God of Destruction

Chapter 3964: Festival of Humanity

Chapter 3964: Humane Array

When Xing Tian left the northern land and came to the imperial capital, the entire empire was shaken. A killer **** appeared in the imperial capital. This was feared by many aristocratic families and many imperial ministers. They were all worried about their own safety. Fearing that Xingtian, a lunatic, would break out for a while, there would be a crazy **** killing in the imperial capital.

When Xingtian left the northern land and entered the imperial capital, it’s not that no one thought of stopping it. It’s a pity that those who took action to stop fell under Xingtian’s sword and became Xingtian’s nourishment. Being swallowed by Xingtian’s phantom body, the **** killings along the way shocked countless people. It is not that there are no strong people who want to kill Xingtian, and it is not that there are no older generations who cannot bear to make a big move, but when they have this idea, they all They can feel the terrible pressure from the void. As long as they dare to take action, they will be punished and destroyed by the heavenly punishment. When they feel the threat from the void, these people have to give up the thoughts in their hearts. No one dares. Taking the risk of his own life, no strong man is willing to die with Xing Tian and make wedding dresses for others. As for the original treasure in Xing Tian's hands, no one cares anymore!

Is it because those people gave up the greed in their hearts and stopped attacking Xingtian's original treasure? No, it's not that they gave up their greed, but they all had to admit that rumor. They all believed that the city of thunder punishment that Xing Tian controlled was not his own, but the power of heaven. Xing Tian could only borrow it, if this treasure It really belongs to Xingtian. It is impossible for them to not notice the breath of the Avenue of Thunder in Xingtian. Nor is it possible that Xingtian has not used this treasure of origin when they are surrounded by people. All the evidence shows that Xingtian has no thunder at all. The city of punishment is the treasure of origin.

The occurrence of such a situation surprised many people, especially Moro, the king of the north, who was even more shocked. You must know that he had seen Xingtian in charge of the city of thunder punishment with his own eyes, and saw Xingtian cross the thunder punishment of heaven and earth, but The current situation is that Xing Tian doesn't have such an original treasure at all, how can this not let him be frightened.

As for the sword of killing in Xing Tian's hand, this treasure that has been transformed from the Dao of Poison from the Source to the Treasure, no one had any idea, because at this moment this source and Treasure is completely integrated with Xing Tian's phantom body, even if it is. Those with powerful powers can’t see through the essence of this original treasure, nor can they determine its true identity. They can only think that this is the treasure of killing condensed by Xingtian’s practice of killing avenue, and it is fused with Xingtian’s own avenue. This slaughter sword made the greedy people give up and no longer believed that Xing Tian held the original treasure like the city of thunder punishment in his hands.

A person who practices the avenue of killing has mastered the source and treasure of the avenue of thunder. It is hard for anyone to believe that the avenue of thunder is the real power of heaven's punishment, and the avenue of killing is the killing of sentient beings, carrying endless killing and Karma, such a killing countless creatures, mastering the source of the treasure of Thunder Punishment, this is really ridiculous, if it is true, the source of Thunder Punishment City will first smash the crazy killer of Death Punishment Heaven, Repay the endless cause and effect!

Along the way, I don’t know how many people have tried Xing Tian, ​​but no matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how hard Xing Tian is forced, they have never seen the city of thunder punishment, the treasure of origin, or even saw Xing Tian. The other source treasures in the sword of killing in their hands, this result has too much impact for many people, and the result has made them disappointed. Many people even wonder whether the original rumors are true and whether Xingtian is really in secret. There has been an ancient heritage in the world.

Speaking of Xingtian’s phantom body’s crazy killing and condensed terrifying killing aura, it really concealed all of his own aura, even the mutated origin of the treasure world’s destruction sword in his hand was concealed, not to mention the devouring avenue of his own practice. , This result also brought a lot of impact to Xing Tian, ​​let Xing Tian see a new world, want to cover his own aura, Slaughter Avenue is indeed the best choice, under the aura of killing, all origins can be Be obscured.

