God of Destruction

Chapter 3954: Jieyangmou

Chapter 3954

"Hehe, we are not scared, do you think these few words can make us retreat? This is impossible. No matter how strong the human race is, but can you gather together? Together, the human race is chaotic at first , To threaten us barbarians with this ridiculous remark is too simple to think of us. Even if our brains are not good, we know what to do. If you just threaten us, please leave, we are not afraid !" These barbarian kings behaved very bachelor, directly showing the aura of death, without flinching at all.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know how much impact this remark will have? You may not be afraid of death, you can regard death as home, but will the whole barbarians be like this? You barbarians don't dare to genocide. With this kind of power, you'd better not make misunderstandings or it will be unthinkable!" The strong human race said with a sneer in disdain.

"Huh, you still want to threaten us barbarians and genocide. Do you dare to do this? Together with the race wars, you are afraid that you will be attacked by groups. You are too ignorant to use race survival as a threat. Can you withstand the backlash of causal karma, and can you withstand the change of heaven and earth? We barbarians cannot withstand the edge of your human army, and your humans cannot withstand the backlash of heaven and earth karma, and can pull the human race from the position of dominance. , This sacrifice is also worth it!" Crazy, there is an incredible madness in the barbarian king. It is possible not to regard the life and death of his own tribe as one thing, this kind of madness cannot be achieved by many humans. Yes, such madness is shocking!

"I really want to give it a try to see how powerful your barbarian's background is. If you can pull my human race down to the supreme position, you can't do it with the great array of all directions in your hands!" Facing the barbarians Human madness, the strong human race still sneered disdainfully, not at all intimidated by enemy threats, in these confrontations, but tit-for-tat, there is no remaining, everyone is doing their best to win the initiative Right, strive for a situation that is beneficial to you!

"We barbarians sacrificed their lives to accompany each other. If a few want a fight, we will die. It is no big deal to die. If we can pull your human race down from the supreme, it is the greatest glory for us! Don't think Only you know that the world is fused and can be connected to the Supreme Chaos World, so can we, and we are willing to die for glory!"

When the barbarian king talked to this point, he had already torn his face. In this case, any concealment is useless. Everyone understands that the world has changed and has a background, so they are all fighting for the best for themselves. Interests.

"The supreme chaotic world, yes, we all have people behind it, but what about this, you are not so naive to think that the supreme chaotic world is a quiet land, there is no fight, it is impossible, and you think this world still I don’t believe that you **** will have a qualitative change in this world. This is unpredictable for us. The will of the world is our greatest enemy!"

When everyone talked about being barbaric, the more they deviated from the subject, they seemed to forget what they were here for, but the expressions of other human powers did not change a bit. All this seemed to be so natural and there was no problem. But everyone knows how many terrible calculations and conspiracies are hidden before and after this, how many amazing murderous intents there are!

"Haha! The will of the world is the enemy of your human race. After all, your human race is the protagonist of this world. If you are under pressure, your human race will be the heaviest. And we barbarians are just "ants" in the eyes of the world will, so we are not afraid, the sky will fall down. With the support of a master, the world will first target your human races, not ours!" The barbarian king said with a chuckle again, without a trace of tension or pressure on his face, as if everything is as he said. Like that.

"Yes! My human race is indeed the protagonist of this world, but the persimmon has to be soft, even if the will of the world wants to attack all sentient beings in the world, it will start from the weakest, and it is impossible to directly confront my human race from the beginning. , That is very detrimental to the will of the world, so it is you small races that should be guarded carefully. You must know that this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, or even a catastrophe of the world. Anything can happen, so don’t take it lightly. That's it!"

Seeing the more and more the human race's strong, the more and more chaotic things, the barbarian king couldn't help but sipped in a deep voice, saying: "Enough, all that should be tested has been tested, what is your purpose today? Let's just say it straight away, we don't have so much time wasting on talking with you, and talking about our lip service, we barbarians are no better than your human race!"

Although the words of the Barbarian King were not pleasant, the Human Race did not refute, nodded and said: "Okay, let's talk about the purpose straightforwardly. In fact, our intention is very simple. In this catastrophe, All of our old guys don't do anything, unless the final race war begins and the final decisive battle arrives, otherwise all the battles in this world will be borne by the younger generations. No matter what happens in the end, we can't do it!"

"Hey! Are you old guys crazy? Do you really have to pay such a big price for Xingtian's little ant? Is he worth it? All the old guys can't do it. You can really be the one who deserves it. Can you dominate everything? Or do you think that the human race is so strong that it is not afraid of all threats!" As for the mention of the human race, all the barbarian kings were shocked by it. Their first thought was to think of Xingtian, thinking that everything was In order to prepare for Xingtian, the human race must take Xingtian as the core and re-establish the pillar for the human race, which makes them somewhat unacceptable.

These strong human races have made such an opinion. There are indeed Xingtian reasons. But in fact, the barbarians think too much, and the associations are too rich. The strong human races have never planned to use Xingtian as the core to train them. It's a person who hasn't been cultivated yet. How can we waste time and energy to cultivate an outsider who doesn't know much about it? Even if Xingtian is an outsider who has great luck and great opportunities, the major forces of this human race cannot do this.

auzw.com Xing Tian is just a reason. The most fascinating thing for the powerful is to understand the changes of the world. If their retreat can change the will of the world and weaken this terrible crisis, this Explain that your plan is successful, otherwise everything will be turned into nothingness, and the whole world will usher in a terrible turmoil, a terrible killing!

