God of Destruction

Chapter 3972: Taiping Road

Chapter 3972 Taiping Road

Just when Xing Tian waited a little irritable, on the tenth day, finally waited for the Empress Empress to appear. Yes, Xing Tian was very surprised. Originally, in his opinion, the Human Emperor would only send an ordinary messenger, not the Empress Empress. Such a big person, after all, I didn’t give him any face before, but the appearance of the empress empress also cast a shadow on Xing Tian’s heart. At this time, under this situation, let a big person like empress empress Sending a letter to yourself, this shows that the situation of the Tongtian River Water God is very bad, even very dangerous, otherwise the Queen Empress will not come forward to explain!

Looking at the empress empress’s sheer and halting appearance, Xing Tian didn’t feel too much pressure, and said calmly: “Queen empress, is there news about the God of Tongtian River? Is he in danger? You don’t need to have too much pressure. Many worries, in fact, I have already prepared in my heart, no matter how bad news is, I can bear it!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, Empress Empress shook her head, and then sighed: “No, things are not that simple. To be honest, this result was unexpected to me. We did not find the whereabouts of the God of Tongtian River. I dare not be sure whether the information from the empire is true or not, the force that shot is more powerful than we thought, and it can be hidden from the spies of the empire!"

"What? How is this possible?" Xing Tian was greatly shocked by the words of the queen mother slave owner. There was no news. Even the spies of the empire could not find the whereabouts of the water **** of Tongtian River, and there was no definite news. This is really too much. It is surprising and too unacceptable. There is such a terrible power hidden in this empire!

Seeing Xing Tian’s shocked look, Empress Empress sighed again: “Yes, that’s how things are. In fact, there’s nothing impossible. Today’s empire is full of smoke, and many powers have appeared crazily. The place has been out of control, and the water **** of the Tongtian River has disappeared. It is not that the empire did not try its best, but that the resistance below is too great for our power to investigate deeply, so naturally it is impossible to confirm the news of the water **** of the Tongtian River!"

Xing Tian nodded indifferently. He didn't expect such a situation, but suddenly he couldn't accept it. For a moment, Xing Tian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "There is no definite news. There should be such news. Yes, according to the empire's speculation, the Tongtian River Water God was calculated by that power. I think there should be some power in the empire. If the empire doesn't even have this ability, then it is really necessary for the liver to exist! "

Although Xing Tian’s words are very rude, but this is the truth. If the empire does not even have this ability, there is really no need for it to exist, and even the enemy can’t find a target. As an emperor, what qualifications do you have to rule this world? What is the need for such an empire, no matter how hard it struggles, it will eventually be destroyed!

The Queen Empress nodded and said: "Yes, the empire has not yet reached such an unbearable level. We still have some guesses about the enemy who shot, but we can't find real evidence. Without evidence, there is no confidence to move in the opposite direction. In our view, the water **** of Tongtian River was suppressed by the power of Taipingdao, and perhaps it was obliterated!"

Xing Tian frowned slightly, and then said: "Taipingdao? It sounds like the name of a sect. It seems that they should be a kind sect. What reason do they have for the water **** of Tongtian River? Is it just for the **** of Tongtianhe Water God, a **** really worthy of their large-scale army and conspiracy, and the ancient gods like Tongtianhe Water God, bear the gods' cause and effect? ​​This is a big price for a sect. That's a bit!"

The Empress Empress sighed softly: "I don't know, no one knows why Taiping Dao started on the water **** of Tongtian River, and wanted to suppress ancient gods like the water **** of Tongtian River, and it was silent and did not cause much movement. This in itself shows that The enemy is powerful, and there is only the Taipingdao power around the realm of the Tongtian River Water God. As for the grievances between them, the empire is not clear. After all, the sect or the Tongtian River Water God are all derived from Antiquity!"