Such a result made Xing Tian think of how to conceal the aura of his own deity. If the deity has completed the aggregation of the gods and demons and completed its own transformation, it can completely rely on the power of the phantom to cover it with this terrible killing aura. The original aura of oneself makes heaven and the power of the world unable to perceive the real aura of oneself, unable to understand one's own strength, so the deity can easily survive the danger, and even be able to seduce the enemy!

Although this is just an idea, it has a very good feasibility. It also opens a new door for Xing Tian, ​​allowing Xing Tian to see a new path of practice and a new direction. He doesn’t know how much time his deity has left. Xing Tian’s phantom body is very impatient, eager to resolve the cause and effect of this body, and it is with such a state of mind that Xing Tian will not have any intention to stop along the way. As long as he dares to provoke himself, anyone who dares to block him has only the body. Death!

Came to the imperial capital with such a terrifying breath of killing, indeed, it has deterred many greedy people, many wealthy families, and those who descended. At this time, there was no idea of ​​a descendant who dared to beat Xingtian, nor did he descend. They believe that Xing Tian, ​​like them, also comes from the world of the highest bastard. Even the strong reincarnation will not be so crazy. Under this situation, at this time, he slays creatures madly and contaminates himself with so much Causal karma, acting in such a high profile is not what the descendants should do. They ask for chance, resources, not killing, let alone incurring such terrible causal karma. If so many enemies are recruited, even Xingtian No matter how strong it is, once it becomes a public enemy, there is only one dead end in the end.

Yes, in the eyes of those who have descended, no matter how terrifying and powerful Xing Tian is, he will never escape death. When those strong hidden in the dark appear, when the final battle comes, Xing Tian will definitely Beheaded by those strong men, and eventually all of their luck will be swallowed by the enemy, who made Xingtian kill so heavy and contaminated with such terrible karma!

For these descendants, it is indeed a dead end for things to fall on them, but it is not so desperate when it falls on Xingtian, and what they never thought of Xingtian to kill was only their own phantom, even if they could not hide in the end. After that killing tribulation, you will eventually fall into the final decisive battle, and the damage to the deity is also very limited. Even the death of this phantom body will eliminate the terrible cause and effect of killing. The danger of the deity!

At this time, after so many killings, no one could see through Xing Tian’s phantom body itself, no one could see through the essence of Xing Tian, ​​and I have to say that Xing Tian has gone very far on the path of phantom body, on the road of illusion. New progress has also been made in Xing Tian’s comprehension, but Xing Tian himself did not notice it. After all, to Xing Tian, ​​the Dao of Illusion is not the Dao he values, nor is it the main path of his own practice. Even in Xing Tian’s heart, his own Dao of Killing Must be higher than the avenue of fantasy!


Although he was anxious in his heart, no one in the imperial capital came to contact him. Even the royal family did not appear. This situation made Xing Tian sneer in his heart, and lost his original expectation of the royal family. As a royal family, he did not. Firm belief, influenced by external forces, with Xingtian’s wisdom, it is natural to understand that the royal family did not come to see him at this time, did not come to win him, but because of their previous crazy killings, they were afraid that they would lose their hearts after drawing themselves.

People! This is indeed a big proposition, but as the imperial family, the imperial family has lost its dominance and is affected by external forces. This is a big mistake in itself. When does the royal family need to accept the influence of external forces, they need to worry about the loss of control of external forces. What is needed is domineering, only a strong domineering can control the entire world and dominate everything.

"The emperor, this is really a ridiculous existence. There are people in the emperor's name, but no emperor. Even some of the rich and powerful families have to worry about such a man who can really support the entire world and dominate humanity? Originally? I thought that if Moro could be named the king of the north, the emperor could be regarded as a determined person. Now it seems that this emperor is still far from enough. Even if such a person has righteousness in his body, he is afraid that he will rarely be safe in the end. When the dynasty may really be shattered, even if it is the blessing of humanity, it can't be preserved!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, and things were even worse than he had originally imagined.

