God of Destruction

Chapter 3955: Festival King

Chapter 3955: The Emperor

Thunder! The human race and the barbarians reached a consensus. This is like a thunderstorm that blasted the entire world. Both within the human race and the alien races were shocked. No one thought it would be such a result. They did not expect the human race to have an advantage. Such a choice was made. It is impossible to say that the official document is only for the control of casualties. Obviously, there must be an ulterior secret in it, and this secret is only between the human race and the barbarians.

The appearance of this thunder also blasted the entire human race, making the lord of the lofty movement feel tremendous pressure, making him feel the pressure of humanity, and bear the terrible impact of humanity. This is what the emperor must have Taking on the responsibility, this heavy responsibility was weighed heavily on him, making the emperor feel a big stone pressed in his heart, and he felt a great threat from the void!

For the emperor who is in charge of the human race, it is not without anger. The feeling of being concealed is not uncomfortable. These big forces united and did not give the Yunchao a word, but directly made an oath with the barbarians. Suddenly interrupted the empire’s spine. Without the help of those hidden old guys, could the world really calm down? Is this really God’s will? This era is when the fortunes collapsed, but why doesn’t this world give us anything? I give it a go!

The anger returned to anger, but the imperial fortune did not react at all, as if everything was under control. At this time, under this situation, the imperial fortune was also unable to counterattack. Doing so would only make the fortune destroy faster. It will speed up the destruction of one's own family. Once you overdo it, the entire royal family will be dragged down and abandoned by humanity.

"Damn, these **** big sects, big powers, they deceive people so much that they don’t even leave a bit of skin to the royal family. This is to completely sever the foundation of the royal family. I knew this before. Even if you paid a high price before, you have to Strangle these **** with an army first!” Unfortunately, no matter how angry you are, you can’t reverse the general trend of the world. Back then, the ancestors of their royal family seized the world, so why should you give others a face? This world will naturally be in chaos.

"This is the reality. Your Majesty should clean up a bit. We have no choice. When the other side uses human righteousness to overwhelm us, we can only passively accept it, because we are the human emperor, in charge of the avenue of the world, those **** sects this time Not only for us, but also for those alien races, they are eager to lead a crazy battle, guide the variables of this great calamity, and deliberately want to control the general situation of the world, but it is a pity that it will not happen after all. The general trend of the world is not. Can be mastered by external forces!"

Looking at the emperor with an angry face, a royal elder sighed and persuaded that for the royal family, although he was slapped in the face this time, he must abide by this rule. This is the price of being a royal family. Although the **** has selfish intentions, overall the situation is still very favorable for the human race. Only relying on the younger generation to fight, this will block too many deaths.

The emperor said angrily: "I know, but I am not reconciled. Obviously, we can take advantage of the northern chaos and this mysterious world to suppress some people in one fell swoop, and lead the empire on the right path. At that time, these sects cut off our final foundation. Isn't this forcing us to go on the road to nowhere? Isn't this not giving our royal family a bit of life!"

As a human emperor, he has to endure this evil spirit, which makes him intolerable. He finally saw the transformation of the secrets and the hope for the future. But in a blink of an eye, the major forces of the human race made such a decision, and they still backed off. What the emperor did shows how disdainful they are to the emperor, and how disapproving of the emperor.

The royal elder smiled indifferently and said: "What if you are not reconciled? At this point, we can only acquiesce, or we will only hurt ourselves. Since these sects want to make the world chaotic and want to solve this catastrophe with the younger generation, Then we also agree that the big deal will eventually shatter. This is no big deal for us. After the world merges, it is still unknown whether this fortune will exist! If the fortune is gone, the world will no longer exist. What are they fighting for!"

"Well, if they do this, then I will fulfill them. Don't they hope to find the Lord of Destiny and the Man of Destiny? I will give them this opportunity. The North is already in chaos and is not in the control of the Empire. Then abandon him completely, make Moruo the king, make the king of the north, see what those **** old **** do, and see what they use to restrict the north!"

ruthless! To be an emperor is not only to hate the enemy, but also to oneself. I originally saw the opportunity to turn around, but it was shattered in a blink of an eye. This has a great impact on people, and it is precisely this shame that is so painful to the bones. Let the lord of the fortune go crazy for it, and no longer have to worry about it. They want to mess up the fortune, want to disperse the luck of the fortune, and look for the Qianlong. As the lord of the fortune, naturally they are cruelly pushing behind. One hand, this situation becomes even more weird.

Is the destiny really important? No, it’s not as important as the emperor thinks, and his thinking is also going in the wrong direction. Those big sects are not dealing with the master of luck, and the royal family behind them, but playing chess with Xingtian. Chess with heaven and earth, and the empire's fortune and his master of the fortune are just a pawn.

However, the chess pieces also have the ability to reverse the game. Especially the King of Humans, who is the lord of the dynasty, has amazing power. Once the King of Humans becomes crazy, it is more terrifying than any strong. When the title of King of the North comes out, Moreau really became a king, condensed the king's spirit, and got lucky and luck. At that time, all the forces in the north would face a terrible disaster. No one wants to have more hidden dangers in their own homes. Naturally, they have to clean up the hidden dangers, and this catastrophe is naturally a great opportunity.

"The King of the North is indeed a good idea, but you promise to be certain. As a human emperor, you will feel the pressure from the world and the void. This is what every human emperor must face. No one else can help you on this road. Only you can go on. Without these old guys, you alone will decide the fortune of the entire empire. Success or failure depends on your own good fortune. If you succeed, you will win the road. If you die, you can choose yourself!" Seeing the strong fighting in the eyes of the Emperor, as the royal elder, he spoke directly and made a final conclusion on this matter. Everything is left to the Emperor himself to choose!

auzw.com "What, too elder, how can this be done!" All the royal family powerhouses were shocked. This power is so great that if something goes wrong, the consequences are really unimaginable. Immediately speak to stop all of this, and you can't let the emperor decide the world in one word!

