God of Destruction

Chapter 3960: Family Love

Chapter 3960: Family Love

The bloodline can be cut off, the soul can be washed, but family affection is not so easy to cut off. Xing Tian still clearly remembers the hard work his mother in this life has put in to support herself. This affection cannot be cut off if Xing Tian wants to cut it off. As long as this family affection is still there, Xing Tian will not be able to get rid of this evil situation in the boundary battlefield world. If you cut off this family relationship, you will truly become a ruthless person, and your cultivation is not a ruthless way.

Family affection is a person’s most precious wealth. If Xing Tian had abandoned even this affection, then there would be no such achievements as today, and there would not be so many people who would follow him to the death. Influence, but Xingtian still won't give up!

What is the way of the emperor? Xing Tian knows better than Moro, he will not step into this muddy water and be contaminated with cause and effect. Although he has never seen the emperor, but from his actions, Xing Tian can understand that this is a domineering emperor. A domineering emperor becomes a human emperor, and he is definitely not a tolerant emperor, but a real domineering emperor. It is difficult for such a person to have friends. There are no neutrals in his concept of right and wrong, only enemies and subordinates.

"Friends, you should think about it again, think about it for a while, don’t make a choice in such a rush. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your family. Those enemies can’t kill you, but they can embarrass your family. , Although I am the king of the north, you know that I can’t fully control the land of the north, and there are many things I can’t do!” Moreau was still a little unwilling to give up, and continued to persuade Xing Tian, ​​hoping to make Xing Tian change his mind. It's a pity that his ideas are destined to be empty!

If Xing Tian was so easily persuaded, he would not have gone to this day, he would not choose the crazy way to go against the sky, and he would not do that crazy limit again and again, challenging his limit again and again. , Born from death again and again!

"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. I don't care what the hidden enemies think in the hearts, and don't care what the enemies on the surface think, as long as they dare to break the bottom line, then I have nothing to keep, and see if they can force me. At the end of the road, I can kill them all by myself!” Although Xing Tian’s words were very plain, there was a huge wave in Moreau’s heart, and he could feel the huge body from Xing Tian. His killing intent, that naked, naked, and naked killing intent, just to kill himself, Moreau felt the horror like a sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, and felt the pure and extremely pure killing sword intent!

When feeling the terrifying sword intent of Xing Tian, ​​Moreau couldn't help but sighed inwardly: "So domineering, so tyrannical, and terrible to kill sword intent. It seems that Xing Tian has gained more benefits in the secret world than imagined. Horror, it's no wonder those wealthy families are so aggressive, just this terrible killing sword intent is enough to make any major power tempted!"

Aristocratic family, do many big powers have the ultimate heritage? Yes, and there are many of them, but the terrifying killing sword intent like Xing Tian can still fascinate them. The reason is simple, because the killing sword is one of the strongest inheritances for truly training predators, and it is also the easiest to cultivate. One, of course, is also the most terrifying heritage of Backlash!

Without a strong enough will, practicing killing swordsmanship will definitely erode oneself by the intention of killing, and gradually turn into a puppet who only knows about killing. For true practitioners, this is indeed very dangerous, and it is not necessary for thousands of people. A few people practice, but they are not afraid of aristocratic families and the major forces. They are not afraid. On the contrary, they long for such inheritance. With such inheritance, they can form their own family of iron-blooded masters and kill puppets. There is nothing bad, there are secret techniques among the wealthy families that can make these killing puppets into dead men!

"Perhaps those aristocratic families weren't trying to beat Xingtian's original treasure, but the idea of ​​killing Xingtian's avenue of killing. Perhaps they already knew their identity before Xingtian's reincarnation!" For a moment, Moreau couldn't help thinking. With this kind of thinking, he thinks everything on a deeper level, and he thinks about the problem in the worst direction, because his vision is very small, everything he knows, everything he sees is very small, and he doesn’t know the many big things. The background of the forces!

In this world, the wealthy family and sect will not have their own assassins, will not have their own Dao soldiers, they all have, but they will not be exposed at will, because they are all the background, and they will not be sent out unless they are absolutely necessary. , Although Xingtian’s avenue of killings is powerful, it does not make those wealthy families too tempted. The most important thing is the city of thunder punishment. Unfortunately, no one knows that the city of thunder punishment no longer exists. It is the greedy generation. No matter how much it is estimated, the city of Thunder Punishment cannot be found, as if this treasure has never appeared in this world!

Originally Xing Tian thought that he could get help from Moreau, but he didn't expect such a result. He had to make Xing Tian re-examine himself. Why? What power is affecting yourself, or is it affecting Moro, affecting the whole world? It is the will of heaven and earth, or those old guys hiding in the dark! If it is the former, it is better to say that your own existence is a big threat to the will of heaven and earth, and it is normal for the other party to calculate yourself, but if it is the latter, the problem is big!

"Alas! I still lack strength. If I have enough combat power, why should I be affected by this anger? I also need to speed up and increase my own combat power. Only if I have enough power can I be able to fight this catastrophe. Only by surviving, can I protect those who follow me, and be able to stand on top of the world!" After a light sigh, Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Since General Mo can't help it, then I will leave. You still need to pay more attention to my mother's affairs. I believe that no one wants to be an enemy of a cold-blooded killer who has not taken care of anything!"

When Xingtian's words fell, Moreau's expression changed drastically. This was a naked, naked, and naked threat and a warning, but no force dared to ignore this threat and warning. Everything before that was enough to show how much Xingtian was. It's terrible. If you provoke such a terrible enemy, it is definitely a terrible thing, and even a little sane person would not do it!

