God of Destruction

Chapter 3933: Resurrection

Chapter 3933: Resurrection

The next moment, the body of the life **** and demon slowly rises, and the power of the huge life avenue flows from all directions like a tide, the whole world is trembling, the planet is breaking, as if this world is heading for destruction, that huge His vitality must tear everything and destroy everything! Yes, that's not wrong. This huge source of life is not only not nourishing the world, but destroying the world. All this seems to prove to everyone that the end of life is destruction.

The torn earth was being swallowed up bit by bit by the body of the life **** and demon, turning into its own nourishment. This shocking change shocked everyone, even Xingtian who was in the void. He was also horrified by the terrible situation before him, and all of this was also beyond his imagination. The life **** and demon might have died, but the body instinct of this **** corpse can still spur the origin of heaven and earth and can shock everything, so terrible. The surging power of Xing Tian made Xing Tian ecstatic despite the shock. This is the evolution of the Dao of Life. Such evolution of the Dao of Origin is of great benefit to Xing Tian's own practice.

"This is the true meaning of the Great Dao of Life, this is the instinctive reaction of the life gods and demons. Is this the foundation of the ancient gods and demons' physical cultivation? It is his body that has already become a part of the Dao of Life, and every gesture can move the origin of the Dao!"

"Hey!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but gasp. Perhaps this is the practice of ancient gods and demons. This is the foundation of ancient gods and demons. Their bodies are not flesh and blood at all, but the real road. The original divine body, every inch of flesh and blood is condensed by the origin of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, which is the root of their power!

"Damn, is this the powerful nature of the ancient gods and demons? But does this kind of practice really suit me? The life gods and demons walk along a single road, and they can use the origin of the life road to wash themselves and condense the life divine body, but I walk right. The road against the sky is the highest chaotic road, and the road of destruction and good fortune are combined. Under such a situation, how can I use the power of these two opposing origins to condense the divine body, unless I can merge the two roads into one, But this is not what I can do now, it will take a long time, and what I lack in Qiacha is time!"

When you really see the essence of life gods and devil's cultivation, when you really understand the physical cultivation of life gods and devils, Xingtian's brows are tightly closed. This result makes Xingtian embarrassed, and Xingtian can’t find a solution. The path of practice is only suitable for practitioners of a single path. It is not suitable for Xing Tian at all, at least for the moment.

"No, this is not the case. If the gods and demons of the last era were like this, walking on a single road, then the appearance of the city of space should not exist. This is the origin of the time and space road, which means that someone has passed through it. Time and Space Avenue, but he only left this original treasure, and even so, it may not be suitable for me. Time and Space Avenue and Chaos Destruction Avenue are different from Chaos Creation Avenue, and the origins of time and space are not opposite. !"

"Perhaps I shouldn't care about the changes in the body of the life **** and demon so much, and shouldn't care about the physical cultivation of the life **** and demon. After all, that belongs to the life **** and demon only, and only belongs to the previous era. The way of others is that of others after all. My own avenue is the most suitable for me. What I need is not to imitate the practice of others, but to walk out of my own avenue, whether it’s the mind, soul, or body. Only then can we truly control our destiny!"

Xing Tian didn’t think about temporarily letting go of his practice on Chaos Destruction Avenue and Chaos Good Fortune Avenue. When these two avenues were at their weakest, he spent a little time and energy to completely merge them together to form his own Chaos Avenue. , But this idea was quickly abandoned by Xing Tian. Although he would condense the true chaotic origin in the shortest time by doing so, but doing so also frustrated his own edge and smashed his own original potential.

How can the First-Rank Chaos Fortune Green Lotus and the First-Rank Extinct Black Lotus be able to fuse? The new Origin Supreme Treasure that has been condensed has some potential. Xing Tian is not optimistic about this. After all, the First-Rank Origin Supreme Treasure is too weak and I really want to To condense one's own chaotic avenue with the most powerful source, it is necessary to practice the chaotic destruction avenue and the chaotic good fortune avenue to the limit, achieve the transformation of life and death, and achieve the limit. At that time, the most powerful and most powerful original treasure is the most powerful one. has potential.

