God of Destruction

Chapter 3939: Break the law

Chapter 3939

Every tribulation of heaven and earth is a frantic battle, whether it is a battle on the bright side or the secret calculation hidden in the dark, it is part of the tribulation of heaven and earth, and I deeply understand that all of these are naturally necessary. Be very cautious, the more you are at this time, the more you are in this situation, the more you have to be careful, the less you can't be careless, or a small mistake will ruin everything you have. Will let yourself fall into a dead end!

The will of heaven and earth seems to have not cared about the swallowing of the life gods and demons, the beam of light still fell like rain, and did not care about the crazy swallowing actions of the life gods and demons, and did not care about their own losses, in Xingtian’s eyes, in the eyes of others. In his eyes, the will of the world is to use this tidal shock to defeat the life gods and demons, and no matter how much the original loss is!

atmosphere! The expression of the will of heaven and earth gives Xing Tian an atmospheric feeling, as if no matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how powerful the calculation is, he only needs to break it with one force. This tide-like impact is the one of a thousand soldiers who sweeps everything. Power is the power to dominate the world, no matter what the strong will be forcibly suppressed.

"It's a will of heaven and earth, a force that breaks ten thousand laws, and it is useless to let you have thousands of calculations in front of absolute power. A powerful force can destroy all obstacles. I hope that the life gods and demons will have new methods. There are more details, otherwise its fate is doomed, such a crazy attack, such a huge impact, it can crush everything!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian shook his head. If he faced such an impact, he would only I was afraid that I would be killed in the first time. Compared with the ancient gods and demons, I was still far behind, and compared with the will of heaven and earth, I was not worth mentioning.

"Is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth a chance or a terrible calculation? Can the Great Dao of the World pass through this secret world? The Will of Heaven and Earth has such a huge power, who can seize the world silently under its nose? The avenue of the earth, refining the world into his own?" Xing Tian shook his head again, he was not afraid of such a power, but fortunately he gave up his greed for the boundary battlefield world before, or he really had to make a bold move, and eventually it was It is impossible to escape death. Compared with the will of heaven and earth, he is not in the slightest comparable. The gap between the two is really too big, and it is so desperate.

Although the realm battlefield world is not comparable to the supreme chaotic world, it is also a powerful world. It is still clear how terrifying the origin of a world is. How can you have a chance to win a battle in the enemy's home court? If you don't cut off from the world I am afraid that I will be backlashed by the original will of this world, and I will be strangled in that terrible impact!

In front of the world, I am just an ant, no matter how great the potential is in front of the world, I cannot withstand a single blow. If I want to get rid of the name of this ant, I must have my own powerful power, and now this is something I don’t have, even if It is that his inner world has infinite potential and has a thousand fortunes. As long as it does not grow up in a day, it is only potential. Ultimately, it is the strength of strength, not the infinity above the potential.

"The life gods and demon are delaying time, and I think the will of heaven and earth is making the same plan. The life gods and demon want to delay time to devour the origin of the world, strengthen themselves, and resurrect themselves from the endless time and space. What kind of idea is the will doing this? If you want to remove this terrible hidden danger, it's just that the power shown now is far from enough. What is the other party's calculations, and how can I get rid of the current predicament!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian shook his head again. This thought was too big. It was useless to want to do this with his current strength. He had no ability to stop all of this. In this catastrophe, the current self Just ants, ants can't shake the sky, no matter how much you think about it, it will not be of much use to your own development. The most important thing for yourself is power!

Soon Xing Tian understood the true purpose of the will of heaven and earth, and understood the horror of the beams of light. It's not just talking about it, it is real, although the life gods and demons are madly devouring everything and working hard. The earth turns the origin of the heavens and the earth into its own nutrients, but a **** and demon that has not really been resurrected cannot completely eliminate the power of the will of the heavens and the earth!

Soon there were marks on the body of the life **** and demon, and the marks were formed by the pillars of light, and as time passed, as the pillars of light continued to fall, the marks gradually occurred. After the change, a series of terrifying chains of the original order have been formed, and this chain of orders has become a giant net that binds the gods and demons of life.

World Law Open! This is the calculation of the heavens and the earth. As long as the life gods and demons are ambitious and greedy, they can’t escape the shackles of the world’s legal net. If the life gods and demons use their own affairs to directly confront the punishment, there is still a glimmer of life. To get rid of the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, it is a pity that it did not do so. Instead, it took the opportunity to swallow the origin of heaven and earth, and fell into the calculation of the will of heaven and earth in one step, leaving the remaining power of the beams of light in its body, transforming For this terrible and terrifying chain of order, let yourself fall into such a terrible passive situation, let yourself be in a desperate situation!

Desperate! At least in Xingtian’s eyes, this is a desperate situation. In the face of such a terrible world law, Xing Tian can’t think of a way to break the game, even if he has the ultimate treasure in his hand, Xing Tian is also unable to fight against this world law, because this is not like facing a law web. Simple, but against the whole world, this world law net connects the whole world.

"It's too strong. This is the power of heaven and earth. Compared with heaven and earth, we are all ants, and we have no ability to fight at all. Heaven and earth law net, this is the killer of the will of heaven and earth. This time, the life **** and devil are dead. Dare to continue to be arrogant.” Many powerful people saw this scene with their hairs erected. They could all feel the terrible nature of the law of heaven and earth. Even the incomparable existence of life gods and demon could not get rid of the shackles of the law of heaven and earth, not to mention. It is their weak ants!

