God of Destruction

Chapter 3961: Causality

Chapter 3961 Cause and Effect

Does Xingtian need to rest now? Will a phantom body get tired? The body will not, but the mind is very tired. No matter how strong and powerful Xing Tian’s will is, there will always be a trace of weakness in front of his family. Under the endless killing, Xing Tian does not seem to be impacted, and is not affected by the killing avenue. , But his mind has always collapsed. This is not a good thing for Xing Tian. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian's situation will only become more dangerous.

The mind is extraordinary. If you are not careful, it will cause many negative forces to yourself, which will cause your own soul to be hit hard. At this time, relax and let yourself completely calm down, and be able to treat everything with a normal heart, and treat yourself well. , It is good for mother, after all, the following story must be sad!

More and more humanity appears in his body. For Xing Tian, ​​I don’t know whether it is good or bad, whether it is the resurrection of his soul, the return of his humanity, the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, or all of this. It's just a game, and he is a **** in the game. This kind of possibility naturally makes Xing Tian's mood very heavy. Even today, Xing Tian's phantom also has such a change, as if he was in contact with his relatives. , The endless light of human nature in the heart will surging, and it will make oneself incredibly emotional, and make oneself have many worries and longings!

Gathering his mind, Xing Tian carefully calmed his mind and calmed his mind gradually, so that he would no longer be affected by this external force, be free from the influence of human nature, and not be agitated by that human nature, so that his mind would be calm and unwavering. During this process, Xing Tian's mind could clearly feel the light of human nature in his soul.

Feeling the light of human nature, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily, and the light of human nature continued to grow, as if he had destroyed the hidden dangers of the strong human beings in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, that secret power Completely swallowed by the light of human nature in one's soul, turned into the nutrients of the light of human nature, and let the light of human nature grow rapidly.

Is the growth of the light of human nature good or bad for oneself? Xing Tian is not clear about this, because up to now, Xing Tian has not figured out the use of the light of human nature, nor has he figured out whether the light of human nature has an impact on his own practice!

It is not that Xing Tian has never thought of clearing the light of human nature from the sea of ​​consciousness in his soul, but he was given up by Xing Tian when such a thought appeared. Xing Tian did not want to become a cold-blooded person, a ruthless person, and the existence of light of human nature. At least Xingtian can maintain his normal humanity, not his ruthless divinity! Of course, the most important thing is that Xing Tian believed that he was a person from beginning to end, not a **** or a god, and he was in charge of the world.

Time passed bit by bit, Xing Tian's mood gradually calmed down, and gradually returned to plain, not shaken by external forces, and at this moment Xing Tian's murderous aura was completely converged into himself, and the phantom body carried all the killing aura. , Carrying Xing Tian’s terrifying killing intent, if Xing Tian was a sharp sword out of its sheath before, but now Xing Tian is a sword in its sheath, there is no trace of murderous aura, but there is a strong sense of heaviness, as if it was A big mountain gives people endless pressure!

In this endless pressure, there is a trace of pure and terrifying devouring power. This is the original power of Xingtian’s phantom body to swallow the avenue. In the eyes of many people, Xingtian walks as the avenue of killing, but in fact, Xingtian The root of this phantom is not the Great Avenue of Slaughter, but Great Avenue of Swallowing, but this Great Swallowing Avenue is hidden in that terrible killing, which makes it impossible for people to notice. This is Xing Tian's hiding of his phantom body, even if it is just a phantom body, now Xing Tian dare not lose it easily. After all, he is too weak and needs time to practice, and the longer the phantom body persists, the more beneficial to the deity.

Of course, if the phantom can go a step further above the avenue of killing and the avenue of swallowing, it is also a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​after all, his world tree clone is still there, and the further phantom body will accelerate the growth of the world tree clone.

Feeling his own changes, Xing Tian sighed lightly. His phantom body still has a lot of shortcomings. Although he can converge his murderous aura, he cannot return to the basics and return to the truth. He can’t converge all the power on himself. The phantom body can fully control its own power, there will be no such heavy feelings, but there is no pressure like a mortal!

"This phantom body is still inadequate, and his own devouring avenue is not perfect enough to fully integrate the swallowed power into itself, so that it can be sent and received freely, but this is good, this powerful impact will be It confuses many people and makes them lose sight of my true power, which is more beneficial to their own safety, but it is a hidden danger in practice! A little bit of relaxation, you will be lost by that power and become a killer puppet!"

Xing Tian still has a more sober understanding of his own situation. He has not been arrogant because of his rapid improvement in strength, and has not relaxed his vigilance because of his growth. Whether it is the killing road or the devouring road, there are terrible negative forces. , Excessive killing and swallowing, the power of killing and death will erode one's own soul bit by bit, bit by bit, and eat away at one's own consciousness, until it turns into killing and Swallowed puppet!

One day passed quickly, and Xing Tian’s mood returned to normal. The mother and son sat down again and looked at their mother. Xing Tian didn’t know what it was like in his heart. There were many things he wanted to say, but he couldn’t say it. The light of human nature is constantly surging in my soul, and endless thoughts are surging in my mind.

Although he wanted to know everything, Xing Tian was unwilling to embarrass his mother. If his mother did not speak, his son could not speak. This is filial piety, and this is human nature. At least Xing Tian thinks and does so. ! No matter what identity you are, no matter how much origin you have, here, in this world, you cannot cross this bottom line, this bottom line of human nature, once you cross this bottom line, you will have a huge impact on yourself The impact!

Xing Tian was thinking, and his mother was thinking too. He had already noticed his son as a mother, and understood the real situation of Xing Tian today, and understood how much this cause and effect had on Xing Tian’s practice. If Xing Tian had not awakened. With the strength of the first life, she would not tell Xing Tian everything, because this is not necessarily a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​but now, she has to say it!


