God of Destruction

Chapter 3947: New life

Chapter 3947: Freshman

The good fortune green lotus and the exterminating black lotus began to take the initiative to absorb the power of the external origin, and with the help of the power of the original fetus, to restore their origins madly, bit by bit, the origin began to condense, and the lotus body that was originally full of cracks began Recovery and destruction are connected with the Great Way of Good Fortune, and the two great sources are connected with each other, constantly blending with each other, and constantly recasting themselves with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

Yes, now the two primordial treasures are beginning to recast themselves. As the primordial source continues to recover, a piece of lotus leaf falls from its body and turns into dust, while new lotus leaves are constantly growing, and a stream of vitality grows from the two. Emanating from the Primordial Treasure, the forces of destruction and good fortune blended together, condensing traces of the supreme chaotic origin. This trace of the supreme chaos origin continuously washes their damaged bodies, constantly transforming them and allowing them to evolve.

When the two great source treasures instinctively condense the supreme chaotic origin, the chaotic elementary fetus radiates a trace of joy. This supreme chaotic origin gives the elementary fetus immense nourishment and accelerates the growth of the chaotic elementary tire. In other words, the vitality of heaven and earth is just a general nutrient, and the supreme chaos origin is the most urgently needed nutrient. Only the supreme chaos origin can accelerate its growth. After all, the Primordial Primordial Chaos is the fetus that breeds the chaos gods and demons, a chaos **** What the demon desires is the origin of chaos!

When this trace of chaos origin appeared, Xing Tian in the Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Body felt its own changes. The core of the Primordial Primordial Origin was finally activated, and the body of Chaos Gods and Demons began to condense. Under the guidance of the source, it turned into the source of chaos, and continuously condensed the power of chaos to evolve the body of the gods and demons for Xingtian!

When this trace of chaotic power came out, Xing Tian’s soul consciousness also changed. At that time, the empty road was guided, and the road of thunder was attracted. They all wanted to rush into the body of the condensing gods and demons, as if to Dominating the casting of the body of the **** and demon, could it be said that there are still hidden dangers in the avenue of time and space, and there are still ancient powers, wanting to seize the body of the **** and demon?

No, this is not the case. The reason for this situation is not that there are hidden dangers in Xingtian’s soul and knowledge, but that the Dao of Time and Space and Dao of Thunder both want to dominate the body of the gods and demons and condense their own bodies. We must know that every newly born chaos **** and demon has its own authority and its own body of law.

Whether it is the Dao of Time or the Dao of Thunder, this is not the Dao law that Xing Tian really masters. The power of the Dao is not the body of the magic rule Xing Tian wants. If Xing Tian chooses, Xing Tian is willing to use the Dao of Good Fortune to condense his **** The body of the demon, after all, the Dao of Good Fortune has endless vitality and can give itself the greatest help. It is a pity that the source of the Dao of Good Fortune of Xingtian is outside of the original birth. It cannot give Xingtian the power of assistance, and cannot help Xingtian gather the gods of good fortune. Body.

The power of the gods and demons of good fortune has been seen by Xingtian before his own eyes. Even if it is only instinct, he can fight against the will of the world in the realm battlefield. If the gods and demons of good fortune are intact, they will definitely have the power to destroy this world. Xing Tian couldn't do this, he couldn't evolve according to the rules he expected. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian had to make changes!

If he can’t condense the body of the gods and magics he wants, Xing Tian will naturally not affect his own gods and demons from the avenues of time and space and the avenue of thunder at will. If he condenses a gods and demons that are not compatible with his own avenue, For Xingtian, it was a great disaster. Not only could he not help himself go further on the road of practice, it would even break Xingtian's path of practice!

"In any case, the original imprints of the Avenue of Time and Space and the Avenue of Thunder should not be allowed to appear on the real body of the gods and demons, and their power can not be allowed to affect the casting of the real body. Since the body of creation cannot be condensed, why should I not The pure and most fundamental source of chaos creates a chaos body without any attributes. Perhaps it is not the most powerful, but it is definitely the most suitable for you, because the chaos body without any attributes is the most primitive and fundamental chaos. The real body is also the most inclusive real body!"

