God of Destruction

Chapter 3935: Section lost

Chapter 3935: Lost

Suicide attack, sacrificing one's own body, so that the soul can get out, I have to say that this method is really cruel, not everyone can accept, don't look at these strong men as if they can die for the race, but this time In this situation, letting them sacrifice, many people are unwilling to accept, nor can they accept it, because they still have hope in their hearts, they are still thinking about calculating Xingtian, and want Xingtian to be a shield for themselves.

Hesitate! Suddenly, the scene became deadly silent. Everyone was thinking about gains and losses. Naturally, they did not dare to hesitate. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to their own life and death and their future future. With the slightest carelessness, you can't make crazy decisions because of impulse.

Seeing the reaction of these people, the person who opened the mouth to warn couldn't help but shook his head secretly, and sneered in his heart. When this is the time, they are still hesitating, compared with their own lives. Sacrifice means nothing. Sacrificing the body will lose part of one's origin and cause some damage to one's own practice, but it is better than being grown up by life gods and demons, and better than being dead, but on the contrary. These people just can't make a decision easily!

Are these people so stupid that they cannot see the current situation? No, it's not the case. How could these powerful people fail to see the situation clearly when they are able to live until now. The reason they are hesitant is that they still have illusions and expectations in their hearts, and they always want someone else to do it. Sacrifice, always think that you may be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman without sacrifice.

Everyone has selfish intentions, but at this time, under such circumstances, to do such crazy thoughts is a big mistake. It is just joking about their lives. People like them can hesitate, but life gods The resurrection of these people will not be stopped because of the hesitation of these people. Once the resurrection of the life gods and demons accelerates, only the powers are waiting for everyone to sleep.

persuade! No, at this moment, this strong human race has no intention to continue to persuade everyone. Rather than wasting his energy for nothing, it is better to consider what he should do next, and how to keep himself in this coming death crisis. Out of trouble, it can be said that after seeing everyone's reaction, he has given up the ridiculous idea before and no longer has any illusions about these people. Doing so will only kill his own life and cause a group of indecisions. When people stand together, only oneself will suffer in the end, and one who is not careful will ruin his precious life!

Willing! There is something to offer. At this time, it is normal for you to make a choice. Since no one answers, you don’t need to waste your energy. The opportunity tells them, but unfortunately no one wants to give it a go. , Just relying on one's own strength, it is too small, there will be no results.

Death is being forced to everyone step by step, and at this time these human race powerhouses are still deeply selfish and still reluctant to make decisions. This will be a heavy blow to them. In this catastrophe, Every time wasted, it will be a huge pressure for them, and it will affect their future practice and development!

"It's just a corpse. We don't need to be so afraid. No matter how much pressure we face, no matter how terrifying the danger we endure, we are not without a silver lining. Its existence destroys the balance of heaven and earth. It is not tolerated in the world. As long as we persist, we can seize that gleam of life and survive!" Suddenly, someone spoke up, exuding a trace of crazy confidence in him, as if his words were the truth!

"Hehe, it is ridiculous. It is indeed a corpse, but it is the corpse of an ancient **** and demon, an ancient **** and demon that is being resurrected. In front of it, everyone is an ant. It is better to rely on people than on yourself. Pinning on the heavens and the earth, this in itself is irresponsible to oneself, and not everyone can stick to it to the end!" Although he thought so in his heart, but this strong human race did not say it, facing a group immersed in his own world The person here, you can't wake him up!

Not everyone is so stupid, not everyone is pinning their hopes on the heavens and the earth, and not everyone thinks that they can face this resurrected life **** and demon. Some of them still stand up and sneer: "It is not a corpse, but a true ancient **** and demon, an ancient **** and demon that is resurrecting. We can't even stop the aura emanating from him now. How can we fight against it, how can we persist until the end, Do you think its original domain is a decoration? As long as its original domain merges with the power of death and covers us completely, we all have to die and there is no resistance!"

Under the original domain, no one can resist the erosion of the power of death and endure the devouring of life gods and demons. Once this is the point, these people's lives will come to an end, and there is no possibility of turning over again, unless they have the ability To resist the devouring of life gods and demons, and to break the shackles of this original domain, it is obvious that they have no such ability!

Time waits for no one, just when everyone is still hesitating and having ridiculous fantasies, the corpse of the life **** and demon moves again, and the original domain on its body has changed again, the terrible power of death. Expanding once more, those strong human races who were still hesitating, and some barbarian kings who had no time to dodge were swept in. The human race was looking for death by themselves. They wandered in this terrible battlefield without paying attention to their side. The change of the barbarian kings is entirely because they are too close to the life gods and demons, they are directly involved in the storm!

"No, this is not the strangulation of the power of death, but the swallowing. The corpse of this **** and devil is devouring everyone's lives to complete its own resurrection. Stop it quickly, or it will swallow all of us. From the beginning to the end, its objects are not planets, but us people. It has to swallow us to complete the resurrection!"

"Damn bastard, since he died in the last era, he slept obediently in the long river of air at that time, and he still came out to worship at this time. If this **** is resurrected, it would be disrespectful to heaven and earth and a humiliation to life! No matter how great the price is paid, we will destroy him!" When seeing this result, everyone present was angry. If we continue, they will all die here. When death comes, they will never Dare to hesitate, they would rather sacrifice their bodies than real souls, because they still have a chance to survive after all!