"Keep waiting. I don’t need this little time. I can’t ruin my foundation because of a momentary impulse. I can’t decide my own path of practice and change my own path just because of the changes in my life. Plan, doing so will only make mistakes in your own practice, and will only destroy your own roots. This is something wise men cannot do!"

While Xing was thinking about his own practice, the original place of opportunity began to shatter, endless vitality gushing from the depths of the earth, quickly absorbed by the body of life gods and demons, and the planet was also shrinking sharply, its origin Being swallowed by the life gods and demons, the most terrible situation finally happened. Under the threat of external forces, the life gods and demons instinctively made the most radical counterattack, even at the expense of destroying the planet, they would also accelerate the devouring of this planet and evolve its own world origin. , Evolve your own world.

When the planet collapsed, the many powerful people who were trapped seemed to be crushing a mountain, making them almost unable to move. This is the influence of the original force on them and the suppression of them by the original force. , At this time, everyone with cardiovascular disease fell into the realm of the laws of life gods and demons, and was imprisoned by the power of that terrifying life avenue!

"Roar!" The body of the life **** and demon roared to the sky again, and the huge body was also changing, and a faint shadow appeared on the light of life. This is the limit of the origin of the life avenue, the transition between life and death, life The avenue transforms to the avenue of death, and there is a terrible force of death in that vitality. The appearance of this force makes everyone feel the arrival of death!

auzw.com"No, this is a transformation of the extreme death of life. The avenue of life is transforming into the avenue of death. Life and death are blended. If it is shrouded in this light, it will die without life. Either the body or the soul will be destroyed!" When seeing the changes of the life gods and demons, those strong men who know the avenue of life screamed frantically, for fear that some ignorance would touch the light of life!

escape? They can't escape at all. The whole world is shrouded in the original domain of the Great Dao of Life Gods and Demons. Now they can still avoid the light of life, but as time goes by, the light of life will be completely integrated into the domain. At this time, they will all face the erosion of the power of death, and they will be shrouded in death, and life and death are in the hands of life gods and demons!

"Xingtian, do you really have to see death without saving? If the body of the life **** and demon is completely resurrected, you will not escape death. When death comes, you will not be able to withstand the erosion of death even if you are protected by time and space. , Take out the Primordial Treasure in your hand and tear open the origin domain of the life gods and demons. This is our only chance to escape!"

There are also some unrelenting human powers. When faced with this terrible death threat, they thought of Xing Tian, ​​and used this ridiculous threat to serve Xing Tian, ​​vainly wanting Xing Tian to stand up for them. It is a pity that their actions are still a waste of energy, and Xing Tian is still unmoved, not caring about the changes in the original realm of the life gods and demons.

For these strong human races, for these barbarian kings, the change in the original domain is a devastating blow, but it is not the case for Xingtian. Even if things really develop to such a terrifying level, Xingtian still has self-confidence. The ability to protect is a big deal, and ultimately use the power of the time and space city to resist the erosion of the life gods and demons with the powerful original power of the time and space city!

Of course, this is only the worst plan, and things may not necessarily develop to such an uncontrollable level. Xing Tian believes that after the power of the sun and the earth, no matter how powerful the corpse of the life **** and demon changes, it will be difficult to escape the world. The judgment of the Great Dao is difficult to break away from the grasp of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. If the body of the life **** and demon does not produce this earth-shattering side, and does not have the power to disturb the origin of the world, there is still a chance for everything, and now everything is gone. As long as the time is up, The power of heaven and earth will definitely give the life **** and demon a fatal blow, prevent its resurrection, and prevent the secret world from changing.

Although Xing Tian does not know the true meaning of the secret world, one thing Xing Tian can be sure of is that the secret world is related to the resurrection of those gods and demons in the last epoch, and now the resurrection of the life gods and demons is only the beginning, and harmony Qia's resurrection aroused the power of heaven and earth, causing everything to happen unexpectedly and changing everything.

