God of Destruction

Chapter 3924: Refining Planet

Chapter 3924: Refining Planet

What is the corpse of this **** and devil doing? It solidifies the void and prevents all creatures from leaving this weird place. Could it be that it has already generated new wisdom, already knows how to hunt for creatures, and even absorb nutrients from the souls of everyone present to strengthen the wisdom of its novice? If this is the case, the result would be terrible. It’s no big deal to die in battle. The soul can be reincarnated as long as the soul is still alive, but if one’s soul is swallowed by the corpse of this **** and devil, then it’s really a complete death, never again. There is a slight possibility of resurrection, no one thinks that they have the ability to resist the swallowing of this **** and devil's corpse!

"Damn it, what is it going to do, can its instincts make it impossible to resuscitate its already dead soul?" When seeing this weird change, the hearts of many barbarian kings were terrified, their first time I thought of the most terrible scenario, fearing that the corpse of this **** and devil has that evil power, which can swallow the souls of other creatures to revive my soul. Although this sounds incredible and unbelievable, it is not in the world of cultivation. What's impossible, such sorcery secrets have never been uncommon, and the instinct of the corpse of gods and demons is not a great event!

The most important thing is that when facing the corpse of the **** and devil, these barbarian kings can clearly feel the huge vitality on the other party's body, and feel that the corpse of the **** and devil is really recovering, it is the revival of life. , This can’t help but make them think things more terrifying. Will the corpse of this **** and devil have been left behind by the ancient life gods and demon of that year, and can let themselves from the endless death, from that Resurrected from the long river of time and space to this era.

Nothing is impossible in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. For those Shenma who truly mastered the origin of the Great Dao, no matter how many backhands they would not think, especially in front of him is the corpse of a **** and demon who is truly revived. No matter how weird it is, no matter how terrible the power appears from its body, it is nothing, there is nothing to doubt, the power of ancient gods and demons is always so mysterious, always so terrible, so terrifying, and even cruel!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Even people like these ‘ants’ are afraid when facing death, and will do everything they can to change the entanglement of fate. With the terrifying power of the past, the gods and demons who control the great avenue of heaven and earth will not have a back hand? If their bodies had already been destroyed, perhaps that thread of vitality had really been cut off, but the corpse of the life **** and demon in front of them was retained, and when it lost its suppression, it was resurrected by the terrible source of vitality. !

"Damn, the worst has happened. We really have to face a terrible enemy. It is to devour the flesh and blood of all of us, even our souls!" A barbarian king who was out of balance due to fear couldn't help but lose his power. Shouting, facing death once is nothing, he can withstand the pressure of death, but facing such a terrible death shock again and again, no matter how firm his mind is, he will be affected by that time and time again. The impact was overwhelmed, and now he is like this!

"Human bastards, what are you waiting for? Don’t take it soon. If we fall, don’t think about it. If the corpse of the **** and devil is resurrected, everyone will become his nourishment. The same is true of you. Now we only have to join hands. Only to break the game!"

A barbarian king frantically yelled at those strong human races who are sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight, wanting to use the power of many strong human races to break the game, even if it can’t break the game, it’s best to lighten oneself. After all, all the pressures are borne by them alone. This shock is really terrible!

Hearing the roar of the barbarian king, the expressions of many powerful humans in the human race are constantly changing. Many people are worried about it, but they really have to take action to resolve the crisis and share the pressure for these barbarian kings. Few people will do this. Stupid, because they don’t care about the life and death of these savages. All they care about is the treasures of Xingtian. Even in the hearts of those radicals, as long as they can seize the original treasure in Xingtian's hands, the corpse of the **** of life is unbearable. hit!

What makes them so self-confident and so self-righteous, is it because the tribulation of heaven and earth has affected their minds, or is there another reason? Speaking of all the reasons, the biggest reason lies in Xing Tian himself. In the eyes of many human experts, Xing Tian clearly has the ability to escape from this strange planet and get rid of this life **** and demon. Threats, but did not do so. Instead, the misfortune was passed on to the barbarian, and he himself still stayed here very plainly. If Xingtian didn’t have the confidence to block the corpse of the **** and demon, they wouldn’t I would believe that, and what can give Xing Tian such confidence is naturally the source treasure that Xing Tian obtained from the land of chance, the source treasure that suppressed the corpse of this **** and demon!

I have to say that the imagination of these powerful human races is too rich, and there are too many things in Lenovo. They all overestimated Xingtian's ability. Why did Xingtian not leave in a hurry, just like the previous barbarian king, in order to save Shifang The formation of Jumie Grand Formation broke through the void directly. It was not that Xing Tian was confident that he could retreat under the attack of the corpse of this **** and devil, but that Xing Tian did not have that power. Your own consumption is much more terrifying than these people think. If Xingtian is allowed to continue, it will completely squeeze the potential of Xingtian, hurt the foundation of Xingtian, and even affect your own practice. It is not a last resort. Xing Tian would not do this, after all, things weren't so bad that they could not be mastered!

Speaking of it, Xing Tian also wants to take this opportunity to explore the world’s original will power, explore the true situation of this great catastrophe, learn more ancient secrets, and suppress the corpse of the life **** and devil in front of him. Xing Tian is not full. But if he wants to escape, Xing Tian still has a little confidence. After all, it is easier to escape than to fight!

Of course, for Xing Tian, ​​what he most wants to know is when the corpse of this **** and devil continues to grow, recover, and even resurrect completely, what will the original will of the world between heaven and earth react? The body of the corpse of the **** and demon is resurrected, and even a new soul is born, becoming a new born ancient **** and demon?


