God of Destruction

Chapter 3928: Racial ruling

Chapter 3928 Race Ruling

Suppress Xingtian with righteousness. Many people have thought of this, but they don't have any hope. No matter how good the righteousness is, is it useful for a lunatic like Xingtian? It's no use, the other party won't pay attention at all. All of them know how important the Primordial Treasure is. With a little racial justice, they want to make Xing Tian hand over the Primordial Treasure in his hands. This is ridiculous and ridiculous! But do they have other ways? No, this is their only choice, and the situation is very disturbing for them.

"There is not so much time wasted. If we procrastinate, we die faster. Regardless of success or failure, we must face it, act, and use our greatest strength to accomplish all this. This time we are not for the survival of the race. , Not for the forces behind each other, but for our own survival, we have no choice!"

There is no other choice. This speaks to the hearts of everyone. This is their real situation now. This situation is something they have never thought of, but now it has become a reality. They have to face and accept. Under such circumstances, they can only do their best to accomplish this impossible task!

"Xing Tian, ​​you can see the current situation in your eyes. You should understand how important this battle is to our human civilization. You are a member of the human race. You should give your strength to the race civilization. This is your body. For the obligations and responsibilities of a human race, hand over the original treasure in your hands, and use it to break this original domain!"

"Xing Tian, ​​at this time, we should be united. We are all human beings. We should all fight for the human race. We cannot have selfishness. You cannot ruin the future of the human race because of your own selfishness. If so, you are Sinners of the Human Race will be cast aside by everyone, and the entire Human Race will no longer have your foothold!"

"Xing Tian, ​​now the human race needs your power. As a member of the human race, you can’t abandon your race. Come on, don’t hesitate to hand over the original treasure in your hands. Even if you don’t trust us, you can use it yourself. , Use it to tear apart this terrifying original realm in front of you, destroy the conspiracy of life gods and demons, and make it impossible to resurrect!"

Voices rang frantically, and those strong human races are all pressing Xing Tian as if they are saying the truth. If Xing Tian rejects them, he will be self-defeating from the human race. They represent the entire human race, and they are the verdict of the human race. In fact, Xing Tian must listen to their opinions and sacrifice his own interests to fulfill them as bastards!

Hearing all these ridiculous remarks, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, and did not take the ridiculous remarks to heart. What kind of racial justice and responsibility are all imaginary. The other party just wants to use such a method. Forcing oneself to surrender the original treasure, and to make oneself take responsibility for their stupidity. For such ridiculous remarks, Xing Tian will naturally not be regarded as the same thing. Xing Tian is not stupid enough to pay a heavy price for these stupid bastards. . For such a group of people, Xing Tian directly ignored their words, and had the mind to argue with these people. It is better to take the opportunity to get more from the life gods and demons. After all, time does not wait for people, and the power of heaven and earth is impossible. From this life **** and demon just like this easily resurrected.

Time is pressing, and I need to seize every minute, every second, and do my best to get more physical secrets from the body of the life **** and devil, and integrate it into my own practice, so that my physical body can have Higher metamorphosis.

Seeing that Xing Tian didn’t react at all, he seemed to have ignored all their requests. This result made the hearts of all the powerful people furious, and this result directly shattered their hopes. This is what they did. Unacceptable, under this situation, their hearts were full of anger, no longer caring about it, and they screamed frantically!

"Xing Tian, ​​do you know what you are doing? You really have to deny yourself to the human race and betray your race?"

"Xing Tian, ​​in the name of Human Emperor, I order you to hand over the original treasure in your hand. If not, Human Race will remove you from your name. You will be the enemy of Human Race and the sinner of Human Race!" The strong man who is Human Emperor also endures Constantly, the anger was roaring, and the roar was full of endless anger and unwillingness. As the emperor, his dignity was provoked!

"Huh, Human Sovereign, what a Human Sovereign, what qualifications do you have to order me, do you think this is still your era? Do you think you can really arouse the luck of the human race, even if you really can do it again How, the human race is not your word, and the human luck will not be controlled by you. This is a great calamity. No one will pay for your stupidity. All of this is your own search. It is caused by your greed. Yes, you have to be responsible for your actions. Don’t use racial justice to suppress me. I don’t care. If you have the ability, you can just call it good luck and see if you can remove me from the human race!"

In disdain, facing the further persecution of many human powers, Xing Tian still dismissed it. In his eyes, the roars of these people are just the screams of the bereaved dogs, and they have no effect at all. What about the emperor, even in this era When the Emperor of Humanity appeared, Xing Tian would not take it to heart. Everyone must be responsible for his actions. If he did something wrong, he would pay a price. The Emperor of Humanity is no exception, not to mention that the Emperor of Humanity in front of him is just mad. The emperor of the people, no longer belongs to this era.

"Damn, this junior dare to be so arrogant, don't put me in your eyes, fellow daoists, we can't let this junior continue to be arrogant, or else we will lose all our faces, let's do it, it's like all of us Strength, according to our own luck, mobilize the power of the human race, let this kid know how powerful we are, and let him understand how powerful the human race is. I want him to know that the dignity of the human emperor is not to be provoked, even if This is no longer my time, but the human emperor is still the human emperor, the emperor of the human race!"

auzw.com As a strong man, faced with Xing Tian’s ridicule, his heart was extremely angry. His dignity forced him to get angry with him, and he gave birth to a fight with Xing Tian. He wanted to unite the luck of all people, gather the luck of all forces, mobilize the power of the human race, and deal a heavy blow to the junior Xing Tian, ​​forcing the other party to have to fight the original treasure in his hands!

