God of Destruction

Chapter 3948: Nose Supreme Chaos

Chapter 3948: Supreme Chaos

If Xingtian is exposed to the will of heaven and earth at this time, even if the will of heaven and earth has been severely damaged by the previous battle, Xingtian will not be let go. It is even more impossible for Xingtian to seize the priesthood of the **** of time and space and the **** of thunder, because then Xingtian will There is enough power to stop the sky and the earth. Once such a situation occurs, it will be a great impact and threat to the will of the sky and the earth. The threat is naturally to be wiped out in the bud, so in Xingtian's view, no matter what Can't do this!

Of course, things are not exactly as Xing Tian thought. He also has the opportunity to seize the priesthood, but this is more dangerous than failure, because if he really succeeds in obtaining two priesthoods, it means that he has fallen into the calculation of the will of heaven and earth. In the game, oneself will have a more terrifying and dangerous big trouble than before, and one who is not careful will become the other's puppet!

Yuan Ti is the new born of Xing Tian. There must be no mistake. No matter how high the price is paid, Xing Tian must ensure that Yuan Ti is not dangerous. When the connection between the priesthood is cut off, there is a slight faintness between Xing Tian and heaven and earth. The connection with was completely eliminated. After that, Xing Tian no longer had the opportunity to touch the two great priests of this world. He could only rely on his own accumulated source of power to master the laws of Dao. This is a difficult road, but this is also the strongest road. Only by embarking on this arduous road can Xing Tian be able to build an invincible foundation for himself, and be able to gather his strongest source.

After Xing Tian gave up the opportunity of priesthood, the power of the two great godheads was limited, and the source of heaven and earth that could be attracted was much less, but this also reduced the chance of Xing Tian to expose himself, if the huge source of heaven and earth continued to grow. Landing at the place where the Yuan womb is, even if Xing Tian is covered up, he will eventually be noticed by the will of heaven and earth, but now there are fewer opportunities for exposure. If the will of heaven and earth is not deliberately searching, he will not be aware of this change. After all, astonishing changes are taking place in the entire world today, the endless source of heaven and earth is surging crazily, and the entire world is shrouded by a huge source!

A trace of heaven and earth is continuously integrated into Xingtian’s soul-knowledge sea. Under the guidance of the two gods, Xingtian’s soul is continuously grown, and the soul begins to recover faster. Compared with that without attributes, it is completely pure and incomparable. Xingtian’s soul recovers much faster with the chaos essence condensed from the chaos **** and demon body, and the recovery of the soul gives Xing Tian more opportunities to understand the great path and the opportunity to understand the origin of the chaos **** and demon. This process is a great opportunity, and for those innate chaotic gods and demons that are generated from heaven and earth, they have no wisdom before the gods and demons are condensed, and it is naturally impossible to get huge from this condensed real body. The advantage is, but Xing Tian is different. When the soul accelerates to recover, Xing Tian can gradually feel the evolution of the chaos body and the transformation of the soul consciousness sea, and every bit of transformation and evolution contains great opportunities.

Constantly comprehending his own changes, Xing Tian's comprehension of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth has also been enhanced, and this comprehension has continuously strengthened Xing Tian’s background, constantly giving Xing Tian more help, so that Xing Tian can have a fresher understanding of the origin of heaven and earth. , It also allowed Xing Tian to continuously strengthen his grasp of the power of heaven and earth and the laws of origin. Even this process allowed Xing Tian to truly feel the aura of the supreme chaotic world and a trace of origin fluctuations from the supreme chaos world.

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian believed that he really felt the breath of the Supreme Chaos World, and felt that the pure chaos source he had absorbed came from the Supreme Chaos World. This is the power of the Space-Time Avenue, as if it were his own Space-Time Avenue and Thunder The power of the Godhead condensed in the Great Avenue can spur the source of the highest chaotic world!

This is an amazing change. When I cut off the connection between the godhead and heaven and earth, the source he led was not the source of this world, but from the supreme chaotic world. This information made Xing Tian extremely shocked and shocked. Besides, Xing Tian's heart is also ecstatic, which means that he has truly mastered the Dao of Time and Space and Dao of Thunder, cleared out all the hidden dangers in the two original treasures, and has been recognized by the Supreme Chaos World.

