God of Destruction

Chapter 3966: Vigilance

Chapter 3966: Vigilance

"This trip to the realm battlefield, this catastrophe of heaven and earth, is it a conspiracy, an opportunity, or a disaster!" The more you understand the world, the more Xing Tian has in his heart. Doubts and worries. Although the imperial capital’s humanitarian formation can bring huge benefits to one's own practice, there will be no danger behind this benefit, and there will be no conspiracy, and even the whole world of catastrophe appears to Xingtian. It may be a conspiracy.

World fusion, maybe this is just an expectation, maybe when one's own practice is successful, world fusion is just empty talk, and the whole world will collapse! I don’t know why, suddenly Xing Tian had such a thought in his heart. The deity’s mind had such a thought, which brought a huge impact to Xing Tian. Although this was only a momentary thought, Xing Tian’s heart was extremely heavy. To be able to make oneself have such thoughts in the process of transformation, perhaps this trip to the realm battlefield is really a conspiracy, the so-called world integration is just a joke, otherwise oneself would not have such a vigilance!

At this time, the body and mind of Xingtian's deity are mingling with the world, and they are all completing the transformation and evolution of the day after tomorrow. It can be said that Xingtian's chaotic **** and demon's real body is mingling with heaven and earth. This feeling appears at this time. This is definitely not a temporary illusion. , But the warning in the heart, or perhaps it was the impact of the phantom body on oneself when the humane enlightenment was gained, making oneself aware of the crisis!

"How much time is left for myself, where will this world go? I really have to pin my hopes on the integration of the world, and I really want to pin my life and death on external forces, once the world is shattered and the world collapses, How much flexibility will this world be able to survive?" Xing Tian shook his head secretly, and once such a crisis appeared, let alone Xing Tian, ​​even a true Innate Chaos God and Demon. No such confidence!

"No, I can no longer pin my life on external forces, nor can I pin my hopes on others. Ancient gods and demons have appeared in the secret world. Whether it is the other party's layout or the return, perhaps this is a warning , I can no longer have illusions about any power, time waits for no one, I need to make a change!"

When this feeling suddenly appeared in my heart, Xing Tian’s concept of the deity changed. When the deity changed, the phantom body also instantly noticed it. If Xingtian’s phantom body was not eager to act before, it changed Putting his mind on the perception of the essence of humanity, he also made a change after a moment. Although the essence of humanity is very important, it is more beneficial to his own world road practice, but in the face of life and death, this perception is not Worth mentioning, this opportunity can also be put down!

"Haha! This world is really problematic. It has changed over and over again. Now even the deity feels threatened. This is really a big question. Where is the world going? Is the will of the world laying out? Those returning ancient gods and demons are in the layout, or are the powerhouses of the supreme chaos world in the layout?"

Regardless of the situation, Xing Tian has to change now. Although he feels a little bit reluctant to give up, he will break when he is judged. No matter how good the imperial capital’s humanity formation is, no matter how great the opportunity to understand the essence of humanity, his life is not as important as he can hope. With the fusion of the world, with the help of the fusion of the two worlds to return to the highest chaotic world, perhaps this is out of reach, and this opportunity is likely to be shattered, and now if you want to protect yourself, you must rely on your own strength to tear apart Void, tearing through the barriers of this world, breaking through the sky with great power, and returning to the highest chaotic world, it is worth the price no matter how much!

If anyone knows Xing Tian’s indispensable idea, he will be greatly shocked. No matter how powerful Xing Tian is, no matter how powerful Xing Tian is, he wants to tear the void and break through the space on his own to return to the highest chaotic world. Arrogant, too self-righteous, since the emergence of this realm battlefield world, has it been possible to do this really, you must know that this realm battlefield world is not an ordinary world, this is a powerful world second only to the highest chaos world, so The world’s barriers are extremely strong, even those strong on the pinnacle of this world can’t do it, and even the world’s will of this world does not allow this to happen. After all, if someone does it, it will hurt the world. The origin of this will bring a huge impact to the will of the world!

The changes in the world are accelerating. This is Xing Tian’s greatest feeling. The changes in the world are accelerating, which means that the situation in the world is out of control. It also means that all the creatures in this world don’t have much time, and they don’t know the peak powers. For Xing Tian, ​​what kind of feelings and feelings he has in his heart, for Xing Tian, ​​the emergence of such a situation means the coming of a crisis and the imminent destruction of the world!

Meet the emperor! This is the change of Xingtian’s phantom body. Since the royal family didn’t take the initiative to look for him, he didn’t win him, then he took the initiative to come to the door, take the initiative to resolve the cause and effect, even if it is a shame, it would not hesitate. For many people, Taking the initiative to come to the door means bowing his head, but Xing Tian has no choice. If he wants to save himself from this coming catastrophe, he must face and face the situation. There is nothing to change. all of these!

Putting aside his understanding of the essence of humanity, Xing Tian's phantom body once again set off to the palace. Time is running out. Xing Tian doesn't have much thoughts to care about the gains and losses, and he doesn't play with the emptiness. He went directly to the royal family, straightforward Go to see the emperor, instead of contacting the emperor through other people, use Feng's other power to meet the emperor!

With Xing Tian’s departure, those powerhouses who had been paying attention to him changed a lot. Those who could be arranged to monitor Xing Tian were not stupid people. When they saw the direction Xing Tian was heading, they all understood that Xing Tian was going to be straightforward. , Go straight to see the emperor, do not play any means, use direct methods to achieve your goals!

auzw.com "Asshole, how dare this **** **** Xingtian do this, how can he be so arrogant, if the **** meets the emperor, I'm afraid we will face greater pressure, after all, who I don’t know what will happen to this **** and the madman. We finally touched the royal family and told them not to contact the madman Xingtian and neglect this madman, but now this madman has put down his body and took the initiative to meet. Sovereign, why did this **** make such a change? Did he find something wrong? They noticed our calculations, or someone collided with the enemy?"

