire barbarian will face the disaster of extinction, and they cannot bear such consequences.

When the corpse of the gods and monsters fought wildly with the chaotic giant beasts, the expressions of many human experts changed drastically, and their eyes showed endless fear. The breath of the corpse of the gods and monsters was too terrifying, although this one The gods and demons have already died, but its flesh still exudes a ray of terrible aura of gods and demons, even if it is just a breath, it is also a huge pressure for many powerful humans, even if it is a strong human, facing This terrible breath of gods and demons is also hard to resist. The power of gods and demons is different from the power of foreign races. The power of gods and demons is the source of heaven and earth, and it controls the laws of heaven and earth. Human emperor's magical powers cannot intimidate each other. On the contrary, as the power of human emperor The impact he has endured is more terrifying than others!

At this time, whether it is any strong human being in the human race, facing the corpse of this **** and devil, and the giant chaos beast, it is extremely small. This is the essential gap, and the essential gap cannot be made up. If you say the original chaos giant It’s terrifying and has an overwhelming advantage over them. But today’s Chaos Behemoth is even more terrifying, ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more terrifying than before, because under the oppression of the external force of the corpse of the gods and demons, the chaos The instinct of the giant beast is awakened, and a trace of the power of the chaotic beast is restored!

Whether it is the corpse of a **** or a monster or a giant chaotic beast, the power of either side is not something that these powerful human races can fight right now. If this power impacts them, no one has the confidence to survive such a blow. Humans can withstand this terrible blow. This is the gap between the strong human race and the chaotic giant beast, and the gap between the corpse of the gods and demons!

Of course, if Xing Tian wanted to take the Poison Avenue’s original treasure from its body with the power of the corpse of the **** and devil, it would be impossible for Xing Tian to retreat. No matter how strong Xing Tian’s time and space supernatural powers are, he cannot resist. Living under the suppression of such a terrifying force, it can be said that the combat power of the corpses of gods and demons has also increased dozens of times, becoming extremely terrifying!

"Who awakened the great **** of life, who was blaspheming the dignity of the gods?" After a period of confrontation, the body of this life **** and demon strengthened a lot. Under this intense battle, some of its memories In the recovery, when this sentence came out, the entire void was trembling. This is a divine word, with incomparable power, even if this life **** and demon has long been lost, but a trace of real memory can still burst out The power of the gods and demons moves the origin of heaven and earth!

Yes, at this moment, the life gods and demons are angry, irritated by the giant chaotic beast in front of them, and its words fall, like the golden mouth and jade law, forming an absolutely terrifying power of law, forming a force for the entire void creatures A terrible blow, and the first to bear the brunt is naturally the barbaric kings who preside over the battle in all directions. They are all under terrible pressure!

"Damn, this is the real **** and demon. Although the spirit of the last era has disappeared, his instinct is still there. His body still has terrible instinct power. We have no ability to withstand its terrible attack!” When feeling the terrible impact of the life gods and demons, the barbarian king who presided over the large array was roaring, venting the anger and unwillingness in his heart. The life and death duel would wake up such a terrifying existence, and he would not do so even if he was killed. Facing such a terrifying corpse of the gods and devil, it was almost a disaster for them!

"God and devil! This is the corpse of the **** and devil, the corpse of the life **** and demon in the last era, but this corpse seems to have new vitality, the body is recovering, and the memory is also recovering. If it is allowed to grow, it may be born a new one. The soul, a terrifying and terrifying **** and demon will be revived, and the entire world will be surrendered to its power!"

auzw.com Compared with the barbarian kings, the many strong men of the human race have seen more. The way is clear to the bystanders. They can naturally understand this life **** and demon more clearly when standing outside. It’s terrifying, and I can feel the abnormality of this life **** and demon. The life **** and demon masters the power of the life avenue. Under the action of this life source power, the erosion of the poisonous avenue on the body is gradually restored. The body begins to recover, and such power is extremely terrifying to any strong man!

"Damn it, how could such a terrifying corpse of **** and demon run out of the land of inheritance, with the existence of this corpse of **** and devil, what do we use to fight for the inheritance of the previous era, who can resist this terrible life **** and devil? s attack!"

Although everyone is eager to get the inheritance of the previous era, although this opportunity is right in front of them, no one dares to act rashly, even if the corpse of the life **** and devil is now entangled by the Shifang Jumei presided over by the barbarian king, they They still dare not act rashly, because they don’t know if they enter the forbidden place, enter the place of inheritance, will it alarm the corpse of the life **** and devil in the battle, will it attract its terrible blow, and plunge themselves into death In crisis!

Although this possibility is very small, as long as there is a slight possibility, no one dares to take a risk, because this kind of risk is a gamble with one's own life. Once you fail, you will die forever, and there will be no more vitality. No one can be arrogant enough to think that he can escape from the hands of this **** and demon, and can take that terrible blow!

