God of Destruction

Chapter 3962: Causality

Chapter 3962: Cause and Effect

"Mother, this is really surprising news. I never thought that I would still have such a identity. The royal family is really a great cause and effect. It is really difficult to get rid of this cause and effect. I finally Understand why you are unwilling to return to the central area of ​​the empire. This cause and effect is really too great!" Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed softly. Such a big cause and effect is really too heavy for Xing Tian, ​​although his mother has been They are all protecting themselves, and have never wanted to involve themselves too much with the empire's fortune, but in the end, they were calculated, and they were still in this big trouble!

Who is this to blame, who is this to blame? No one can blame, no one can blame, everything is God’s will, everything is calculated at the time of reincarnation, if you know your origin and the relationship between yourself and the royal family earlier, there is still a chance Get rid of the cause and effect, but it is too late now, this cause and effect has been weighed heavily on yourself!

"It’s fine if you can understand. I don’t want to see you fall into the vortex of imperial fortune. You don’t have to care about your origin. The cause and effect of the royal family has nothing to do with you. You can ignore everything you don’t have the resources of the royal family. The cause and effect of the royal family, as for Taiping Sect, it is different, you need to face it yourself, after all, that is the source of your blood!"

When he heard what his mother said, Xing Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Mother, everything is too late. I have fallen into this vortex. The time you told me was too late, and the empress appeared," Having drawn me into this vortex, I was too careless. I was calculated by the will of heaven and earth. Reincarnation has never been smooth sailing. Perhaps this is human calamity. This is the test of the will of heaven and earth. How can I be born!"

For his mother, Xing Tian did not make too many reservations, and directly stated his own situation. Although this cause and effect is borne by his phantom body, this cause and effect will not disappear due to the death of the phantom body. , Oneself must resolve, this is the shackles that the will of heaven and earth gives to oneself, this is the calculation of the will of heaven and earth to oneself. In the game, if you want to get out of the game, there is only one choice, and that is to enter the game, make a **** road, and make a road of your own!

No matter how great the cause and effect, as long as one has the heart, there will be a day when it will be resolved. Now that the lord of the empire's fortune has obtained the position of the human emperor, it means that the entire empire will usher in a terrible change. The opportunity to resolve the cause and effect by himself, perhaps the emergence of this person's throne is also a big trap, but even if it is a trap, Xing Tian has no choice but to plunge into it!

In the face of the power of the heavens and the calculations of the heavens, no matter how much preparation Xing Tian has, it is useless. He can only passively accept this cause and effect, and he can only passively assume the great cause and effect, even if Xing Tian is a catastrophe. People of the world can't get rid of the calculations of heaven and earth, and cannot get rid of the current predicament. It can be said that the will of heaven and earth has left Xing Tian a great trouble, a terrible trap!

Even if Xing Tian can see through all of this, he has to take the initiative to jump into this trap. This is the horror of heaven, this is the power of destiny, even if Xing Tian has great fortune and great wisdom, he has to face this calculation directly. Don't face this conspiracy!

Although his mother didn't say much, Xing Tian could feel that his mother also had an extraordinary inheritance, and it was an ancient inheritance. It seems that his mother also has an extraordinary origin, perhaps also the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse. It's just that he was calculated silently by the will of heaven and earth, and fell into the terrible trap of the royal family, and it is difficult to get out. No matter how far his mother hides, this cause and effect has always been entangled.

The royal family, at the time of the tribulation, this is the great trouble, the great cause and effect, once the cause and effect are added, it is not easy to get out of trouble. I don’t know how many people fall into it. Among the terrible cause and effect of the royal family, the human emperor is like this now. Although this world's karma is very good, this karma is also a shackle, if you do not advance, you will die, and there is no way to retreat!

Although the power of humanity is good, the emperor’s status is strong, but this is not Xing Tian’s pursuit, but now Xing Tian has to participate in this empire’s change. Who has let himself bear this cause and effect, so now Xing Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and go on, to repay the cause and effect and remove his own shackles.

When Xing Tian’s words fell, her mother’s expression changed drastically. She never thought that things would be the result. Her temporary concealment caused her child to bear such a big cause and effect, which gave her a huge impact. Let her mind fall for a while, she is not a fool, and she will not believe Xing Tian's remarks. As a strong man in ancient times, how could he fail to guard against it? If he said carelessly, it was only caused by himself. It was he who concealed his identity that caused such evil results!

"How can this happen? This is not the result I want to see. The cause and effect should be borne by me, not you. You are just a child. How could the will of heaven and earth treat you this way? This is all my fault!" Xing Tian's mother was muttering to herself, and her expression was constantly changing. This shock was too serious for her, and it almost affected her mind!

Upon seeing this, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said disapprovingly, "Mother, don't be like this. It's not your fault. All this is just the will of heaven and earth. It has been arranged by the will of heaven and earth. If there is no calculation of the will of heaven and earth, how can I reincarnate into the royal family? In the process, how could I bear the blood of the royal family? It can be said that at the moment of my reincarnation, I have fallen into the calculation of the other party. Under this situation, it is useless even if I am careful, no matter how hard I struggle, It’s hard to escape the opponent’s poison, but it’s not a big deal. The path of practice has never been smooth sailing. Since someone wants to prevent me from enlightenment, then I will blaze a trail. Nothing can stop me, as long as my faith If you don’t move, you won’t be controlled by others!"

When I said this, Xing Tian’s voice paused, and after a while he continued to say, “Actually, there is no great harm in joining the world. I can use the other’s calculations to wash my soul and consolidate my beliefs. There is an invincible belief, and no matter how much calculation the other party has, it will only be useless, and there will be no results! A practitioner is determined, if even his mind is shaken, no matter how much chance you have , How many resources there are, can't reach the peak!"

auzw.com is easy to say but difficult to do. All practitioners know and understand this truth, but how many people can really do it? There are not many, and all that can be done are truly strong, a strong standing on the top of the world. Although Xing Tianxian has this qualification, he still needs to continue working hard if he wants to do it.

