God of Destruction

Chapter 3968: Knot

Chapter 3960

The idea is good, but the empress’s understanding of Xingtian is too superficial, and she doesn’t know much about practitioners. If she can truly understand practitioners in depth, she will understand. In the eyes of practitioners, there is no So much care, especially for fanatics like Xing Tian. Xing Tian came to see the emperor, not to get help from the other party, not to be a courtier to the emperor, but to resolve his own cause and effect, if it were not for Xing Tian. With great cause and effect on the empress's body, how could she be so passive, how could she be caught in this awkward situation.

I want to win over Xing Tian, ​​but I don’t want to pay too much, and I don’t want to turn my face because of Xing Tian and the empire’s wealthy family. There are such beautiful things in this world. How can there be big gains without paying the price? I don’t want to stand on Xing Tian’s side. I don't want to be the Xingtian platform, how can I get Xingtian's approval, I have to say that the empress takes it for granted!

In the eyes of the Empress Empress, the empire is still extremely powerful. Xing Tian is only alone and has no foundation. She needs the help of the empire, and even on the resources of her cultivation, she also needs the help of the empire. But in fact, her thoughts are very wrong, Xing Tian There is no need to care about the resources of the empire, and for today's Xingtian, resources are not too important. What I lack is time, to eliminate my own cause and effect, to ensure that the deity is safe, and that the deity is not affected by this cause and effect!

When I heard the Empress Empress’s remarks, although Human Sovereign felt that there was something wrong, but he did not think of what was wrong, and for Human Sovereign, time was not waiting for people. Xing Tian had already come to the palace. He planned to be straightforward and talk with himself straight to the point. Under this pressure, the emperor could only recognize the suggestion of the queen empress, and handed the thorny issue of Xing Tian to the empress empress to deal with, hoping to resolve the current crisis.

As a human emperor, he has to take into account so much. I have to say that the emperor is too bad, but it is impossible for the emperor to give up. Who will let him have no retreat? Who will let the entire royal family and the entire empire now They are all caught in a terrible crisis, and they are all faced with tremendous impact and pressure, and even face the threat of terror.

With the support of the emperor, the empress empress quietly left the palace and went to see Xingtian. Although her actions could not be hidden from the gazes of those caring people who had been watching secretly, the leaving of the empress made a lot of people People breathed a sigh of relief. To tell you the truth, the Emperor is taking care of them, and these people who are hidden in the dark still don’t care about the Emperor, as long as the Emperor does not come into contact with Xing Tian directly, and does not accept Xing Tian in front of everyone’s eyes, There is room for relaxation, and they are afraid that the Emperor will not take care of it, and will directly win over Xing Tian and let them face terrible threats.

When the empress empress left the palace, Xing Tian immediately felt in his heart. As the master of cause and effect, the empress empress’ leaving the palace gave Xing Tian an indifferent shock. At this time, the empress empress left the palace, obviously coming for herself, too. Obviously, I don’t want to let myself be upright to block the gate of the palace. I don’t want to let myself see the emperor in an upright manner. It is not a decision she can make as a harem. It is the decision of the Emperor!

"What a human emperor, it is really shameful. At this time, under such circumstances, you still make such a ridiculous decision. What do you think you are, can you be a human emperor and you can bow your head and surrender? Come out and arrange for the harem to show up. This is nothing, ridiculous, ridiculous, but it’s okay, the Queen Empress comes forward, and I just take the opportunity to repay the cause and effect, and I don’t need to have much connection with the empire. No more responsibilities!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. At this time, he didn't need to move on, nor did he need to test the reaction of the emperor, or the reaction of those enemies. That would only waste his time and energy, without knowing the empire. Is there any awareness of the dragon veins? If not, I only need to solve this problem, then the past cause and effect will disappear, and the original blood cause and effect will also disappear. As for the other blood cause and effect, Xing Tian's heart is vaguely There is a feeling that will appear because of the dragon vein, and this cause and effect will also end because of the dragon vein!

The imperial dragon veins involved in such a major event, it can be seen that their paternal bloodline is not peaceful. They are afraid that they also have ambitions. If they involve imperial dragon veins, imperial fortunes, and human emperor disputes, this is not a good thing. It will bring you huge troubles and put yourself into an awkward situation!

"Haha! The emperor gave way, let the queen go to win Xingtian, this is really a great new idea, as a peerless powerhouse, a **** of murder, let a woman to win each other, this is simply a big joke, this Are you looking down on Xingtian?” When seeing this happen, the careerists, after a sigh of relief, began to mock the emperor. The strong have the dignity of the strong, and the emperor himself will not come forward. The queen came out, which in itself was a big mistake.

"That’s fine. The Emperor would completely venom Xingtian this lunatic, and there will be no possibility of cooperation between them. Maybe we are worrying too much. This is not a conspiracy. Everything is just that we are too sensitive, Xingtian. How could a madman cooperate with the emperor, how could he set up such a trap? For this madman, he would kill if he didn’t agree with each other. There was no need to waste energy and set up any traps. The dignity of the strong!"

Behind the scenes, when seeing such results, some people can't help showing themselves, but unfortunately, this is just a hindsight. If he really has such knowledge, what did he do before, and wait for the emperor to make a decision before saying these ridiculous remarks. , Come to give pointers to Jiangshan, this is really ridiculous, and it is really stupid, no one is a fool who will not care about his words!

"Wait, let me continue to wait, I want to see what else the Emperor Human has, how the lunatic Xing Tian will react, and see if the method of the Emperor Human can win over Xing Tian and make such an arrangement. I don’t believe that Human Sovereign will be unprepared. I don’t believe that he cannot understand the key to this problem. Human Sovereign must have methods that we don’t know. Maybe he really has the ability to win over Xingtian. Don’t forget Xingtian’s birthplace. The blood of half the royal family, whether he agrees with it or not, is a fact. If the human emperor is really prepared, we can't be happy too early, we need to prepare for the worst!"