"Friends of Taoism, what should we do now? The place of opportunity is right in front of us, and the barbarians are also supported. The inheritance seems to be readily available. Should we take this opportunity to break into the place of inheritance and look for the last era. Inheritance?" When faced with the huge temptation, the strong human race could not help the greed in his heart, and asked, this is not a trivial matter, there can be no slightest care, if you don’t get other people’s approval, you will only act rashly. It will make oneself die faster, without waiting for the corpse of the life **** and devil to turn around, it will be directly bombarded by other strong human races, after all, no human race strong is willing to see anyone act rashly!

"Wait! All we have to do now is to wait. As long as the corpse of the **** and devil does not stop or fall, we only have to wait. At this time, any rash persuasion is not advisable, and it will bring huge hidden dangers to ourselves, who I don’t know if our actions will attract the gaze of the corpse of the **** and devil. At this time, we have to wait and wait for the end of this battle, whether it is the destruction of the barbarian’s all-round destruction, It doesn’t matter if the corpse of this **** and demon falls, it’s a good thing for us. If any party falls, we can take advantage of it!"

In a word, sit on the mountain and watch the tiger's head fight, and wait for the end of the battle, but if you want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, this may not succeed. You must know whether it is the corpse of the gods or the devil, or the battle in all directions. , The power that bursts out is not something that people like them can fight against, unless it is a real lose-lose, or else the strong people of the human race want to gain something, it is just a delusion, the qualitative gap cannot be made up by their little amount. !

"Okay, don’t discuss it anymore. At this time, it’s useless to say more. Before the battle is over, no one can act rashly. This is the life **** and demon of the last era, the supreme **** and devil who holds the avenue of life, even if only A trace of strength is not something we can fight against. The power of gods and demons is far beyond your imagination!" As a human emperor, there is an extremely solemn look on his face at this moment, which is unknown to others. The horror of the gods and demons in the first era, but as a human emperor, he is very clear, not to mention that the instinct of the corpse of the gods and demons is recovering, even if there is no recovery, the body of the gods and demons is enough to suppress them!

"Friends, the last era has been shattered, and all gods and demons should disappear in smoke. How could there be a corpse of a **** and beast here? This is a bit unbelievable. The origin of heaven and earth should not allow such existence in the world. Even if this is a secret world, it shouldn't be able to protect the existence of the corpse of this **** and devil, let alone his power is recovering now!"

"It should be like this, but the corpse of this **** and demon actually exists. If I didn't guess wrong, the corpse of the previous life **** and demon was suppressed by powerful forces. Even if the catastrophe comes, it will not be able to recover. The opportunity for us, but our appearance, the unexpected appearance of the life **** and demon in our battle with the barbarians, the power to suppress him was shaken, so there is this scene, Qiaqia because it is a life **** and demon, even if it is Already dead, but once the instinct is restored, the origin of the life avenue will repair its body on its own and restore the unmatched fighting power of the life **** and demon. The longer the time is, the stronger the power of this life **** and demon will be. The **** barbarians will be even more dangerous. No matter how strong the ten squares are all over, they will die without life in the face of a true **** and devil. What's more, the origin of this life **** and devil can restrain their ten directions and all over the big array. !"

"I don’t think so. How can the power that can suppress the life gods and demons be shaken by our power? Even if the catastrophe comes and the world changes, it’s impossible to happen. In my opinion, we are all I underestimated the previous Xing Tian, ​​it must be that kid who awakened this life **** and demon, and even took away the treasure of suppressing life **** and demon. You must know that this life **** and demon came after him before, just a barbarian. The ignorance of the ten directions has prevented the disaster from the origin of the great array!"

"What? How is this possible? That Xingtian is just a junior. Even if he is lucky, he cannot take the supreme treasure of suppression from a powerful existence such as the life **** and demon. The power of the supreme treasure is not his ant. 'What can be shaken, and that can suppress the life gods and demons must be the most powerful and incomparable source of treasure!"

"Huh, nothing is impossible. I don't know what you know about Xingtian, but as far as I know, this kid has the origin of the road of thunder, the city of thunder and punishment, if he punishes him with thunder The city of protection may not have the opportunity to take away the treasure of the origin that suppresses the gods and demons of life. The treasures of the road of thunder such as the city of thunder and punishment are not inferior to the treasures of the origin of the gods and demons. So in my opinion, we are all After being played with by that kid, those ignorant and stupid barbarians became his surrogate, preventing disaster for this kid, allowing him to escape from the chase!"

At this time, not only the strong human race saw the problem and understood Xingtian’s sinister intentions, the barbarian kings also gradually understood the horror of Xingtian, but it was too late for them to change, and they could no longer get rid of their lives. The crazy attacks of gods and demons, they are already in crisis, they want to get out of trouble, first of all, they must repel the life gods and demons, otherwise they don't want to get out!

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