Crazy? Perhaps there is one point. It is necessary to know that the chaotic body without any attributes, although it has the most powerful inclusiveness, is also the most ordinary chaotic body. It has no effect on the power of any Dao law. This is for chaos. It's not a good thing for gods and demons. The true body that cannot bless one's own authority, no matter how powerful and inclusive, no matter how pure essence, is the most trash existence in battle, it is also unacceptable for all gods and demons.

There are exceptions to everything. Xingtian is like this, and Xingtian’s Primordial Primordial Primordial Chaos is not forged by innate, but acquired. The most important thing is that Xingtian is not a practitioner of a single Dao law. It is unacceptable to many chaotic gods and demons. The true body is the most [.] suitable for me. Especially in this situation, I have no choice, unless I am willing to accept even worse results, or I want to change my Dao practice, give up chaos and destroy Dao and Chaos good fortune avenue, and this is obviously impossible, even no matter how difficult it is, Xing Tian will not give up his avenue of practice!

Only one's own Dao practice is the most suitable for you, and you can walk to the top of the Dao. If you cannot bear this temptation and test, Xing Tian will not escape from the mortal situation again and again. From death to life time and time again, from the endless death to take a road of his own.

Although the most fundamental and ordinary gods and demons are the least willing to accept all the chaos gods and demons, such chaos is the most difficult to cast, and the time and energy required are amazing. It can be said to be done in Xingtian. When he made this choice, he embarked on a more difficult path, making his practice more difficult.

The road of practice has never been smooth, and Xing Tian is no exception. In the face of such a test, Xing Tian can deal with it calmly. This is the best result. Although the road Xing Tian chooses is difficult, it is also the most suitable path for him. , The most ordinary **** and demon body, can tolerate all the avenues Xingtian practiced, and even can tolerate the power of his own clone.


When Xing Tian made a decision, whether it was the origin of the empty avenue or the origin of the avenue of thunder, everyone was blocked when he wanted to rush into the real body of the gods and demons, and they could not affect the birth of the real body of the gods and demons. When the situation happened, the power of these two sources was urgent. They felt threatened, felt uneasy, did not carry the power of their own Dao rules, did not bless the gods and demons of their own Dao brand, can they give themselves enough evolution?

For a moment, the origin of the avenue of time and space and the origin of the avenue of thunder have made a choice. Under the condition that they cannot affect the birth of the gods and demons, they can only make another choice, only to condense and carry the origin of their own avenue, and this treasure can be integrated Only in this way can those who have reached Xingtian's Soul Consciousness Sea can use the origin of the Soul Consciousness Sea to perfect themselves.

With a loud bang, the Avenue of Thunder made its performance first. Who made its power the weakest, recast its original form, and condense the city of thunder punishment? No, the Avenue of Thunder did not make such a choice, even if it is the easiest choice, but the City of Thunder Punishment is not suitable for Xing Tian, ​​nor can it perfectly carry the origin of Xing Tian's Avenue of Thunder.

The scepter, in the thunder, the origin of the road of thunder surged, and the origin of the road of thunder condensed into a supreme scepter in charge of the origin of the thunder of heaven and earth, and appeared in the sea of ​​soul consciousness of Xingtian, although at this moment Xingtian’s soul of consciousness sea It’s still very small and weak, but when the Thunder God’s Staff appeared, the power of the endless road of thunder was taken from the void into the Soul Consciousness Sea, and Xing Tian’s soul began to grow, and Xing Tian’s Soul Consciousness Sea was strengthened. The power of the soul expands the origin of the soul of the sea.

When the origin of the road of thunder condenses the scepter of the original treasure, the origin of the space-time avenue can't stand it. If you don’t act, the power of the origin of the road of thunder will completely occupy the sea of ​​soul knowledge and will be imprinted in the sea of ​​soul knowledge The original imprint of the Avenue of Thunder makes the entire Soul Consciousness Sea become its domain. This is not an acceptable result of the Avenue of Time and Space.

There was another loud noise, and a thunder exploded. The power of time and space separated Xingtian’s soul consciousness sea. The origin of space and time condensed into two half-moon treasure wheels and appeared in the sea of ​​soul consciousness. When Xing Tian’s resurrected consciousness thought that there was a difference in the Great Way of Time and Space, the Wheel of Time and the Wheel of Space slowly rose and merged to form a round moon. The complete Wheel of Time and Space appeared in Xingtian’s Soul Sea of ​​Knowledge. In this round of full moon, the strong time and space power nourishes Xing Tian's soul, and the whole soul consciousness is shrouded by this time and space power, making Xing Tian feel refreshed.

