God of Destruction

Chapter 3938: Saving calculation

The third thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight chapter calculation

At this time, under this situation, every additional person’s loss will increase the power of the life **** and demon, and will accelerate the resurrection of the life **** and demon. When such a situation occurs, it will naturally increase the danger of others. If it is replaced by sacrifice Others can allow themselves to survive. Such warnings will never appear. This is human nature, this is human heart, and this is selfishness under instinct. Cultivators are the most selfish existence in this world. They are for their own survival. You can sacrifice everything!

"Damn, the eyes have appeared on this day, why didn't they give the heavenly punishment, and not give the life gods and demons a fatal blow, what is it still waiting for, do you want us all to die here, and all become the nutrients for the life gods and demons to resurrect? Is it?" Facing such a danger, someone couldn't help but cursed with anger in their hearts, venting their dissatisfaction and worry!

"Perhaps this is the true intention of the will of heaven and earth. It has never appeared to save us, to save us from fire and water. It exists only for life gods and demons. If it can give life gods and demons a fatal blow, sacrifice us. It’s not impossible for a person to sit and watch the sky, because in its eyes, we are all just like ants!"

When I heard these words, although some people were unwilling and some were angry, this is the truth. The truth is so cruel and ruthless. In the eyes of the will of heaven and earth, they are just ants, ants who can give up at will, if they are people like them His death can be exchanged for the destruction of life gods and demons, and the will of heaven and earth will definitely let them die here!

"Asshole, isn't it afraid that we have the heart to die together? Isn't it afraid of us cruelly pulling it into the water?"

"Hmph, ignorance, do you have such strength? We can't even resist the aura of life gods and demons now. What qualifications do we have to resist? This is the cruelty of heaven and earth. This is the law of survival. If you are weak, you have no right to choose. No matter how angry or ranting we are, we can’t change this fact, nor our own situation. If you don’t even know this, there is no need to survive. Sooner or later, you will die between the world! "

These words sound harsh and hateful, but this is reality. In the face of the cruelty of reality, you can’t help but not accept it. The only thing waiting for you is death. Faced with such a situation, no matter how angry someone is, No matter how unwilling, I must accept it. I can only watch the situation continue to deteriorate, watch the crazy eruption of the life gods and demons, watch the sky eyes that have been silent above the void, endure endless shocks, and accept terrible pressure!

"Wait with peace of mind. Now all of this is not in our grasp. All we can do is wait quietly. When this war is over, no matter what is hidden will be clear. Now all we have to do is Protect itself to the greatest extent, instead of complaining to others. No matter what the Tianyan wants to do, one thing is certain. It will not be willing to see the resurrection of the life gods and demons. It has not acted for a long time, and it must have its own. intention!"

What's the point? No one can say it clearly. Perhaps only the will of heaven and earth knows it. Whether it is the powerhouses present or Xingtian who has been watching the battle as a bystander, they can’t understand the true intentions of the will of heaven and earth. After all, everyone The information we know is limited, and there is not enough information to rely on. Any guesses are not reliable, especially in such a final battle. Once you guess wrong and take the wrong path, what is waiting for you is bound to be destroyed!

Under such circumstances, there is no absolute certainty, and no one will easily make a move. Even Xing Tian, ​​who holds several treasures of origin in his hand, will not do so, and will not risk his life. At this time, he will make a move. Once he fails, he will have no retreat, and will only be directly killed on the spot by the life gods and demons and the heavenly eyes.

As the life **** and demon erupted again, the Sky Eye seemed to be irritated. After the people complained, a series of horrible light beams fell from the void, and every light beam falling was an attack by the Sky Eye. Every light beam fell. , Are all manifestations of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, this power is terrifying, and that terrifying power directly penetrated the void and tore the world!

In this terrible power, everyone felt the power of the will of heaven and earth, the tyranny and greatness of the origin of the world, and this power exceeded the limit they could imagine. In every pillar of light, they could clearly feel a The origin of the Great Dao, as if at this moment, the Eye of Heaven has mobilized the power of the Dao Origin of the entire world, punishing the gods of life!

Is this the punishment? No, this is not a complete natural punishment. This is just the beginning of the natural punishment. It is just a battle of temptation. The real punishment is a devastating outbreak. It will not give the life gods and demons any chance to turn over. Although there are terrible powers in these pillars of light, it is far from enough to destroy the life gods and demons!

"Temptation? It's ridiculous, when is this, and still doing this useless work, the life **** and demon has not returned from the endless time and space, but it has become conscious, and it is no longer a puppet with only instinct to fight back. Want to use this little power to test each other, this is really a big joke, maybe this power can destroy other creatures in this world, but it is not enough to deal with the life gods and demons. Such power may even be the life gods and demons. The defense can't be broken!" Xing Tian couldn't help but swayed and muttered to himself when seeing such a situation, with a slight loss of the will of heaven and earth.

Show the enemy to be weak? Deliberately let the gods of life relax their vigilance? No, it is impossible to succeed at all. Even if the life gods and demons have not returned, they will not be deceived even if they only have instinct. An ancient **** and beast will not be deceived by the enemy's weakness even if only the instincts are left. Now that the life gods and demons have a trace of consciousness, this is even more impossible to achieve!


What is the purpose of Heaven and Earth Will doing this? What does it want? Xing Tian was thinking in his heart, wanting to find out the intention of the will of heaven and earth, perhaps when he clarified this question, he would have a deeper understanding of the will of heaven and earth, and even a deeper understanding of the ancient gods and demons. , Can crack more secrets of life gods and demons!

