God of Destruction

Chapter 3971: Festival time

Chapter 3971 Time

Selfishness is a shortcoming of every cultivator. The stronger the cultivation, the more afraid of death and the more they want to get more. There is no such thing as a truly pure cultivation, at least in this world. It doesn’t exist, everyone has aspirations and greed in their hearts, but they don’t usually show it. It can be said that since the beginning of self-cultivation, Xing Tian has never seen such a pure cultivator who has no desire and hope, every practitioner All have their own selfishness, all have their own greed!

Sacrificing oneself, giving up oneself for others, this kind of situation is difficult to appear in the spiritual world, because no one wants to do this, no one can give up their own strength, nor give up their own life, the older the person, the more afraid of death. This is nature. You Dao is hard to move by nature, so it is difficult for someone to stand up and sacrifice himself and remove obstacles for others! After all, not everyone has Xingtian's ability, such madness, and not everyone can achieve Xingtian's behavioral guidelines!

Xing Tian can have a group of loyal subordinates. It is the endless years and the accumulation of feelings bit by bit, but in the current environment this is impossible, and the loyalty in exchange for benefits is just a joke. When it does not exist, that is, when loyalty ends, benefits can never be exchanged for sincerity and loyalty!

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. This is vividly shown in Xing Tian. For things that he has not fully confirmed, for such important things that are likely to cause a terrible war, no matter how careful and cautious it is. , If Xing Tian didn’t even have this kind of caution, and he couldn’t live now, what the emperor is, this is a place where all the forces gather, and every force here has eyes and ears, even the Emperor of Humanity cannot clear these eyes and ears. Even the empress’s empress’s going out of the palace can be known immediately, can react quickly and make arrangements, one can imagine how badly the imperial movement has been eroded by those forces today.

Under such a sinister environment, who Xing Tian can trust, no one, he can only believe in himself, without a hundred percent certainty, Xing Tian will not easily tell this secret, and will not touch the hidden secret. The black hand, this black hand is now aimed at the emperor, and for the empire’s fortune, he can still take the opportunity to secretly observe and determine the identity of the other party. If you directly tell the emperor of this news, it will be difficult for you to find out the other party’s falsehood .

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Even if it is Xing Tian and the emperor, and the empress, there is a big cause and effect, but in this case, Xing Tian will not sacrifice his own interests to help the empire move the dynasty, even if this can immediately resolve the big cause and effect that he is carrying. Xing Tian would not do this either, this is selfishness, this is human nature, the existence of incomprehension.

Using such a transaction to get along with the emperor, no matter how much the emperor and the empress do to protect the secrets, the transaction will still be exposed over time, even in Xingtian’s view, even if there is no one to investigate, the emperor is also possible Dissemination of this transaction, so that the wealthy family in the empire can breathe a sigh of relief, can reduce their vigilance.

Is the imperial capital safe? It’s not safe, at least in Xingtian’s sense. Perhaps in the eyes of most people, the empire is a place of goodness and safety, but in Xingtian’s eyes, there are endless crises here, and he stepped into it. In the imperial capital, his mind has been in a state of collapse, to prevent possible crisis at any time!

Living one’s own value to the Emperor of Humanity will be valued by the Emperor of Humanity, and will be respected by the Emperor of Humanity. However, even if you have the blood of the Emperor, you will not be cared about by the Emperor of Humanity, let alone. The emperor takes revenge for himself. This is the ruthlessness of the emperor. Everything is based on interests, empire, and self. In the eyes of the emperor, others are just ants, ministers and tools. There is no need. Too much care, especially the dead, is not worth mentioning!

The transaction has already begun. At this moment, Xing Tian is thinking about the position of the Emperor, and thinking about the first transaction between the Emperor and himself, whether it is himself or the Emperor, this first transaction will be very important, after all This is related to everything that follows. Although I don’t care too much about the result, I can’t despise myself. Under such a big environment, a slight difference will leave me with endless hidden dangers and let myself In a terrible crisis!

When did the first battle begin, and when did the first killing come? Xing Tian was thinking, and he was also thinking about what kind of enemy he would face from the perspective of the emperor, whether it was a wealthy family or those outside sects! Although aristocratic families and sects are both enemies of the empire, to deal with them, we must distinguish between priority and the emperor. It is impossible for the emperor to start a full-scale war. If the emperor has such determination, he will not let the empress and empress come to see him. It's to meet yourself upright!

Zongmen! After thinking about it, Xing Tian believes that the emperor’s first goal is the sect power, not the wealthy family. After all, the wealthy family and the empire are too closely connected, and they are really linked to the whole body, but the sect is different. The power of has always been excluded from the empire, and has never entered the center of the empire. If you want to start, naturally you must first deal with the sect forces!

Destroy a sect? Xing Tian shook his head. He still doesn't have the ability. Even the smallest sect cannot be destroyed by him, and the request he made has no such value. The life and death of Tongtian River God is not worth it. With such a value, the only possibility for the Emperor is to arrange himself to target the force that framed the Tongtian River Water God, and this force is likely to be a big sect! Only the power of the Zongmen would attack the Tongtian River Water God without any consideration!

"Haha! I don't know if the God of Tongtian River is dead or alive, or whether he can survive this catastrophe. If he can't even survive this catastrophe, he has no need to live, even if it's him. There is cause and effect, and such a weak existence does not deserve to follow me Xingtian to fight the world. The power of Shinto can no longer be his restraint. With such a hole card, he is in desperate situation. Such a person is not worth spending too much energy to cultivate. At that time, there were those subordinates who had the energy to train themselves, speed up their practice, and let them become an invincible and invincible army as soon as possible!"