Leaving the imperial capital, letting go of the so-called cause and effect, letting go of everything? Xing Tian couldn’t help but a little thought came into his mind, but Xing Tian quickly shook his head and gave up the idea. When he left at this time, his previous efforts were wasted, and time waits for no one. It is not necessary to leave time for his deity. Too much, I can’t waste time, no matter how unbearable the emperor is, no matter how weak the emperor is, Xing Tian can’t give up. You must seize the opportunity to solve your own cause and effect quickly!

"Wait, if this royal family still has no movement in a few days, there is no need for such a royal family to exist, and there is no need to care about the cause and effect. When they die, the so-called cause and effect will disappear. !"

Although Xing Tian thought so in his heart, he himself understood that it would take time. Even if the empire will eventually be destroyed in the catastrophe, even if the many royal families will be destroyed, can his own deity really wait until that day? The real body of the gods and demons may not be affected by this cause and effect, will they leave hidden dangers for their future practice?

Regarding this point, Xing Tian didn’t know it, and he didn’t know. After all, the road he was walking on was an unprecedented road. He didn’t know if the condensed acquired Chaos God and Demon’s true body would be due to its own cause and effect, that huge Is affected by the karma, will it ruin his own foundation? Who will let his chaotic elementary fetus be still gestating, he hasn't succeeded yet!

At this time, Xing Tian knew that countless eyes were staring at him in secret, and countless people were waiting for his reaction in secret. They all wanted to know why they came to the imperial capital, and they all wanted to figure out their intentions, perhaps the same is true of the emperor. The same is true for the royal family. Even for those royal families, they have never regarded themselves as a family. Perhaps in the eyes of those royal families, they are still outsiders. They naturally have to be more vigilant for an uncontrolled outsider!

Time passed bit by bit. Although Xing Tian was in the imperial capital, he did not stay in one place. Instead, he wandered around, understanding everything about the imperial capital, and fundamentally understanding the power of humanity in this world. The power of the empire, understand the power of the imperial family, and the emperor capital is the easiest place to start, and the easiest place to contact!

Regardless of which empire’s fortune, the emperor is their root and their foundation. All the buildings in the imperial capital will reveal the essence of the empire and the humane nature of the world. Even the emperor will condense the fortune. Avenue.

After walking through the entire imperial capital, Xing Tian was deeply moved in his heart. The power of the imperial capital is stronger than he imagined, and the power of humanity is even more terrifying than he imagined, even if the emperor has not really mastered the entire world. Master the entire humanity, but the power of the humanity permeates the entire imperial capital, silently changing everything in the imperial capital, whether it is from the essence of the imperial capital or everywhere in the imperial capital, changes are silently occurring!

The great formation, the entire imperial capital is now shrouded by the humanitarian formation! Yes, it is the Avenue of Humanity. This is the evolution of humanity, and it is also the change of the imperial capital after the emergence of the emperor! Of course, the imperial capital was originally shrouded by a large formation, but that formation was built by the empire, and today's humane formation evolved from this formation. It is an evolution of the original formation, not true. The strong cannot feel the changes in the formation of the imperial capital, nor the changes in humanity.

Only after the final evolution of this humane formation is completed, the entire imperial capital will be as solid as a golden soup, and this will take time. Xing Tian doesn’t know whether the current imperial dynasty can last until that day, and whether the dragon veins of the imperial dynasty can last. Able to complete its own evolution with this change of humanity, and be able to interact with the humanity array of the imperial capital! Everything is unknown, and the unknown is the most certain. The unknown means that everything is possible. For those careerists and for those forces that are malicious towards the imperial movement, they are afraid that they will not let the imperial capital complete the final Transformation will not allow the light of the Tao to completely envelop the entire imperial capital, which means that it is difficult for them to shake the foundation of the empire's fortune, and it is difficult to shake the empire!


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