"We should have done this a long time ago. For this **** ignorant junior, we shouldn't have a benevolent heart. For such an arrogant and ignorant junior, we should directly force him to surrender the original treasure and talk to him. , It will only waste our time. I agree with this decision, and everyone will join hands to teach him a profound lesson!"

Soon these powerful human races reached an agreement, and everyone united, and gave Xing Tian a profound lesson. They used the power of all of them to mobilize the luck of the human race and oppressed Xing Tian to hand over the original treasure in their hands. In the eyes, as long as he is willing to consume his luck, Xing Tian has the ability to reach the sky, and he must also submit to the power of the human race. The power of the human imperial path is not the power of ordinary people. When the power of the human race appears, all human powers All must surrender!

Things are really as they thought, the power of the Human Race’s supernatural powers can mobilize the power of the Human Race to oppress Xing Tian, ​​forcing him to surrender his original treasure, and the power of the Human Race can really restrain Xing Tian and make Xing Tian have to surrender!

"Humans are really a group of selfish bastards. At this time, they are still so selfish and serious. They don't care about the overall situation. Let this kind of race become the protagonist of the world. This is really a big irony. We paid such a big price. But in exchange for failure, this is really unacceptable. I hope these human **** can succeed, or we really have to die!” When seeing the changes in human race, a barbarian king couldn’t help but sighed to him. Saying that they are under too much pressure now, and confronting a **** and demon head-on is far beyond their ability to bear!

"In the name of the emperor, I am in harmony with the luck of the human race, please come to the power of the origin of the human race, and judge the rebellion that betrays the racial civilization in front of us, the racial ruling, and the trial!" His own luck is given to the human emperor strong, and the power of all of them is aggregated. The human emperor mobilizes the original power of the human race with his emperor's magical powers, forming a small scale of judgment in this secret world. When this balance came, the power of the race permeated everyone.

"Trial? The racial ruling is really ridiculous. Can I really be afraid of this **** and unreasonable trial for Xing Tian? I am not afraid of the punishment of heaven and even the will of the world. How can I be intimidated by this ridiculous racial ruling? Come on, let me see the rulings of this clan, let me see how powerful this judgment is, and can it shake my mind!"

Looking at the judgment scale that appeared in front of him, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully. In his eyes, he was not intimidated by the power of judgment at all. He walked on the great road against the sky, and even dared to rebel against the heavens and the earth. What is the racial ruling? If you can use the power of this judgment scale to clear your own cause and effect, perhaps this will make you less concerned and more rewarding!

Causality, in the territorial battlefield world, there is indeed a big cause and effect between Xingtian and Human race. After all, Xingtian reincarnated in the human race, and he naturally bears the cause and effect of the human race. Now these strong human races want to judge Xingtian with the human origin. Xing Tian had a good time to eliminate his own cause and effect. Although this would make Xing Tian pay a certain price, Xing Tian didn't care.

"Xing Tian, ​​we will give you one last chance to hand over the original treasure in our hands and accept the race's ruling, otherwise we will be really rude to you. Once the judgment scale falls, you will never have a chance to stand up again!" The strong emperor shouted at Xing Tian, ​​as if he were a high god, looking down at Xing Tian, ​​the little'ant'!

"Hmph, say so much to do, come on, let me see the power of your judgment, let me see how much human origin power you can mobilize, I would like to know how many human sins I have carried!" Xing Tian said with a sneer in disdain at the other party's anger, and he did not shake his heart at all by these words.

"Damn, this **** is really determined to fight us to the end. It seems that our luck can't be kept. Let's do it. We don't have time to waste any more. As long as the plan can succeed, we can still bear the price!" After seeing Xing Tian's refusal to raise his opinion, the strong human races said one by one angrily. For them, they didn't want their own luck to be consumed. They wanted to win the opportunity for themselves at this last opportunity, but Xing Tian was unmoved. , Which allows them to give it a go!

"We have no choice, let's do it, don't negotiate with this **** anymore, he just doesn't see the coffin without crying, kill!" Faced with such a situation, many powerful men gave up their last hope. No more hesitation!

Following the roars, the scale of judgment went to Xingtian, as if the power of the scale of judgment ignored all the obstacles around Xingtian, and directly crossed time and space, and fell directly to Xingtian, to give Xingtian the final trial and verdict!

"The power of cause and effect, this is the power of cause and effect, what a power of the origin of the race, what a scale of judgment, it is the power of cause and effect, as I thought, it can ignore all time and space, all magical powers, and pursue the power of cause and effect. As long as the cause and effect are still there, this power of judgment cannot be avoided. No wonder those **** have so much self-confidence. In the face of the power of cause and effect, any resistance is useless. This power must be faced by oneself, and there is no way to avoid it!" With the power of the trial balance, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. Although he had guessed, Xing Tian was still shocked when all this happened!

The power of cause and effect is not so easy to fight against. This is also the greatest Yiyi of the Human Emperor and the greatest power of the Human Race to rule the world. In the face of this kind of trial, any Human Race will be greatly suppressed. At this time, Xing Tian also No exception, he can clearly feel the suppression of his own origin and the suppression of his own blood from the judgment balance.

"This is the power of cause and effect, this is the suppression of race, this is the limitation of blood. Without really facing this kind of suppression, I don't know how strong the power of this kind of race restricts oneself. Only by breaking through this limitation can oneself be Only when you can get rid of all the shackles, you can truly be free, and you can be fearless of everything. This is the greatest power to restrain yourself, the power of cause and effect, the power of blood. Well, it is really great, this is the result I want, Only under such circumstances can one break free from all shackles, get rid of the limitations of one's own blood, and enjoy great freedom and great freedom!"

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