God of Destruction

Chapter 3926: Sentiment

The third thousand nine hundred and twenty-sixth chapter perception

Life and death are determined by the heart. This is the essence of cultivation and the mentality of cultivation. Unfortunately, these human race powerhouses have worn away their original character in endless years. They have too many considerations in their hearts. I have long forgotten what practice is. The path of practice has never been smooth sailing. It is always accompanied by **** winds. At this time, under such circumstances, what else do they have to hesitate and what else to care about? What's easy to consider, when the crisis of life and death appears, they have only one way to survive, and that is to follow their hearts and wading out of this crisis a **** road of their own!

Yes, it is a **** road. In the crisis, it is impossible to go smoothly. If you want to survive, you can only kill, the barbarians, other companions, and even the corpse of the life **** and demon in front of them should not be their concerns. , Should not be taken into consideration for their advancement, even if it is death, they must die on the way to charge. This is the key to breaking the game. Any waiting is a burden for them, it is a heavy pressure, waiting The longer they are, the more disadvantaged they are. After all, they don’t have Xingtian's methods, and they don’t have Xingtian’s powerful source and treasure to protect themselves, and they have come for chance from start to finish. They are completely different from Xingtian. At this time, they shouldn’t Hesitate!

Watching the changes, those who are calm may be able to feel the changes in the life avenue from the life gods and devils, and feel the cultivation of the gods and devils, even if they can only get a little fur, it is also good for them. Gain, but this kind of gain is sacrificing one's own time, it is the time to resurrect the corpse of the **** of life. If the body of the life **** and demon is fully resurrected and the planet is refined, it is really dead and no life. Putting hope on external forces is itself irresponsible to oneself and is gambling with one's own life. The choice is not something a practitioner should have!

The world changes, time passes, as the years pass, all creatures will change, and these human race powerhouses are also the same. Now they are all no longer as brave as they were in the past, and perhaps they still have a hard-to-separate race in their hearts. Friendship, but apart from racial civilization, they can no longer afford a bit of enthusiasm. All they think about is self-protection. They did not expect to take the initiative in this earth-shattering change, grasp the general trend, and seize the front line with their own strength. Vitality, step into the new world again, into the mysterious world of supreme chaos!

Xing Tian didn’t care about the situation of the strong humans in the human race. Now, in Xing Tian’s eyes, there is only the corpse of the life **** and demon. Xing Tian is doing his best to get more from the resurrection of the life **** and demon. Secretly, the more ancient gods and demons refining methods he obtains, the more Xing Tian feels that there is a huge gap in his physical path and huge flaws, even if he is reincarnation, using the power of reincarnation to make his physical qualifications more buried One step, but compared with the real gods and demons, it is still too far away. The power displayed by my own physical system and life gods and demons is a world of difference!

"A powerful, powerful physical secret realm, such a powerful physical power, and a terrifying source of blood. The ancient gods and demons of the last era have their own unimaginable background. I used to learn from this life **** and demons and the poison. The inheritance obtained from the trace of information left by the gods and demons is really vulnerable. Perhaps that inheritance and information is also a trap, another game they deliberately set, if they really have to embark on the inheritance left by them The road, maybe there is no chance to stand up again!"

After learning more about the power of life gods and devils, Xing Tian's heart was also cast a shadow. He was very vigilant about these gods and devils of the last era. The inheritance that he got when he first came into contact with life gods and devils had great flaws. I have to make Xing Tian suspect that this is a game. Even the life **** and devil who died accidentally still have such terrible traps and such terrible layout, and the time and space city that he has been forged by his own blood, he has obtained. Will there be no hidden dangers from other original treasures?

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder again. This world is more dangerous than he thought. Every step is filled with endless crises. Fortunately, he has not been tempted by that power, and has not given up his own practice. The road, otherwise, once you embark on such a road, it is the real road to death, the road to despair.

"Tao is still my own good. Only my own Dao is the most suitable for me. The Dao of others is never desirable. No matter how strong the inheritance is, it is not suitable for me. In any case, this experience made me completely pass on those gods and demons. If you die, you can only learn from their strength and realize your own way from it. This is the best way!"

Xing Tian was able to think so, and to do so. This was a great thing. In this action, Xing Tian gained too much, and he also endured huge temptations. Is the inheritance of Time and Space Great? Strong, isn't Xing Tian tempted? The heart is moved, but the heart is moved back to the heart. This is passed on but cannot be practiced, because Xing Tian doesn't know if there is any hidden danger in this inheritance!

"Integration, maybe I should choose the way of fusion, integrating the city of time and space, the city of thunder and punishment, and even the original treasure of the avenue of poison. Maybe this can completely resolve all hidden dangers and prevent myself from Threatened by that hidden danger, it seems that I have completely refined these two original treasures, but with my ability, can my realm really eliminate all the hidden dangers in this original treasure? I'm afraid it's not necessarily the case. There will definitely be many secrets in the power gap that I have not noticed, and I have been careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. In the face of such a dangerous catastrophe, I can't be too careful!"

Suffering from repeated shocks, his ideas were overthrown time and time again, so Xing Tian had to be cautious, no matter how good the city of time and space, the city of thunder and punishment, but this is not the original treasure of his sacrifice, he will stay The power of the original master really wants to master them, only to re-melt them, and only in this way can we completely eliminate all hidden dangers, and be able to truly brand this original treasure and become its own original treasure.

auzw.com The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. It is not easy to do this. It is very difficult for Xingtian, and the price to be paid is also terrifying , At least for now, he doesn’t have the qualifications, the fusion of the original treasure, and the fusion of the avenue of thunder and the avenue of time and space, it’s even more difficult, not to mention that Xing Tian intends to make the avenue of poison in his hands the original treasure. It is even more impossible to blend into it!

