God of Destruction

Chapter 3958: Saving calculation

Chapter 3958 Calculations

"What's going on? It's not that Xing Tian is in charge of the city of Thunder Punishment, the original treasure of the road of thunder, and everything can be swept away under the treasure. Why can't I see the origin of the road of thunder in Xing Tian's body now, but he is terrible The killing breath, can it be said that Xing Tian did not practice the way of thunder at all, but the way of killing. If a person of Yingjie walks the way of killing, he will be accompanied by **** winds wherever he goes, this is the destruction of the world Is it the horror of those who should be robbed?"

Under the frenzied killing, the strongest people could not see the origin of the phantom body of Xing Tian, ​​and did not see the origin of the phantom body. Although the killing was heavy, Xing Tian was not affected by the killing, but himself. In Dominating Slaughter, the origin of his illusion has never changed, that is, the pure swallowing avenue, swallowing all power to strengthen himself. The avenue of devouring is the most suitable avenue for war. It can truly support war through war and never get tired.

"Damn, this **** has killed so many people, has carried so many grievances on his body, and hasn't suffered from God's condemnation. How can such a big cause and effect and such a big karma make him do nothing? Can people ignore this causal karma directly?"

"Weird! It's so weird. The appearance of this person broke our understanding. Under such a crazy killing, it did not cause a humane backlash or a counterattack of racial luck. This is really incredible. He is really a human race. How can you kill so unscrupulously without leaving a little room for yourself and others?"

"It's not wrong to be Human? But it may be the reincarnation of a strong man, and he walks on the road of killing. What kind of killing is on the road of killing, and he should kill people. You cannot use two sets of standards to measure yourself and others. These People who dare to beat Xingtian’s idea must be accurate in death. No matter who he is, there will be rewards under cause and effect. The life and death of these people has nothing to do with us. What we want is not the original treasure, but the integration of the world. , Only when this world is integrated into the supreme chaotic world can we see the future. We should not be the same as those greedy people, only staring at the little bit of interest in front of us. We must prepare for the future, a treasure of origin. Even if you can seize the hand, can you keep it after the world merges?"

Didn't many strong people think of this? A treasure of origin is very precious even in the supreme chaotic world. Even if they can succeed, won't they face the looting of more powerful forces after the world merges?

In fact, everyone knows this, but this is a catastrophe. The most vicious negative force of the human heart will burst out. They don't care when they think about it, because there is always a hint of luck in their hearts, and they can join a big force. You can use big forces to protect yourself, and even get stronger inheritance and training! And the chaos is so big, even if there is no power to protect yourself, as long as you are careful to avoid the enemy's pursuit and kill, when you fully grasp the original treasure, you will naturally have no fear of powerful enemies!

"Fellow Daoist said well, you awakened us a little bit. To be honest, it is impossible to say that there is no greed in my heart. I have also thought about this question, but there is always a thought in my heart. I may be lucky enough to succeed, but my instincts let me know that this is wrong, so at most I can only hold on to my eagerness, without thinking about the treasure of origin, and not being able to face it plainly like a fellow Taoist. Speaking of it, I usually don’t even dare to think of the term “Essential Treasure”! Alas, it seems that my mood still has a huge flaw, and I am still not as strong as a fellow daoist."

"It's not how strong my state of mind is, but I'm cautious. A treasure of origin is in the hands of a junior, and it can sweep a thousand troops without any punishment. Do you think this is normal? In fact, think about Xingtian's Some information will gradually understand, but many people have been stunned by the benefits, and I only had this idea after the secret world. The terrifying Jedi in the secret world did not leave this junior. It can be seen that he is angry. How amazing is the luck!"

When mentioning the secret world again, everyone couldn't help but shudder. Although there was a great chance, there was also a great danger. If it were not for the good luck of the human race, I am afraid that their army would have been destroyed long ago, allowing the barbarians to succeed. , And a junior like Xing Tian can cause devastating damage to many barbarians kings, this alone is enough to prove Xing Tian's extraordinary!

After sighing lightly, the person shook his head slightly and said, "Actually, I just want to tell everyone that there should be no greed in the tribulation, or you will be infinitely amplified by the atmosphere of the tribulation, and then you will really fall into it. Hell can't turn around anymore. We only seek detachment, we just get rid of the shackles of this world, and are no longer suppressed by the rules. We seek the way, not wealth! We seek stability, not profit! No amount of interest can be related to Compared to our lives!"

It's a good one to ask for the truth but not for money! This is touching, but there are a few people in this world who can do this. When benefits appear, everyone’s instinctive reaction is to **** them, take them as their own, strengthen their own combat power, and enable themselves There is more power to protect yourself in the disaster, so that you can be safer than others!

These people can be regarded as like-minded, a group of old guys without much ambition. The endless years seem to have worn out their blood and war spirit. They seek stability in everything, but in this catastrophe, can they really do what they want? There is a saying that people sit at home and disasters come from the sky. In the catastrophe, they cannot escape if they want to. For the sake of safety, these talents will form alliances!

Although the words of the alliance were not spoken, everyone knew their thoughts about each other. They nodded their heads in tacit agreement and expressed their approval. Of course, if they really endanger their own life and death, their tacit agreement will become nothingness, and no one will help. Others give up their lives, at least not among these old guys, because they have long lost the blood of young people!