Only by knowing more can one be able to master more secrets and make the best choice. In such a terrifying and terrifying world and earth disaster, any carelessness will put oneself in desperation. With more secrets of heaven and earth, oneself will be able to get more gains in the coming end of the catastrophe!

With these many thoughts in his heart, Xing Tian still stood quietly in the void, watching all this in front of him, watching every move of the corpse of this **** and demon, and feeling every change in the other person. For practitioners like Xing Tian, ​​every change in the corpse of this life **** and devil has a huge effect, and it will bring a good reference to his physical practice. You must know that this is a true ancient **** and devil. The top strongest of the era.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian’s current realm is still too low, and his own strength is too weak, and the changes he can see are very limited. It is impossible to completely resurrect every change in the body of the life **** and demon into his mind. , Even during this change, Xing Tian received less than one ten-thousandth, but even so, Xing Tian still has huge gains, as long as he has enough time and sufficient energy and blood, It can make the body transformed again!

Of course, the prerequisite of this transformation is that the gains from the life gods and demons will not be suppressed by the battlefield world of this realm, will not become the object of the will of heaven and earth, or the fruit will still be dangerous! Even if Xing Tian himself went against the sky, he did not want to put himself under more pressure at this time, and be stared at by the will of heaven and earth again. After all, he has too many secrets and too many too many secrets. Many causes and effects, each cause and effect is enough to bring terrible consequences to yourself!

"Come on, let this storm come more violently, and let all the secrets of this secret world be revealed, life **** and devil, I hope you don't let me down, I believe that even if you die, you have enough The means stay, let me see what your ultimate means is, how can you resurrect from the endless river of time and space, from the endless death!"

In Xing Tian’s heart, he also had the same thoughts as those barbarians, and he also believed that the life **** and demon must have left a resurrection back hand for him, and everything in front of him was just the beginning of the other party’s resurrection, once the life **** and demon back hand Really opened, the entire secret world will tremble for it, and the resurrection of an ancient **** and demon that existed in the last era will surely cause the entire secret world to collapse, and all the power hidden in this secret world will be revealed one by one. !

In this forbidden place, Xing Tian saw the corpse of the life **** and demon, the source and treasure of the time and space **** and the god, the source and treasure of the poison **** and demon, and even the existence of the chaotic pool. The secrets of the world are so terrible, Xing Tian wouldn’t think that what he saw was everything in the secret world. I’m afraid there are still more secrets hidden here, more secrets from the previous era, and even the many gods of the previous era. The resurrection method of the strong demon!

"No, we are wrong. The goal of the corpse of this life **** and demon is not entirely us. Its goal is the entire world. It is devouring the entire planet, even the many voids where this planet is located. Transform the world, condense the origin of the world, **** it, we can't let it succeed, or everyone will die without a place to bury!"

Refining the world, refining the planet? When he heard these words, Xing Tian's expression was terrible, and a trace of amazement gradually appeared on his face. He really had to look away this time. The corpse of this life **** and demon was so terrifying that he had never thought of it. I originally thought that the corpse of the **** and demon was only aimed at the barbarians, but I was wrong. This corpse of the **** and demon was not aimed at the barbarians, but aimed at the entire planet. It was refining the entire planet, and the previous performance was nothing. Just cover up!

"Asshole, I was actually teased by a corpse of a **** and devil that was already dead. It was a big joke. This corpse of a **** and devil was able to hide from my mind and refining silently. The planet, without being noticed by me, is this the true power of the powerful gods and demons in the last epoch? Is this their scary thing?"

Feeling the changes of the planet, feeling the changes in the void around him, Xing Tian could not help but cast a shadow on his head. Things were far more terrifying than he thought, and he still underestimated the previous era. God and demon, a life **** and demon who has long been dead still has such power. The city of time and space where he has been refined, the path of poison he has collected, the source of the treasure, and the chaotic pool of good fortune really have no hidden dangers, their masters really have Has long since disappeared, completely disappeared in the long river of time and space, completely destroyed by the power of time, is there no longer a trace of resurrection?

Worry! At this moment, Xing Tian couldn’t help but feel endless worries in his heart. The more he understood, the more he discovered his weakness and ignorance. If the corpse of this life **** and demon could completely refine the planet , Is it really able to revive the power of its original world? Is it really possible to transform this planet into the world and integrate it into the dead body, becoming the new power of the resurrection of the gods and demons, the power of the world?

No one can give Xingtian an answer. Xingtian himself is not sure about all this, but one thing is certain. Although this life **** and demon is the **** and demon who masters the path of life, it is not kind and has no compassion. Otherwise, it will not refining the entire planet so madly. If the planet is refined, will the creatures on this planet have any good results? This is impossible. Once the planet is completely refined, all life on the planet will become the nourishment of the life gods and demons. Life is completely controlled by the resurrected life gods and demons, and there is no possibility of turning over again. !

"Damn it, it's true. This dead corpse of the **** and devil is refining the planet. No wonder it used to attack the barbarians so madly. This is not just because of the chaotic monster and its It is the enemy of life and death, and more importantly, the existence of the ten directions will affect its refining and refinement of the planet, and the prohibition on this place of opportunity will be completely broken, I am afraid it is also because their existence will affect it. The refining of the corpse of the **** and devil on the planet!" For an instant, some human experts were frightened and uneasy. They were afraid that they would become the nourishment for the corpse of the **** and devil!

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