God of Destruction

Chapter 3959: Persuasion

Chapter 3959 Persuasion

Dead! For an instant, everyone was silent, what was the last killer? All the big family members present know that they have laid a lore a long time ago to seize the imperial dynasty plan, but this plan is too crazy, the cause and effect are too great, so they dare not for a while. Do it, but now someone puts it forward, everyone has to think!

"Friends of Taoism, do you know what this means? Do you know how much we have to pay for this? Although the plan has been formulated, you should understand the consequences of the exhibition and who do you think is willing to bear such a big deal? I know we dare not do this because we are willing to bear such a large amount of karma. The consequence is not that we can afford it!"

"Yes, fellow Daoist, let's think of another way. It can only be used as a last resort, or the result is too serious, so serious that all of us can't afford it, unless You can find a family that is willing to take on this causal karma, otherwise we won't agree, we don't want to bear this huge karma!"

What kind of plan has made these aristocratic families so prudent and dare not implement it for a long time? No one dared to say that this cause and effect is too big, even just a name will summon a huge cause and effect for oneself. The most important thing is that those who made the plan at the time are dead and dead, and they are killed by the plan. This is enough to make everyone cautious, in such a long time, even the royal family did not even notice the slightest.

"Think of another way. If there are other ways, would I still say this sentence? Don’t you understand that we are now on the verge of danger. We will not take the initiative to attack until the Emperor has completed the adjustment of the empire. After the general trend, we will never have a chance to comeback again. Don’t expect the power behind everyone. As long as the pledge is still there, they will not make a move. This needs to be solved by ourselves. In my opinion, that is the only way and the only way. The way to the final victory!"

The silence continued, and I don’t know how long it has passed. Many people are still immersed in the constant struggle in their minds. Suddenly a voice broke the calm: "How are you thinking about it? There is not much time left for us." , After all, this method requires a great price. Everyone needs to prepare in advance. The opportunity is not to be missed. The loss will not come. We will be too late if we don’t do everything. When the king is in the overall situation, even if you want to work hard, it will be difficult. , You know how terrifying the emperor is!"

"I’m done, since I can’t see any hope, it’s better to give it a go. We have enough background to pull the human emperor off the horse. How to deal with the human emperor’s status? Everyone will have their own skills in the future. After all, no one can abandon this human emperor. The temptation of a bit!"

Anyone who can come here is all ambitious, letting them give up the temptation of the human emperor's status. This is really unfair. If someone wants to force it, it will only cause trouble. It's better to just leave it alone and compete on their own ability in the future. It can be obtained by means!

Although some people are unwilling, but the minority must obey the majority, and most people present agree. At this time, they still insist on their opinions, which will only arouse anger and nod their heads in desperation. This is a terrible conspiracy. Achieved, a more terrifying storm is condensing from the secret, waiting to launch a fatal blow to the imperial movement.

What is the chance of success? Infinite, as long as everyone joins hands and no one is holding back, it can be said that there is no possibility of failure. The accumulation of endless years has already made them think of all the means of coping, even if a mistake will not appear.

At this moment, what Xing Tian is doing is constantly gaining a new understanding of the world. Although he is only an illusion, Xing Tian can still feel the changes in the heavens and the earth, the changes in the imperial fortune, and he is aware of the north. When the time changed, Xing Tian quickly felt a terrible injustice rising from the Moro barracks, oscillating the fortune of the empire and letting the empire’s fortune that had just stabilized. There was another wave!

"Haha! This is not human race, this is human nature, this is human heart, even at this moment of crisis, they are still fighting for that little bit of interest. At this time, they have not forgotten to drag the human king back. It seems Human Emperor’s actions this time really angered these wealthy families and made them choose to confront!” Although Xing Tian didn’t know what those families wanted to do, Xing Tian could feel the changes in the atmosphere of the earth. Touching the dragon veins of the human race’s air luck, weakening the emperor’s air luck and strength, the other party’s actions were very careful, if Xing Tian had not been in contact with the earth veins earlier, he would not have noticed the change of the earth veins. After all, it is a great disaster. , All power will be covered by robbery!

"I didn't want to see Moreau, but it seems that it's really impossible not to see him this time. I also need to figure out what is the situation of the Tongtian River Water God, and I have to prepare for this time anomaly, and I can trust it. Only Moro!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, but unfortunately he didn't have much time, otherwise he didn't need to contact Moreau at all, but the time he entered this world was too short, and many things were not clear. If you don't cooperate with Moro, it won't be easy to find the God of Tongtian River and the reason for the change of the world on your own!

Although the water **** of Tongtian River is only Xingtian's game of chess, life and death are irrelevant, but Xingtian does not want to see the stellar inheritance that he teaches is taken away. After all, this stellar inheritance is closely related to himself. Once there is a problem with the inheritance, it is very Easy to be found by the enemy, Xing Tian dare not look down upon the power of cause and effect! The most important thing is that Xing Tian is worried that this inheritance will fall into the hands of the will of heaven and earth, and the other party will get a hint of inspiration from it, a hint of inspiration from the stars of the sky, if this happens, the trouble will be big!

Regret it? Regret that I shouldn't have passed on part of the Avenue of Stars to the Water God of the Tongtian River without knowing the truth of the world? No, Xing Tian doesn’t regret it. If he did it, he did it. Even if it’s wrong, he won’t regret it. If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Perhaps this is a causal cycle. He has an inevitable connection with the God of Tongtian River. Causality is related to the original origin of one's own deity, and Tongtianhe Water God has cause and effect with it, and this happens.


"In any case, the power of this cause and effect should not be allowed to affect the transformation of the deity's true body. You must resolve this cause and effect before the deity's true body completes the transformation. Even if the God of Tongtian River has fallen, you must find the cause!" Xing Tian muttered Muttered to himself, then shook his head and headed to the northern barracks indifferently to see Moreau, the new king of the north!