"If there is no accident, the two great source treasures I have obtained are left over by the chaos gods and demons born in the supreme chaos world. Otherwise, the original godhead I have condensed cannot directly cross this boundary battlefield world. I have colluded with the origin of the supreme chaos world, but unfortunately now I can’t get more information. The inheritance that originally existed in the two origins and treasures has turned into nourishment and become part of the original birth, otherwise I can know more ancient secrets !"

There are gains and losses. Nothing is perfect. Perhaps there is no perfect existence in this world. I want to get the source as a nutrient and I want to keep the memory in the inheritance. This is impossible. If this happens , Then it would be too bad for the sky, such an opportunity really appears, it is against the rules of the universe world.

For today’s Xing Tian, ​​although he is eager to know the secrets of the ancients and eager to get more information about the ancient gods and demons, this is not the most important thing. The secrets of the ancients are not as important as their own roots and no self-cultivation. It’s important. As long as you build this solid foundation, you can complete your own transformation, get rid of all previous influences, and cast the true body of the Chaos God and Demon, with powerful power in the body, and everything else is nothing. If you can no longer Going further, being able to integrate the two roots of oneself, perhaps going further, will make one's own potential even stronger.

It’s a pity that there are not so many good things in this world. Being able to live from death and condense the Primordial Primordial Primordial Chaos is already a great opportunity. To go even further, Xing Tian is afraid that he will be battered by the heavens and the earth, and he will die directly. Perfect power will be jealous of the heavens and will be destroyed by the heavens and the earth. This situation is the most suitable for Xingtian. There are no hidden dangers and no weaknesses caused. This is the foundation of perfection. The next step is not chance, but Self-cultivation.

The Primordial Primordial Primordial Primordial Chaos guarantees Xing Tian’s roots, and the Godhead guarantees that Xing Tian’s soul is strong. As for his own world tree clone, this is no longer a question that Xing Tian’s deity considers. After his soul recovers, Xing Tian vaguely You can feel the existence of the clone, although it is very weak, but as long as the clone is still there, everything is possible. One's own deity needs time to recover and time to settle, so does the clone, and it takes a long time to digest everything.

New students should not be too impatient. They should practice steadily one step at a time, and lay a perfect foundation for themselves in the future, so that they can have a great advantage over accumulation. You should know that at this time you have to accumulate a little more strength and origin. , In the future, I will have more potential and more vitality. Transforming from the womb prematurely will only waste my great opportunities!


Xing Tian also wants to know about the changes in this world. After all, there are many of his own companions in this world, as well as his own Taoist companions. Xing Tian does not want to see that they are in danger, but now Xing Tian cannot be distracted, lest it be in vain. Missing this opportunity of transformation, wasting my great time, letting myself waste my secrets!

For Xing Tian, ​​time is always lacking, and always tense. For his own practice, Xing Tian has never been sloppy. His soul begins to recover. This is a good thing for Tianda, as for the real body of Chaos. The accumulation of the above, this is not in a hurry, first restore one's two great source treasures, so that one's own chaotic yuan tire can have a certain defense!

With the passage of time, the aura of Xing Tian’s soul has become stronger and stronger, but the Primordial Primordial Primordial Chaos has not changed too much. Only with the huge and pure Primordial Primordial Chaos can his true body of Chaos be cast, and now his Primordial Primordial Body Most of the origins guided by them have been absorbed by the Primordial Treasures. The first-grade Chaos Good Fortune Qinglian and the First-Rank Chaos Destruction Black Lotus no longer have their previous weakness, and most of their strength has been restored, but the current First-Rank Chaos Fortune Qinglian and There is a slight difference in the first-grade Chaos World Destroying Black Lotus. There is a golden light between the green lotus and the black lotus, and this golden light contains the pure and terrifying source of the highest chaos!

