God of Destruction

Chapter 3963: Change of heart

Chapter 3963: The Change of Human Heart

Confronting the empire in the imperial capital of the fortune of the empire, even those strong men standing on the pinnacle of this world, they dare not have such an idea, even if it is the heavenly way, they dare not dare to count the emperor. In the imperial capital, the master of the empire will have terrible power in the imperial capital, able to master the power of the entire humanity, and even be able to retrograde to kill the sky, this is the terrible of the human emperor, this is the human emperor's position The horror, this is also the power of the lord of a country, and the power of humanity!

The three realms of heaven, earth and man have different powers. Although the power of Heaven is strong, the power of humanity is not necessarily weaker than that of Heaven. In particular, the humanity of this world has reached its peak. The most important thing is that this is a world catastrophe. In the Great Tribulation of the World, Heaven will face the impact of destruction. The same is true for the tunnels, while the humanity has reached its extreme. At this time, the power of humanity is terrible, and it is beyond ordinary people’s knowledge. At this time, the power of humanity, even if it is Heaven also retreats.

Heaven is calculating the human emperor, calculating the penalty sky, and calculating the heaven and earth sentient beings, but there are not many opportunities for it to really do it personally. Its true calculations are all killing people with the sword, constantly driving the madness of people's hearts, driving the madness of the world, and letting all beings free themselves. Killing each other, rather than destroying the sentient beings in the world with their own hands, if this is the case, even the Dao of Heaven cannot bear this karma!

After talking with his mother and confirming that his mother is not in danger for the time being, Xing Tian's heart has a new idea. Although the northern land is good, although it can be killed by himself, he can grow up quickly and transform himself into an illusion. Become stronger, but his deity paid such a high price to condense a phantom body, not to allow the phantom body to grow, but to resolve its own cause and effect. In this case, even if the north is suitable for its own practice, the phantom body The body will not continue to stay for nothing, but moved to return to the empire, enter the imperial capital, contact the emperor, and join the imperial dynasty to repay his own cause and effect. As for his own other bloodline cause and effect, Xing Tian doesn’t care too much. , As long as the other party is still there, it will definitely appear, especially when this great catastrophe has progressed to a certain extent, even if he does not look for the other party, the other party will take the initiative to come to the door. For this, Xing Tian is very confident!

There are people in the dynasty who are easy to do things and practice in public. Although there are great karma and great karma in the imperial fortune, there are also great opportunities and great resources. For those sects or casual cultivators, they will pay attention to the empire's every move. Whenever he moved, he would care about the resources of the empire, especially those careerists. Although his mother didn’t mention many things about his father’s line and didn’t ask about it, Xing Tian knew in his heart that his father’s line was definitely an careerist. There is ambition for the empire, otherwise his mother would not leave his father and leave the central area of ​​the empire to appear in a remote place in the north.

For a group of careerists, when they know their identity, know that they are in the imperial capital, and know their influence in the imperial movement, they will naturally come to the door, even if it is just for their own interests, not Xingtian. People who despise his father’s line are those who have never seen his father’s line since he was born or in memory. It can be seen how cruel and ruthless the other party is. For such relatives, Xing Tian has no burden in his heart. No enthusiasm!

Although Xing Tian’s humanity is now erupting, for these ruthless people, Xing Tian does not have any kind or friendly thoughts. It is good for Xing Tian not to trouble them. I hope Xing Tian will help them. It is impossible, even if there is cause and effect, Xing Tian will try to resolve it even more.

When Xing Tian appeared in the north and in the border areas, the eyes of countless forces were staring at Xing Tian’s phantom body, inquiring about Xing Tian’s news, trying to figure out Xing Tian’s movements and know what Xing Tian was going to do. It can be said that Xing Tian’s every move is exposed to the eyes of the enemy. For all of this, Xing Tian did not feel anything wrong. The appearance of his own phantom body is to attract the attention of these people and to resolve his own various things. General causal karma!

When Xingtian talked with Moreau, the king of the north, the thoughts of the various forces could not help but become heavy. When they saw Xingtian go to see his mother again, the hearts of many forces could not help but alive, although they could not take Xingtian. Xingtian’s mother threatened Xingtian, but this does not mean that they can’t use Xingtian’s mother to do things, especially those forces that have a cause and effect with Xingtian!

If it was before, Xingtian’s combat power had not been fully demonstrated, and when the terrible killing was not frantically exposed to many forces, not too many people cared about such "ants" as Xingtian, and no one went to explore the bottom of Xingtian, then I am afraid that Xing Tian has great potential, but it is only potential, but it is different now. The changes in the world, the changes in humanity, and the emergence of the status of humanity have made many forces tempted by it, and those ambitions are endless. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian’s mother was naturally valued by those who wanted to, so her identity was naturally found out.

At this time, the high-ranking royal family also paid more attention to the little lady of this branch. Even the queen empress who had appeared in the north was shocked when she heard the news. If she had known that the two sides had such a relationship, at the beginning I won’t miss the opportunity. I missed Xing Tian’s powerful assistance for nothing. I couldn’t help feeling remorse in my heart, and my heart was not as good as action. Either the queen, the imperial family, even the people of Xing Tian’s father’s line. In action, they didn’t want to see Xingtian’s mother in the past, but now it’s different. Mothers depend on their sons. With such a powerful combat power as Xingtian, everyone has to make a new choice and have to pay attention to Xingtian’s mother in anticipation of using her. Influence Xingtian!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. No one is a fool and expects to use Xingtian’s mother to influence Xingtian. They can only say that they overestimate their abilities and underestimate Xingtian’s mother’s wisdom. No mother will Doing such a crazy thing will be deceived again and again by a group of ambitious guys!

auzw.comToday, the land of the North has become Morrow’s territory, and the North has gradually gotten rid of the crisis with the imperial order, although many people have long since regarded the imperial order as the same thing. , But no one dared to confront the empire on the bright side, especially those careerists, who would not be stupid enough to confront the empire head-on under this situation at this time.

