God of Destruction

Chapter 3953: Section clash

Chapter 3953 Confrontation

"My fellow daoists, maybe our existence is the reason to prevent Xing Tian from showing up. Although we are confident that we will gather our Qi machine, will not leak out, will not be detected by external forces, but the savages and **** have exposed everything. Several barbarian kings gathered at the border, not to mention how alarming the threat to the people of the border, and Xing Tian would naturally not show up under such circumstances. Perhaps we should let go first and constrain this catastrophe to a certain extent. Within range!"

Those strong human races who could not see Xing Tian show up finally couldn't help it. Everyone gathered in the north and they were very impatient. After all, time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for them. For a long time, no one knows what will happen, and no one knows what will happen to those **** barbarian kings over time. This is a border gate. Once they, the strongest, take a big shot, the whole border gate will be destroyed. Destroying, even if the frontiers have strong formations, they can't withstand the big shots of so many strong people, so these strong human races can't afford it.

"Control, how to control, do you think the major forces of the human race will agree? Even if they agree, will other forces agree? Does the **** foreign race give us such a chance? Don't say this ridiculous thing. It doesn't work. This battle is not something we can restrain, but the human heart has been affected by the qi, forming a real killing and tribulation. No matter how we control it, it is useless. This is the general trend of the world, and we cannot fight against the world!"

"Why did I say that I would fight against heaven and earth? In fact, I only want to say that we are the old guys. Everyone must not make a big shot before the final battle of the Great Tribulation. All battles are completed by younger generations, and our breakthrough is Those **** barbarian kings, you must know the previous secret world, the barbarians are wounded, as long as they are willing to accept it, other alien races are much easier to talk about. As for our human race, if anyone dares not obey orders, they will be destroyed directly. In this way, the situation will ease, and Xing Tian will gradually show up. As for who can succeed, it depends on everyone's abilities!"

Good guys, the hidden powerhouses of these human races are really powerful enough, and they immediately made the final conclusion. They didn't care about the imperial dynasty or the thoughts of the human emperor. Perhaps in their eyes, the human emperor is nothing more than an ant. After all, the human emperor nowadays can't suppress the world, and the luck of the fortune has leaked out. Such a fortune is only one step away from the collapse. The imperial fortune cannot interfere, so this human race has no power to interfere with their decision!

"You are sure that those guys will be silent. You have to know that no matter how dilapidated the fortune is, it is also the fortune of the empire. In the endless years, no one knows how much power they have accumulated. If something happens, the consequences will be unthinkable, nor is it What one or two people can solve, the most important thing is that once we fail, we will carry great cause and effect, great karma!"

Manipulating the human luck and mastering the general trend of the human race is very simple, but you have to withstand this karma, and the consequences of a slight mistake are unimaginable. Every force has the idea of ​​the human luck, and they have always wanted to control the empire forever. , Dominate the world, but they have failed without exception. Without an eternal imperial fortune, any powerful forces will be overwhelmed by time.

"I know what you are worried about, and I understand your concerns, but in this situation, we are already riding a tiger. If we don't do this, we can't solve the problem at all. The old antiques of the empire are not fools. As long as they are sober, they Knowing that this is the general trend of the world, they can't resist it, and there is no need to fight with us to hurt both sides. What's more, the human emperor has not yet appeared in this world, they still have enough time to prepare, perhaps this time the catastrophe is also their chance , Is whether they can truly grasp the opportunity of this fortune. If the two worlds merge, the fortune will surely increase their luck! The most important thing is that we who are strong do not take action. The younger generations can naturally also let go, as long as After a long time, Xing Tian will also show up. The person who should be killed cannot hide forever. If he wants to hide, Heaven and Earth will not let him go!"

Yes, the people who should be robbed can’t hide, and if they have supernatural powers, they are still vulnerable in the face of the general situation of the world. These people want to directly take the treasure in the hands of Xingtian and take the luck of Xingtian in this realm battlefield world. , But the general situation of the heaven and the earth does not allow it, and it is precisely this way that Xing Tian can disappear without a trace, and he can't even find any clues. This is the power of the heaven and the earth, and this is the protection of the heaven and the earth against the robbers, in the secret world , They can attack Xingtian without any consideration, but it is different in the realm battlefield world, here they cannot be presumptuous, and they cannot be presumptuous!

"If we keep waiting like this and want to seize Xingtian's treasure, I am afraid that we will not have a good result. The world will not help us to do so, and we will not be able to resist the wrath of the sky. Do you say that the general situation of heaven and earth will let us go? Don’t think that in the secret world, everyone can fight against the general trend of heaven and earth without any gains. It’s impossible. We have to recognize the situation. It’s good to be a treasure of origin. , But that is the original treasure that masters the Dao of Thunder, who knows whether this treasure really needs to be refined by Xing Tian, ​​after all, it is the power of heaven's punishment!"

Everyone has not thought about this problem. If Xing Tian only has the right to use the city of thunder and punishment, then all the price they have to pay will be great. For a tangible and intangible source of treasure, they will plunge themselves into a crisis. It’s really worthless. In the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, we still have to focus on our own safety, and everything else can be put down temporarily!

