God of Destruction

Chapter 3970: Regret

Chapter 3970 Regret

"It makes sense. We should be cautious. Regarding Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, we don’t think we can be careful. After all, this is related to everyone’s survival, and Xing Tian does have royal blood. Speaking of which we should let those People come forward. We can’t just watch Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, being drawn by the Emperor. After all, Xing Tian also has their blood. It is reasonable for them to come out to stop Xing Tian, ​​and they are justified. The most important thing is that they have blood. Even if Xing Tian is crazy no matter how crazy he is, he will take care of it and reduce our own damage. The advantages of the emperor will naturally become less obvious under the circumstances, and our opportunities will be infinitely enlarged. More!"

"That’s how it is said, but whether it can work is another matter. Don’t forget that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has lived with his mother since he was a child and has not received any help from his family at all. He uses everything. I won with my own hands, such a madman, and a reincarnated madman, how feasible do you think this suggestion is?"

silence! For a moment, these careerists were silent. This makes sense. At this moment, their hearts are scolding those short-sighted bastards. If it weren't for their ignorance or their arrogance, how could they cause such a big trouble? , Causing so much trouble to everyone, but no matter how much unhappiness is in my heart, no one can speak it, because they still need the help of these people and the help of those bastards, and they can't be offended to death. !

"Forget it, we'd better give up the lunatic Xingtian. He is not the same as us. We don’t have to care about this lunatic. As long as he doesn’t ruin our plan, let him go. If anyone is willing to act with this lunatic. Enemies, then they will deal with them by themselves. In short, we don’t fight against this lunatic, at least until our plan fails. As for the life and death of others, it has nothing to do with us. What we have to do is to ensure the plan. smoothly!"

One word is the final word, one word determines the decisions of these hidden careerists. In the face of powerful opponents like Xing Tian, ​​they can only retreat. Although it is embarrassing to be forced to retreat, it is for the benefit of these No one refuses, no one wants to risk his own safety, no one wants to damage his own interests.

"Okay, we have made this decision. In the future, as long as the lunatic Xingtian does not touch our bottom line, we will not be an enemy of him, even if it is the younger generation in the family who has an accident. As long as Xingtian takes the initiative to provoke, we cannot act rashly. For the sake of the overall situation, I think everyone can afford to make a little sacrifice. I don’t want anyone to break this rule in the future. If someone insists on doing this, then what is waiting for him will be destruction. No one’s interests can override this rule. Above all of us, this is a taboo. No one can touch it. If you touch it, you will die. There is no emotion to talk about!"

Ruthless, for these careerists, there is never a lack of ruthless heart and means. No one would think that this is just empty words. Such fools will not appear among them. Everyone has remembered these words. It is deeply imprinted in my mind. For the sake of the overall situation, sacrifice is inevitable. You can't get mad at a little sacrifice. It will break the overall situation, break everyone's bottom line, expose everyone's ultimate goal, and appear to be a Ningban situation. The consequences are beyond their tolerance!

These insidious careerists can be silent, can restrain themselves, and be able to make the most correct judgments, but in the imperial capital, I don’t know how many strong people have been hit by Xingtian’s murderous aura. Not everyone has such wisdom and mentality. Those who are more sane can say that they are able to remain calm, but some fanatics are irritated and have a desire to kill Xing Tian. After suffering such a big loss, they must resist and must teach Xing Tian a lesson!

The idea is good, but the reality is extremely cruel. It is not easy to deal with Xingtian, especially now that Xingtian is still in the emperor's capital. No matter what the emperor thinks in his mind, no matter whether his impression of Xingtian is good or bad, But there is one thing he must do. No one can let Xingtian have an accident in the emperor, otherwise he will not lose his face as a human emperor, and he will lose the heart of the world. No one will believe that even oneself If the Emperor of Humanity cannot be protected, the general trend of the empire will collapse. It can be said that Xingtian has become a taboo of the Emperor of Humanity, and no one can attack Xingtian!

For the emperor’s thoughts and the current situation, will no one see through all this? No, many people can see through, but they can’t say it through. If you say too much, you will expose yourself, not to mention that the emperor is still the lord of the empire. If you talk about the emperor, you will be induced by him or even directly. Expose your whereabouts!

At this time, Xing Tian and Empress Empress were looking at each other. In the eyes of Empress Empress, Xing Tian at this time was so unreliable, so crazy, and so unrelenting. He did not have the slightest touch of closeness because his bloodline had royal blood. On the contrary, there is only alienation, as if they don't want to have a relationship with the royal family, and don't want to have a connection with the royal family.

"What's wrong, why is all this different from what I thought? Why is Xing Tian so unfeeling? Is it just because your majesty is unwilling to meet with him, because a little face is so unfeeling?" The empress was thinking in her heart So, it's a pity that she is not a practitioner, she doesn't understand the cause and effect of the royal family, and she doesn't even know what Xing Tian is thinking.

What is blood? For weak practitioners, blood is a boost, but for people like Xing Tian, ​​blood is nothing. For a lunatic who can cleanse himself and reverse himself and transform the real body of the chaos **** and demon, originally Xing Tianzhen would not appear in the imperial capital, and would have participated in this muddy water if it hadn't been calculated unintentionally and had suffered from the cause and effect of the empress.

It’s not that Xing Tian has never thought of using other methods to resolve his own cause and effect, but whenever he has such an idea in his heart, he will feel palpitations. If he really has to do this, he will only harm himself. This cause and effect is not. What can be resolved by other means, reluctantly will only harm oneself, hurt one's roots, and leave oneself with endless hidden dangers.


