God of Destruction

Chapter 3934: Death

Chapter 3934: Death

"Heaven's punishment? When are you going to wait? Could it be that the power of heaven and earth is also observing the resurrection of life gods and demons, and is also looking for the secrets of life gods and demons. If so, the original will of this realm battlefield world is also possible? Wisdom, and the original will with wisdom will be the most dangerous existence!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. Such a result was something Xing Tian didn't want to see, but Xing Tian couldn’t control all this. Nothing is under Xing Tian's control. In this realm battlefield world, Xing Tian is just a small'ant', without any earthshaking power at all!

Potential is not equal to power, even if Xing Tian has great potential and strong background, everything is just potential power, not his real power, and the future is only uncertain. Any situation can happen. Xing Tian is not stupid enough to use his potential to position the present, the future is imaginary after all, not real, and everything must be based on reality!

Facing the beginning of the resurrection of the life gods and demons, Xingtian’s heart pressure is also enormous. Although I believe in my heart that the power of the heavens and the earth will not give the life gods and demons a chance to resurrect, this is only my own guess, not a fact, but a future. Everything is illusory, especially in such a big event that can determine the direction of the world. Anything can happen. If the origin of heaven and earth loses its hands for a while, the life gods and demons will not have the opportunity to be truly resurrected and return from the endless time and space!

"I hope that the power of the heaven and earth will not let me down. Don’t wait until the life gods and demons are truly resurrected before giving the heavenly punishment. That may be the biggest blow to the life gods and demons, but it will also make things more changes. Everything has become more dangerous. Under the current situation, everything is still focused on stability. Otherwise, once the situation collapses, the entire world of battlefields may be destroyed, and all the calculations before that time will be lost. Will become nothingness!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian sighed again and shook his head heavily. It seemed that the situation was developing in the direction he had guessed, but the situation was still not under Xing Tian's grasp. The situation still has the possibility of collapse. The existence of the resurrected ancient gods and demons is a big hidden danger in itself, and it is difficult to grasp it, let alone a little "ant" like himself, even the origin of heaven and earth cannot truly master the ancient gods and demons like life gods and demons!

"Oh! I don’t know that this happens in all realm battlefield worlds, and only the realm battlefield world where I am in. If every realm battlefield world has the resurrection of ancient gods and demons, then this one The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is really more dangerous, whether it is for the Supreme Chaos World or for the world of battlefields in many realms, there will be a terrifying threat!"

Although the great catastrophe is a chance, but this chance is accompanied by death, and accompanied by destruction, a slight difference will cause devastating damage and cause everything to die. Xing Tian's heart deeply understands this, so when this When the situation repeatedly undergoes explosive changes, Xing Tian will have more pressure in his heart, and he will bear more impact!

While Xingtian was meditating on the countermeasures, the resurrection of the life gods and demons did not stop, but moved forward rapidly, and the terrible breath of death was also quickly permeating. When a barbarian king did not have time to dodge, Directly shrouded by the terrible breath of death, in an instant, the barbarian king screamed, and after a few breaths, this powerful barbarian king was dead and soul, completely lost by the source of life gods and demons. Strangled by the realm!

"Damn, the power of death from life to death is terrible. It goes beyond the normal source of death. Once it is eroded by this breath of death, unless we have a strong defense treasure, otherwise we will die without life, and even if it is It doesn’t necessarily last long if there is a defensive treasure. The power of death is terribly corrosive!” Seeing his companion being strangled in this way, the barbarian king was scared to death, and his mind was greatly impacted, just a few While breathing, a companion of the same strength as his fell down. What a terrifying power of death, such a power is absolutely terrifying!

From birth to death, the power of death evolved in this way is indeed too terrifying, but the death of this barbarian king is not as simple as it is shown. His death is not only strangled by the power of death, but more Being swallowed by the life avenue realm of the life **** and demon, the vitality of the whole body is transformed into the nourishment of the life **** and demon's resurrection.

Yes! The resurrection of life gods and demons requires the lives of creatures. If there is enough life to swallow, the life gods and demons will quickly resurrect and return from the endless time and space, but they want to completely swallow all the creatures in this planet, the life **** The demon can’t do it yet, nor dare to do it, because there is still a terrible threat from the power of heaven and earth above his head. Once the life gods and demon's actions exceed the tolerance of the heaven and earth, it will be heaven waiting for him. The punishment comes.

Time, life gods and demons also need time now. It is this way that he will not directly kill everyone, otherwise he can completely swallow all these creatures and turn them into his own in the shortest time. Nourishment, speed up one's own resurrection, knowing the lives of so many people is enough to make oneself return to this world sooner.

Swallowing creatures to be the source of resurrection, such a move is intolerable by heaven and earth. To do so on a large scale, the first thing waiting for him will be heaven and earth punishment. Perhaps the reason why heaven and earth punishment has not come yet is also the origin of heaven and earth. A kind of indulgence, deliberately guiding the life gods and demons to this path of no return, causing them to carry that terrible karma.

The wise original will of heaven and earth is the most terrible existence. Wisdom allows him to make some terrible decisions, which will change the justice of the original will of heaven and earth, because intelligent life is always selfish, if it is really calculating Life God and Demon, then this might really be a terrible trap. If Life God and Demon step into it, they will be hit hard!

auzw.com"Asshole, the more you understand, the more disturbed and feared in my heart. If this is really a big trap, I am afraid I am also one of the objects of calculation. A careless person will also be drawn into this terrible trap. Once he is calculated, I am afraid that he will die without life. As a person against the sky, the source of heaven and earth is not willing to see my survival!"