Yes, at this time, the two Great Primordial Treasures are all condensed with a trace of the supreme chaotic origin. With this trace of the supreme chaotic origin, the volume of the two great Primordial Treasures has shrunk by several times, and as the volume shrinks, the most precious of the Primordial Origin The defense has increased several times, and the source of accumulation that can be increased dozens of times. This is the benefit of the Supreme Chaos Source tempering. Originally Xing Tian needed to be guided by himself to compress the Supreme Source, but now it doesn’t cost Xing Tian. Mind, Primordial Treasure can do it by itself.

Whatever you pay, you will gain. For Xingtian, having endured such a big crisis and faced with such terrible pressure, it is normal to have such a gain. If you don’t even have this gain, you will endure the danger. It is not in vain, breaking and standing. This is not a lie, it is real. In the whole world, many people understand this truth, but few people really dare to give it a go, just like those who have always For hidden powerhouses, they all yearn for their own transformation, but let them do this crazy act of breaking and standing, but no one will respond. In those endless years, their beliefs have long been taken by a long time. Annihilation is no longer as brave as it was at the beginning. The longer you live, the more you are afraid of death. Let these people who are afraid of death face death. This is a bit difficult and a bit unrealistic.

Don’t leave it alone, just in the secret world, the powerhouses Xing Tian saw, all of them have selfishness and are unwilling to give their lives. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will fight frantically, and be When the real death comes, many of them will hardly have the thought of giving up their lives.

Without the faith to swear to death, without a strong will, it is impossible to complete the crazy move of breaking and standing, it is impossible to let oneself live from death, to complete an essential transformation, and to reluctantly will only make oneself die even more. Come on, maybe those strong guys know their real situation, so they dare not do this, dare not risk their lives! However, when they face the righteousness of race, they can give up their lives and forget their deaths. Such a weird mentality makes it even more difficult to grasp! Perhaps this is the impact of the racial stigma on them, just like the original stigma in Xingtian's soul-knowledge sea, when facing racial justice, he will unknowingly affect himself and make himself do many unimaginable things!

I dare not dare to have any hidden dangers of the soul imprint, now it no longer exists for Xing Tian, ​​now Xing Tian's soul is extremely pure, without any impurities, as clear as colored glaze, and the transformation on the soul will give Xing Tian more The gains made Xing Tian's perception of heaven and earth and the great avenue further, and laid a better foundation for his future practice!

As Xing Tian continued to recover, huge vitality condensed in the Yuan Tire, and a faint aura of chaos gradually emanated. When the two great source treasures no longer absorb the origin of the Yuan Tire, the essence of the Yuan Tire begins to change. , Began to proceed under the pure Primordial Primordial Chaos, the endless source of good fortune poured into the Primordial Tire like a tide, turning into the accumulation of Primal Tire!

The real body of a chaos **** and demon is not so easy to condense. It takes a long time to rely on the absorption of the original body itself. After all, the purer the source of chaos, the more time it takes to purify. After the Great Primordial Treasure returns to normal, they can feed back the Yuan Fei, and can guide the transformation of Heaven and Earth's vitality into pure chaotic origin, and become the nutrients of the Yuan Fei!

With the passing of time, gradually there was a heartbeat in the Yuan fetus. A small fetus appeared in the Yuan fetus, absorbing the origin of chaos and growing continuously. This is Xing Tian’s newly born chaotic **** and demon body. However, compared to those innate chaotic gods and demons, Xingtian’s real body is also different. There is no such innate gods and demons, and there are not so many magical powers appearing. If you don’t detect it carefully, the essence of this birth is a human body. , A human body.

Yes, Xingtian’s real body of Chaos God and Demon is based on human beings. It is also possible to say that he is a Chaos God and Demon, and to say that he is also a human being, because Xingtian’s real body of Chaos God and Demon does not need to transform human form. It is human beings, but the bloodline has been different, the chaotic **** and demon body condenses the true chaotic bloodline.

It’s a pity that Xingtian’s chaotic **** and demon body is still too weak to test the talent of this **** and demon body, nor can it test the bloodline nature of the **** and demon body, because this fetus can’t withstand the powerful soul of Xingtian and force it. Because, it will only destroy Xingtian's **** and devil's real body, and waste Xingtian's great opportunity!


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