It’s a pity that everything is different now. They had a chance before, but now they have lost the opportunity and cannot bring everyone’s power together. This means that their power will be scattered, and the scattered power. Can you tear apart the original realm? This is difficult, after all, the scattered power cannot be condensed into an upright fatal blow!

"It's too late, everything is too late. It is you who gave up your vitality. Now even if someone sacrifices, it is impossible to gather the power of everyone together. The life gods and demons will not give us this opportunity. It cannot look at us. Escape and resistance are no longer possible, because that is just a dead end. Now we can only passively evade. I hope that your previous prayers can be realized and the power of the heaven and earth can come and give this **** life **** and demon a fatal blow!"

"No, it's impossible. As long as we are willing to pay the price, we will naturally have the opportunity to get out of trouble. You are afraid of yourself. Don't use this ridiculous word to shirk it. As long as we work together, there is no force that can stop us from leaving. Life is no exception. !"

This is a manifestation that the heart has lost its calmness. Otherwise, they will not say such ridiculous words. If they really have such power, they will not have so much care before, and they will not always avoid without fighting. Use this The mentality to fight is just self-defeating, and there is no vitality, which will only accelerate the resurrection of life gods and demons!

"Huh! These people have lost their calm state of mind. It seems that they are already on the verge of death. If God's punishment does not come, I can't continue to stand idly by. Otherwise, the life **** and demon will be resurrected, and the consequences will be disastrous!" I couldn't help but shook his head. They were very disdainful of these people's reactions. The more dangerous they were, the more calm they were. But these people have forgotten the most important point. They have not waited for the life gods and demons to kill. It was messed up first.

For those who do not listen to persuasion, no one is going to stop their madness. On the contrary, the actions of these people can greatly reduce their own danger. After all, these people will definitely attract the attention of life gods and demons when they take action, and they will relax. Pay attention to other people, this will greatly delay time, so that you can persist to the power of the world!

Curse! This will definitely happen, but when it will happen is difficult to determine. After seeing the life gods and demons use the power of the original domain to swallow other creatures to complete their own resurrection, a little sensible, and those with brains understand that this is intolerable. The great evil will inevitably cause the heavens and the earth to shake, and there will be heaven and earth's punishment. Perhaps all this is originally a game, a trap for the resurrection of the life gods and demons, and those trapped here are the bait in the trap!

Although there is anger and unwillingness in their hearts, but this is reality, and reality is so cruel and ruthless, being used as bait by the power of heaven and earth, they have no ability to resist, they can only passively accept all this, and even some people’s hearts are Suspect, this so-called place of opportunity may not exist at all, everything is just illusory, in order to make them greedy people come like moths into the fire, and draw out the corpses of the gods of life that have been hidden here!

As for saying that Xing Tian has the original treasure in his hands and obtained the original treasure from this place of opportunity, not many people believe at this moment that even these people cannot resist the resurrection of the life gods and demons. What ability does Xing Tian have to take and suppress the life gods and demons? The original treasure of Xingtian, as for the original treasure in Xing Tian's own hands, it already exists.

Xing Tian didn't know that in this short period of time, he would be treated like this by those sensible strong men, but if he knew it, he would be very happy, knowing that this is also a great thing, and he can hide his great things, as long as these participate The people of the Great Tribulation do not believe that they have obtained the great benefits from this place of opportunity. No matter what other people say, no matter how they think, it is just a lie. No one believes that their safety will be greatly increased in this way. As for the people who had offended before and didn't stand up and sacrifice their own interests, this is nothing to Xing Tian!

Speaking of it, as long as the punishment of heaven does not come, these powerhouses who are trapped in the original realm of the life gods and demons still have the possibility of death and death. From Xingtian's point of view, even if the punishment of heaven comes eventually, these powerful people who are in trouble There will not be too many people to be spared, after all, they are just ants in the eyes of the power of heaven and earth. For ants, no one cares about their life and death!

This may be a bit cruel and ruthless to say, but it is the case. In Tiandi's eyes, all of them are ants and chess pieces. In Tiandi's eyes, there is only the existence of life gods and demons, and perhaps Xingtian, a man against the sky. Exist, but Xingtian has not been able to escape, and Heaven and Earth can hardly kill him. No matter how the world changes, the basic rules still have to be followed. It is impossible to take a big shot against Xingtian without any reason, and directly kill Xingtian, then the whole world , The whole world will be messy!

If such a situation really occurs, this world has also come to an end and has begun to collapse, and it is impossible to appear at this time, unless the life gods and demons are really resurrected, and this world is plunged into a huge crisis. All the creatures in the world are facing terrible destruction and disasters, but this is impossible at all, because this is a secret world, here is the aura of the previous era, and the power of this aura protects those strong from the previous era at the same time , Also restricting them.

If the life gods and demons really can make a big move unscrupulously, I am afraid that this catastrophe has already ended, and all those trapped in the original domain are already dead and souls. It does not need to do the previous actions, no It takes a lot of energy to refine the planet, perfect one's own world, and re-consolidate the foundation of one's own avenue. Although the power of devouring is good, it also has huge hidden dangers. It is not a last resort. No one wants to choose such a crazy road. The life gods and demons are also forced to be helpless, so they will have such a performance, but unfortunately not everyone can see Check this out, understand it all!


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