God of Destruction

Chapter 3922: Retreat

Chapter 3922 Retreat

"I think the corpse of the **** and devil was out of trouble not only because he took away the original treasure of suppression, but more importantly, this **** was soaked with the breath of the original treasure, so that the corpse of the **** and devil was awakening. We rushed out of the forbidden place for the first time, and we became his surrogate, because the giant chaos beasts of our ten directions are the enemies of the gods and demons. They will naturally never die when they meet, this bastard. It seems that everything has been calculated, and we have become his target. If the attention of the corpse of the gods and demons cannot be removed from the chaotic giant beasts gathered in the vast array of extinction in all directions, we will die without life. The strength of the Shifang Jumei Great Array is unable to fight against the corpse of this **** and demon. It is not that the Shifang Jumei Great Array is too weak, but our strength is too weak to support the continuous battle of the Shifang Jumei Great Array!"

Yes, it’s not that all ten directions are weak, but the strength of those who preside over the big formation is too weak. Compared with Xing Tian, ​​they are indeed very strong, but compared with the corpse of the **** and demon, it’s not at all. It is worth mentioning that over time, when the Shifang Jumei Great Array does not have enough source support, it will naturally be destroyed by the terrifying attack of the corpse of the gods and demons.

"No, we must prevent this from happening, and to stop this, we can only catch the **** ant and let him surrender the original treasure, so as to lead away the corpse of the **** and devil, otherwise we have only a dead end!"

"Well said, but it is not easy to catch that bastard. Although he is an ant, he is not a stupid ant. Now he has escaped from our control. From the beginning, We underestimated this bastard's ant. He was ready to use us as a shield from the beginning. Now it is very difficult to catch him. Those strong human races will not let us easily succeed. We have to do it. The worst plan, if we can’t catch this kid, we can only give up the all-in-one array and take the initiative to cancel the array. Although this will make us suffer a huge backlash, the backlash is better than the destruction of the all-in-one array. Our entire army is destroyed. Maybe we will fail this time, but we must leave hope for survival. We must not lose sight of the all-inclusive array. This is our bottom line!"

The formation of the Shifang Jumei Formation is the bottom line of many barbarian kings. As long as the formation is still there, even if it sacrifices all the kings, and those strong in the dark, it is worthwhile, after all, for the race to train It’s easy for a master, but it’s very difficult to gather such a powerful array of all directions. You must know that the square array in their hands is the entire race that has consumed endless years. Once the array is destroyed, the race will no longer have that endless array. Time has come to gather the array!

"It's so set. If things cannot be done, we would rather bear the huge backlash, but also keep the formation. At the moment of the big formation backlash, whoever masters the formation will immediately activate the last resort to break through the void. Leave the secret world and return to the ancestral land, because we don’t know whether the dissipation of the Shifang Jumei Formation will stop the corpse of this **** and devil. The most important thing is that we all have the mark of the origin of destruction. It’s easy to be caught by the corpse of this **** and demon!"

Arrange the final escape route! When the situation reached this point, the many kings of the barbarians had to prepare for the worst, because they couldn't afford the cost of the entire army! Of course, they worry that it is not only the corpse of the gods and demons in front of them, but also those strong human races who have been watching coldly. When the ten directions are still there, the strong human race will not start the war lightly, but one But without the great formation of all ten directions, these strong human races would not be so easy to speak.

"Damn ants, did you do something you shouldn't do to get this **** and devil's corpse to come back? Did you intentionally lead us to act as a shield for you?" A barbarian king stared at Xing Tian angrily. The eyes can kill people, Xingtian doesn't know how many times he has already died. The barbarians can fall into such a tragic end because of the gift of Xingtian!

"Boy, I won't talk too much nonsense. Hand over the original treasure in your hand, and our cause and effect will end here. Otherwise, you will be chased by barbarians and will never die. You have to think clearly, based on your point. It is impossible for strength to keep the treasures in your hand. Even if we can let you go, will the fellow robes behind you let you go? You know the sinisterness of the human race by yourself!"