The idea is good, but it is very difficult to achieve this. Right now Xing Tian has this mind, but he does not have the ability or so much time. To complete such a task, it takes too much time, and Xing Tian does not There is not so much time to waste, and it is impossible to devote one's energy to this point. Then it will be a bit of abandonment. No matter how powerful others are, no matter how many secrets others have, they are just other people's. You need to rely on your own avenue, only your own avenue is the most suitable and powerful one, your own avenue is the foundation of everything!

For Xing Tian, ​​he fully understands this truth, even if the confrontation between the will of heaven and earth and the gods and monsters of life shows too many opportunities and too many temptations, Xing Tian will not be moved, and will not give up because of this temptation. Own avenue. Even those strong men who are caught in terrible danger can endure, waiting for the end of the war, waiting for the results to appear, Xingtian himself is not life-threatening, how can he not have the patience to continue waiting, as long as he continues to wait, everything will be There is an ending!

Those beams of light ripped apart the space and fell directly on the body of the life **** and demon, and terrifying power madly attacked the life **** and demon's body. Originally, in Xingtian's eyes, it was impossible to penetrate the life **** and demon's body defense. But in the end Xing Tian was wrong. The beams of light easily tore apart the body of the life **** and demon, and a lot of blood bloomed on the body of the life **** and demon! Under the attack of these pillars of light, Xing Tian's physical defense seemed to be a fake, with no resistance at all!

"Damn it, what's going on? Is the physical defense of the life **** and demon imaginary because of the resurrection? Even such an attack can't be resisted. This is incredible. Is the life **** and demon having ulterior motives or this? There are powers in the Daoguangzhu that I don’t know, can I ignore the defense of an ancient **** and demon?" When he saw this scene, Xing Tian became extremely dignified. All this is incredible, all this is abnormal. In such a battle, abnormality is dangerous!

In an instant, the body of the life **** and demon was pierced through hundreds of blood holes. Such an injury caused severe pain in the life **** and demon's body. It could have made it roar again. From that sound, all Everyone can feel the anger of life gods and demons, and feel that bit of pain, and this change makes Xing Tian even more worried!

"If it weren’t for the conspiracy and calculation of the life gods and demons, it would be that the heavenly eyes condensed by the will of the heavens and the earth have a power that they never know before, and they have powers that they don’t know. Everything you understand is nothing but a fur. If you really want to understand everything, unless you have mastered the essence of the three talents of heaven, earth and man!"

"Of course, it is also possible that the life gods and demons are also deliberately showing weakness and have their own arrangements. This is why this situation arises. If this is the case, the final outcome depends on their respective calculations. If this is the case, perhaps this It’s a chance to understand the power of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and a chance to understand the secrets of ancient gods and demons!” Soon Xingtian’s eyes flashed, and the opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come again. If everything is as he thought, then this time it’s a real success. It's a great opportunity!

Xing Tian can think about so much. Wouldn't those many powerful men in danger think of it? Xing Tian would not think so about this. If these strong men were really so ignorant and stupid, they would not have lived until now. Obviously, these people have also seen opportunities, but they can gain a bit, depending on their own background. Their respective abilities, under such a general trend, there is no trickery, everything depends on strength, because the opportunity is right in front of you, there is no obstacle!

When Xing Tian calmly stared at the body of the life **** and demon, Xing Tian quickly saw a different aberration. Although the life **** and demon was roaring frantically, its fighting spirit was not damaged at all, and its combat power was not affected at all. , On the contrary, the original power of the life gods and demons is increasing. Although the power of the beam of light penetrates the body of the life gods and demons, the original power in the beams of light is swallowed by the life gods and demons and turns into their own nutrients. Become your own source of power!

"What a life **** and demon, what a devouring avenue, doesn’t it have any resistance, because it has never thought of resisting, but wants to swallow these original powers. What a terrible calculation, what a crazy calculation, once There is a little mistake, I am afraid that the benefits will not be obtained, and I will be hit by a devastating blow. The life gods and demons are really powerful, not only cruel to others, but even more cruel to themselves. They can use their own resurrection as a gamble. This is really true. too frightening!"

Xingtian was shocked when he saw a trace of the life **** and demon's plan. This situation was something he had not expected before. Although the swallowing process avenue is powerful, it is not the fundamental avenue of the life **** and demon, and the power to swallow the avenue is not necessarily Being able to completely swallow all attacks, Xing Tian might not be able to make such a crazy decision if he exchanged positions!

This is just the beginning. The life gods and demons have made such a crazy decision. It seems that the madness of the ancient gods and demons is beyond my imagination, and the power of the will of heaven and earth is beyond my imagination. Even I can see through the life gods and demons. Intention, the will of heaven and earth is no exception, but it has not prevented all of this, obviously this will of heaven and earth also has its own calculations.

The more you see, the more you understand, the heavier Xing Tian’s heart will become. This life-and-death showdown made Xing Tian truly aware of his insignificance. Compared with the will of heaven and earth, compared with the gods of life, he is indeed just An ant, and a weak ant like himself has got so many opportunities and so many treasures in this secret world. If it is all because of his own luck, Xing Tian would not believe it. To say that there is no conspiracy behind this is absolutely false.

Someone is calculating themselves, and behind everything they have obtained in the secret world is guided by a black hand that they don’t know about. He is a **** in the hands of others. Maybe the black hand is the ancient gods and demons, or the supreme chaos world. The strong, even the power of the human race, no matter what kind of situation, this is something Xing Tian is unwilling to see, unwilling to accept, unable to control his own destiny, this is too great for Xing Tian pressure! Of course, this pressure is not terrible. The terrible is the danger behind the pressure. His life is in the hands of an unknown person, and he may die at any time. This is something Xing Tian cannot accept!


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