Changed, everything has changed. The Avenue of Time and Space and the Avenue of Thunder, the original treasures, have changed their forms, no longer the state of the city before, and have a new form, and such changes are most suitable for Xingtian, because they are now It is a new life, not a resurrection. The original treasure of the new life is imprinted with the breath of Xingtian, and it is natural to integrate Xingtian's power to perfect Xingtian itself.

If the two source treasures are still in their original form, it is not easy to fully integrate into Xingtian’s soul consciousness. After all, the original form has the power of different and Xingtian essence, while the new source treasure does not. Such hidden dangers, no such problems, after the formation of these two great treasures, waves of knowledge of Xingtian’s soul were set off, and the endless aura of origin was continuously introduced into the soul by the two great treasures. The essence of the earth refines the soul of Xing Tian.

And at this time, unknowingly, two godheads took shape in Xingtian's Soul Consciousness Sea. They were the time and space godhead that held the Dao of Time and Space, and the Thunder godhead that held the Dao of Thunder! When these two gods converge, it means that Xingtian has mastered the Dao of Time and Space and Dao of Thunder, becoming the God of Time and Space and Thor!

The fundamental avenues of self-cultivation, the avenues of chaos good fortune and the avenues of chaos destruction, have not yet condensed the godhead, and have not become gods, but now they have achieved the position of the **** of time and space and the **** of thunder. Such a situation surprised Xing Tian. This is what he did. Unexpected result, did not expect that the time and space avenue and the thunder avenue will merge into the soul consciousness sea to have such a change.

God, yes, this is a god. Xing Tian already has the foundation of a god. As long as the chaos gods and demons are condensed, Xing Tian can become the **** of time and space and the **** of thunder. He holds the power of these two laws, but Xing Tian really wants to fully grasp The two major laws must first fight the will of heaven and earth, and seize this priesthood from the will of heaven and earth.

Is the priesthood important? It is also important to say that it is not important. It is not important to say that it is not important. It is important because the priesthood can mobilize the original power of the entire world to bless itself. It is not important because the current situation makes this priesthood a bit of a taste. Now it is the great disaster of the world. In the final catastrophe of the world, if you seize all the priesthood from the will of heaven and earth, and master all the origins, it means that Xingtian will merge with this world. Once the world is destroyed, Xingtian will also be severely damaged, and even die out. Dangerous.

If it were normal times, Xing Tian would naturally take the power of the priesthood with all his strength, but now, Xing Tian can’t do so, it is impossible to connect himself to this world tightly, let himself be trapped by this world, and let himself be for this world Take on that huge pressure and disaster, and let yourself face this terrifying final catastrophe. Perhaps in this final catastrophe, there is an amazing opportunity, but no matter how good the opportunity is, it has to be endured. If you don't even have your own life, what is the use of this opportunity.

Having just experienced a catastrophe caused by death, Xing Tian will no longer let himself fall into such a crisis, face such a terrible catastrophe, so Xing Tian will not seize the power of this world, that authority Strength is tasteless, it is a pity to eat tastelessly, and this is the general trend of the world, and this is what the chaos gods and demons need to face.

"Hmph, if I want to be a new life, if I get freedom, I am not a minion of heaven and earth, break it for me!" Xing Tian's consciousness moved, and the world aura that was originally entangled in the soul was cut off, Xing Tian gave up directly The so-called priesthood only condenses the godhead and does not accept the priesthood. The strength of the body comes from oneself, not the heaven and earth.

Not all gods and demons, and not everyone, can do Xingtian's decisiveness and resist such temptations. The priesthood is not that simple. It has powerful power, but Xingtian still gave up. For Xingtian No matter how good the priesthood is, it’s not as important as your own safety. A battle with the will of heaven and earth will expose yourself, will make you be targeted by the will of heaven and earth again, and will give the will of heaven and earth a chance to strangle yourself. It's just a fetus, and you are completely powerless. Resist the impact of the will of heaven and earth!

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