"Yeah, it is too strong. It is an enemy of heaven and earth, and there is no hope of victory at all. In front of the law of heaven and earth, everything is ants. The law of heaven and earth is the expression of this world, and the eye of heaven is the master of the world!"

"One force breaks ten thousand laws, why do I have such a weird feeling in front of the world law net, the will of heaven and earth uses a means such as one force to break ten thousand laws to suppress the gods of life, don't you think this is weird?"


"What's so incredible? In your eyes, what should the will of heaven and earth do? It is impossible to let the life gods and demons resurrect. In your eyes, there are legal restrictions, but in the eyes of the will of heaven and earth, there is no such restriction. The condensing of ten thousand laws into heaven, earth and law seems to be based on three thousand great avenues, but the essence is still to break ten thousand laws with one force, and still use force to crush people!"

"Well said, it’s not that only the great avenue of strength can represent the power of one force to break the ten thousand laws. The power of the world can still do this. Don’t let your weak heart affect your practice. The Avenue is so simple!"

"Do you say that the life gods and demons really have no chance of turning over? It has been calculated for so long, and I am afraid that it will be so easy to be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth for the resurrection? Should we take the opportunity to leave, after all, now With the suppression of the will of heaven and earth, we can tear the void and escape this terrible danger!"

"Shut up, you **** weak, are you stupid by the life **** and demon? Under this situation, how can it turn over, and the life **** and demon is obviously about to lose, we have to do It's not about leaving, not trying to save yourself and fleeing, you should think about the gains that the life gods and demons can get after being suppressed, and think about the remaining opportunities in that opportunity, even if the life gods and demons are stronger, It is impossible to swallow everything in the land of chance!"

"Weak? I don't think so. Are you so sure that the life gods and demons will die without life, and do you think that even if the life gods and demons are suppressed, we can really benefit? I don't believe you will not see this now. The situation, without seeing the many calculations behind this, under such circumstances, how many opportunities do you think we have to grab the so-called chance?"

"If you want to go by yourself, I will not give up this opportunity, even if there is a great danger, I will never give up. I have passed all the terrifying dangers before, and I don't need to give up this opportunity when I am about to harvest. Chance!"

For an instant, when there was no threat of life and death, these people quarreled again, quarreling again and again, at this moment they forgot the external danger, and forgot that the life gods and demons had not really fallen. At this time, there were some quarrels. It's too early!

Those who want to leave, really don't have any greed in their hearts, do they really have to give up this opportunity at their fingertips? No, they are advancing by retreating. They don’t want to lose the initiative, so they have this immediate action. If they really want to leave, they won’t talk so much nonsense, they can tear the void and get out of this dangerous place. ! It’s just that at this time, under this situation, before everything is over, I ventured to start doing this ridiculous calculation, which is really unbelievable. This is completely dying. After all, the life gods and demons have not yet moved. destroy!

Ancient gods and demons like life gods and demons, as long as they are not suppressed or destroyed for a while, they have the opportunity to turn over, because for these people, they have never known the terrible ancient gods and demons, and they don't know that one truly masters the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. What a terrifying background and calculations the rules of the gods and demons have, a strong **** and demons who can dream of returning from endless time and space, no matter how cautiously they are treated, they dare not care about the will of heaven and earth, but these people are now Because of the immediate interests, they have forgotten the danger around them. This has to be said that they are really interested in their interests and do not know how to advance or retreat!

No matter how good the interests are, is it important to have your own life? If the life gods and demons have fallen, they are still willing to fight like this. After all, there is no external threat. It is normal to **** interests, but this is now The war is not over at all, and these strong human races, as well as the barbarian kings, began to calculate each other, which is really ridiculous!

However, there are some accidents! No one mentioned Xing Tian at this time, even if they knew that Xing Tian had the original treasure in his hands, but everyone still ignored Xing Tian directly. It was not how merciful they were, but that they had to do this, and experienced such a terrible life and death. Jie, they have paid a heavy price, and they are no longer able to find Xingtian's troubles, because they are afraid of death, and they are worried that Xingtian will be killed. After all, Xingtian was unscathed in this battle and there was no loss.

With today's strength and hardship to shake Xingtian, it is looking for death. No matter how longing for the original treasure in Xingtian's hands, no one dares to attack at this time! There are so many people, and with their power, they can use the tactics to pile up death penalty days. This idea can only be a fantasy in my own heart. No one will do this at all, because everyone knows that they are selfish Under the effect, these companions around oneself are not reliable at all. Under the temptation of that huge profit, it is very likely that they will make wedding dresses for others, losing their lives and letting others get a bargain!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Under such circumstances, expect everyone to join hands to **** the original treasure in Xingtian's hands. This will never happen, especially now that many people think that the danger has gone, and they cannot commit themselves at this time. Under this situation Offend Xingtian to death and let himself be targeted by the lunatic Xingtian!

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, Xingtian is a madman. Without a certain degree of certainty, no one wants to provoke a madman, no one wants to make wedding clothes for others, so naturally no one has the idea to beat Xingtian again. ! After all, the price paid is not proportional to the benefits gained, and the risk of oneself is too great for everyone to bear!

Of course, when they leave this secret world and return to the realm battlefield world, everything will be different. They will attack Xingtian as soon as they regain their strength, and hang Xingtian repeatedly to beat themselves. The face-faced **** has taken the big opportunity from Xingtian. As for the identity of the person who should be robbed, I am afraid that no one will care about or be afraid of it. After all, the interests are attractive. As long as there is a chance, they will fight with all their strength and experience After this treacherous danger, the hearts of all strong men are extremely eager for a powerful treasure of protection, and the treasure of origin in Xing Tian's hands is perfect!


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