"I know that many of you are trying to beat Xingtian’s original treasure. The power of Xingtian is indeed terrifying, but this power is not something everyone can control. Xingtian can, but we may not be able to. The most important thing is that we don’t reject it. If you have the ability to fight for this kind of yours, you can arrange for the juniors to **** from Xingtian. As long as you can succeed, we old guys have absolutely no opinion and will not go to war. The chance of luck is in the midst of the catastrophe, and everything depends on it. Fight for yourself!"

I opened up the matter and didn’t have too many reservations. This was a huge impact on the barbarian kings. They never expected that the human race would make such a choice, facing the huge temptation. His heart was full of enthusiasm, and he wanted to immediately take the opportunity and treasure from Xing Tian, ​​but it was just a fantasy.

"What a human race, what a strategy, no wonder you dare to come directly to the door like this, because you believe that we can't refuse this temptation, not only we barbarians, but also other races. You are using Xingtian as bait. All of our races are swept away. You want to calm the chaos in the world, but don’t you think it’s a bit too late? If you do this, you won’t be able to save the situation, let alone you use Xing Tian as a bait, which will greatly stimulate each other. In this way, your entire human race will be in chaos in the world, any dynasty of luck is empty, and the empire will surely collapse!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the barbarian king stared at the many strong human races, wanting to see something from the faces of the strong human races, but unfortunately all the strong races are expressionless at this moment, very cold, and refuses. Being thousands of miles away, these barbarian kings didn't get the slightest gain, nor could they really understand the reality of the opponent.

"In a word, yes or no, we don't have so much time to waste with you, hurry up and make a decision, we don't want to wait with you for a lifetime!" Seeing the shocked look of the barbarian king, the strong human race is still calm Speak.

"Promise! Why don't we agree to such a good condition? You have agreed that all the old guys can't take action. All the juniors are used to solve the problem. No matter life or death, no account will be held. This is a vow to the Supreme Chaos. You can't go back, as long as your human race swears that we barbarians will never be afraid of challenges!"

Yes, this time the barbarian king regarded the human race's suggestion as a challenge, thinking that everything is under control. They seem to forget that the human race had the same induction before, as if everything is in their own palm, but in the end But it ended up with a badly wounded ending, and almost everyone was wiped out. It seems that they still haven't learned a lesson.

"Well, it’s the final word, we take the oath, we take the oath based on ethnic luck, you should believe it now, but you must also remember that as long as the final battle does not come, as long as the race war does not break out, All the old guys can’t get it right. Violators will be punished by God. Don’t take the Supreme Chaos Oath as a trifle. Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can’t cover up this chaotic oath. This is remembered on the source of the Supreme Chaos. It is immortal, unless the supreme chaos is broken, otherwise no one will want to escape the ruling of the supreme chaos rule!" The strong human race once again emphasized his remarks, warning these excited barbarian kings, so that they should not be too happy. early.

"Hehe, we all understand, and we all know, you don't need to say so much, I'm afraid now you are already in a hurry to leave, go to negotiate with other races, this time your human race's bet is a bit big!" The barbarian king is happy! Said, the joy in my heart is completely revealed on the face, without a slight concealment, everything comes from the depths of my heart!

"That’s it. You’re going to leave the border area sooner. Don’t put too much pressure on the border. Otherwise, you will be targeted by the Supreme Chaos Rule. If that’s the case, you will die without life. I hope to sacrifice a border town to destroy a strong man like you, but unfortunately no one will be deceived!" A strong man in the human race smiled indifferently, did not hide his dissatisfaction with these barbarian kings, and directly expressed his attitude.

"Hmph, we will take care of everything, don't worry, we will never give you the opportunity to use the power of the Supreme Chaos Rule to obliterate me, etc. After you leave, we will naturally leave, just to go back to recuperate. Sort out the gains from the previous secret world, and maybe let yourself see another world!" A barbarian king looked at the people of the human race with disdain, a dreadful and calm murderous intent flashed in his eyes, unfortunately his murderous intent It is useless at all, unable to affect these powerful men, and his murderous intent can not shake the general trend of the world, in front of the general trend of the world, he is like an ant!

A negotiation ended in this way. The strong human race got everything he wanted, while the barbarian king saw hope, saw the hope of the race and the hope of the individual, and all of them wished to immediately participate in this great battle. Come, but soon they all wake up, they agree, but they still need to report to the Presbyterian Church and get the approval of all the elders. If it is really necessary for the strong people to restrain this, this is really not a good thing, maybe other races They are all able to see the hope of getting ahead, but at the same time they are also under tremendous pressure and impact.

After the many powerful men of the human race reached an agreement with the many kings of the barbarians, the dark clouds over the northern land dissipated a lot, and the killing and killing aura dissipated a lot. As the king of the north, General Mo was also aware of it, but his status was limited. He didn’t participate in this earth-shattering calculation at all. All he could feel was the atmosphere of war in the north. He could only vaguely understand that the barbarians had new changes, and whether this change was good or bad for a while. It's hard to tell! The appearance of this change is also an unknown discovery, a test of the will of heaven and earth, and a crazy test.


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