With the appearance of Xing Tian’s phantom body, the situation in the north has also changed drastically day by day. Xing Tian’s terrible killing aura made the wealthy families who killed the entire northern land fear for them. Originally, they did not take Xing Tian to heart. I was afraid that Xing Tian showed strong combat power before, but that was only obtained from others. Those wealthy families always had a disapproval idea in their hearts, but now that all this happened to their own people, they were finally afraid.


At this time, some people finally thought of their allies, the greatest force in the north, General Morrow, and each one began to contact General Morrow again, hoping to come forward to negotiate with Xingtian, but this time they even even Morrow. He was turned away without seeing his face. The barracks had long since waited for them to see these clumsy fellows. For the generals under Moreau, they wished that these **** would be swept away by Xing Tian, ​​so they too There is no need to worry about what unexpected things these guys will do all the time, which will aggravate the turbulence in the northern land and affect the stability of the army.

And just when these people were scared by Xingtian’s crazy killings, they didn’t know what to do. Another great accident happened. The lord of the empire, the emperor, directly issued a new order, Feng Moruo. To be the king of the north, to command the north and become the true king of the earth-breaker, this decree came out, the whole world was shocked, and the old guys were shocked one by one, the thing they worried most still happened, this new life The human emperor was really decisive, and he did things clean and tidy. It was hard to imagine how long they made such a decision after becoming the human emperor.

In the hearts of these old guys, even if the Emperor of Humanity will eventually break the soil and seal the borders to those strong, it will take a long time to consider, but they were wrong. Moreau directly became the king of the north, and he was ordered When they reached the north, all the forces were deceived. None of them thought that they had paid such a big price and endured such a big pressure. In the end, it turned out to be such a result. The Emperor said that Moro was named North. King, became the first king of foreign surname in the empire fortune!

After this order was issued, the plan was completely disrupted, and many wealthy families had to face Morrow. Although Morrow did not have much background, he was the first king of foreign surnames, the king who broke the land and sealed the border. The luck they get is amazing. If the world is a catastrophe, the empire’s fortune will really go towards destruction, and Moro is now in front of them, with a real fief and rectification. This difference will affect them. For careerists, the blow was too big.

"Crazy, he is really crazy, he can really get the throne of human emperor for himself, he can be unscrupulous, he can do nothing, he regards us as the rich family, he really has to disregard all the consequences, to come with us. Is it a big battle?"

Many powerful experts in the family were angry. They all clearly felt the strong malice from the human emperor. Once the king of the north came out, there was no force in the entire northern land to dare to confront Moreau in the face, and the king had his own way. Dealing with the rights within the kingdom, if someone dared to jump out and make trouble, they would definitely suffer a devastating blow from Morro’s army. The most important thing is that Morro now has the name of the king, and can justifiably issue an order to them and enlist the money in their hands. power!

"No, we must stop all of this and let the emperor take back the order. What qualifications does Moreau have to be the king? No matter how much the price is paid, we must not let Moreau become the king of the north. This is related to all our families. The interests of the rich! At this time, we must unite together and put pressure on the empire together to make the emperor take his life back!"

"Let your majesty take his life back, do you think it is possible? Your majesty did this, which means he has prepared for the worst. This time he really has to let go, want to reverse the world, want to break the empire. No matter how much we oppose it, it’s useless to stand up and complete the transformation of the new life. This order will not change at all, and it won’t take long for more kings to appear, especially the generals who control the frontiers of the empire. Rights will become greater!"

What is the most important thing in troubled times is naturally power! The army is the most powerful force in a country. If the emperor holds all the frontier army in his hands and makes people ascribe to the empire’s fortune, then they, even the wealthy family, will fight for the lord of the empire. The position will also be encircled by the frontier army!

"Isn't he afraid of raising tigers? If the frontier generals are allowed to split the soil as king, sooner or later it will threaten the security of the empire. Maybe he can suppress the frontier army alive, but after his death, can his descendants do it? ?"

"What's the use of saying so much now? You don’t know what the empire’s fortune is today. There is not much luck to support the empire’s fortune. If you let go, don’t forget that we are now His Majesty is no longer the lord of the empire, but the human emperor’s status and the aura of the human emperor. What do you think of the power of the human emperor? Who can resist the power of the human emperor, especially in such special circumstances Under the great environment!"

Human emperor, this is the humanely recognized emperor, the emperor of the human race. Now that the situation of the empire has the human emperor status, if the lord of the empire dare not let it go, then there is really no blood, the empire is fortune. The luck of the empire really has to dissipate, and now that the emperor does this, the luck of the empire will increase greatly, and even make a big change!

"Let’s talk about it, what should we do? How can we ensure that our interests are not lost, or that the loss is minimized. You must know that this is not an ordinary battle. Every major race has an oath, old guy We can’t make a move. We’re the younger generations. We have to know that this is our only opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, everyone is really hopeless. I don’t know what you think in your mind, but I don’t want to see this. result!"

"How can we be reconciled, but what if we are not reconciled? Now that we have no chance to resist under the power of the emperor, and Moro's biggest excuse to become the king of the north, isn't it, it blocked the invasion of the barbarian cavalry and successfully defended In order to ensure the safety of our human frontiers, and to ensure that the land of the north is not plundered by foreigners, what can we say with such great achievements!"

"Vote, we should use the last killer. We were originally unwilling to do this, but now we have to do it. Although this will affect us as well, we must do it for everyone’s benefit. Everyone still has a silver lining. If you don’t do it, you will die. Once the emperor really has mastered the general trend, then our bottom is lifted and everyone can’t escape death. It’s better to let go and fight for it. That last glimmer of life, reverse fate!"


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