Good guy, compared to the previous barbarian king, this man is very scheming. He is directly on the retreat of Xingtian, and directly forced Xingtian to the dead end. The fact that Xingtian has the source of the treasure has been spread, and it is in the human race. In the middle of the game, Xing Tian no longer has a place to settle down, and all the forces and all the strong will give him a big shot.

For ordinary people, facing such threats, they will panic and know how to advance or retreat, but Xing Tian is not like that. The dangers Xing Tian has experienced are countless. If they are frightened by these two sentences, Xing Tian will not live. Until now, there will be no such powerful source, such threatening words are useless to Xing Tian.

"No, I'm innocent. I didn't count you. As for the appearance of the corpse of this **** and devil, I have already warned you that there is a serious danger, but you don't believe it. Now that something happened, you will blame me again. It seems unreasonable. As for the source of the treasure, it is indeed in my hands. Do you think that just a word or two can make me scared? It is really ignorant to the extreme. If you want the source of the treasure, you have to have that ability. , Now you still think about how you can pass the test before you, the corpses of the gods and demons will not show mercy to your men!" When he said this, Xing Tian's eyes showed a sneer.

At this moment, these barbarian kings are simply angry. At this time, even fools understand that the corpse of this **** and devil was deliberately attracted by Xingtian, but now they can’t do anything about Xingtian. Just as Xingtian said, they must live the gods first. This level of Demon Corpse's corpse can't even pass this level. Talking about other things is just empty talk.

Compared with the anger of the barbarian king, the eyes of many powerful people of the human race are brilliant, everyone has an endless killing intent to Xing Tian, ​​although Xing Tian relieved them of the danger of life and death, and solved the problem of life and death for the human race. , But in the face of interests, they were all left behind. There was only one thought in their minds, and that was Xing Tian's original treasure.


As the barbarian king said, the human beings are too selfish, and the human beings are very dangerous. At this moment, no one remembers the benefits of Xingtian. In their eyes, the benefits are only benefits. Don’t look at them before they are all in front of racial justice. It’s crazy, everyone can fight for racial justice, but it’s just in front of racial justice. Once the situation changes, their greed in their hearts bursts out frantically. There is no racial justice anymore. Only the naked, naked, and naked greed, for profit, they can kill Xingtian, the benefactor, this is the selfishness of human nature!

For those strong human races, Xing Tian already knew what would happen. In fact, even if there is no barbarian king's words, even if there is no such thing as the original treasure of the poisonous road, these strong human races are in no danger. After that, Xingtian will not be let go, because Xingtian originally had a city of the original treasure known to many people. For some weak forces, they have no ability to fight against the city of thunder, but for these secret realms For the strong human races in China, it is completely different, they are all confident that they can take the original treasure from Xing Tian's hands.

"Friends of Taoism, we cannot let the barbarians' conspiracy succeed, and we cannot let the original treasure in the hands of the junior Xingtian fall into their hands. It will be a disaster for the entire human race, in this dangerous world of secrets. , Crisis is pervasive, we can no longer turn a blind eye, this original treasure should be in our hands. This is not only good for the junior Xingtian, but also the best choice for the entire race. After all, this junior has no ability to protect himself! "

It’s a kind of righteous remarks. These remarks are simply shameless, but this person uses racial justice as a reason. This is despised. But such remarks are not only rejected by no one, on the contrary, all strong people are Nodding approval.

I saw these greedy human experts nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist said well, such treasures as Yuan Yuan Zhibao cannot be placed on juniors like Xing Tian, ​​or they will only fall into the hands of aliens. We will give him first It’s a good thing to take care of it. As a human emperor, I should take care of this original treasure. After all, I have human emperor’s magical powers in hand. Even a terrifying force like the Great Array of Ten Directions cannot take the original treasure from me. , I am willing to do my part for the race!"