For Xing Tian’s remarks, her mother could understand, but she couldn’t do it, because she cared about it, and she didn’t talk about her path of practice at will. Not everyone has that firm will, and not everyone. To be able to face such a crisis with peace of mind, and to be able to face it with a calm mind, the most important thing is that this is cause and effect, not external force.

Seeing that his mother's face was still worried, Xing Tian shook his head lightly, smiled calmly and said, "Mother, you don't need to care about this matter, don't care about it, I will deal with it, cause and effect, karma No matter how strong it is, it is not withstandable in the face of absolute power. Only strong power can determine everything."

Hearing this, Xing Tian’s mother raised her head and glanced at Xing Tian. When she saw Xing Tian’s convergent aura, she was first startled, and then she was slightly relieved. She also sighed with Xing Tian’s news. It’s not that she doesn’t know anything. She has also heard about Xing Tian’s illusion of killing, but now she can’t see a breath of killing in Xing Tian’s body. This surprises her a lot. This shows that Xing Tian is already on the killing road. Going far, he can already reduce his murderous aura.

Killing so many people, but being able to do so without exuding a bit of killing aura, and being able to completely converge the murderous aura into the body, shows that Xing Tian's killing avenue must have an amazing breakthrough. If the dao practice does not advance, then it will retreat. Xing Tian's growth shows that He can go farther on the road of cultivation, with such a powerful force in his body, Xing Tian is qualified to say such a thing!

"Entering the WTO? Do you want to join the imperial dynasty, want to repay the cause and effect? ​​You have to think clearly about this. It is easy to enter the imperial dynasty, but it is very difficult to get out. It is not the imperial dynasty that prevents it. It is you who will be contaminated with more cause and effect. Under the entanglement with each other, you are irresistible. Especially in this situation, the imperial dynasty is more dangerous. If it is possible, I hope you will not step into this beach. In the turmoil, don't be entangled in that endless karma!"

Worry, as a mother, I naturally worry about Xingtian’s safety. Even if Xingtian has awakened the wisdom of the previous life and has the ability to protect herself, as a mother, she is still worried about Xingtian’s safety and she is still afraid of Xingtian’s carelessness. The huge karmic force of the imperial dynasty may be repaid by cause and effect, but the karmic entanglement will put oneself in a crisis of death!

For others, they fear causal karma, and they are afraid of karma, but for Xing Tian, ​​no matter how much karma is, it will only become his own nourishment, whether it is his own phantom body or the true deity. Both the body can swallow karma, transform it into its own source, and turn threats into nutrients. It is precisely because of his own powerful ability that Xing Tian dares to make this crazy decision, under the fear of others' karma. Also join the empire fortune!

Joining the imperial dynasty, Xing Tian not only wanted to repay the cause and effect, but also wanted to take the opportunity to test the reaction of the will of heaven and earth, test the illusion and reality of the enemies hidden in the dark, and also use the power of the imperial dynasty to find the God of Tongtian River. Whereabouts, the other party had no information for such a long time, which gave Xing Tian a bad feeling, worried about the life and death of Tongtian River Water God. Of course, the most important thing is that with the help of the power of the empire, I can reasonably solve the identity problem of the subordinates who have been integrated into this world, and even arrange them in a favorable position, and then wait for the time to come. !

The imperial fortune may be dangerous and dangerous, but there are also great opportunities. If your subordinates can take advantage of the power of the empire, they will surely make a qualitative leap, but they can speed up their own practice and grow rapidly. When you need it, you can condense into a powerful force to fight for yourself.

I don’t know why, ever since the Emperor of Heaven and Earth appeared, Xing Tian’s heart was faintly disturbed. He always felt that there would be a terrible decisive battle, a terrifying race battle, if he did not have enough power in his hands. , No matter how high his realm is, no matter how strong his combat power is, he cannot influence the development of the battle, cannot determine the outcome of the war, or even guarantee his own safety. He will be careful to sail the ship for thousands of years, so Xing Tian intends to take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Be fully prepared in advance!

Seeing Xing Tian’s steadfast look, his mother couldn’t help but sighed lightly and said, “Well, since you’re so persistent, it’s up to you, but you have to be more careful. The emperor is not easy. It is necessary not to fight against the empire in the imperial capital. No one in the world can fight against the imperial clan in the imperial capital unless the imperial fortune has been shattered!"

In fact, Xing Tian knew this a long time ago. Xing Tian knew much more about the power of humanity than his own mother. In a place like the Imperial Capital, Xing Tian understood the horror even more, even if the gods and demons entered the empire to transport them. If you enter the imperial capital, you will be suppressed by the humane fortune, and all will be suppressed by the imperial fortune. In the imperial capital, the emperor is the sky and can dominate everything. This is why there are so many ambitious families in the secret, but no one Dare to make trouble in the imperial capital, dare to rebel directly.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Mother, don't worry. I know in my heart all these situations. How powerful is the power of humanity and how terrifying is the power of the dynasty. It is to resolve the cause and effect with it. The cause and effect owed always need to be repaid. I have no malice towards the imperial clan, even if I am involved by them, the same is true if I owe cause and effect. For me, it will only help. They fulfilled their wishes, not against them!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, his mother was relieved and was able to feel at ease. As a practitioner, she almost knew the terrible capital of a country, and understood the suppression of imperial luck, and those who made trouble in the imperial capital. Yes, they are all stupid, barbarians, and even a little bit wise people would not do this!


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