God of Destruction

Chapter 3927: Dashed hope

Chapter 3927: Hope is Shattered

In the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, any opportunity looks wonderful, but behind this wonderfulness, there are endless dangers and endless crises. A little carelessness will directly ruin your life. This is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. Horror, no matter who is in the catastrophe, there is no absolute security, and safety in the catastrophe does not exist. If you want to survive in the catastrophe, you cannot rely on your own luck. Good luck can protect you. For a while, you can't protect your entire life. Only power can truly protect yourself. Only powerful power is the root of everything and is the basis for survival in the catastrophe.

It may be cruel to say that, with force theory, but the reality is so cruel and ruthless, maybe you have many companions, huge forces, powerful sects and races, but it is never these forces that determine your own survival, but yourself , Only one's own strength is the root of everything, after all, external forces are only external forces, so you can't be true! Just like the corpse of the terrifying life **** and devil in front of us, if the barbarian has enough power to destroy the more terrifying array of destruction in all directions and condense the more terrifying power of destruction, it will naturally be without fear of God. The threat of the devil, but they did not have such power, so they had the result as ordered, and they were suddenly plunged into a crisis of death.

Some people might think that all of these are Xingtian’s conspiracies and traps deliberately guided by Xingtian, but even so, in the end, the barbarians are not strong enough. If the previous human race is strong, they don’t have enough strength. , Once you encounter unexpected changes and a terrible crisis, you will directly plunge yourself into true despair, pin your life on external forces, on that ethereal luck, this Is undesirable! It is true that in the great disaster of heaven and earth, [.] luck is very important, but luck also needs strength as the foundation, and strength is the root of everything!

As the life gods and demons moved again, the whole world was trembling, everyone felt a terrible crisis, and the mentality of those who were very calm human race powerhouses gradually became unbalanced. The situation they expected was not It did not appear, that weird life did not emerge under the impact of the corpse of the life **** and devil, acting as a shield for everyone, as if it did not exist at all. Disappear without a trace!

"Damn it, how could this be? Where did the weird life go, why hasn't it appeared at this time? Could it be said that this weird life doesn't exist at all, or is it that it has already felt the danger and escaped?" With such a shocking change, the pressure is too great for the strong human races. They all count on external forces to help them solve the danger, but forget that relying on people is better than relying on themselves, and what they can do in the disaster Only rely on yourself!

"Trouble, our situation is in danger. If the **** weird life does not appear, we will fall into the passivity, how can such a powerful life disappear silently, what is going on? After the sudden appearance of this life **** and demon, what has happened to the world? Could it be that the life **** and devil’s corpse is so terrifying, letting the weird life escape directly? This is too unacceptable. It's ridiculous!"

Ridiculous? Can't accept it? But now this has almost become a reality. When it reaches this terrifying level, the strange life still does not appear, as if it is not in this world at all, as if it has already given up this place of opportunity and given up here. Everything, throw everything away, and run away alone!

In fact, the weird life has not escaped, and it has no ability to escape, because it has already been integrated with the planet. Leaving the planet means giving up its own life. The reason for the current situation is that this weird life has been integrated. Zero, spread yourself into every part of the planet, so that you have more chances of survival, instead of directly having a real life and death duel with the corpse of the life **** and devil, the same is true for this strange life Pin one's life on someone else's body, on external force, never thought of fighting to the death, a death duel with the corpse of the **** of life!

Giving up one's own power and pinning hopes on external forces, it must be said that it is also a kind of sorrow. Handing over the initiative is itself irresponsible to oneself, once the corpse of the **** of life completes the planet The refining, this powerful and weird life did not even have the opportunity to resist, so it was directly refined, which has become a big joke!

"Friends of Taoism, we can no longer pin our hopes on that emptiness and strange life, whether it will show up or not, now we need to break a blood path by ourselves. It is better to rely on people than on ourselves. Our plan has failed. Now is the time for us desperately to act. Even if we die, we must die with dignity. We cannot sit and wait for death!"

At this time, they chose to take action and choose to fight. Unfortunately, it is too late. If it is the beginning, the strong men of these human races can work together, let go of the grievances in their hearts, and unite with the kings of the barbarians. They still have a chance of life, because of that At that time, the corpse of the life **** and demon just recovered, and the strength of the body has not recovered, but after such a period of time, the power of the life **** and demon's corpse has been so powerful that it has exceeded the range that everyone can bear, they think To live, want to use your own power to break a **** road again, this is just a joke, a big joke!

Opportunity cannot be missed. Lost will never come. Everything has a ray of life. Whether it was the barbarians before, or the strong humans, they all have a ray of life, but they are all affected by the greed in their hearts and they are wasted. Opportunity, now they want to resist anymore, relying on their own strength to fight against the corpse of the life **** and devil whose strength has increased greatly, this has to be said to be a big joke!

Of course, things are not absolute, whether these human race powerhouses or barbarians kings, although they missed the initial opportunity to fight, but this does not mean that they are really dead in this world. , In this secret world, there is still a powerful force that has not been shot, they still have vitality, and this vitality needs the help of external forces!


