God of Destruction

Chapter 3922: Ignorance

Chapter 3922: Ignorance

"Damn it is this **** human kid. If it weren't for this ant, how could our plan fail, how could we suffer such a terrible loss? Today, no matter how great the price is paid, he will be broken to pieces, to be relieved. Hate!" The many barbarian kings who were severely injured stared at Xing Tian with murderous aura.

At this time, for these barbarian kings, they had forgotten the threat of the corpses of the gods and demons, and forgotten the many powerful men of the human race, they only had Xingtian in their eyes, because they ended up in such a fate because of the gift of Xingtian! Of course, in this anger, they also have a trace of ambition, that is Xing Tian's original treasure. If they can seize the original treasure in Xing Tian's hands, the previous loss can still be made up. After all, the treasure that can suppress the corpse of the gods and demons is very rare!

"Those stupid savages came to Xingtian. This time things are a bit bad. If the conspiracy of these savages is allowed to succeed, our trouble will be big. Those **** are obviously going to Xingtian's original treasure, otherwise They will not make such a crazy move at this time and under this situation. They are taking their lives as the last gamble!"

After seeing the behavior of the barbarian king, the many powerful men of the human race saw through the other's mind for the first time, but what about seeing through, they did not dare to prevent all this from happening, because they still had fear in their hearts, and the barbarian arrived. There is nothing to take care of now, they are already in desperate situation, so they can do nothing, but these many human race powerhouses are different, they are not targeted by the corpses of the gods and demons, and do not need to bear the gods and demons. The horrible pressure of the corpse, and if they took a big shot at Xingtian at this time, or even stood up to stop the barbarian king’s actions, then everything would be different. They are likely to be calculated by the barbarian king, and by the gods and demons. Focus on the corpse!

"Damn, these savages are really damn, they have seen through that we dare not act rashly, so at this time, under this situation, we will attack frantically and make the last fight. Once they succeed, all the crisis will disappear. The benefits of "will fall into their hands, and the threat of the corpses of gods and demons will no longer exist!"

In the eyes of these strong human races, once the barbarian king snatched the original treasure from Xingtian's hands, he could suppress the corpses of the gods and demons. Even the worst would be able to protect themselves. In their eyes, suppress the original treasures of the corpses of the gods and demons. Out, this extremely powerful corpse of the gods and demons will be suppressed, and the current situation will be reversed instantly!

I have to say that these strong human races are still too self-righteous, and they overestimate the power of a treasure of origin. Even if Xing Tian has mastered the treasure of the Dao of Poison, even if he can exert his greatest power, he can no longer suppress his immediate presence. This corpse of the gods and demons, the resurrected corpses of the gods and demons, even if there is no wisdom, only instinct is left, it is not something they can suppress, nor is it a treasure that can be suppressed, after all, no one can regain this The original treasure of the Poison Avenue is inserted back on the body of the corpse of the **** and demon. With their power, not to mention hurting the other party, even the most basic defense cannot be broken. This is the realm and strength. The gap, this gap makes them completely desperate!

Regrettably, no matter whether it is the strong human race or the barbarian king, they don’t think so. In their hearts they think that as long as they have the original treasure, they can get rid of the current crisis and can deter the corpse of the **** and devil in front of them. Able to get out of trouble, get rid of this terrible death crisis, and regain a new life.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Xing Tian is not a fool, and he will not stand there waiting for these barbaric kings and human powers to put pressure on him. When the ten directions are destroyed, Xing Tian has already done it. After making all-out preparations, before these barbarian kings rushed in front of him, a phantom appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and he instantly became weird, as if he existed between reality and emptiness, giving people a very vague appearance. feel!

"Damn it, this is the power of time and space. This ant has actually mastered the power of time and space, putting himself between reality and reality, in time and space. No wonder he dares to be so arrogant and dare to do it right with us!" Seeing this sudden change , The look of the many barbarian kings changed drastically. The anger in their hearts suddenly reached the extreme. They were calculated by an ant that they didn’t like, and in the end there was no way to use the other party. This feeling made them very painful. !

"Little devil, do you really think we can't kill you? Are you really able to ignore our existence when you are in time and space? The power of time and space is not invincible. This is a secret world, and the power of time and space will be infinitely weakened. , How long can you hold on to such a situation? Just hand over the treasure of origin if you think about it, and we can let you have a way of life!" Many barbarian kings stared at Xing Tian gloomily, their endless anger almost made them lose their minds!

"Hmph, come and bite me if you have the ability. It's ignorant and stupid to want Xing Tian to give up with a ridiculous remark. Do you think you can represent the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth? Can you rule everything!" Xing Tian sneered disdainfully. He didn't care about the threats of these barbarians, because Xing Tian is already in an invincible place. Even if the power of time and space cannot completely prevent the barbarian king from attacking him, Xing Tian can still use the city of time and space. Power enters the long river of time and space. In the long river of time and space, Xing Tian doesn't think these people can threaten him!

However, for Xing Tian, ​​it is impossible not to expose the city of time and space on his body. After all, this kind of treasure is too eye-catching. The consequences of this original treasure are really unimaginable, even the corpse of the **** and devil in front of him. There may be abnormal changes, which will plunge oneself into a more terrible crisis. The power of gods and demons will always make Xingtian have to be careful!