"Enough, don’t guess about others for no reason. I don’t think anyone will be stupid enough to accept the lunatic Xingtian. In fact, I have already said that we don’t need to pay such a big price to win over the waste of the royal family. We should be together. At the beginning, I tried my best to stop the lunatic Xingtian and kill him outside the imperial capital, but you just didn't listen. Now, the biggest trouble has appeared!"

"Fight against it with all your strength! It's easier said than done. You don't need your manpower for feelings. Do you think that the price of killing Xingtian this lunatic will be small? And do you think there are few people who die at Xingtian's hands? The most important thing is this The lunatic obviously does not have the original treasure that we want. In the case of no benefit, he paid a huge price to stop the lunatic Xingtian. It would be nice to say that if it succeeds, it can be regarded as a hidden danger, but once it fails, how much we will bear Don’t you count the threats of anger? If you really insist, why don’t your people act and don’t treat others as fools!"

"Well said, we are not those small forces, we can desperately, we can use all our wealth and life to fight for the future. We have too many considerations behind us. Before we are completely sure, we cannot act rashly. This time we It is not easy to pay some price to talk about the waste of the royal family. Doing too many things will only trap oneself. I know what everyone is worried about, but do you think your worry is necessary?"

"What do you mean? Why is our worry unnecessary? Don’t you know how much damage the lunatic Xingtian is? Don’t you know what the human emperor means? Once Xingtian becomes the sword in the human emperor’s hands, it will be against us. How terrible it is, don’t you know in your heart? Human Sovereign is not an easy man, his mind is no less than Xing Tian!"

"Hmph, ignorance, our biggest method is not to involve the Emperor, nor to deal with Xingtian, but to ensure that the dark hand is not discovered. As long as the situation of the dragon veins is not accidental, how about Xingtian becoming the sword in the hands of the Emperor? We can completely lie and wait for the time to come, and there is no need to force our heads and lose our lives for nothing!"

"How can it be a strong one? Your so-called waiting is a waste of time, and we can't underestimate anyone, let alone the background of the royal family. Those wastes are indeed not worthy of our attention, but the royal family is hidden in the dark. Those old guys, we can’t have the slightest contempt. Otherwise, we will only suffer. The dragon veins are related to the life and death of the royal family. Even if we have the ability to reach the sky, we can blind them for a while, but we cannot blind them for a long time. They will be aware of it after all, and we must be fully prepared in advance so that we will not be helpless because of the exposure of the dragon veins!"

When talking about the old guys of the royal family, everyone was silent. These careerists in the imperial capital, these insidious people became serious one by one. They can look down on the emperor, they can look down on the waste of the royal family, but not Dare to be sloppy about those old guys. After all, these old guys have experienced a lot of battles. A little bit of trouble, they will be vigilant and will investigate everything, and even if the dragon veins are hidden, as long as The other side's vigilance will surely be noticed!

"Well, what we are going to talk about now is not about dragon veins, but Xingtian. The most important thing for us at the moment is to block Xingtian. We must not let him have contact with the royal family, let alone let him become a sword in the hands of the emperor. Otherwise, the human emperor is the first to slash at us, not the aristocratic families and sects outside the imperial capital, let alone the alien race!"

"Block, what are we using to block now? This is the imperial capital, not elsewhere. We will be noticed by the emperor when we move. At this time, we should not rashly persuade us to avoid exposing more problems. In my opinion, even How about letting the lunatic Xingtian become the sword in the hands of the emperor? The big deal is that we pay a little price and sacrifice a little benefit. Compared with the long-term benefits, paying a little price now is nothing. After all, we can't care about little things!"

Trivial, is it really trivial? No, this is no small matter! It’s just that no one rebuts, because everyone has no choice. If someone rebuts at this time, then they have to come up with a solution, or even take the responsibility by themselves. Don’t look at these careerists, these crazy betrayers are all in one alliance. Together, but there are also struggles between them, and they are not of the same mind!

"It can only be so at the moment. Who made Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, choose the time so badly, so that we have nothing to do. The most important thing is that we can't take the lead or be targeted by the emperor, or else more problems will be exposed. Under this kind of love, we would rather sacrifice a little profit than take risks. After all, we all have a family background. We don’t think about ourselves, we must also think about our family, and we must also think about the family. If someone gets caught because of our own problems The emperor grabbed the handle, I hope he can break it on his own, don't hurt other people, and don't harm us all!"

Sacrificing one person, sacrificing one family, and preserving others is the consensus of everyone, but this is just lip service. After all, it didn’t happen and everyone could make a promise, but once it happened to them. It is even harder to say whether there will be such a mentality at the time. No one is willing to sacrifice himself, and no one is willing to give everything for others. Once that happens, this so-called alliance becomes a joke. Someone can't bear to tell their secrets!

"Haha! Actually, everyone is too nervous in my opinion. We don't need to be so anxious. We must know that there are more people than us. If we don't take action, it doesn't mean that Xingtian is really safe. Other families in China, will other forces allow Xingtian this lunatic to meet with the Emperor? Will he join forces with the Emperor? In my opinion, this is impossible. We can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and wait for those people. Taking the initiative to attack, we can also take the opportunity to learn more about the true power of the lunatic Xing Tian. After all, we have only heard from the past. No one has actually seen Xing Tian make a move. As long as he makes a move in front of us, we can see some problems!"


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