What is this external force? It is the will of heaven and earth. When the corpse of the life **** and demon begins to resurrect, it is only the resurrection of the physical body. This is also a challenge for heaven and earth. Even if this is a secret world, it can shield external forces and block the breath of the secret world, but The resurrection of such a terrible **** and demon as the life **** and devil cannot be concealed. When the aura of the life **** and devil is strong enough to a certain extent, it will shock the will of heaven and earth. Then the will of heaven and earth will surely take action, and this is the chance for everyone to escape!

"It's terrible. The corpse of this **** life **** and devil is too terrible. This instinctive power is not something we can resist. Perhaps our previous choice was fundamentally wrong. We should not directly confront this **** and devil. It is a big mistake for us. What we have to do is not to confront, but to tear apart the defenses of this secret world, let the breath of this **** life **** and demon radiate to the outside world, and arouse the power of heaven and earth. This is the right thing to do. Methods!"

In a desperate situation, someone finally saw everything and found the simplest, most direct, and most effective method, but now it’s too late, they have lost too much power, and also lost opportunities. With their existing power, it is impossible to break through the power of the original domain of the life gods and demons. They do not have that strong strength. They are powerless now. They have found a way but do not have enough power. This is Their sorrow!

"Yes, well said, this is our best solution, but now we don't have the power at all. We can't do it if we want to tear apart this powerful original domain, unless most of us are willing to sacrifice ourselves. , Using the most cruel and violent method, at the cost of your own life and soul, burning everything in yourself and launching a devastating blow, otherwise we can’t succeed, but will anyone make such a sacrifice? Someone is willing to do it ?"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! This is not a random talk. If it is just one race, then some of them will stand up because this is fighting for the race, but now they are two races, expecting their enemies to sacrifice their lives to perfect them. Surviving, this is really a big joke and an impossible reality!

"No, we still have a chance. What we can't do does not mean that other people can't do it. Let's not forget that there is the **** **** Xingtian here, and all this is caused by this **** bastard. Yes, as long as he can take out the Primordial Treasure, we still have the opportunity to leave and have the chance to survive. The Primordial Treasure is the key to our survival and the key to changing the situation. With the Primal Treasure, there is also vitality. !"

With the source of the treasure, there will be life. This is very reasonable, but do they have the source of the treasure? No, can they force Xingtian to surrender the original treasure? They can't do it, Xing Tian won't give them such an opportunity, and they can't force Xing Tian out of the void, so this argument still doesn't work, and they still don't see the hope of survival!

"Everyone, if we are naturally impossible, after all, we are Xingtian's enemies from beginning to end, but those human races are different. If they come forward, this matter may have a turning point, even if it is Xingtian this **** bastard, how crazy , He couldn’t just watch the human race’s strong men die and die here. He can't afford this cause and effect alone. As long as the human race strong men are willing to come forward, we still have a chance!"

"Yes, these human races should be allowed to come forward at this time. Xing Tian, ​​the **** **** originally belonged to them. At this time, if they don't come forward to solve the problem, who will solve the problem? This is originally their responsibility!"

In an instant, these many barbarian kings hit Xing Tian with their ideas, and hit those strong human races. They hoped that many strong human races could stand up and force Xing Tian to surrender the original treasure in their hands and use the power of the original jade. Block the resurrected body of the life **** and demon, so that you can have that ray of life, and you can escape from this terrible and terrifying desperation!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. There may be friendship and cause and effect between people, but more of it is hatred and greed. For the original treasure in the hands of Xingtian, the strong humans did not give up at the beginning However, Xingtian didn’t pay attention to them at all. In this case, expecting a group of greedy people to persecute Xingtian, and even use racial justice to force Xingtian to surrender the original treasure. This is simply a big joke. It doesn't work. If you count on Xingtian's original treasure, it is better to count on the will of heaven and earth to perceive the changes in the secret world and destroy the crisis by yourself!

Under the threat of death, all the creatures threatened by the corpses of the gods and demons of life have to seize every minute and every second to reach an agreement at the fastest speed, whether it is ambition, greed, or fear, Soon many powerful people of the human race reached a consistent decision. They united the power of everyone to put pressure on Xing Tian again. They hoped to use racial justice to force Xing Tian to surrender the original treasure in his hands, so as to free them from their difficulties and enable them to be able to Grab a chance to survive in this ten deadly lore, so that you can live in this desperate situation.

"You only have one chance. We can't be careless or make a mistake. Otherwise, death is waiting for us. We can't be careless about Xing Tian, ​​a sinister and vicious junior, or we can't do anything. He must be asked to surrender the original treasure, otherwise everything will cease and everyone will die!"

"It’s not feasible to use threats. The kid doesn’t pay attention to us at all, and we don’t have the ability to threaten him. Doing so will only arouse more resentment from the kid. If we want to succeed, we can only use racial justice. , And only in this way can it be possible. After all, no matter how sinister and vicious this kid is, he can’t get rid of his origin. He is a member of the human race. As long as he is a member of the human race, he needs to be constrained by the human luck. Our only opportunity! The opportunity cannot be missed, and the missed will never come again. We must take advantage of this opportunity, because it determines the life and death of all of us, and we must do our best to improve this plan!" At this point, this person Can not help but sigh lightly!

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