God of Destruction

Chapter 3923: Secret of the World

Chapter 3923: The Secret of the World

There is nothing more refreshing than watching the enemy perish by himself. Someone is so ignorant, why should he stop him from seeking death. After gently shook his head, the strong human race stopped talking, but looked at everything with cold eyes. The dispute was very short, but in this short time, the human race also separated a new team, and the radicals couldn’t wait to rush forward, rushing into the void between Xingtian and the barbarians, and seizing this. For the “great chance”, for those who are silent, they keep calm and don’t make any expressions. For them, there is only one idea and that is to wait and wait for the result of this war. Of course, there are some people who are uncertain. , They looked a little dazed and didn't know how to choose.

At this time, in this situation, radicals are dangerous, but these undecided people are even more stupid, because their trance is more irresponsible to themselves, they are eager to seize opportunities, but they don’t have that. I have the courage and dare not give it a go. Such a mentality can't go far in this dangerous catastrophe. In the catastrophe of heaven and earth, indecision is the most undesirable. You can escape the momentary danger. Can't hide from the final verdict!

Is Xing Tian so easy to start? In the eyes of many people, Xing Tian is just a junior, an ant-like junior, and a junior who can easily kill, but if you really think so, that is the performance of ignorance and stupidity, really like the human race powerhouse who spoke before, They can all clearly feel the danger in Xing Tian. It is not the oppression or danger caused by strength to themselves, but the instinctive perception of the soul, and this awareness makes them not dare to underestimate Xing Tian, ​​whether it comes from The identity of Xingtian's robbed person still comes from other influences, which is enough to explain the danger of Xingtian!

"Perhaps Xingtian’s identity is not as simple as what you can see right now. Even if the person who should be robbed is protected by the source of heaven and earth, even if he has great luck, he will not have such a calm mind, and he will not ignore those things. The threat of the barbarian, the terrible threat from the daring barbarian without vision, this shows that Xingtian has a trump card that no one knows. Perhaps Xingtian is also a descendant, even if he does not have the breath of a descendant, otherwise he is a living for a long time. The reincarnated reincarnation of the far strong, even if his strength is weak now, his vision is still arrogant, and he still doesn't take those savages into his heart!"

"By the way, Xingtian has a treasure of origin like the City of Thunder Punishment on his body. He can master the power of thunder punishment, and with such a weak force, he can subdue a powerful treasure like the City of Thunder Punishment. Could it be that he is ancient? The reincarnation of Thunder Punishment can truly explode all the power of Thunder Punishment City. It is precisely because he has such a hole card that he has no vision of the threat of barbarians, dare to confront these **** barbarian kings head-on? If so, this time. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is really dangerous!"

An ancient **** reincarnated in the reincarnation, appeared in the final catastrophe of this realm battlefield world. What does this show? It shows that those ancient strong men who disappeared in the long river of years are likely to return against the sky, with the help of the ultimate heaven and earth. Jie wants to live again, step directly into the highest chaos world, and complete his transformation.

"Damn it, if there is a reincarnation of ancient gods and demons, is it possible that all the strong men who died in the world before will be able to recover, and those ancient descendants will also return. If so, the whole world is afraid that it will welcome Here comes a more terrifying and cruel and dangerous calamity. This ultimate calamity will be a terrifying showdown!"

When I thought of this, the strong man who thought he had seen the secrets of the world couldn't help but gasped. This was really terrifying. Once things were as I thought, the opening of the secret world was just to open the tribulation. The big screen, more terrifying and cruel battles are yet to come. When this happens, there will be no more peace in the whole world. All ethnic civilizations will usher in a terrible **** battle. The war is also the most terrifying and bloody!

"Damn it, it's no wonder the barbarian king is so crazy. Perhaps in the ancient times, the barbarian sacrifices had already passed through the sacrificial avenue of heaven and earth, and got the information of the final catastrophe of the battlefield world in this domain, and even let them live in the endless years. After enduring it for so long, it has condensed such a powerful and boundless array of ten directions and annihilation. All this is their premeditated! The barbarians still have such preparations, such calculations, can it be other The racial civilization will not have the same means, and the human race will not be aware of it. This is not terrible. If so, the secrets hidden in this world are really terrible!"

Ants, chess pieces! For an instant, those strong men who thought they had seen everything could not help but shudder, and were shocked by their terrifying thoughts. They originally thought they were strong men on the top of the world, but they did not think they were still Too self-righteous, too arrogant, in the eyes of those ancient powerhouses hiding in the dark, those powerhouses who have mastered the secrets of the real world, is just a bigger ant, just a chess piece!

"Asshole, how can this be? If so, I am afraid that my situation is not much better than those of the younger generations. When exposed to the eyes of those insidious assholes, the consequences will be unthinkable. Once these **** look at them, I will be in great trouble. !" The more you think, the more terrifying, the more you think, the more you feel that your situation is very dangerous, and even these people begin to doubt whether the opening of the secret world is also the layout of the other party, and whether all this is in the calculation of the other party. .

"How can this be? How can the situation be so sinister. If all this is as I guess, whether it is a barbarian or another race, there are unimaginable assassins, and the human race's fortune is even more so. In this way, every dynasty means that there is a martial art behind the supreme chaotic world. If so, all this is really terrifying!"