"The power of time and space, it seems that we all look down on Xing Tian as a junior. He also masters the power of time and space, and he can integrate himself into the fault of time and space. Without strong enough power, it is impossible to threaten his life. This kid really got an extraordinary little power in the land of chance. He can integrate himself into the origin of the secret world in such a short time. The inheritance he has got is really amazing!" See Xingtian's At the time of the change, the strong men of the human race were enthusiastic about it, but they all understood how safe Xing Tian is now!

auzw.com"Can’t let this kid go all the way. If he is given enough time to grow up, we will never have the opportunity to get the inheritance we want from him. I don’t think anyone is willing to accept this. As a result, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. If we miss this opportunity, we really have no chance of detachment. Even if we can enter the highest chaotic world, we still exist like ants. In front of those big forces, We are not worth mentioning!"

Regarding the changes in the supreme chaotic world and the changes in the realm battlefield world, these human race powerhouses still know something. No matter how concealed by those who descend, as long as there is a slight abnormality, these powerhouses hidden in the dark will be aware of it. , Many Adventers are self-righteous, thinking that only they have mastered the greatest secrets of this world, but they don’t know that when they are arrogant, those forces that really hide the deepest have noticed this great change in the world and already know the realm battlefield world. One by one, they are frantically looking for ways to change their own destiny.

The barbarians have paid such a high price. They will know nothing about the changes in the realm battlefield world, and will they not know that after the end of the world catastrophe, the realm battlefield world will merge into the highest chaos world? No, they wouldn't be ignorant. If they really knew nothing, how could they be so crazy, letting go of the whole race's luck.

"Can't let Xingtian retreat all over? It's easy to say, do you think we can do it? With such power, we still need to be so helpless. Don't look at everything with that superior eye, don't look at yourself. How important is it? Since the beginning, we have been wrong and self-righteous. We were first calculated by the barbarians and trapped in a great array of extinction. If it weren’t for Xingtian’s accident, we would already be Ten deaths and no life, now you think that Xing Tian is just an ant that can be suppressed at your fingertips. When will you be able to truly recognize the situation in front of you and not be so arrogant!"

At this moment, a strong human race who has always been low-key finally couldn't help the anger in his heart, and said disdainfully, in his opinion, these companions around him are really ignorant and arrogant, even if they are all here. At this level, he still hasn't changed his superior mentality, and he still looks at everything with an overhead attitude. In his opinion, this is self-defeating!

"Asshole, how do you speak, is it possible that you are in collusion with the junior Xingtian, and at this time you actually help this junior!"

Suddenly hearing such an unpleasant voice, these many human race powerhouses had a rebellious mentality for the first time, and immediately wanted to find an excuse to kill this **** bastard, and give him a top of such a big one. The hat is that suitable!

"Hmph, ignorance, stupidity, at this time, there is still no improvement, and you are still so self-righteous. You can really make this secret world your paradise, let you freely plunder. , Don’t give him time to grow up, do you have this ability? That kid is a person who should be robbed. Can those who should be robbed can be handled by those who have already fallen? If you want to do it, don’t pull the human race. Come on, I don’t want the luck of the human race to be damaged because of you, and your ignorance will ruin the great cause of the human race!"

Human Race? Is this unusually low-key strong man really so selfless? Does everything really focus on the great cause of the human race? No, this is not the case. The reason why he used such righteousness to suppress people naturally has his own ideas and goals. Although Xingtian has great opportunities, he also has great cause and effect, great karma, and it is not a good thing to attack Xingtian. If you are not careful, you will be entangled in the calamity, and you will be dragged into this crazily extreme calamity. They are all people who have already fallen and should not have appeared in this era. At this time, they will be added by cause and effect. Body, I'm afraid it will die without life.

How terrible is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, how dangerous is the person who should be robbed, others don't know, would a strong man like him not know it? Xing Tian can walk freely in this terrible catastrophe, can ignore the threat of the corpse of the **** and devil, can make himself retreat, but these people can have such luck, can they do this?

No, they can’t do it. Just look at the **** barbarian kings in front of them, and you will know that confronting the people who should be robbed, the consequences will be disastrous. It hasn’t been long before the two parties have been grieving, and the great battle of all directions has been shattered. The pressure of the corpse of the gods and demons has already caused a nearly devastating blow to it, and if it goes further, I am afraid it will be dead.

"Weakness, cowardice, endless years have made your ambition absent, let your fighting will dissipate, even a small junior is so timid and afraid to fight, what qualifications do you have to stand here? Come to compete for this great opportunity, great luck, what about the person who should be robbed, as long as we are willing to work together, we can still take him down, this is a great disaster, but this is not our original world, but a secret world , The power of heaven and earth is not suppressing us much!"

Is this really the case, the secret world can really suppress the qi of heaven and earth, and can ignore such people as Xingtian? No, no one dared to really do this, and no one dared to do it. He really had to have such an idea. It is definitely already entangled in the tribulation of heaven and earth, already trapped in the great tribulation, and no chance to get out of the great tribulation again. The secret death who retired all over!

It's not worth fighting against a mortal person. Hearing what the other person said, the strong human race gently shook his head and said nothing. It is hard to persuade the **** ghost. Since the other person wants to die, he can say it. No matter how much it is, the other party can’t listen to it. Now that he has expressed his attitude, even if the human luck is affected by the person’s ignorance, it will not cause too much impact on himself. After all, his attitude lies in There, he has already taken the initiative!

People don’t serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. I have already said what I should say. Now the other party can hear it or not. How many people are so ignorant that they don’t have much to do with them. They just need to be quiet. Waiting, waiting is also a test!

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