Without words for a long time, Xing Tian shook his head and said: "I have said everything I should have said. Now when you make a choice between the Queen and the Queen, blood may be important to you, but in my eyes, there is nothing What, although the royal family is strong, it is not what Xingtian needs. There is only a transaction between us. I don't want to involve more trouble, more cause and effect."

select! Is there a choice between the empress and the emperor? When Xing Tian showed such determination and such terrible killing intent, everything changed. The initiative fell completely in Xing Tian's hands. They could only accept passively, or even this last bit of affection would disappear. Both parties really gotta. There will never be any friendship again.

"Perhaps Your Majesty is really wrong. You shouldn't have so many worries and shouldn't care about other people's reactions. Even if those wealthy families are dissatisfied, what can they do, as the general trend is still under the control of the empire, and they can still be suppressed, but now But because of temporary concerns, she lost a powerful booster in vain!" Before she felt Xingtian’s terrible killing intent, Empress Empress still had pride in her heart, but now she won’t have such thoughts again. In the murderous aura, she could clearly feel Xing Tian's terrifying heart of killing, that kind of killing intent to kill the people!

"Yes!" A voice suddenly rang in Empress Empress’s heart. It was the voice of the Emperor Human. Regarding the encounter between Empress Empress and Xing Tian, ​​the Emperor still attached great importance to it and left a little bit of means. It’s a pity that between him and Xing Tian The friendly atmosphere is gone, so there is only a deal left. As the emperor, there is a trace of regret in his heart, but all this has happened, and he is unable to reverse it, and as the emperor, he cannot tolerate him bowing to Xingtian. That would break his own emperor's heart!

"It's your majesty's voice, your majesty is watching everything!" When she heard this voice, the empress's heart was also shocked, and she was also shocked by this method, but fortunately, the queen's empress had also seen big scenes. Even though I was shocked in my heart, there was not a trace of expression on the face, and it was still as plain as water, as if there was no waves.

"Well, since you insist on this, the royal family will naturally not refuse. You are unwilling to owe favors, and the royal family will not force you. The information you need will soon be informed. As for the price, someone will contact you in the future. , It’s not safe in the imperial capital. You have offended too many wealthy families. Even with the coercion of your majesty, there will be some lunatics who will take care of you. You should be more careful. After all, you are not one of the empire. People are not protected by the empire!"

Regarding the empress empress’s soft but hard words, Xing Tian smiled indifferently and didn’t pay attention to him. How many enemies he has, and how lofty his goal is. The wealthy family in this district is not in his eyes at all. If he says he has The only ones who are afraid of are those who hide deeper enemies, those lunatics who attack the imperial dragon veins. From Xingtian’s point of view, these lunatics are the most terrifying, because they really have no taboos, and they have no regard for anything. They can give everything for the benefit, even themselves. His life, his own morality, otherwise no one wants to be contaminated by such a causal evil.

Xing Tian nodded and made clear. Although there are still some words in his heart, Xing Tian did not say that the two sides only met for the first time, and the atmosphere was not good. Many things are not easy to talk about, and they are not easy to be known by others. The killing swept across the four directions, destroying the consciousness of those hiding in the dark, but is the hidden danger really completely eliminated? Is it true that no one is monitoring everything here in secret? Xing Tian would not think so, nor would he be so arrogant. There are countless magical powers in this world. Someone has the ability to withstand his own murderous impact. It is not a big deal to escape, so he still It is better to be cautious, and don't leave yourself more hidden dangers and dangers!

In Xing Tian's heart, Xing Tian is eager to settle the cause and effect quickly, and wants to use the dragon veins to repay the cause and effect of the empress, but it is still early, and he has not really understood everything. It may not be a good thing to speak at this time. He even stunned the enemies in the dark, and caused a terrible storm in the empire. Xing Tian was not so kind enough to sacrifice himself for the empire and sacrifice his own interests for the empire!

After the deal was concluded, the empress did not stay much longer. This time she went out of the palace and saw Xingtian this time, which brought her a greater impact, giving her a new understanding of the world and making her understand herself. His identity is not omnipotent, and the emperor is not omnipotent. There will still be people who ignore it. For those who are truly strong in cultivation, power is nothing.

When the Queen Empress and Xing Tian both left, a faint sigh sounded: "Too cautious, the junior Xing Tian is really too cautious, leaving no flaws, even after sweeping the divine knowledge, there is no trace of care. He didn’t reveal his own voice, making people never know what he was thinking or what he was going to do. His existence is indeed a big trouble for us!"

Trouble, Xingtian is naturally a big trouble in the eyes of those who care, especially after Xingtian behaves so crazy, it will give those people a greater impact, and let more people understand how terrible this lunatic is, how crazy, and can even be unscrupulous. To describe it, a madman who dared to say such a rebellious remark, and a madman who dared to sweep all directions with terrible murderous aura, there is nothing he dare not do, and there is nothing that can make him shrink back.

The brave are not afraid! Perhaps using it to describe Xing Tian can’t be more appropriate. After all, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really doesn’t see a trace of weakness or a trace of fear. No matter how great the danger he faces, he can do nothing. It is said that there is no one in the world who cannot be killed, such a lunatic really has nothing to do with it.

Regret it? There is indeed regret in the hearts of some powerful human races. I knew that Xing Tian was so crazy. I really shouldn’t have made such a decision or sign such a vow with a foreign race. But now everything is too late, and regret is useless. It must have become a foregone conclusion. No one can stand up to stop this, and no one can stop Xingtian's madness, unless they are really willing to sacrifice themselves and use their lives to end Xingtian, which is impossible!


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