"Everyone, the emergence of the secret world was opened by Xingtian, and now this great catastrophe is developing in an unknown direction. Everyone knows the calculations of the savages and bastards. This time we just had a good chance and Xingtian intervened. Just escaped a catastrophe, otherwise, whoever of us can leave the secret world alive, not to mention that you have the power to break through the strangulation of the all-inclusive array. It is unrealistic and impossible. Speaking of Xingtian, Xingtian is still Our savior, although he is a bit selfish, but that’s nothing. After all, he still has to do the job of a catastrophe and promote the continuation of the catastrophe, so in my opinion, we can not take action against Xingtian for the time being. Take a look at the changes in this world, take a look at this general trend!"

"That said, but what is the use of agreement only with those of us, we can't decide the direction of the human race, nor can we change the decision of the alien race, this is nothing but empty words, there is no feasibility!" Some people disagree. He said, in his opinion, this is a bit ridiculous and some unacceptable, so he retorted!

"Not feasible? No, this matter is very powerful. As long as we take action to directly suppress the barbarian kings, let them understand what is the general trend, as long as the barbarians compromise, other parties will compromise, not to mention the absence of us old men. The guy’s shot, everyone can save more power, and doing so is very beneficial to those **** aliens, they have no reason not to accept it, if there are really people who dare to disagree, we don’t know what to do, and we will destroy it first. Let's talk about one or two races!"

auzw.com Ruthless! These high-ranking human races are really ruthless, and the extermination is only instantaneous, but they have such power. If the human race really has to fight back, raid at all costs, it is a huge disaster for other races, and there is no one side power. Can stop the human race's edge, do not point the spear to the human race, they can only compromise.

"This suggestion seems very good. We should continue to retreat. Don't forget what we have experienced in the secret world. Such monsters have appeared. Do you think we have much time to waste. If we retreat, everything can return. Normal is also worthwhile, and an unknown direction is very unfavorable for us!"

"That's the decision. We leave everything to the younger generations and let them decide everything. Now we join hands to talk to those **** barbarian kings!" For these strong human races, they have always done things cleanly. After making the decision, they left the land of the human race together and entered the barbarian barracks. The strong aura is imperceptible to ordinary people, but it is like a beacon to people of the same level!

"Damn, these human **** are really vicious enough. They don't forget to chase us at this time. Don't they want to digest the gains of the secret world? At this time, do they want to fight life and death? "The barbarian king who presided over the overall situation shouted angrily, his voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

"No matter what these human **** want to do, we can't show weakness. This is the place of our barbarians. We can't let the strong of other races go wild. If they insist on doing everything, we will pull them to death and let these **** bastards. Knowing that we barbarians have spine, and would rather die than surrender, fight to the end!"

"Okay, don’t get too excited. The other party just broke into our territory and didn’t have much malice. If they missed killing in their hearts, our minds would warn us. I don’t know if these **** are looking for us. This day and earth catastrophe is related, after all, the secret world group has caused us too many difficulties, and it also allows us to see a broader sky!"

"I hope so. If possible, I don't want to fight a decisive battle with the Human Race at this time. We are not ready yet, even if the Human Race is not ready, but their background is much deeper than ours. We absolutely can't see any hope of victory, this is really a desperate result, a sad result!"

Soon, many powerful people of the human race came. When they saw the nervous look of the barbarian king, their hearts were happy, but they would not waste their energy on this. After all, time does not wait for people. In what direction the general trend will develop is unknown. They still have to complete their own layout first, and it is not a good move to openly ridicule the other party!

"Human bastards, what do you want to do when you come in a team? Is it possible that you want to trigger a race war in advance. If you dare to fight, we will die with you. Don't want to get away from us easily!" With the fall of this word, those barbarians The body of the king of people exudes a fierce battle of death, as if all of them are going to be transformed into death, pulling the enemy to death!

"Damn, these **** savages are crazy, they are all brains, what do I want to do here when I want to go to war?" Although I think so, but I can't say it, and the more the other party's performance is so tragic, the more It shows that the opponent has a guilty conscience. It seems that after World War I, the barbarians were really injured, and the accumulation of endless years has turned into nothingness. The benefits gained have not been lost. This makes the strong people of the tribe happy. The more the enemy is The smaller the better.

"Go to war? No, we are not here to go to war, but we want to ask you what you are going to do. So many people gather outside the border town and threaten the safety of our empire. If you don't give us an explanation, then stop. Blame us for being unreasonable. This is what you asked for. Look, because your breath has leaked and the entire border town is tense. You should give me an explanation, give me an explanation for the imperial movement, and give it to those who protect it. A statement from the soldiers!"

What these people want to do, obviously come for Xingtian, but unfortunately they have nothing to fear. Even if there are their spies in the northern land, Xingtian can’t be found. They are the barbarian kings for nothing. Took my own time.

"Say, what else do we have to say on our own territory? Your human race is too overbearing. You must know that this is the land of my savages. We are free to do whatever we want. You savages should give us their behavior. A statement!"

"Enough, I don’t want to listen to your nonsense, I know what you’re thinking about, don’t forget, Xing Tian is a man who deserves to be robbed, he has the fortune of heaven and earth, and do you think heaven and earth will let your conspiracy succeed? , Since it is impossible, why not give up, this time we hope that you barbarian can set an example and be able to restrain yourself, all the old guys will continue to sleep, don’t take part in this world catastrophe, otherwise, just stop blame We're welcome, you have the heart to fight for the dead, and my human race has no weak people. You will be the **** who are unlucky under the fight. The human army is unstoppable, and there is no race to stop. Do you understand?" Domineering, As soon as this domineering speech came out, the barbarian kings became dignified one by one, and all of them were uneasy, and their morale was suddenly weakened a lot!


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