God of Destruction

Chapter 3967: Section concerns

Chapter 3967: Concerns

There are indeed people who are much more anxious than these hidden conspirators, and these people are the forces that blocked Xingtian before. They don't want to see Xingtian unite with the Emperor. Once this happens, it means that they have done before. Everything about Xingtian will be completely exposed to Xingtian’s nose. They will face Xingtian’s crazy counterattack. No one thinks that they and the forces behind can withstand the counterattack of a crazy person like Xingtian. After all, Xingtian doesn’t care much, and Xing Tian was not afraid of killing.

A lunatic who walks the road of killing is absolutely not afraid of killing, and even more eager to kill. The other party is not afraid of killing if there is no reason. If there is reason, let alone, so Xingtian made it In such a move, the most urgent thing is that these more ignorant fools, they don't want to see Xing Tian unite with the emperor, and get the help of the empire.

If Xing Tian is alone, no matter how strong it is, it is too strong. After all, Xing Tian does not have sufficient information to support it. Xing Tian cannot understand all the conditions of the imperial movement, but with the help of the empire, everything is completely different, and Xing Tian and Human emperors really complement each other. Xing Tian has powerful combat power, while Human emperors have countless manpower. Once such a situation occurs, it will be a disaster for those careerists, and they will all face destruction. Disaster!

"It makes sense. Should we take this opportunity to agitate some stupid **** and let them try to test Xingtian's reality. After all, only by understanding the enemy can we defeat the enemy. If we understand Xingtian's strength, the more it will be for us. favorable!"

"Stupid, the best choice for us at this time is to stand by and wait quietly, don’t do anything. For us, safety is more important than everything. Do you think that at this time, we will encourage those who are stupid to be kept safe? Did you find out? Even if those stupid **** can't see the situation clearly, do you think that the Emperor will not know anything? Once we are targeted by the Emperor, do you think we can still be as free as we are now?"

Yes, for these conspirators and careerists, the best choice is to wait. More is better than less. The more at this time, the more they have to be calm, and the less careless they can be, or else one. Small mistakes will ruin their everything, destroy all the layout, be careful not to make a big mistake, too impatient, it will only be the opposite!

"Wait, wait for me honestly, no one is allowed to do anything, no one can make the slightest mistake at this time, if anyone makes a mistake, don't blame me for waiting and hating my hands, don't test me for waiting Attitude, there is no discussion on this matter. This is not a matter for you alone, but is related to your life and death. You alone cannot affect everyone. Once this happens, we will before the matter is completely exposed Before you cleaned it up, don't think that this is intimidating you. This is our truest attitude, no matter who it is, even I am no exception!"

In the face of the overall situation, no one can have a special case. This must be a consensus, and a consensus must be reached. Otherwise, it won’t be long before these **** will be unable to bear the greed in their hearts, and they will ignorantly intervene in the affairs of the empire. Expose yourself, be stared at by the Emperor, and then thoroughly expose everyone’s secrets bit by bit. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable, so advance warning is necessary, otherwise everyone will end up in a miserable situation. End!

"This may be a conspiracy, a trap set by two lunatics, Human Emperor and Xingtian. You said that if Human Emperor knew Xingtian's identity, he would give up Xingtian because of our methods and the stupid royal family. Is it a terrible sword? Would he really not care about Xingtian at all? Would he just leave Xingtian outside the empire?"

When someone suddenly said something like this, everyone present was startled again, and a deep look appeared on each of their faces. Everyone was thinking, if you replace yourself as the emperor, yes Wouldn't make such a stupid decision and give up Xingtian's power for nothing. This is not the work of a wise man. The Emperor is not stupid enough!

"Damn, this may be really a conspiracy, a conspiracy to entrap all of us, a conspiracy to make all of us jump into the trap one by one, at this time I am afraid that the emperor of humanity has been waiting in secret, watching, all Every action of a person is in his control. He deliberately wants to find out all the enemies hidden in the empire and eliminate them all at once. If we make a move, I am afraid that we will really be targeted by the Emperor. It's really hard to end!"

"Oh! I just don’t know if we are being targeted by the Emperor. We must know that we have also taken action before. Those **** royal families have already told the Emperor about us. We will be in serious trouble, and it seems we have to prepare in advance just in case, after all, there is nothing wrong with being careful!"

At this time, some people are scared, worried about their own safety, want to prepare in advance, want to withdraw, but if they are really exposed at this time, it is too late to withdraw now, and everyone present will allow this to happen. ? It is obviously impossible for him to give up so easily and get out easily!

auzw.com "Enough, I don’t want to hear such words anymore. If such words appear in my ears again, I can’t blame me for not being affectionate. There is no such thing as life and death. Some people are afraid, what do you want to do? No matter what conspiracy is between Human Emperor and Xingtian, and no matter what kind of accidents happen to this matter, as long as there is no full exposure, we must be patient. I don’t believe Human Emperor will do because We took a big shot at us for a little thing. We just stopped Xingtian and didn't do much. The Emperor couldn't beat us at the same time. If he did that, he would lose his footing! Wait, everyone gave me. Waiting quietly, no matter what reaction the Emperor Ren and Xing Tian have, we will remain unchanged and respond to all changes!"

What a mentality and great patience. At this time and under such circumstances, he still looks at everything with a calm head. I have to say that this person is really amazing. No wonder he can become the leader of these careerists. In charge of the overall situation, replaced by some people with bad temperament, when faced with such a situation, they have already panicked!