Good guy, when someone makes a shameless start, the human emperor is the first to jump out and use righteousness to overwhelm others, vainly wanting to swallow all the benefits of Xingtian, but his ideas are too self-righteous, in front of interests , Human emperor righteousness is just a nonsense, no one will treat it as the same thing, any human emperor's supernatural powers are imaginary to them!

"Human Sovereign Daoists are too greedy. The Origin Treasure is not something you can monopolize. Moreover, although Human Sovereign Dao's supernatural powers are powerful, it is also a huge hidden danger. You must know that your identity is very sensitive. When abnormalities know your existence , They will siege you in the first time, at all costs, even if you are infinitely powerful, you are also difficult to beat with four hands, and you will die. The treasure of origin is placed on you, more than the junior Xingtian His body is not much better! Such treasures should be kept by those of us. After all, we are inconspicuous in the eyes of foreign races, and there will be no other races to fight against us!"

In the face of interest, many human race powerhouses experienced civil strife in an instant, and each of them exploded their own selfishness and greed. For most of these human race powerhouses, they united in the first place and first brought people together. The strong emperor was kicked out, and one person started, and the others naturally opened their mouths and directly kicked the strong emperor out of the game!

Facing the resistance of everyone, the expression of the human emperor powerhouse became extremely gloomy. If it weren’t for the danger here, he would take a big shot and teach these **** **** a lesson and let them know their human emperor’s supernatural powers. Let them know how powerful he is, but now he can’t do that at all. Who will let the corpse of the **** and devil still exist? The strong human emperor dare not gamble with his own life, and he dare not explode his human emperor. Do supernatural powers, so as not to be stared at by the corpses of gods and demons!

The power of the race is the easiest to attract hatred, especially the corpse of the **** and devil in front of you, which is even more dangerous. If you are targeted at this time, it will be ten dead and no life. The human emperor does not think that he has the ability to interact with it. confrontation.

"Asshole, make you happy first, wait for the barbarian's all-in-one array to be destroyed, and wait for the corpse of the gods and demons to leave, I will take care of you again, and now the emperor will bear this bad breath first!" In the face of the collective suppression of everyone, even if there is more unwillingness in the heart of the human emperor, he can only endure it, who makes the situation very unfavorable for him.

This is the human race, this is human nature. Once there is no external pressure, they will fight in the first place. This is why the human race in the realm battlefield world has not put down all foreign races, and has not been able to dominate the universe, because they all like it. Infighting, once there is no external enemy and no external pressure, they will fight in the first time.

"Close your hands, the Shi Fang Ju Mie Great Formation is scattered!" With a deep cry, the barbarian kings instantly regained their power. The originally powerful Shi Fang Ju Mie Great Formation disappeared instantly, and the other side was going crazy with the gods and demons. The giant chaotic beasts of the corpse battle also turned into nothingness after losing the support of their origin, as if they had never appeared before!

In a short while, the Shifang Dreading Formation disappeared, and the strong man who took away the formation immediately drew the final strength. A powerful spatial origin burst out, breaking through the void and disappearing into the secret world. Return to the ancestral land of the barbarians for a time, in case the formation of the all-inclusive formation is lost, and preserve the foundation of the race.

When the chaotic giant beast dissipated in an instant, the corpse of the **** and demon in front of him was startled, as if shocked by the sudden change, but soon it woke up again, and a roar erupted from his mouth. More violent power radiated from the corpse of the **** and devil, sweeping in all directions. At this time, the corpse of the **** and devil spread all the anger on other people, especially those barbarian kings, who let them leave the corpse of the **** and demon. Recently, they have had the mark of the origin of destruction that disgusted them again. They immediately endured the anger of the corpse of this **** and devil. The powerful aura instantly made them hurt and hurt. The original backlash caused the damage, and How serious!

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