Some people have the emperor’s position added, and today’s empire is extraordinary. The power of the human emperor has exceeded their imagination. At this time, if you jump out to fight against the empire, you will only be regarded as a bird and suffer a heavy blow from the empire. The empire, today’s emperor, is thinking about finding an early bird to kill chickens and monkeys, and shock the world. A little bit of wisdom is shunned, how can it jump out of destruction at this time, it can be said to be the emperor’s throne After the appearance, the situation of the empire was eased. Although it was only a relief from the surface, it also gave the empire a little breathing time. As for the north, everything is handled by Moreau, which is relatively more chaotic than the interior of the empire. Many, and other important borders have become a little weird.

There are one or two. The empire has named Morrow the king of the north. Don't the other generals who guard the border have no ideas in their hearts? Don't they pay attention to Morrow's gains or the authority of the king of the side? Under this circumstance, those careerists and even some secret forces naturally have to prepare in advance, so many border important places have undergone weird changes, and endless undercurrents are surging in the dark, waiting for the new Emperor The order is waiting for a new round of cracking the soil to close the territory.

People’s minds are moved, this is the true situation of the border gates of the empire. For all of this, the emperor in the imperial capital is naturally clear. It can be said that the moment he decides to make Moruo the king of the north, he understands that it will appear. In this situation, the Emperor did not feel any threat to all of this. On the contrary, the more so, the safer his empire will be, and the frontier generals will fight for the empire more carefully, because they are not as big as Moro. Their military merits, they need more military merits if they want to be crowned king!

Regarding the thoughts of the important generals of the border, the human emperor understands that the important officials in the dynasty are also clear. Those important officials want to take advantage of this opportunity to fight for their own benefits, and the human emperor also explained the matter of Moro's kingship very clearly. Heavy, it’s not impossible for the border generals to want to be crowned king. They need military merit, more military merit, at least not less than Moro.

When the news reached the border, all the soldiers were excited about it. Everyone saw hope and benefit. So the soldiers were united in their hearts and couldn't wait to win military exploits and want to go to war with foreign races. This is just the case now. The foreign races have not been fully prepared yet and will not provoke the frontiers of the empire at all, so their minds can only be wasted, they can only wait for the arrival of the war quietly, and there is no border guard that is stupid enough to start the war. Conflict with foreign races privately, they all understand that the more at this time, the more they have to be stable, and they cannot create opportunities for their enemies, so that they have an excuse to remove themselves from the border!

It is no trivial matter to enshrine the king. It is a great temptation for any family, any aristocratic family, and any ambitious person. I don’t know how many generals want to replace the frontier generals, want to take the frontier army, and compete for military merit. It is not easy to win the king with military merits. They need at least an opportunity and a position. The position that was originally unwilling to take over at the border has become a hot commodity at this time, and countless soldiers are urgently Want to fight for a position!

The human mind, this is the human mind. Under the temptation of interests, countless soldiers fought for the empire, for themselves, and for military merits. They no longer have any malicious intentions, and they are determined to compete for military merits, so morale in the border is high. The situation in the empire was reversed in an instant. Those who originally wanted to rebel had to stop for a while, for fear that someone would accidentally be spotted by the soldiers of the empire, for fear that they would be targeted by the soldiers of the empire and become their military exploits. !

When the situation in the empire changed like this, the rebellious forces screamed at the emperor and the soldiers in the dark. Their original hope was shattered at this moment, and they wanted to win the opportunity again. This will take time, and it will take a long time. The strong people from all parties who originally made the decision were also shocked by the current changes.

Wrong, they were all wrong, they all underestimated the changes in the world, underestimated the changes in the world, underestimated the changes in the world, once such a situation came out, the situation in the empire became stable instead, and they originally hated the empire. Corrupt soldiers are no longer malicious and anti-inspiring towards the empire, but are focused on fighting for the empire. No matter the family or the major sects, they cannot gather more soldiers and cannot rise in secret to build a huge Without an army, they would not be able to fight the empire!

"No, we can't go on like this anymore. If the empire is allowed to continue to develop like this, the strength we had so hard to accumulate will gradually dissipate over time. Under the influence of military service and kingship, countless people aspire to become an empire. Soldiers, are eager to fight for the empire, to cast a glorious hope for themselves on the battlefield, a bright future!"

"We are all aware of the changes in the situation, and we don't want to go on like this, but we don't want to wait like this. Do we have to take the initiative to jump out and become the target of the empire? Do you think we can fight the empire with our current strength? Don't do it. Daydreaming, we can’t do it, and those alien races can’t do it. All we can do now is to wait and wait for the time to come. As long as the emperor’s karma comes out, those alien races will be unable to bear it, and it won’t take long. , They will madly launch an assault on the empire. As long as the empire has a defeat at the border, our chance will come!"

Putting hopes on others, on foreign races, on the failure of the frontier army of the empire, I have to say that this is a big mistake, but the situation is like this. Besides, these rebels, these ambitions The family can’t think of a better way at all, unless they are willing to be the first bird, and when such a surprise occurs, the hidden descendants are relieved. Under such a situation, they are temporarily safe, and there is no need to worry about them. The pursuit of the big forces, at this time, most people's energy is cast on the border, not many people care about their existence!

Of course, when safety is guaranteed, some of those who have descended will inevitably have a sense of greed in their hearts. They have conceived the idea of ​​the empire, the idea of ​​border crossing, and they want to use this heavenly change to seize the luck of the world and the empire. Fortunately, benefits make them forget the dangers and fears before!

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