"Haha! I still think a little bit more. At this time, I think about fusing the original treasures and getting rid of hidden dangers. With my current strength, I can't do it at all. If I have to do it reluctantly, I will only end up in failure. I wasted my time and energy in vain. It’s not too late to consider this issue when my strength becomes stronger. The most important thing for me now is to improve my strength. Only when my strength improves can I face this terrible situation. Without strength, no matter how good the opportunity is, no matter how good the idea is, there is no possibility of realizing it. Strength is the foundation of everything!"

Yes, strength is the root of everything. Xing Tian finally did not lose his mind due to the momentary excitement. He chose the wrong direction. What is the source of the treasure? That is the performance of the Dao. With the current strength of Xing Tian, ​​he wants to combine two things. The fusion of the original treasures of different attributes is simply unrealistic, and it is not something Xing Tian can do. Unless there is a great opportunity, there is a great will to help Xing Tian wash the two source treasures, otherwise Xing Tian does not have such ability.

Dao Will is coming, if this really happens, I’m afraid Xing Tian is the first to be attacked. After all, Xing Tian walks against the sky. The chaos that destroys Dao’s origin is enough to make Dao Will angry, and it is enough to bring down terrible thunder punishment. As long as Xing Tian is not stupid and does not lose his mind, there will be no such crazy thoughts and will not do it.

Although time is very urgent for Xing Tian, ​​no matter how urgent it is, this is not the reason for Xing Tian to be impulsive, nor is it an excuse for Xing Tian to merge the two main sources. The time is tight and you can find other ways to solve it. You cannot risk your own life. Acting recklessly, after all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, courage is a good thing, but you can't act recklessly, and you can't understand the situation.

Waiting, for Xing Tian, ​​now there is only waiting, continue to watch this battle from the sidelines, get more information from the resurrection of the life gods and demons, get more secrets of the gods and demons, and then digest them bit by bit. Harvest, integrate it into your own physical practice, make your physical body go further, and make your bloodline more pure!

After recognizing himself and everything, Xing Tian no longer considers the Avenue of Time and Space, nor the Avenue of Thunder. The most important thing for him is the Avenue of Origin, the Avenue of Chaos Destruction and the Avenue of Chaos Good Fortune, Time and Space. No matter the avenue or the avenue of thunder, you need to put it down for the time being. These inheritances are already in your own hands. There is no need to rush to practice. When your strength becomes stronger, it is not too late to practice again when your realm is higher. .

If you can merge the Avenue of Chaos Destroy with the Avenue of Chaos for Goods, you can evolve the real ultimate Avenue of Chaos, you can naturally use the power of the Avenue of Ultimate Chaos to fuse the Avenue of Time and Space, and the Avenue of Thunder. There is no need to do it when you are weak. Distracted to practice, waste your time and energy, no matter how good the temptation is, it is only temptation. There is never a lack of such temptation on the road of practice. Facing temptation, you need to deal with it with peace of mind!

When Xing Tian understood himself once again, calmed down again, and was no longer affected by the temptations, his will and his soul unconsciously evolved one step further. Under such temptations, Xing Tian could still not Being moved and being able to understand clearly will naturally bring new transformations to the soul and will, but Xing Tian’s body is not enough to support the continued transformation of the soul and will, so this time the opportunity is suppressed, and most of the power of transformation Keep it in the body!

The physical body is the biggest restriction for Xing Tian. Without a strong enough physical body, even if Xing Tian uses opportunities to grow his will and soul again and again, he will still be restricted in the end. So for Xing Tian, ​​he needs to speed up now. The evolution of the physical body, but now Xing Tian does not have such ability, even if Xing Tian has obtained many benefits from the life gods and demons, but the inner world has affected the evolution of Xing Tian’s physical body. All the world's power in the world is used to refine the chaotic good fortune pool, to be precise, to swallow.

Caution This is Xingtian’s instinct. The inner world is no better than others. Once you miss it, the consequences will be unimaginable. You must know that the inner world can have all the background of Xingtian, with all the power of Xingtian, Xingtian cannot bear the price of inner world destruction. , The collapse of the inner world means that all living creatures in the world will be destroyed. This price is too terrifying. No matter how firm Xingtian’s will is, once such a situation occurs, his mind will be hit hard, even directly. Mind broken!

Cold-blooded and ruthless, this is just for outsiders, to his own people, Xingtian has always tried his best, not to mention that there are Xingtian's Taoists in the inner world, and even his own deity is worried that the source of blood refining will be hidden. The world tree clone of the inner world will not think that the chaotic good fortune pool has no hidden dangers. It wants to make it a part of the inner world than refining the chaotic good fortune pool. The world tree clone hopes to swallow it and turn it into its own nutrients.

The power of the inner world cannot be extracted, and this has a huge impact on Xingtian deity. Physical cultivation requires a huge source of origin. Only relying on its own source of power cannot meet the needs of physical transformation. You must know that Xingtian's background is too great. Deeper, the foundation is too strong. On this basis, if you want to take the physical body further, the origin is terrifying, and your own practice is not enough to do this! Of course, this is not absolute. If Xing Tian can have a great opportunity and obtain a huge source, he can also complete his own cultivation, but such an opportunity is too rare. If it exists, only this one is being refined by the life god. On the planet, only the weird beings on this planet can meet Xing Tian's needs.

Does Xingtian have such an opportunity? Can **** food from the mouth of the life **** and devil, and seize the source of this strange life? No, Xing Tian can't do it. It seems that this is a chance and there is a glimmer of hope. In fact, all of this is just an illusion. Xing Tian really has to do this, and he will only fall into the crisis of death!

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