God of Destruction

Chapter 3937: Eye of the Day

Chapter 3937: Eye of the Sky

escape! When these people who have lost their fighting spirit and fighting spirit ran away and dodge frantically, the life **** and demon once again showed their power and roared again. With its terrifying body as the center, the terrifying original realm broke out once again. The blows are pouring out in all directions. At this moment, the life gods and demons are also hurrying to resurrect at the fastest speed, returning from the endless time and space, because as their own karma increases, as the killing on the body is too heavy, the life gods The demon's instinct felt the threat of death.

Race against time, this is the true situation of the life gods and demons today. Now they are racing against time, competing for time with the source of heaven and earth. If it can be resurrected first, even if the punishment comes, the life gods and demons will not be afraid. Everything, once I return from the endless time and space, even if the punishment comes, I can’t help myself, but if I don’t have time to return, then it will be serious later, my resurrection will be interrupted, and I will be suppressed by the origin of heaven and earth. To seize the first opportunity in this catastrophe of heaven and earth, unable to complete one's own plan, missed the first opportunity, it is very difficult to survive this terrible catastrophe.

The terrifying destructive power is destroying everything. All the matter under the original domain, whether it is human or living beings, or even the earth, is destroyed by that terrible power, turned into nutrients and swallowed by the life gods and demons. At this time, the life gods The demon has nothing to do with it, and seize every minute and every second to strengthen its origin and speed up the resurrection!

"Damn, we can't stay here anymore. We can't resist this kind of power at all. With the sweep of the original realm, we will lose our living space bit by bit!" The strong man who can calm down quickly understood For the purpose of life gods and demons, this is to fundamentally cut off their living space and compress their living space bit by bit. With continuous destruction, this planet will naturally go toward destruction step by step. They will naturally die!

Being able to see everything clearly, they have no way of resolving it. Before, they had been unable to break free from this terrible death threat. Now let alone, they have no ability to resist after being scattered, and they can see the situation clearly. It just increased my worries and put myself under more pressure, and couldn't change the current situation.

The life gods and demons are moving fast, sweeping everything frantically with the original domain, the planet is rapidly collapsing, and the space for everyone to live is rapidly decreasing. At this time, under this situation, the life gods and demons can be described as terrifying. Even Xing Tian, ​​who had been waiting and watching, also felt this terrible change and the madness of the life **** and demon.

"It's over, these people are completely finished. If the punishment does not appear again, they will die without life, and once the life **** and demon completes all this, I am afraid that it really has to return from the endless time and space, the will of heaven and earth, what do you want What are you doing, can you really gamble with the collapse of the entire world? Do you really have no fear of the collapse of this world, the destruction of the world?" Xing Tian muttered in his heart and thought So, if God’s punishment really doesn’t come, what should you do, really like the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, and you will make a big move to prevent the return of life gods and demons, and carry this cause and effect, so that you can become an enemy of life and death, and will be for the will Guard against disasters, for those who have nothing to do?

Such a decision is not easy to make. It is related to his future. No matter how cautious he is, he can’t overestimate him. After thinking for a while, Xing Tian shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​making a big move. The enemy, becoming an endless enemy, this is too much pressure for oneself, even if oneself can prevent the opponent's current return, can it be prevented for a lifetime? The great calamity of the Supreme Chaos World will also come. At that time, he has great ability and cannot prevent the return of the opponent. In the final battle, he will have an enemy of life and death. This kind of danger is too great.

"The will of heaven and earth dare to let go so madly, why can't I let go of everything, the will of heaven and earth can be fearless of the destruction of this world, without fear of my own death, and why should I worry, even if it is the return of life gods and monsters? , The world that is destroyed first is also the sentient beings of this world. Even if the world is going to be destroyed, I don’t necessarily have to die. Come on, let this storm come more violently, let me take a look. How long can the will of heaven and earth endure!"

Under the terrible pressure and the crazy external force, Xing Tian finally made the craziest decision, watching all the developments with cold eyes, letting the life gods and demons explode, allowing it to affect the planet and everyone. The devouring, let it return from the endless time and space to resurrection, even if I will pay a heavy price, I will not hesitate!

When Xing Tian made a choice, all the pressure in his heart disappeared. Death was not terrible, and the danger was not terrible. What's terrible was that he didn't know how to choose in his heart. Once he made a choice, the so-called pressure disappeared. !

"Haha! The major races are fighting for the power of humanity. They all think that the origin of heaven and earth is undesirable, so they all put it above humanity and seize the origin of humanity. The return of life gods and demons has undergone new changes. The world has become even crazier, and its appearance has really made me see everything through. The choices of the major races are probably grossly wrong. Although the power of humanity is important, the arrival of the great catastrophe is not a humane change. There are tunnel changes, it is the change of the World Dao, the World Dao practice, you can not only take one, or there will be hidden dangers, the tunnel is not undesirable, at least the life gods and demons prove this!"

Although the crazy actions of the life gods and demon will provoke endless karma for themselves, its madness also allows Xing Tian to see the direction of world practice. Even the life gods and monsters can use this violent method and use this cruel method. Means to devour the power of humanity and authenticity, restore one's own origin, and one's own World Avenue can naturally do this too!

Similarly, when seeing the madness of the life gods and demons, Xing Tian also thought of his own hidden danger, the threat of the human origin power above the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul. The life gods and demons can swallow everything and turn everything into their own nutrients. , Can I also do this? Compared to the life gods and demons, I am more proficient in Devouring the Dao, after all, I have a world clone!

