God of Destruction

Chapter 3969: Knot strangulation

Chapter 3969: Strangulation

Mess! To use one word to describe today’s imperial capital is chaotic, very chaotic, and all the big families are in chaos. There are not many people who can truly sit and watch the world. There are not many people who don’t care. Perhaps only the patriarchs of the families who truly control the power. Only they can face this ever-changing situation with a calm attitude, and face such an unpredictable situation!

Under the expectation and watching of everyone, Xing Tian and Empress Empress met again. This time they seemed to be in a very hidden place, but in fact, they all understood that their actions were exposed to the eyes of the caring people, but whether it was No matter whether Xing Tian or the empress empress does not have magnetism, it is even intentional for the empress empress to take the initiative to let those who are interested know that they have gone out of the palace to see Xingtian, so that those who are mindful can be wary.

"I didn't expect that we would meet in this place, nor did I expect the empress empress to come out to see me on behalf of the emperor. It really makes me feel honored!" Seeing the empress empress, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said flatly, although his voice Plain, but in this plainness, one can feel a faint dissatisfaction, that is dissatisfaction with the emperor, and Xing Tian has not concealed this dissatisfaction in the slightest, showing naked, naked, and naked in front of the empress. fear!

When Xing Tian’s words came out, he swallowed back the words that the empress empress originally intended to promote the relationship. She originally hoped to use the blood relationship to impress Xing Tian and win Xing Tian, ​​but he did not expect that Xing Tian’s dissatisfaction with the Emperor would be so serious. She would speak out so unscrupulously that such a situation had never occurred to the Queen Empress. People she had seen in the past, no matter how much dissatisfaction she had in her heart, would try her best to cover up, but Xing Tian was not like that.

After a short pause, and after taking a deep breath, the Queen Empress smiled calmly and said: "Xing Tian, ​​I know you have a little dissatisfaction in your heart. I feel that your majesty is disrespectful for doing this, but you have to think about it for your majesty. As the king of a country, as an emperor, he needs to consider the whole world and take time to deal with political affairs, so this time I can only come to see you, and only in this way can I reflect the importance of the royal family. We have all There is no difficulty in communicating with each other, so this is the best choice for you and your majesty. I think you should understand that no matter how concealed we are, we can’t hide from the eyes of the caring people. , How many hardships and killings you have experienced on the way to the imperial capital, you should know clearly in your heart, and now the imperial capital is also surging, I don’t know how many wealthy families are exerting their strength to stop you and prevent you. You meet your majesty. Under such circumstances, it is the best choice for us to meet in a low-key manner!"

This is wishful thinking for the Queen Empress. It may be the best choice for her and the Emperor, but it is not necessarily the case for Xing Tian. Xing Tian does not have them so much care, even if Xing Tian bears no less pressure than the Emperor. But Xing Tian was still unscrupulous, still daring to let go, daring to go on a massacre without any consideration, and killing the wealthy family was heartbroken!

In troubled times, strength is the best guarantee for a family and a power. Xing Tian’s crazy killings did not leave any room for a huge impact on the wealthy families who blocked him, greatly damaged their power and caused them In the troubled times, there is less help. Under such circumstances, it is conceivable how much aristocratic family hates Xing Tian!

"Hehe, Empress Empress wants to say that. I don’t want to say more. I don’t know what the Emperor Human thinks. What do you think about this world? What do you think about Xingtian? There is no need to pull between us. There is no need to waste everyone's time. If you have anything, just say it. I have my own ideas when I come to the emperor. I want to use the power of the empire to know the life and death of the water **** of Tongtian River and what kind of situation he has suffered. , This is something I cannot do alone. After all, the empire is too big, and my power alone is limited, but the empire is different. No matter how weak it is, it is easy to understand this!"

When Xing Tian’s words fell, the empress was stunned. She did not expect Xing Tian to spend a lot of time in the imperial capital just to know the situation of the water **** of Tongtian River and understand his life and death. This is a bit weird, risking her life. The danger is just for the life and death of an outsider. This is difficult for the empress empress to understand, but the empress can’t understand, but the empress’s heart is overjoyed. This shows that Xing Tian attaches importance to feelings, and a person who attaches importance to feelings is the easiest to win!

"This is just a trivial matter. Even if you do not come to the imperial capital and do not ask the water **** of the Tongtian River, the empire will deal with it. After all, the water **** of the Tongtian River has the title of the empire. No matter how weak the empire is, you cannot treat such a god. Regardless of the slander, it’s just that now because of Moreau’s appointment of the king, Your Majesty has no time to deal with all this. After all, everything is focused on the border. At this time, you must be vigilant about the movements of the border aliens anyway. It may be a little careless. It triggered a earth-shattering battle, and now the empire needs time to recuperate, and there can be no too much movement, so the situation now appears!"

Explain that the Queen Empress’s explanation would be very reasonable to most people, but to Xing Tian, ​​this is just a lie. The border aliens are indeed ready to move, but this is only a superficial phenomenon. As long as they are not ready for a day, they will not If you act rashly, you won’t go to war with the empire. No one wants to make wedding dresses for others. The royal position is very tempting, but they are not the only ones competing for the position. No one wants to be the first bird or waste their own power. Almost all alien races are delusional to be the last one to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, so now there is no war at the border of the empire!

Even Xing Tian can see the overall situation clearly, will the Queen Empress not be clear? Is the Emperor who holds the immense power of the empire unclear? This is impossible. There is only one explanation. This is a ridiculous evasive statement. If he had not appeared, the life and death of Tongtianhe Water God was not in the empire’s attention at all, and the empire would not pay attention. Not fully integrated into the empire, not fully controlled by the empire, for such an existence, how can the empire care about their life and death, no matter how fierce the battle of the gods, the empire will only watch it coldly!