The more he speculates about the catastrophe, the more Xing Tian discovers that everything is more terrifying than he had thought before, and more dangerous and dangerous. If he makes a mistake, he will step into the abyss of immortality. It will end in a dead end!

Xing Tian was worried and fearful. The many powerful men who were trapped in the original realm of life gods and demons became more fearful and uneasy, especially when a barbarian king fell, which increased the burden on their hearts and made them more Fearing the origin realm of life gods and demons makes them even more afraid of the evolving origin aura. Of course, the more they thought about it in their hearts, the more they hated Xingtian, thinking that the reason they were exposed to such a terrible danger was caused by the selfish and insidious villain, Xingtian. Without Xingtian asshole, neither would he Will end up like this, all the mistakes are Xingtian's!

Yes, under the threat of death, there is endless anger in their hearts that cannot be vented. Of course, all they can hate is Xingtian. Who will let Xingtian see death in their hearts, if not that they have not mastered the road of curse, I am afraid Each of these powerhouses will curse Xingtian with their own lives, and even if they die, they will kill Xingtian together!

"Yeah! Someone died, sizzle, this death is a bit abnormal. This is not the power of death strangling, but the real life swallowing. This life **** and demon has a trace of causal karma. It seems that the life **** and devil's instinct finally wants A full-scale eruption, and since then, I am afraid that this strange planet will also be completely destroyed. The life gods and demons really have to reshape the origin of the world and complete the cohesion of the three origins of heaven, earth and man. Once he completes all this, the consequences are really unimaginable. Punish you to come quickly!"

At this moment, Xing Tian couldn’t bear it. Faced with such a terrible change, Xing Tian’s mood was also ups and downs. He could no longer face all this with a calm mind and calm attitude. He was also worried about his own safety. After all, how terrible a truly resurrected ancient **** and demon is, and whether it can break through its own defenses is unknown.

"No, if God’s punishment does not come, you must plan for the worst, even if you pay a heavy price, but also to ensure your own safety. Even if you give up a treasure of origin, it is worth it. After all, your life is priceless. , The price of the Dao of Poison’s Origin and Treasure can be borne!” At this moment, Xing Tian also made a crazy decision. If the punishment is too hard to come, he really has to explode the Dao of Poison’s Origin and Treasure. In this way to tear apart the origin domain of the life gods and demons, and then give up all opportunities in the secret world and return to the realm battlefield world, and even if nothing can be done, I will continue to explode, relying on the origin of the city of time and space, to leave the realm directly Battlefield world.

For Xing Tian, ​​nothing can be more important than his own life. Once nothing can be done, once the life **** and demon really has to return from endless time and space, he must plan for the worst and must escape from this place quickly. In the realm battlefield world, because a resurrected ancient **** and demon, no one knows what actions he will make. Will he directly refine the origin of this realm battlefield world and directly transform the creatures of the entire world into himself The family members, unite the origin of humanity!

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Now Xing Tian is no longer the "ant" who was frantically desperate to survive. Now he has a certain ability to protect himself, even if he has not grown up yet and has not achieved his goal. , But the original treasure of the city of time and space, he has an extra life, and he has the opportunity to get rid of the terrible catastrophe of the realm battlefield world, so that he can leave this world and return to the highest chaotic world!

Changing the plan time and time again, facing the unexpected changes time and time again, Xing Tian naturally has a huge impact, and naturally has to bear great pressure. When the situation is not feasible, Xing Tian will naturally make the worst choice. , Abandoning everything in this realm battlefield world, there is only one life, Xing Tian will not risk his life for chance.

Before discovering the resurrection of the life **** and demon, Xing Tian can be fearless, because he has enough power to ensure his own safety, but now everything is different. Xing Tian cannot risk his life, and it is impossible to have a fight with the life **** and demon. Life and death duel, it is a foolish act to do so, it is self-destruction, knowing that it is invincible, it is natural to escape! As for the life and death of other people, it has nothing to do with Xing Tian, ​​and even if he gave up all opportunities to leave the boundary battlefield world this time, all the costs he had paid before were worth it. After all, amazing things were happening in his inner world. Variety!

"Everyone, we have no retreat. We can't count on that **** **** Xingtian. Now we can only rely on our own strength to survive. If we are willing to work together, we will let go and give up this strength, and there will be escape Opportunity, it’s just that the price paid for doing so is a bit high, everyone must abandon the flesh!"

"Hey!" When these words fell, everyone gasped involuntarily. They all understood the intention of doing this. At the expense of their own bodies, they exploded their bodies, which would be exploded if they were suitable for everyone, directly torn apart. Open the original domain of life gods and demons, so that your soul can quickly escape from this world, and get rid of the current mortal situation!

"Friends of Daoist, this price is too great. Once we explode our body, it means that we will lose our body with endless years of polishing our body, and our strength will also disappear. Without this body, even if the soul escapes, what will happen? Yes, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. We don’t have time to reshape our bodies at all. If we do this, we still can’t get out of the whole body!”

"Hmph, when is this? You are still thinking about retreating all over, do we have such strength? If we have an ancient **** and demon's original treasure, a powerful attacking treasure, then we can have such a fantasy , But we don’t have any in Chacha. In this case, we can only make a choice. If you want to destroy the soul, you still sacrifice the body to get the soul out of trouble, and the soul out of trouble. Although we missed the opportunity, we still have A ray of life, if you do nothing, you will die forever. Both your body and soul will be destroyed by the life gods and demons. The real thing is forever!" When this was said, the other party's voice paused, and then he said in a deep voice. Said: "This is my solution, you guys think about it, there is not much time left for us, we only have one chance, if we miss it, it will be dead and dead!"


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