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. This is a great catastrophe. In the great catastrophe, the secrets of the heavens and the earth are dim, and everything can happen. A sensible person may have it, but it is more of a mindless lunatic. He would jump out of a madman to provoke Xingtian's Ulva. Once such a thing happens, the consequences are really disastrous!

"Damn, Xing Tian is also warning me. It seems that he really didn't take the fortune of the empire in his eyes, and he didn't regard me as a general. It seems that he really is the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, and he has already taken it back. With the memory and inheritance of his last life, and even his killer's magic, perhaps the trip to the secret world is the beginning of Xingtian's transformation!"

auzw.com "Hs!" When he thought of this, Moreau couldn't help but gasp. During his trip to the secret world, could it be said that Xingtian, a lunatic, was the reincarnation of the strong in that period? The reason why he came to the northern land and entered the secret world is to get back all the treasures of his previous life. If this is the case, it would be terrible.

"Friend Xingtian, please rest assured, Moro will do my best!" Although there was endless horror in his heart, Moro's face was still calm, as if he did not understand the threat in Xingtian's words, or It's not the same at all.

Glancing at Moreau, Xing Tian nodded and didn't say anything. He turned around and left. He walked so peacefully and calmly that made people feel terrible, fearful and uneasy. At this moment, Moreau seemed to see it in Xing Tian. The shadow of the Slaughter God and Demon, Xingtian’s phantom body is a Slaughter God and Demon who jumped out of ancient times. It is so terrible!

"What a terrible Xingtian. It only took such a short time to regain the strength of the previous life. Even if his situation is not high now, but this killing aura is enough to deter all enemies. It seems that this northern land is really not peaceful. Now, there will be a **** storm in the human field. I hope that the Tongtian River God will not die, or else it will be a big trouble!" When he said this, Moreau sighed again. Although he is the king of the north, But is the entire north really controllable by itself? Those wealthy families didn't regard my orders as the same thing, and they violated the Yin and Yang, and now even Xing Tian can ignore my existence, not to mention the barbarians who are about to move, this king of the north is really a fire pit!

Exclamation! But if Moreau gives up the king of the north, abandon this land that he has finally obtained, this is also impossible. Not only is Moreau unable to let go of this wealth, the most important thing is that he is not alone, behind him With countless soldiers who follow him, he can ignore him, but he can't help but think about the soldiers behind him. This is that people are involuntarily in the arena. When stepping into this circle, if you want to get out, you can only die!

The king of the north looks very prestigious, but only Moro knows the inner suffering, but no matter how hard he has to persist, this is his pursuit and this is his life. He has no way to get rid of his many causes and effects, he can only sink. To enter it, if he is said to be ambitious, he must be, but he did not want to stand up as an emperor, to overthrow the rule of the empire.

Xing Tian gradually moved away, and Moreau's mood gradually became heavier. He was very clear in his heart that after meeting Xing Tian this time, I don’t know when and what form the next meeting will be. It’s hard to say whether it’s an enemy or a friend. Now he is involuntary, unable to control his own destiny, just a marionette.

"Why do some things really need to be spread out, no matter what my mother has hidden things, but at this point in the situation, I have no retreat. I don't know my origin or why I don't know why this body came from, my own practice? It will definitely be affected. Time waits for no one. I really don’t have much time left for me!” After leaving the barracks and separating from Moro, the shadow on Xing Tian’s heart became heavier and heavier, as if it were mysterious. The power is warning itself that the danger is coming.

After a while, Xing Tian shook his head and sighed: "Humanity, human heart! It's really interesting. I didn't expect that I would be so hesitant today with my cruel hands, and I would take so much into consideration for this family relationship. This is human nature. , This is the human heart, even if it washes the soul and reshapes the real body, it can't get rid of this emotion. Is this a retrogression or progress in practice!"

Xing Tian didn’t know this either. Perhaps no one in the entire world could figure it out. I don’t know why. Since entering this realm battlefield world, Xing Tian’s mood has been changing, and he has always been affected by the revival of human nature. , Became a little sentimental, no longer as cold and ruthless as before, as if everything was changing in himself!

Did the environment change oneself, or did the practice change oneself, or was he who he was originally?

Xing Tian shook his head again, and quickly gave up this boring thinking. Perhaps this question is very helpful to his mental state practice, but Xing Tian does not have so much time to waste now. The deity will change at any time, and he cannot Then waste time on these things. Only when you quickly understand your own cause and effect, and use this phantom body to break the cause and effect, can you feel at ease!

Unknowingly, he returned to his yard, and standing in front of the door, Xing Tian stopped and hesitated for a while before entering the door like ordinary people. Although he is not there, it is still as usual here. Everything is well taken care of. Well, this made Xing Tian sigh secretly in his heart, and his heart is full of distracting thoughts. This is the power of family affection, and this is the power of destiny!

Looking at his mother, Xing Tian said to his lips but took it back. Although he wanted to ask, he didn't know how to speak. He could only silently watch his mother and feel the affection between each other. joy.

Seeing Xing Tian's hesitant to speak, Xing Tian's mother sighed and said: "When you come back, go and rest. I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, and I also know that you really want to understand your own life and experience. Your own practice is connected. When you rest well, I will tell you one by one. I never thought that my child would be the reincarnation of an ancient strong man. The care of this life has a certain impact on your practice, no matter How, you want to know everything!"

Xing Tian nodded his head. This is indeed the case. From his mother's mouth, Xing Tian has an inexplicable sense of sadness, but this is a fact, an unchangeable fact. He is indeed a reincarnated person with the memories of the previous life. , Can't snuggle up to his mother's side and follow behind his mother like those normal children!


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