The idea of ​​auzw.com may be crazy, but it is not impossible to achieve, at least Xing Tian saw hope, saw the law of breaking the game, failed to divide the soul, and could not remove the power of human origin from his body. , If it is the other way around, swallowing the avenue to swallow this more than the original task, all hidden dangers will naturally no longer exist, perhaps this will have a greater cause and effect with the human race, but what about it, at least one’s own life and death, one’s own Fate is in your own hands, not the hands of others!

Just this hint of enlightenment is a great harvest for Xing Tian, ​​which makes the pressure in Xing Tian's heart completely disappear. If he swallows this source of power, perhaps his inner world will be more perfect, and his world clone will be even more perfect. Great potential, but in this way, his deity will suffer huge damage and will need more time to recuperate.

Yes! At this moment, Xing Tian thought of the inner world swallowing the human origin power, perfecting the three origins of the heaven, earth and man in his inner world, a world without self-evolving creatures, that is an imperfect world, and the inner world cannot evolve itself. Nature’s life is naturally imperfect. If he can swallow the human origin above the sea of ​​soul knowledge, he can also devour more of the origin in this territorial battlefield world catastrophe, perfecting the authentic origin of the inner world and the origin of heaven. , Naturally is in charge of his own clone, so that the three ways of heaven, earth and man in his inner world will be completely perfected!

If anyone knows Xingtian’s thoughts at this moment, they will be shocked. Perhaps every catastrophe in the boundary battlefield world, every opportunity given to the many creatures of the Supreme Chaos World, is guiding everyone on how to perfect the direction of the world road, even It was the chance to swallow the realm battlefield world, but unfortunately the will of the realm battlefield world where Xing Tian is now has wisdom, Xing Tian dare not swallow this realm battlefield world, lest he fall into the crisis of death.

"It's a pity, if I can appear in the Supreme Chaos World earlier, it would be nice to be able to appear before the will of the world on the battlefield of this realm produces wisdom, so that my own world avenue may quickly become successful, and I can directly face the ultimate world. Jie!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian's face flashed with a look of regret.

Of course, everything has two sides. The wisdom of the world's will is not entirely bad. It is also a reference to self-cultivation. From the changes in the origin of this world, Xing Tian can feel more in his grasp of this world. The movement of heaven can add a foundation to the perfection of one's inner world, and accelerate the evolution of one's own world clone!

It can be said that although Xingtian’s trip to the secret realm this time is fierce and dangerous, the opportunities are unlimited. This catastrophe has consolidated the foundation of Xingtian bit by bit, and perfected the foundation of Xingtian bit by bit. For the strong in the death crisis, looking forward to the retreat of the crisis, the appearance of the punishment, and the end of all these disasters, but made a choice, seeing the essence of Xing Tian now does not want the end of this disaster , But I hope to last longer, so that I can have more understanding, so that I can understand the practice of the World Dao more clearly, and understand the nature of the Three Dao of Heaven, Earth and Human.

It is a pity that life is unsatisfactory, and Xing Tian hopes that this disaster will last longer, but the will of heaven and earth does not give him this opportunity, as if he made a choice in Xing Tian, ​​and saw through the catastrophe in Xing Tian. The will of Heaven and Earth is also aware and vigilant to prevent Xing Tian from gaining more insights.

With a loud bang, the entire time and space seemed to be still at this moment, and the entire emptiness was completely condensed. A huge dark vortex appeared above the void. In that vortex, it was not a black hole, not a swallowing force, and It is a horrible and terrifying purple sky eye. In this sky eye, there is endless coldness and mercilessness, as if looking high above all living beings, being illuminated by this sky eye, as if all the secrets of my body have been understood by the other party, in this terrible In front of the power of, no one or any creature has the power to fight back. It is God’s Will and it is the Great Way!

"Heaven's punishment, this is the arrival of heaven's punishment. We finally succeeded. We waited until the arrival of heaven's punishment!" When seeing all this, the many powerful men who had just fallen into despair were all excited about it. Cheering for the coming of God's punishment, cheering for getting rid of the threat of death, and seeing the hope of survival.

"Hahaha, the **** gods and demons have delusions to resurrect in this era. This is itself intolerable. This **** should have been ended long ago!" Someone was laughing wildly, venting the anger in their hearts, and releasing them wildly. All the pressure in my heart.

has it ended? No, things are not as simple as people think. Although the Heavenly Punishment appears and the Heavenly Eye is present, the life gods and demons will be arrested, and will allow the Heavenly Punishment to destroy their hope of return and their chance of resurrection? This is impossible. Although the life **** and demon has not completed the resurrection, it can instinctively prevent it from being captured. It will fight back frantically. The real disaster has just begun, and death has just appeared. The more this moment, the more terrifying the danger!

The Sky Eye appeared, and the life **** and demon seemed to feel the threat of death. A more terrifying force condensed on its body. The terrifying aura became more violent, and the original field became more crazy. The planet under everyone's feet finally couldn't bear this terrible. The pressure began to collapse, and when the planet collapsed, those who did not respond in time were swept into a terrible storm, swallowed directly by the origin of the life gods and demon, and directly turned into the nourishment of the life gods and demon.

This is the result of being happy too early, and this is the ending of ignorance. Before everything is over, don’t be happy too early. As long as this war is not over for a second, there is great danger, and everyone is not out of danger. On the contrary, it is even more dangerous than before, because when the two powers finally fight, even more terrifying power will erupt.

"Damn it, stay away, don't be swept by the storm!" Someone was screaming frantically, reminding others that it was not how kind and enthusiastic he was, but that he was afraid of the continued strength of life gods and demons. Will let the punishment fail this day! Once the punishment fails, it will not be able to completely destroy the life gods and demons, cannot prevent the resurrection of life gods and demons, cannot stop them in the endless time and space, waiting for everyone will be death, whoever lets them have been taken by the life gods and demons Focus on it and become the food of the other party!


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