At this moment, the emperor's face also has many shocks. He also knows the pressure of this determination. He decides everything with one word. The whole world is controlled by himself. Success or failure is constantly hovering in the mind of the emperor. The confrontation between interests and power is constantly colliding, making the emperor dare not make a decision lightly. After all, this is no small matter.

The elder Taishang glanced at the Emperor indifferently, ignored the reactions of other royals, and said flatly: "Why, I don't even have confidence in myself. If that's the case, then you want to resist, you just admit defeat. If you dare not take this heavy burden, then choose to abdicate and let others take on this heavy responsibility! The word "Human Sovereign" is not as simple as it seems!"

Human Emperor, when the Supreme Elder again uttered the word Human Emperor, all the royal families present were shocked! Human emperor, this is the title of human emperor, even the lord of fortune can not call human emperor at will, but now the elder Taishang has said these two words again!

"If you don't have a fight in your own heart, and you don't have the determination to see death as home, then give up. You can't bear the impact from the world, the pressure from the void, and giving up may be the best choice. In fact, born from this world Since then, the human race has gone through endless years. During these endless years, I don’t know how many fortune dynasties were born. The masters of those fortune dynasties were not destroyed by latecomers, but many people knew they could not bear the great cause and effect of that day and took the initiative to give up. , Giving up also means the collapse of the fortune! The Emperor of Humanity can only be recognized by the heaven and the earth, and only at the time of the tribulation, as the most powerful leader of the human race, do you think you have this qualification? You Do you think you have the ability to reverse everything?"

The words of the Supreme Elder are like thunder bombarding the human emperor’s mind. The human emperor is not worthy of everyone. Once he takes this title, the consequences will be very serious. If you want to reverse everything, you can only accept the human emperor’s The title, although the Supreme Elder did not directly say it, but all the royal family powerhouses present understood this and were shocked by it.

When looking at the emperor who was struggling, the Supreme Elder shook his head again and said, "If you don’t know how to choose, then follow your heart. Don’t influence yourself for foreign interests, only follow your own. The original mind can make the best choice. Whether you escape or choose to fight, it’s nothing. Our royal family will not be destroyed in the long river of time and space, unless the world is destroyed. , Heaven and earth collapse!"

"I accepted, I am the emperor, and I should be in charge of humanity and luck, when dominating the world, and the emperor will stand!" A deep shout fell, and with this deep shout, a powerful golden light radiated from the emperor. Heaven and Earth Dragon Qi, that is the Heaven and Earth Karma position, at this moment the Human Emperor's Karma position really fell, such a shocking change made the many royal families present even more shocked.

The elder Taishang nodded and said: "Okay, as the emperor, you have jumped out of the chessboard. This world is up to you to control it. Success or failure is all your own business, and success will prove the success of the emperor. With the blessings of heaven and earth, even if the two worlds merge, you also have good luck and luck. Let me do it. Let me see how far you can go. I hope you don’t let yourself down! You have to understand, You yourself are the most important thing, the emperor!"

The last sentence of the word Human Emperor expresses the true heart of the Supreme Elder. The fall of the Human Emperor’s position means that the Human Race has roots in this catastrophe, even if it is a trick, but the Human Emperor’s The fall of position is of great help to the fortune of the empire. When the position of the human emperor fell, the entire human race was shaken by it, and a dragon's ring sounded through the world, telling the world that the human emperor was born, and the next thing will be In the era when the emperor is ruling the world, the emperor will dominate everything in the human race!

"Damn, I knew I couldn't do this, you see, this is the result you want, the human emperor's position appeared, and it also fell on the emperor of the empire, this is ironic enough, the human emperor governs the world, As for how likely your previous plan is to succeed, as soon as the human emperor came out and the righteousness of the human race was transferred, we would no longer be able to involve each other!" When the human emperor's breath was felt, the great powers and sects inevitably caused conflict They never thought that the emperors of this generation would be so crazy. At this time, under this kind of crisis, they would choose the human emperor, who is burdened with endless karma, and when the human emperor returned to his throne, the aura of the human race would happen. After the change, their grasp of the human luck was instantly emptied, and everything was in the hands of the human!

"Human Sovereign! A decisive heart, able to make such a choice under such tremendous pressure, maybe he is a good human emperor, even if he can't see the day when he succeeds, but his determination is worth it. Let's follow suit, whether he is for himself or his family, as long as he takes over this Attainment Status, it will be a great thing for Human Race!"

"A good thing, it is indeed a good thing. Once the emperor comes out, the whole world is under his control, and the luck of the entire empire will skyrocket. Have you ever thought about the consequences? Do you think we have a will to heaven and earth? Has the temptation succeeded? Was this crazy revenge from it, or a deliberate evolution of heaven?"

"Haha! Don't think so much. We can think about these things slowly in the future. Now that the emperor comes out, the situation in the whole world will stabilize. Even if those alien races are unwilling, they have to accept our suggestions. An ambitious race will not give up this opportunity. The emperor status is right in front of them. Do you think they can bear it?"

For foreign races, the human emperor status is the protagonist of the world. Only by destroying the empire’s fortune and beheading the emperor can the humanity be completely controlled in his own hands. Now the human emperor’s appearance is to pull hatred and let Those alien races with ambitions jumped out one by one, with this world catastrophe as the background for a **** battle, a battle for survival of ethnic civilization, a battle for luck! Success or failure is in this battle. No other race can endure such temptation. If the old guy doesn't do anything, it means more play!


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