At this moment, Xing Tian’s every move is in the grasp of the people with intentions. The forces hidden in the dark are very clear about what Xing Tian is going to do. If it is in a foreign place, they will still stop it at any cost, but this is the land of the north. This is Morrow's world, and it is impossible for them to fight Morrow in a delusion, because Morrow has great righteousness in him!

For Xing Tian’s arrival, Moreau’s expression was a bit solemn. Before seeing Xing Tian, ​​he also collected information about Xing Tian, ​​but when he saw Xing Tian again, his mood was extremely solemn. He felt about Xing Tian’s body. When it comes to a strong killing intent, it seems to be an endless killing intent that can kill the world. If Xingtian's expression is not calm, he suspects that Xingtian has been eroded by the road of killing, becoming a lunatic puppet who only knows about killing!

"General Mo, I did not expect that in a short time, you will have a new life. The King of the North is indeed a good title. The first person to crack the earth and seal the king, the empire will be filled with vitality. Now you Xing Tian said indifferently, looking at Morrow with a solemn expression, not caring about the strong pressure on the opponent, whether it was Morrow’s own momentum or the imperial luck. Neither did the dragon gas under him have any influence on Xing Tian!

Moreau shook his head and said, "Friend Xingtian, you have changed. Although you killed countless people before, you haven't been greatly affected by yourself. But now you have changed, you have become a bit unrecognizable. , Such a terrible murderous aura, even if there is no veteran like me who has been on the battlefield for decades, but you have done it, your Dao Xin has been affected by the killing, if you don’t eliminate this terrible body Murderous, one day you will be slaughtered back!"

"Hehe, don't worry about me, but worry about your own situation first. Although the king of the north is good, he has become a bird and the target of all forces. No one wants you to succeed in the north. , Even if the emperor does not want to see, your current situation is more dangerous, once the border war starts, you will be attacked! Okay, let’s not talk about it. I came to see you today because there is one thing for you to help. , The Water God of Tongtian River has been away for so long, and no news has come back. Is he dead or alive? Who killed him if he died!"

Hearing Xing Tian's words, Moreau was stunned. He didn't expect Xing Tian to see himself for the life and death of Tongtian River Water God. Moreau shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If you tell me this, I'm afraid it will be difficult. As a result, the entire empire’s dynasty is in turmoil now. My little background is not enough to know the situation of the Tongtian River Water God. After all, there is the core of the empire. The most important thing is that the major forces are now expanding wildly. A great **** like Tianhe Water God is naturally the first to bear the brunt!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian frowned slightly, and things looked more dangerous than he thought. To settle this cause and effect, I am afraid that it will take more time and energy, but he does not have that much. Time can be wasted.

Seeing Xingtian frowning, Moreau couldn't help but moved and said, "Friend Xingtian, in fact, it is not difficult for you to determine the life and death of Tongtian River Water God. When the emperor made me king, I mentioned that you and the Tongtian River Water God, if the two are willing to join the empire, they can naturally get help from the empire. Although the empire’s luck is weak now, this little thing can still be done, and if the daoists are blessed by the empire’s luck , Practice will be smoother!"

It was not that Moreau had never thought of wooing Xingtian himself, but he knew that his own background was not enough to see, so when his mind changed, he thought of the imperial dynasty. He gained the trust of his majesty and became the king of the north. There are so many true feelings in it, but this is a big cause and effect, Moreau has to pay back, so he once again struck Xingtian's idea!

Moreau did not say that Xingtian was hunted and killed by the major forces, because it would be better not to say it. Saying it would only make Xingtian think that he was threatening Xingtian with the enemy, which would only make things worse. !

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "It's impossible. I won't give in to others, even if he is the emperor. No one can make me give in. Please stop mentioning this matter!" For Xing Tian Even the Chaos Gods and Demons have seen them, and they have also seen the consciousness of heaven and earth, how can they care about the emperor of the trivial, let Xing Tian take refuge, this is impossible, dignity does not allow him to do this!

"The Daoist wants to be bad. I don’t want the Daoist to take refuge in the Emperor. Instead, I invite the Daoist as a guest on behalf of the Emperor. If the Daoist is willing, the Empire will not treat you badly, and will give you a satisfactory answer, even The origin of the Daoist, everything will have a complete statement! Daoist is a cultivator, naturally understand the powerful cause and effect, your origin is extraordinary!"

Using this condition to seduce Xing Tian, ​​I have to say that Moreau has a lot of thoughts about Xing Tianxia. With Xing Tian's supernatural powers, Qi still has not completely eliminated his own cause and effect. It can be seen that the cause and effect are so involved, but Xing Tian still shook his head and said: "No, I have my own sword to cut the cause and effect. I don't want to be involved in the imperial fortune because of this cause and effect, and cause more cause and effect. I have to know that I have enough cause and effect, scary enough, But there is no time and energy wasted here!"

Yes, Xing Tian is indeed burdened with a huge cause and effect. The city of Thunder Punishment, the exposed treasure of origin, has attracted the attention of many forces, coupled with his own crazy killing, and the hostility of the external race, even Those strong men of the human race are the cause and effect of Xingtian. If it is related to the fortune of the empire, it is really difficult for his own deity to escape from the cause and effect of this realm battlefield world, even if it is to sacrifice himself. The phantom body cannot let that cause and effect affect the deity.

Regarding all the deity’s practice, no matter how much cause and effect, no matter how much karma, he has his own phantom body to bear. Before seeing Moreau, Xing Tian still had a faint illusion in his heart, but after seeing Moreau, Xing Tian understood that even if his deity had washed his body and soul, the cause and effect of his birth still existed!


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