"Child, don’t be embarrassed. I know you are taking into account my thoughts and feelings, but I also understand your difficulties. There is no retreat in the path of practice. Now that you have reached this point, don’t be embarrassed. The cause and effect brought by identity is something you must face and resolve. You want to know, I won’t be a hidden danger!" As a mother, no matter what identity or origin her son has, she I don’t care, I think about it wholeheartedly, this is maternal love.

silence! Faced with such a situation, Xing Tian had nothing but silence and could not speak. He could only respond with silence.

Looking at the silent Xingtian, his mother smiled slightly and continued: "Perhaps you have already thought that your own background must be extraordinary, yes, this is the fact that your biological father is a disciple of the Taiping Sect. To be more precise, Taiping The young leader of the sect, you have been influenced by Taiping Sect since your birth. As for me, I am a member of the royal family. Although I am only a collateral royal family, I still have the blood of the royal family, and your body is also flowing. The blood of the royal family is related to the royal family!"

The royal family, when the word came out, Xing Tian’s heart was pressed against a huge stone. There are multiple causes and effects of the royal family. Xing Tian knew clearly in his heart. Once he had a relationship with the royal family, he wanted to get rid of the cause and effect. It’s easy. I didn’t want to participate in this empire change, but now it seems impossible. I have royal karma, which must be repaid. In contrast, my father’s Causality is nothing.

To many people, Taiping Sect is very powerful and terrifying, but in Xingtian’s eyes, it’s nothing. No matter how strong the sect is, it’s just a powerful one. The cause and effect will not be too heavy, but the royal family is different. I am afraid that it is a collateral royal family, who also has endless causes and effects. Whoever allows the royal family to be naturally associated with this empire's fortune must assume the responsibility of the empire.

At this time, Xing Tian wanted to ask his mother why, as a member of the royal family, why he had a relationship with Taiping Sect, why he would marry his father, and why he would end up here? Just the words to his lips, Xing Tian again Swallowing back, although there are major issues in this, it is not suitable for Xing Tian to ask questions, after all, this is related to the mother's privacy!

At this moment, Xing Tian's many questions in his heart are gradually solved, and he finally understands why he can get such a great opportunity in the hands of the queen empress, and can be so easily recognized by the empress, because he has royal causality, and the cause and effect are entangled. Then, I can get trust and recognition so easily.

"It's troublesome, I'm afraid I didn't expect that he would be in such a big trouble, that cause and effect will be so heavy, the cause and effect that seems to have been resolved, but did not expect to suddenly turn over, what a heavenly calculation!" I was distressed in my heart. With such a big cause and effect, if I wanted to repay it, it would not be an easy task. Know that it is a treasure of origin!

Seeing Xing Tian’s distressed look, Xing Tian’s mother sighed and said, “My child, don’t be embarrassed, and don’t care about my identity. Do whatever you want, go your own way, and don’t be confused by this identity. , You are you, you don’t owe anything to the imperial clan, and you don’t owe anything to Taiping. You only have to do your own thing, don’t have too many concerns, and don’t worry about my safety, even if someone uses my life. Come to threaten you, don't care, just do your own thing, don't delay your own practice because of my existence!"

Unfortunately, Xing Tian’s mother didn’t know the true situation of Xing Tian today. She didn’t know that in the invisible, Xing Tian had already been calculated and owed the imperial family’s great cause and effect. This cause and effect was not as simple as she said. , This causal Xingtian cannot but repay, it can be said that Xingtian is already in the game and in the net.

Fortunately, Xingtian’s deity has washed himself and transformed into the body of the Chaos God and Demon. The cause and effect are to be borne by his own phantom body. Otherwise, the trouble is really too great, and it is big enough to make Xingtian pay the price of his life. It's not that Xingtian is vigilant, I'm afraid that he will really be calculated to death, and will be dragged down by this cause and effect.

This calculation is not a trivial matter. Being able to lay such a big trap for Xing Tian, ​​it can be said that when Xing Tian reincarnated, he was already targeted by the will of heaven and earth in this realm battlefield world, and was already calculated by the opponent, as long as Xing Tian carried it. With this identity, cause and effect will continue to come. It’s okay if you don’t know your identity. Xing Tian can still relax. After knowing his origin, Xing Tian has fewer choices and the pressure he faces is even more terrifying. .

"When I was reincarnated, the will of heaven and earth focused on me. What is in me worthy of such attention? Does every reincarnation have such treatment, or is there something in me that the other party desires? "Xing Tian was thinking quietly, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to Xing Tian's life and death, it is related to Xing Tian's cultivation.

After thinking about it, Xing Tian just couldn’t find the answer, because all of this was too sudden and too unexpected. For many people, the status of the royal family was undesirable, but for Xing Tian, ​​it was a huge drag. If it is possible, Xing Tian would rather be born in a family of civilians than to bear so many causes and effects, rather than the opportunities he got before, and would not bear this great cause and effect, but Xing Tian has no choice but everything has become a fact. , No matter if Xing Tian is willing or not, he must face all of this. Whoever lets Xing Tian have entered the game, this is the result!

Fight back? Although Xing Tian wanted to fight back, what would Xing Tian fight back under this situation? The shackles of this identity were heavily pressed on Xing Tian's body, and this identity was forcing Xing Tian to step into this great change. Having to participate in the change of the Emperor, he had to become a pawn, and if he didn't enter the game, Xing Tian was unable to resolve his own big cause and effect. As long as this cause and effect is still there, Xingtian’s deity will be affected. Once the deity is affected by cause and effect, the body of the condensed chaos **** and demon will also suffer a huge impact, and even leave itself with terrible hidden dangers. Not the result Xing Tian wanted!


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