"No, Xing Tian is also a powerful existence no matter what, as a strong man, he has his own dignity, how could he be attracted by the emperor, especially in this way, it is too difficult Believe it, unless Xing Tian doesn't care about his own dignity, otherwise this is absolutely impossible. How could a strong man who reincarnated in reincarnation lower his posture like this!"

"You remember to me that nothing is impossible in this world. What you call impossible is that the benefits are not enough. If there are enough benefits, there is nothing that cannot be done. People are willing to pay the price. , Do you think Xing Tian will refuse? Dignity is indeed very important, but the resources for practice are also important. As a solo person, Xing Tian’s lack of cooperation is resources, and the last thing Human Emperor lacks is resources. There is sufficient cooperation between them space!"

Benefits are important. Nothing is impossible in the face of benefits. If Human Sovereign had to offer a condition that Xing Tian could not refuse, how could Xing Tian give up cooperation? Just like Moro, the king of the north, he had a heart to Human Sovereign before. Are there no complaints against the empire? Yes, but now he still complains? Are there any complaints from his soldiers? No, because everything is upheld by interests. With enough interests, Moreau's attitude has naturally been changed, and he will naturally not care about his previous gains and losses.

The wages of avarice is death! The importance of interest is understood by all living beings. Even if the emperor did this to Xingtian’s face, but if he could really give Xingtian a huge benefit in secret, in the eyes of these careerists, they still think that in their hearts It is difficult for Xing Tian to refuse, after all, Xing Tian is not a fool, it is impossible to refuse huge benefits for the sake of face!

"Why don't we just watch everything happen like this, watching the emperor draw the lunatic Xingtian over, now it is impossible to count on those stupid bastards, if we really let the emperor draw Xingtian to Xingtian, we are in a bad situation? Now, I think whoever is afraid of the lunatic Shang Xingtian, because this lunatic is truly unscrupulous and has no worries. For such lunatics, such lunatics, we will be restrained!"

"Enough, let me say it again, what we have to do now is to be patient, to wait, and to do nothing at this time, because we do more mistakes, not doing good, we must first make sure that we do not make mistakes, and what we ask for It is not a temporary gain or loss, but a long-term benefit. There is no need to fight for temporary benefits, temporary impulses, expose yourself to the enemy's sight, arouse the enemy's vigilance, and make yourself unable to avoid the attention of all parties! "

For these careerists, they are pursuing long-term benefits, not temporary gains and losses. Even if they fail in Xingtian this time, it is not a big deal. As long as the fundamentals are not exposed, then Everything is nothing, after all, the dragon vein is the focus of their attention, everything else is just a small matter.

Unfortunately, these careerists did not know that Xing Tian had already noticed the abnormality of the dragon veins at this time. They already knew that someone was calculating the empire and calculating the human emperor. If Xing Tian was to be drawn by the human emperor, he really had to let Xing Tian and the human emperor go with the empire. At the same time, everything they carefully arranged will be exposed, and what will end up in the end is unpredictable. After all, no one knows how the Emperor will react, and no one knows how this calculation will change!

Countless people's eyes were cast on Xing Tian, ​​on the empress, the meeting seemed to be very secret, but it really became everyone’s attention. For such a situation, Xing Tian didn’t feel anything wrong. When making a choice, he already knew that such a situation would arise, which would attract the attention of many forces. As for what the final outcome would be, Xing Tian didn’t care, he had a bottom line, as long as he did what he wanted, as long as the other party did not challenge his own. The bottom line is that Xing Tian will not react excessively, and Xing Tian also believes that Empress Empress will not be so unwise and will not make a big mistake at this time!

This is the beginning of a turning point. If the Emperor can seize this opportunity, everything will become different. All forces are waiting. This meeting will become a turning point that everyone values, but this turning point is not beautiful. Even the Human Emperor is unwilling to face it, but the Human Emperor is not allowed to be the master under the will of God, regardless of the Human Emperor occupying the advantage of humanity, but his humanity is too weak to fight against God’s will. This turning point is Both pros and cons!

"What should I do? The madman Xingtian stopped, and the empress came out of the palace to solicit. Are we going to continue to stop the madman Xingtian? At this time, I'm afraid that one accident will be hated by the Emperor. We are all The family has a big business. Once this happens, no one will be better off, but just watching Xing Tian this lunatic being drawn by the Emperor, everyone is not reconciled. After all, Xing Tian’s lunatic is stained with the blood of our family. This is a deep hatred. It is difficult to reconcile!"

"Wait, those **** **** didn't make any shots, and they didn't even show their faces. It's nothing if we blindly take the initiative to fight. This is not a matter of one or two of us, it concerns the entire family of wealthy families, but you see Look, what are the top giants in the imperial capital doing? They just wooed some people from the royal family and used their power to stop Xing Tian from seeing the emperor. After that, they don’t care about anything, they can endure it. What can we not tolerate? If we really get something big, and the sky will fall, there will be high-ranking people who will be supported by them, and they will also be supported by their big family. We still don't act rashly!"

When the situation changed like this, the hearts of those wealthy family members who had originally wanted to kill Xingtian were shaken. They paid such a high price, but in the end nothing was gained, and dozens of their own lives were lost in vain. It’s hard to accept. Now that the empresses are all dispatched, they naturally want to take the opportunity to stop. Even if they can’t relax their relationship with Xingtian, they don’t want to continue making wedding dresses for others, and they don’t want to lose their strength in vain. At that time, if you have more strength, you will have more safety, and an enemy will have more danger. There is really no need for them to fight with Xingtian. It's not worth it!


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