Is this a conspiracy? No, this is not a conspiracy. There is no such good tacit understanding between Xingtian and Human Emperor, and there is no in-depth communication. For Human Emperor, he is indeed using this matter to observe everything in secret, but he does not I want to take this opportunity to kill everything, but to distinguish the wealthy families in the imperial capital! For the emperor, Xing Tian’s killing was indeed too heavy. As the lord of the empire at this time, he really had to take Xing Tian into his own hands. It would arouse dissatisfaction with many wealthy families, even if the empire’s crisis is now Relax, the emperor dare not do this!

Fearlessness is not something that everyone has. As a human emperor, the first thing that comes to mind is not Xingtian’s identity or the face of the emperor, but the survival of the empire. It is impossible for him to let the emperor and the empire stand in all because of Xingtian alone. The opposite of aristocratic family is very detrimental to the empire and the royal family. The situation that finally stabilizes will break down again. This is not what the emperor wants to see. Don’t look at the ambition of the emperor, but he can’t do it. Xing Tian is so fearless!

The emergence of the human emperor’s position is a good thing for the human emperor, but there is also a huge pressure behind this good thing. As the human emperor, he clearly understands the reaction of foreign races and deeply understands that the empire will face What a terrible situation, the aliens seem to be quiet now, but this is only a superficial phenomenon, and in the interior, they have already gathered strength, waiting for the opportunity to give the empire a fatal blow, seize their own throne, even There are also many careerists in the empire who are ready to move. At this time, it takes time for the emperor to accumulate strength and time to alleviate the crisis of the empire!

When Xing Tian made this move, as the Emperor of Humanity, as the lord of the empire, he was naturally clear about everything in the imperial capital and his reaction to Xing Tian was also very clear. At this time, the Emperor of Humanity was also in a dilemma. He did not know how he should respond. Xing Tian, ​​I don’t know whether Xing Tian should be accepted. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the survival of the empire!

Discuss with the royal family? No, the emperor can’t do this, because he doesn’t know how many people in the royal family are worthy of relying on, how many stupid people there are in the royal family, and how many people have been wooed by those wealthy families. Under the circumstances, calling everyone to discuss together will only tell all the wealthy families in the imperial capital, so that the other party will be wary!

As the emperor, as the lord of the empire, there are a few trusted people around him, and even his own royal family can’t believe it. I have to say that the current royal family has really fallen and is on the verge of collapse, but the royal family has Retreat, but the emperor himself has no retreat. Once the empire is destroyed, as a royal family, he has already arranged a retreat. At most, he just abandons the identity of the royal family, and the emperor himself has only a dead end, even his own line. Will be destroyed because of the empire!

Queen! When he couldn't find someone to believe in, the Emperor once again thought of the queen, and the queen also had contact with Xing Tian, ​​and had some understanding, how could he be able to give himself a good help! When thinking of this, the Emperor was moved. In order to avoid the attention of the caring people, the Emperor did not call to see the queen, but went to the queen's palace.

When the emperor said his concerns, he told the empress empress that the empress empress was also dignified. Although the empress empress was determined to win over Xingtian, it is not a good time under this situation, and the empire needs calm. Accepting Xing Tian at the time will arouse many enemies of the wealthy family, and even rebel. After all, Xing Tian has massacred too many disciples of the family on this road. It can be said that since the birth of Xing Tian, ​​I don’t know how many wealthy families have suffered. After a blow, he said that almost 90% of the wealthy families in the entire empire are hostile to this madman, this lunatic, this blood butcher!

The weakening of aristocratic families is beneficial to the royal family, but as a human emperor, he can’t directly express too eagerness. Who makes today’s empire no longer in its heyday, today’s emperor needs to worry about too many things. There is no way to control the entire empire in his own hands. This time the emperor wins over Moro and makes Moro the king of the north. Although the frontiers of the empire are preserved, the frontiers will not be impacted or affected by the existence of aliens in a short time. But in the long run, this is a great danger to the empire. If it were not a last resort, how could the emperor do this? How could it leave such a hidden danger to the empire!

"Your Majesty, although Xing Tian is a young man, he is a decisive man, a fearless man. Perhaps those rumors are true. He really is the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse, and what he practiced is indeed killing. Dadao, for him, there is no one who cannot be killed in the world. Such a person will benefit the empire if used well, and will do great harm to the empire if it is not used well. Now in this situation, you can see him , Don’t let it go for your own use, don’t leave it alone, it’s just that you can’t get past the middle of the court, no matter the wealthy family, or the ministers, they can’t tolerate such lunatics as Xingtian. People, it’s better for me to come out secretly, come to see Xingtian, listen to his thoughts, if possible, let him become a secret force of the empire, at least on the surface, not related to the empire, even if it can’t be won. It is also good to have a good relationship. After all, Xing Tian is also a member of the royal family. Whether he admits his identity or not, this bloodline will not change!"

When he said this, the Empress Empress gave a speech, took a deep breath, and continued: "Actually, as long as Xing Tian understands his identity, he will have a good impression of the empire, regardless of whether he is the reincarnation of an ancient powerhouse. No matter what he thinks, he understands in his heart that there is no peace between himself and those wealthy families, and there is no peace with those sects. All he can rely on is the empire, or more accurately, only the royal family and only your majesty. In this case Below, I don’t think we need to guard against him. We can talk to him with heart and soul. This is good for the empire, for your majesty, and even for Xingtian himself. With such a powerful helper as Xingtian, then I am afraid that it cannot be put on the bright side. It is also a very good threat to the wealthy families, to the many sects, and the major forces! It can be said that with Xing Tian, ​​your majesty and the empire can have more time to relax. More preparation time can fully relieve the empire!"


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