Seeing through but not telling the truth, there are still things in this dilemma. Although I understand in my heart, I didn’t care about these little things. I didn’t come to care about these little things with each other, but to settle my own cause and effect. In this case, I don’t need to do things. Absolutely, there is no need to offend the empress and the emperor behind her.

auzw.com Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Well, everyone knows what happened. I only ask for news from the God of Tongtian River. Everything else has nothing to do with me. As for the Emperor, since I don’t want to see me , That is, the different ways are not conspiring, that is, no destiny. Since there is no destiny, we naturally don’t have to worry about so much. The queen empress will directly raise any conditions, as long as I can do it. It’s good for you, for me, and for the emperor!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the empress’s heart became heavy. The thing she worried most still happened. Xing Tian was dissatisfied because her Majesty was unwilling to come forward. She refused to help the empire and only used trade to obtain information about the empire. , This is a great disaster for the Queen Empress. If it is really impossible to change, the empire will suffer a great loss this time, and it will in vain offend a master who should have been on his side, and lose a big help!

"Xing Tian, ​​things are not as serious as you think. Your Majesty is not that kind of person, and you also have royal blood, which is related to the rest of the empire. Even if you want to get out of the way, will those wealthy families recognize it? Will those sects believe it? We are both good for cooperation, and we are divided into two harms. In fact, you don’t need to be so obsessed with a little face!" In the eyes of Empress Empress, Xing Tian made such a decision because of face. After all, she still has the emperor. In his heart, Xing Tian is a strong man who reincarnated in reincarnation. The strong has his own dignity. If the emperor does not see Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian naturally feels dissatisfied and naturally has opinions!

"Hahaha! Interesting, what about the blood of the royal family? How can I get a little help from the royal family? My strength is cultivated by myself, not from the royal family, and I don't care what others think or think, you The so-called harmony will benefit both, and the division will harm you. It’s just your family's words. In my opinion, I only see the benefits of the royal family, but I don’t see any benefits. I am not a stupid person, and I do not lack the resources for practice. The empire and me Without much help, I just came to make a deal today, just a few, everything else has nothing to do with my Xingtian, and I don’t want to care about so much. As for the enemy, I never rely on external forces. I can clean it all by myself. , People block killing, gods block killing gods, no one in the world cannot kill, no gods cannot kill!" When Xingtian's words came to this, a terrible killing aura rose to the sky, Xingtian's killing condensed The breath of violent burst out, the terrifying murderous intent swept through everything, and the hidden sense of God was directly destroyed!

Yes, there are many people in the dark. They are monitoring the conversation between Xing Tian and Empress Empress in secret. They may be able to hide from the Empress Empress, but they cannot hide from Xing Tian’s eyes. For such people Xing Tian never The heart is soft, and when the slaughter gas erupts, those gods are directly swept away, and all are killed on the spot by the slaughter gas!

"Damn, this **** lunatic, how dare he do this!" Countless people in the imperial capital are scolding. They are all those hidden in the dark. After their spiritual consciousness is strangled by Xingtian, they are all in their hearts. They were all traumatized, but fortunately, they had very little spiritual consciousness, or it was really unimaginable, and the horror of Xing Tian was more powerful than they thought!

Of course, Xingtian strangled not only enemies, but also members of the royal family. How could the empress be without a guard when she left the palace alone, and as a human emperor, how could she be ignorant of this conversation, and hope that everything They are all pinned on the queen empress. This is not what the human emperor should do. The human emperor will not really completely believe in the empress. A certain amount of surveillance is inevitable. It is a pity that these people’s spiritual consciousness has also been strangled by Xingtian. !

Killing breath, the killing breath gathered at the expense of countless lives. It is the most terrifying and purest killing avenue. The power of killing is just like Xing Tian said. There is no unkillable person in the world. Humans resist killing. God Stop the god!

"The Slaughter Avenue, the power of Slaughter, this madman really cultivated the Slaughter Avenue, and the Slaughter Avenue has already been superbly transformed. He is definitely not a beginner who practiced the Slaughter Avenue. Such a person really has no taboo, as he said, there is no one who cannot be killed in the world!"

"Awesome. The killing aura is so pure and terrifying. How many people did this lunatic kill and how much blood was on his hands. This lunatic is stronger than we thought. Those who walk along the road of killing are lunatics, and such lunatics. It is not wise to be an enemy. Since he is unwilling to unite with the Emperor, we don’t need to be an enemy again. There is no need to add a terrible and terrifying enemy to ourselves. I don’t know what you think, I don’t want to face him. To such a guy!"

"That being said, I am afraid that this is not his sincere statement, and that this is just a deliberate lie. With the strength of this lunatic, it is impossible to be unaware of our divine consciousness. Perhaps he did this for another purpose. We can’t make a decision rashly, otherwise this lunatic really has to unite with the Emperor, our trouble will be big, this madman’s strength is too terrible, the killing avenue is too crazy, a madman who doesn’t care about anything, that’s the most Terrible enemy, we can't be careful!"

For the careerists and the **** hiding behind the scenes, although they are unwilling to face the lunatic Xingtian, they are not willing to be enemies of Xingtian, but they also have to be cautious to avoid being deceived. After all, they have done nothing. The big things in the head, the consequences of a slight difference will be unimaginable, and such a price is beyond them!

For these careerists, they do have ambitions and greed, but they also have fears. They are not undaunted and fearless fanatics. They have families and younger generations. How could they be willing to face Xing Tian? The lunatics who do not agree with each other will make a big shot. When they are enemies like this, the pressure is so great that they can't bear it. After all, they are still human beings, not gods, and they also have emotions and desires!


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