God of Destruction

Chapter 3973: Human confusion

Chapter 3973: The Perplexity of Human Nature

"Forget it, no matter what the other party has, no matter what conspiracy he has, it's just a calculation. What really determines everything is strength. Whether conspiracy or arrogance, everything depends on the development of things. There is no test and no need for existence. I can bear this little causality!” As time goes by, as the situation develops, Xing Tian feels more and more of his own shortcomings, if he does not need to take care of it. If you are not restricted by cause and effect, naturally you won’t have so many troubles. At this moment, Xing Tian couldn’t help but develop the idea of ​​practicing the path of cause and effect, and use the origin of the path of cause and effect to refine his body of cause and effect. If you can do this, maybe you don't need so much trouble!

time! Everything is still time. The practice of the Great Path of Cause and Effect still takes time, and now Xing Tian is unable to divide the soul at all due to the transformation of the deity, unable to condense the clone, at most he can only practice the phantom body, which greatly affects himself and limits his many methods. With supernatural powers, this is also a huge problem for Xing Tian.

"Three Thousand Avenues, if the World Tree clone can quickly condense, if the World Avenue can complete the transformation and complete the rebirth, oneself will not have so much trouble, will not be affected by this series of causes and effects, and will not be entangled by cause and effect. Being subject to others again and again, this kind of trouble is really unbearable!" He sighed lightly in his heart, and Xing Tian shook his head, as if he was trying to get rid of the troubles in his heart. The whole person seemed helpless and worried!

Time waits for no one. The longer it takes, the more disadvantages it will be for him. After this conversation with the Queen Empress, Xing Tian felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart, as if he didn’t stop himself sooner. With this huge cause and effect, there will be more troubles, more cause and effect will be added to oneself, and the mind will constantly warn oneself! Is this the calculation of the will of the world for himself, the calculation of his father's line, the calculation of the Taipingdao, or the calculation of the emperor.

I have too many enemies, and there are more people who want to make their own ideas. Whether it is their own relatives or enemies, they are eager to make their own ideas, make ideas of their own chance, and come to them. Said that he is a walking treasure house, so that they can't give up and make them crazy. Now because of many reasons, these people dare not act rashly, but as time goes by, everything will change and they will Gradually, he was affected by the greed in his heart, became a slave to greed, and was manipulated by his desires and hopes, launched many attacks, and plunged himself into greater trouble and crisis!

People's hearts are sinister, Xing Tian had to take precautions and had to be cautious about all of this. He took a deep breath, and Xing Tian once again turned his gaze to the Queen Empress, and said with a calm smile: "My time is precious, and I think the same is true for the Emperor. The same is true for the queen empress. We don’t need to do too much cover up. No one is a fool. Let’s talk straightforwardly. I don’t care about what the empire thinks or what the emperor has. Everyone has his own. Pursuing, having my own ideas, this is human nature. What is the situation of the Tongtian River Water God? I think the Queen Empress knows more than I do. I don’t want to investigate the reasons for this, nor do I want to learn more about the empire and The grievances between the sects have nothing to do with me. I am who I am. I will not change because of my own blood or birth. No one can change my will. What I pursue is detachment. It's eternal, not a worldly right, and it's not a ridiculous reputation. I hope everyone can be honest. This time I don't want to say more, and I don't want to ask more. You and I know it in my mind, if there is nothing else , Queen Mother, please, I need to make some preparations, and a little bit of arrangement too!"

"Arrangements? What arrangements does Xingtian have to do? This is the imperial capital. He is unfamiliar with his life and is full of enemies. What arrangements can be made? Could it be that everyone underestimated Xingtian, and Xingtian still has his own power in the dark? "In an instant, the Empress Empress couldn't help but have a lot of worries in her heart. If it is what she thought, things will be troublesome, and the cooperation between the two sides will also have big problems. Xing Tian does not necessarily rely on the power of the empire!

"Perhaps everyone has despised Xingtian, and the God of Tongtian River may have put his hidden power into Xingtian's hands. If the God of Tongtian River really has power in the dark, in the endless years, he can spread many dark children in the world. You can set up a giant net!” When thinking about this, the empress sighed secretly again, feeling that she, the emperor, and the wise men of the empire were too self-righteous, too arrogant, and the information on the surface was missing. It is true. The most important thing is that Xing Tian may have left a part of his power in the ancient times, and he has his own power in this world!

Soon, the empress was worried again in her heart. At this time, under this situation, Xing Tian said something to herself. It was obvious that she was warning herself and the emperor, and Xing Tian did not I am afraid that he and the Emperor will know that he is in the empire, even in this world, there is a dark web, things may be as Xingtian said, he does not want to waste time, does not want to do with the empire, with your majesty, with himself Too much entanglement.

go away? No, the queen empress doesn’t dare to leave like this. If she doesn’t do anything and leaves directly, the transaction with Xingtian may be over. Although Xingtian didn’t say it directly, these words have already shown Xingtian’s Mind, once such a situation occurs, there is no possibility of recovery, and the last point of contact between the two parties will be completely broken!

"Wait, Xing Tian, ​​since you are talking about this, there is nothing to conceal between us. You have your own worries, and so does your majesty. The same is true for the empire. In contrast, the empire has to face more problems. More troubles, more trouble, maybe you are thinking in your heart, all this is just your majesty’s calculations, think we may know the true situation of the Tongtian River Water God, feel that all this is just to calculate you, in order to make you confront the Taipingdao, for Pulling you onto your Majesty’s ship is actually not the case. As I said before, your Majesty is not so vicious, and the empire does not need to make such calculations. To put it straight forward, we really have nothing to do with the God of Tongtian River. I know, and the only one who knows has also told you. If there are real calculations, it is only a reminder to be careful of the peace road. The peace road is much more sinister than you think. Because of our identity, many things are inconvenient for us to say. You have the blood of peace, and talking too much will only make you feel that we have more sinister intentions!"