After shook his head, Xing Tian smiled slightly, and a faint disdain flashed across his face. This was a contempt for the God of Tongtian River. He gave him so much help and still plunged himself into a crisis, showing Tongtianhe. The God of Water has lived for too long, and it has been so long that he has forgotten what the Great Tribulation is and what is the danger, otherwise how could it be so long without news.

Of course, there is another possibility that Tongtian River Water God has betrayed him and chose to join the sect force. He is even playing his own ideas and inheriting ideas. After all, the Star Avenue taught by him has given Tongtian River Water God to get rid of The ability of the gods to restrain, let the other party see new hope, see a new world, if Tongtianhe Water God is affected by the robbery, and his heart is greedy, naturally it is possible that he will have evil thoughts on his companion in reincarnation!

People have greed in their hearts, and gods are no exception. Tongtianhe Water God is naturally like this. If so, this may be an opportunity for myself, an opportunity to understand the gods of this world, and one to refine Tongtianhe Water God into a puppet. The chance of mastering the world's water veins is just that the possibility is very small. After all, the Tongtian River Water God is not a fool, and he can't be without a little guard. It is impossible to be accurate. No matter what he wants to do, he will be accurate.

Time passed bit by bit, and three days passed in an instant. During the three days, Xing Tian was not attacked or harassed at all. This situation made Xing Tian a little surprised, and he sighed, "It seems that I really have I underestimated these aristocratic families, underestimated their patience, even if they knew that I was here and knew that I had reached a deal with the Emperor, but they still did not respond at all. This is really amazing. There are experts among them!"

In such a situation, it is obvious that someone is in charge of everything, and someone is deliberately restraining the wealthy family, and this person will definitely not be the emperor, but the powerful family of the family, who can do this, even if only three In days, this is enough to show that the other party's power is strong, and it is enough to prove that the other party's methods are clever and can let so many wealthy families follow orders.

Of course, Xing Tian knew in his heart that such a binding force was limited. With the passage of time and the outbreak of greed in his heart, those forcibly suppressed enemies would jump out one by one, and then he would face even more dangerous shocks. Perhaps this is an enemy’s calculation, a conspiracy, in order to be able to pit himself more effectively. After all, he has offended too many people. There are not few enemies who have such a scheming. It is not that Xing Tian deliberately turned things in the worst direction. Thinking, but I have to think so, whoever allows himself to be in a crisis-ridden imperial capital, if he is not even vigilant, there is no way to survive!

"Come on, let this storm come more violently, let the enemy come more crazy, I can just use their blood to warn more enemies, use their blood to test the enemy's futility, and use their lives to pay for it. Eliminate one's own cause and effect little by little!" If he could use killing to clear the cause and effect he owed, Xing Tian would never tell the Emperor about the dragon veins. That would leave him too many hidden dangers and plunge himself into greater In trouble, he needs to waste a lot of time, and what Xing Tian lacks most is time. He is not willing to waste more time on this matter.

Originally from Xing Tian’s view, it was easy to find the news of the Tongtian River Water God with the human emperor’s power. It did not take much time, but seven days passed in the blink of an eye, and there was still no news from the empress’ empress, which made Xingtian’s I couldn't help but cast a shadow over my heart. The enemy was more terrifying than I thought, and it was hidden deep. Even the power of the empire could not find the opponent in a short time. This shows how much power the God of Water of the Heavenly River has calculated. Awesome!

"It seems that I still underestimate the power of the various sects in this world. Even the power of the empire can be shielded. Such power is indeed terrifying, and the human emperor's control of the empire is also a huge problem. Perhaps the empire is against the sect. The mastery of "has begun to get out of control, and even those wealthy families are no longer able to master it!" Although Xing Tian is unwilling to believe this, the facts do not allow him to think like this. Now it takes so long to connect with Tianhe Water God for such a small matter. , It can be seen how poor the empire is, and how terrifying the power hidden in the empire is.

"Perhaps the people who calculate the water **** of the Tongtian River are those who calculate the dragon veins, or they are also calculating me, or why at this time, I started with the water **** of the Tongtian River and got the Star Avenue taught by me. The water **** of the Tongtian River should not care. There is no secret to the position of the water god, but he has an accident. If there is no important reason, it is impossible. What is the problem? It is worth these powers to the ancient gods like the Tongtian River Water God Shot?"

The deeper he thinks, the heavier Xing Tian’s mood becomes, and the more cautious he is about the power hidden in this world. The power of the empire’s movement is only the power on the bright side, but it is more terrifying in the dark. Power, and this power is calculating itself. Perhaps the dragon vein problem that I have observed is just a trap, a trap for myself. Otherwise, why are so many powerful people in the empire not aware of it, so many good guys in the royal family? Will not notice at all, this is obviously a problem!

"Damn, I was too careless. If this is really a trap, then this hidden enemy is really terrible, terrible, it can be calculated so deep, and it can be set up in advance, this is really horrible. The dragon vein is the bait, and no one believes it. Maybe he really has to tell the emperor, the other party has already done a comprehensive and accurate job, and even set up a trap to wait for him!" Uneasy, the more worried about those hidden enemies!

Xing Tian is also clear about the oath between humans and foreign races, but Xing Tian does not believe that this oath really restrains all living beings, nor does he believe that all parties will actually implement it. Although the power of the oath is strong, it is not without the power to get rid of it. The shackles of this vow, once the benefits are large enough to make the major forces crazy, this so-called vow becomes a decoration, a terrible battle will appear, and the person at the forefront is naturally Cannon fodder will end in a dead end. No one will care about their life and death, and no one will avenge them. This is reality!


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