Xingtian has never been merciful to the enemy. These people have already had wickedness with Xingtian before, and even made a big move. Under such circumstances, he wanted Xingtian to save them, and Xingtian had to pay a heavy price for this, so stupid. How could the things happen to Xingtian? I have to say that these people have lost their minds and forgot the reality.

Seeing the crazy actions of the life gods and demons, Xing Tian carefully sensed the changes in the secret world. When this crazy action began, Xing Tian could clearly feel that the original planet was shrinking crazily, and the origin was losing crazily, and all of this It's all caused by the life gods and demons, and the changes of this planet have indeed caused changes in the secret world. The entire secret world is trembling, as if the change of this planet caused a series of reactions, making the secret world begin to turbulence!

The huge source of power rushed into the body of the life **** and demon madly, and the aura radiated from the life **** and demon also changed accordingly, from weak to strong, and then diminished! Although the breath of the life **** and demon's body was weakening, Xing Tian could clearly feel that the threat from the opponent had not only not subsided, on the contrary, it was rapidly increasing!

restore! The life gods and demons are really recovering, in the resurrection, from birth to death, from death to life, perhaps when this life is extremely dead, it ignites the original fire of the life gods and demons, and when this source goes from death to life again, the life gods The devil can truly resurrect from the endless time and space, reappear between the heaven and the earth, and dominate the avenue of life between the heaven and the earth!

Although all this is only Xing Tian’s own guess, he can instinctively make Xing Tian feel that his guess is the truth. This is the back hand that the life **** and devil left behind for him in the last era, and the resurrection of the life **** and devil’s body is everything now. At the beginning, when all this started, it was difficult for anyone to stop it, even if Xing Tian had the original treasure in his hands, he couldn't believe that he had enough power to stop the return of life gods and demons and cut off the other side's road to resurrection!

In this world, in this heaven and earth, there is real power to prevent the return of life gods and demons, only the power of heaven and earth origin. Fortunately, the secret realm is now open. With the influx of external beings, the power of the secret realm world can no longer fully lock life The breath of the gods and demons cannot prevent the leakage of the breath of the life gods and demons. The power of the heaven and earth has already sensed the resurrection of the life gods and demons, but why the power of punishment has not come down that day? It is not that the power of the world is jealous. The secret world is afraid of the life gods and demons, but it is accumulating power. It is waiting for the opportunity to give the life gods and demons a fatal blow. This is a point of Xing Tian's deep intention to adjourn the meeting. After all, Xing Tian himself has experienced several times of punishment. Have a little understanding of Heaven Punishment!

It is precisely because Xing Tian knows about heavenly punishment that he deeply understands that unless the life gods and demons can truly resurrect before the arrival of the heavenly punishment and restore the powerful power of the previous era, otherwise once the heavenly punishment falls, it The road to resurrection will definitely be interrupted, and even everything you have paid before will disappear. The power of heaven and earth is not a decoration. The fall of heaven and earth will surely be the most terrible judgment. The first resurrection of the gods and demons is at the origin of heaven and earth. In his eyes, it is the bird who is in the lead, and the gun is the bird. The power of heaven and earth wants to prevent the resurrection of the gods and demons in the previous era. Naturally, they have to use the life gods and demons to operate the knife. Those ancient gods and demons of the last epoch that are more hidden will jump out frantically one by one, the whole world will be in chaos, and this great catastrophe will completely slide into the abyss of terror!

Once the situation is discovered to such an extent, this realm battlefield world will surely be destroyed, and eventually there will be no chance to merge into the highest chaos world. After all, no one knows how many epochs are hidden in this secret world. The ancient gods and demons don't know what kind of abnormal changes will occur in all this. The occurrence of abnormal changes means that everything will be unknown, and the unknown is the biggest threat and hidden danger!

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