Regarding the queen, the empress once again told Xing Tian that she and the emperor did not have any malicious intent, nor did she have so many insidious calculations. It was just that she would not believe it when she said this, and Xing Tian would naturally not believe it, but this is just an attitude, The attitude of bowing to Xing Tian, ​​although this is a bit shameful, but the face is not worth mentioning compared with the benefits.

auzw.com Seeing the composure of the empress empress and the perseverance of the other party, Xing Tian sighed inwardly. He was still too heavily influenced by human nature and did not really Looking at everything calmly, there is still some overestimation of the family affection of the emperor, but in fact, the other party did not regard himself as his own. As an emperor, there is no family affection at all. In his heart, there is only oneself. Only the empire and Jiangshan do not care about the so-called family relationship at all!

"Perhaps I shouldn't have come to this imperial capital at all, nor should I see the empress, nor should I use this method to resolve the cause and effect of my body. The other party has never thought of a fair deal from the beginning to the end. They only want to use me in their hearts. , Human nature, this time reincarnation really doesn’t know whether it’s right or wrong, good or bad, even after so much hardship, my blood has been purified, but this humanity still hasn’t disappeared from my soul. On the contrary, it is still growing, and now it has been continuously influencing myself, allowing myself to make miscalculations again and again, and let myself get into big troubles again and again. Is human nature good or bad for me? Should I keep it!"

Xing Tian was asking himself again and again, thinking about the influence of human nature on him and his own practice. He miscalculated again and again, and was affected by human nature again and again. The patience in Xing Tian's heart was being wiped out bit by bit. Xing Tian was a little unbearable to deceive this time and time again, and he was calculated again and again and fell into the enemy's conspiracy!

give up? If you give up your humanity and remove the humanity from your soul, are you still yourself? Are you still a complete person? Perhaps you have now transformed into a chaos **** and demon, but in Xing Tian's heart, he never thought that he was chaos. The **** and demon, in his opinion, he is still a person, a person of flesh and blood, suffering and happiness, not the cold-blooded chaotic **** and demon, but this human nature has repeatedly embarrassed himself, which shocked Xing Tian. too big!

Confusion, now Xing Tian is in incomparable confusion. On the one hand, he does not want to give up his feelings or become a cold-blooded **** and demon without feelings, but on the one hand, this human nature brings endless troubles to him, making himself time and time again. Falling into such and such calculations, being dragged into the trap by the enemy again and again, becoming the enemy's pawn, this made Xing Tian unacceptable and intolerable. Such an impact naturally made Xing Tian have an urgent idea to end.

Fortunately, the deity Xingtian is now immersed in his own practice, is constantly improving himself, condensing himself into the real body of the chaos **** and demon, and has not been affected by the impact of this human nature. This confusion of his own comes from the phantom body. Undertake, otherwise Xingtian’s troubles are really big, so big that they will plunge themselves into a crisis, and they will have the possibility of being enchanted.

The impact of the mind is always the most terrifying, especially when one is transformed. Once the impact comes from the soul, once the will is shaken, it will be the most terrifying danger for oneself. If you are not careful, you will fall into the crisis of death, and you will have the possibility of being enchanted. After all, this time is when you are the weakest and the most vulnerable to serious injuries!

"Haha! I didn’t expect that Xingtian would have a day of confusion. I would also fall into such worries and loss due to human nature. This is really a big joke. I originally thought that my will was extremely firm, and I would not be due to any external force. I will be shaken by anything, but now it seems that I am not as strong as I imagined, and my will is not as firm as I thought. My soul is still not perfect, and I will still be affected and impacted by things like this, spiritual practice It needs to be continued and needs to be strengthened!"

Although there is such confusion in her heart, Xing Tian's expression has not changed much. No matter how much her mind is affected, Xing Tian will not reveal her weaknesses or be seen by her in the face of the empress. The thoughts in the heart can be said to be a confrontation between the soul and the will, and it is also a test on the path of one's own practice. This kind of impact can be regarded as an opportunity for oneself, a sharpening of the soul.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Empress, do we still need to say so much? I have said everything that should be said. I don't care about what you think in your heart, and I don't want to go to the bottom of it. Our transaction is your love. I hope that too many calculations are not good for you or me. Come here today. Please come back. I don’t think this imperial capital will stay for too long. If you have anything to do, hurry up and don’t wait for me to leave. Regret, we are a fair deal and don't need so many calculations!"

Xing Tian feels that his patience is being exhausted bit by bit. Although he has repeatedly suppressed the anger in his heart, the impact and influence of human nature on him is really getting greater and greater, and this human nature has brought greatness to Xing Tian’s soul. Xing Tian's influence gradually made Xing Tian a little impatient, he was already a little out of control, and couldn't bear to get angry with the empress.

However, as a last resort, Xing Tian is unwilling to see such a situation happen, and he is unwilling to go against the emperor and the empire. If he really has to get to this point, it will not be a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​perhaps it will make him fall into greater trouble In the middle, perhaps this is also the calculation of the will of the world on itself, allowing one to step into a more insidious conspiracy. For the power of the world, Xing Tian has never dared to underestimate it, nor does he dare to have the slightest carelessness. World Will is the most powerful and terrifying power in the realm battlefield, and it is more likely to become the biggest obstacle to his detachment!


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