There are indeed many changes in the fortunes of the human race in the realm battlefield world, but do they really have a big sect behind them? No, it can only be said that these are not strong in the fortune and do not know the truth of the matter. Speaking of the entire world of the battlefield, there is only one school behind the fortune. No matter how the fortune changes, they have no background. Has changed. Why is this, because whenever the fortune loses control, that is, when the fortune is destroyed, the new martial power will regain control of the human fortune, and this time it is the same, but only the end of the human fortune catches up with the final The world of disaster!


Whenever a fortune dynasty forgets its past and forgot what power it was built with, what awaits them is shattered, and a new power will replace them, and this time the heaven and earth catastrophe should be the same. It’s just an accident. The entire Supreme Chaos World has changed, and the realm battlefield world has also undergone new changes, so that the realm battlefield world can be integrated into the Supreme Chaos world, so this battle for the dynasty has also emerged. New changes, as to whether this change is good or bad, no one knows, everything is unknown, maybe only those who are hiding in the dark will really know about it!

Who is the chess player? For these people in front of me, I don’t know, at least they are not. They are also a chess piece in the opponent's hand. Being a chess piece makes them very angry but helpless. This is the general trend, and they cannot resist. , Even if they can see through the secrets of this catastrophe and know the horror hidden in the dark, but they have no way to change it, as if destiny has already destined them to be just pawns!

"No, I can't just confess my fate and lose in this way. Although the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is destruction, it is also a rebirth. There is a ray of life in the Great Tribulation. Even if I am still a pawn, I have already seen the greatest secret in the world. It is my advantage and the foundation for me to break away from my destiny. As long as I am willing to continue to fight, I can naturally break a blood path. No one can control my destiny, and those who play chess can not do it. If I miss this opportunity, think again. It is very difficult to change destiny. After all, once the two worlds merge, everything will change qualitatively, and the whole world will merge into the new environment!"

What is the environment waiting for everyone? Will it be the world held by the human race? These people don’t know, because everything is unknown, everything will change, just like the madness of the barbarians, they attacked so at all costs, for what it is, not for the integration of the world, for the future survival, they dare In doing so, there must be the ability to reverse everything. Even the barbarians have this kind of strength. Wouldn't those human chess players who hide deeper have such ability?

Everyone shook their heads secretly in their hearts. They would not be so stupid as to have such thoughts. If everything is like this, what is the current fortune? What is the shattered fortune? What is the matter with the strong human emperor, the emperors of the past may only become abandoned children, because they have forgotten their identity and the kindness of the year.

"Opportunity, perhaps the integration of this world is the greatest opportunity for us people, perhaps we should have a good talk with those who have descended, maybe we can re-choose our own way of living and find ourselves a better background!"

In an instant, some smart people thought of their new way out. There may be great opportunities in the place of opportunity, but this catastrophe is also a great opportunity, a great opportunity to choose their own background. If they can do it, even After the world merges, there is no need to worry about survival in the future, or worry about your own future!

inherited! The many forces in these realm battlefields actually have their own forces behind them, and they all have their own backings. It is just that endless years have passed. Many forces have long forgotten their origins, or even already. They have betrayed their origin. Under such circumstances, their original identities have already become a threat to themselves, so under such circumstances, it is normal for them to make new choices.

When everyone’s minds are reborn and thinking about their own future, when the barbarians continue to pressure and threaten Xingtian without knowing it, this secret world is still running fast, and will not stop due to their actions. , The corpse of the terrifying **** and demon quickly awoke from his anger, no longer tantrums madly, lost the trace of the giant chaos beast, and could not find the breath of the enemy he hated at the beginning, this **** and demon The corpse can only relocate to new enemies, and the aura of destruction on those savages is targeted by it. As the gods and demon of life, they naturally hate the origin of destruction.

With a loud bang, this huge corpse of the gods and demons moved. It only moved slightly, and the whole void was like glass, completely shattered. The barbarian kings who were threatening Xingtian instantly Dumbfounded, they can clearly feel the hostility from the corpse of this **** and devil!

In an instant, the look of these barbarian kings changed drastically, and they were stared at by such terrifying and terrifying corpses of gods and demons. Is there still a way for them to survive? Fortunately, this time the corpse of the gods and demons is only hostile, not the killing intent. Otherwise, with a light touch, these hard-hit kings will be wiped out, and no one can withstand the killing intent from the corpse of the gods and demons!

"Damn, I knew that the original aura of destruction on our body would attract the hostility of the corpse of the **** and devil. Now we are in a big trouble. We have become the ant's substitute for the dead, and we have blocked this catastrophe for him! Run for your life, run as far as you can, one person who can escape is one person, and now we really have no chance!"

When the situation reached this point, when they were completely targeted by the corpses of the gods and demons, all the barbarian kings no longer had a glimmer of hope. Even if the spot could grab the original treasure from Xingtian, it would really be able to suppress this statue. The horrible and terrifying corpse of the gods and demons? If they can't do it, will they anger the other party more, and will they let themselves die faster! Instead of pinning that hope on gambling that you don't know, you don't want to take control of your own destiny, run for your own lives, and live and die by your own luck!

Fleeing, fleeing from the corpse of a **** and devil, even if the corpse of the **** and devil only has instinct, it is not something they can do. When the hostility of the corpse of the **** and devil appears, the void has been affected by that. The origin of the powerful life avenue is solidified. If you want to escape from here, you must first have the power to tear apart the origin domain of the life **** and devil's corpse, and they simply don't have such strength!

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