Xing Tian shook his head slightly, disagreeing with this explanation. Even if the Tongtian River Water God is surrounded by only the powerful sect on the Taipingdao side, this does not necessarily mean that the other party made the move. It was for a god, even for water. Shendao fruit, even a side of God’s realm, is not worth paying such a big price, especially the sect. To suppress a god, it will inevitably endure the backlash and impact of the origin of God’s way. This is not worth the gain for them, unless they have some conspiracy. , Or what did Chang them find!

"Unbelievable, this is really unbelievable. An ancient **** would be suppressed or even killed by the leading sect. This is a bit too unbelievable. Rabbits don’t eat grass on the edge of their nests. Large sects like Taiping Road. How can you easily do such a stupid thing? If there is any hidden truth in it, it will be directly exposed to the enemy's eyes, unless it is so big that Taipingdao dare not bear the terrible impact, and would rather suppress the Tongtian River God of Water We must keep that secret as well. What secrets are they worthy of doing this, worthy of such a high price, or even leaving hidden dangers to themselves?" When he said this, Xing Tian shook his head gently, feeling this. I am afraid that there is a big conspiracy and big calculations behind him.

For a moment, Xing Tian's expression changed, as if he had thought of something, and then he asked, "Queens, what is the origin of Taipingdao? What are their magical powers?" I don't know why, but Xingtian's heart seems to feel that this Taipingdao is with him. There is great cause and effect, there is great cause and effect with Tongtianhe Water God, and even with the royal family!


"Where is the origin of Taipingdao? Didn't your mother tell you?" There was a hint of surprise in the empress's eyes, but she seemed to have thought of something in an instant, and then said: "The Taipingdao is the source of your other half of your blood, you His biological father was born in Taipingdao, even your father is the young master of Taipingdao, and Taipingdao is one of the three avenues of the empire and one of the overlords of the south. The power of Taipingdao is beyond your imagination!"

"What?" When he heard these words, Xing Tian's expression changed drastically, with a hint of shock and a hint of uneasiness in his eyes. No wonder he felt that way before, and felt that he had great cause and effect with Taipingdao. The reason turned out to be like this, the other half of his bloodline turned out to be Taipingdao, and he actually had such an identity!

"It's a peaceful way. It's a great calculation. It turns out that they are going to attack the Tongtian River Water God. It seems that they have noticed my existence. They took the Tongtian River Water God to find out my situation from him. It seems too peaceful. Dao already has an idea for me!" Xing Tian doesn’t think that the other party will have a good impression on him because of his bloodline. What kind of good intentions he has? If that’s the case, Taiping Dao would have found himself and his mother a long time ago. For one thing, Xing Tian doesn’t think that the other party is incapable of finding his own mother. The power of cause and effect is difficult to eliminate. As long as they want to, they can definitely do it. But the other party has not done so for more than ten years, and it happened at this time. Under this circumstance, Xingtian would not believe it if he said that he killed Xingtian for no reason. Under such circumstances, Xingtian could not be careful!

"Fortunately, the deity has transformed into a chaotic **** and demon. The power of the bloodline can no longer affect the deity. Otherwise, it is really dangerous. The power of the bloodline can cause damage to the deity. It seems that the other party cannot find the existence of the deity. The Tongtian River Water God started it, or for another reason, but no matter what the reason, this time I can’t care about it. Even if there is no blood threat, the power of cause and effect cannot be underestimated. It seems that I need to do more. I'm ready!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed, he was wary of Taiping Dao, and of course he was wary of the Empire.

Xing Tian didn’t dare to despise the emperor and the empress. At this time, the other party told himself what he said, if he said nothing, Xing Tian would not believe it. It seems that the emperor wants to use himself to contain the Taipingdao, even Use yourself to fight Taipingdao, use yourself as a shield, block the edge of Taipingdao, and buy yourself more time!

"Huh, what a human emperor, what a deep calculation, you too underestimated my Xingtian, you want to use me to block the peace road for you, is it so easy for you to use Xingtian for me? Unfortunately, you don't even know. Doing so will help me eliminate more cause and effect, and will greatly reduce the cause and effect between me and the empress!" Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian felt that the cause and effect between himself and the empress was much less, although On the whole, this reduction is not a big deal, but it allows Xing Tian to see new opportunities, a new direction to resolve his own cause and effect, and Xing Tian has more ideas!

"Tai Ping Dao? Empress Empress, you don’t have the exact information, but you came to me. This is to use me to block the Tai Ping Dao for you, and use my identity to contain the Tai Ping Dao. The emperor is really good calculation. This is a deal with us. There seems to be a difference. Don’t you think it’s too much of a deal with this kind of thinking. What does the Emperor want to do?” Xingtian’s expression changed in an instant, and there was a faint anger in his eyes. There is a hint of killing intent in it!

Regarding Xing Tian’s reaction, the Empress Empress was not surprised. She had expected such a situation. After all, Xing Tian was not a fool. The emperor’s calculations were not very clever. Anyone with a little head can see through it. The anger, the Empress Empress can naturally understand, she smiled indifferently and said: "Xing Tian, ​​the emperor did not want to use such a simple method to calculate you. This is not our bargaining chip, this is only the news that the empire can get. How you choose is your own business. The empire will not have any opinions, and do you think that something happened to the God of Tongtian River at this time, does it really have nothing to do with you? Do you think Taipingdao is really not the power of calculating the God of Tongtian River? ?"

"Let’s talk, what does the Emperor want to do, don’t use this ridiculous reason to excuse me, I am not a fool, if you still use such words to excuse, there will be nothing to talk about between us, and don’t think that Xingtian is easy to use. There is no enmity between Taipingdao and me, maybe I can cooperate with them!” When Xing Tian said this, a sneer flashed across his face, and there was a lot of pressure on the empress. Away.

If Xingtian is really forced to be on the side of the Taipingdao, the empire will be in great trouble. If a ruthless person like Xingtian is combined with the Taipingdao, the consequences will be really unimaginable. The entire empire will be set off by Xingtian, and it will be a **** storm for cultivation. No one dares to despise Xingtian on the great road. After all, for Xingtian, there is no one who cannot be killed in the world. People block killing, and gods block killing gods. The imperial family will be beheaded if they block him. Blood cannot become Xingtian. Containment!

Faced with the pressure of Xing Tian, ​​the Empress Empress smiled calmly and said: "Nothing. Your Majesty does not need you to deal with Taipingdao, nor does you need you to help the empire. He just tells you the situation of Taipingdao and prepares you in your heart. After all, there is the blood of the royal family. No matter what you choose, your majesty will not attack you. The empire has not yet reached the point of relying on external forces like you to help. If you really get this step, the empire has reached the edge of destruction. !"

The Emperor is not stupid. He is not stupid enough to use Xingtian to contain the Taipingdao at this time. What he did was just planting a thunder in Xingtian’s heart to make Xingtian wary of the Taipingdao and want it again in the future. Winning Xing Tian is not an easy task. With all this, Xing Tian naturally has other ideas about Taipingdao! If he couldn't win over Xing Tian, ​​the Emperor naturally didn't want Xing Tian to fall to Taiping Dao, and he didn't want the power of Taiping Dao to increase, putting pressure on the empire!

Didn't the Emperor really find the information of the water **** of Tongtian River? I’m afraid it’s not necessarily. Maybe the God of Tongtian River was taken down by Taipingdao, but the emperor could not tell Xing Tian directly. That would make Xingtian think that he had another purpose and wanted to take the opportunity to let Xingtian take action against Taipingdao. This will naturally happen. Let Xingtian be dissatisfied with the empire, and use such words to imply that everything is different for Xingtian. Naturally, the pressure is not on the side of the empire, not on the side of the emperor, but on the peace road! It’s a good calculation. The emperor’s calculation is indeed very powerful. This is not a conspiracy, but an upright plan. Even if Xing Tian can see through the intentions of the other party, he can’t tell anything, and he won’t do anything to the emperor. Dissatisfaction and anger!


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