God of Destruction

Chapter 3977: Festival

Chapter 3976

"Wait, you can't stop in such a rush, and the Swallow Dao Yuan Tire must be hidden well. Even if it is to be exposed, it can only appear in front of everyone with the power of Slaughter Dao. After all, Slaughter Dao is more threatening to the will of heaven and earth. It’s small, and the other party is afraid that he’s going to be on the avenue of killing. Heaven and Earth’s will did not make a move before, so naturally he shouldn’t make a move now. However, the devouring avenue is different. Once this power is exposed, the consequences will be unthinkable. It is the Swallowing Avenue that has successfully condensed the avenue, and you can't rush to stop. You must wait for the Slaughter Avenue to condense the primordial fetus, and use the Slaughter Avenue to cover yourself!"

For Slaughter Avenue, Xing Tian is still very confident, Slaughter Avenue is different from other avenues, Slaughter Avenue is a boundless killing, as long as he is not exposed too much, no one will be able to know himself for a while, and even the will of heaven and earth may not know him. Condensed Slaughter Dao Yuan Ti. After all, it has killed countless, and it is amazingly murderous. Slaughter Dao Condensed Yuan Ti will also be covered by its own murderous aura. It will not be seen by others. Even if the will of heaven and earth does not pay attention to it, it is possible. Can't see through everything!

Things may be as Xing Tian thought, but there is a little Xing Tian has forgotten. Even if the will of heaven and earth can’t penetrate Xing Tian, ​​will there be no difference in condensing the Dao Yuan, and will it not cause catastrophe, perhaps because Xing Tian is the day after tomorrow’s condensing the Dao. Yuan fetus, and can be in harmony with itself, and this world has changed again and again, and there have been many changes. Heavenly punishment may not come, but will there be no human calamity? Without the natural punishment, there will be others, no matter what Xingtian Covering one's own breath will inevitably be tested. This is also the test that the Condensing Dao Yuantai must accept, and no one can be an exception.

What is human calamity? That is the manifestation of the power of the great catastrophe. Now there is a problem with the original will of this realm battlefield world. Heavenly punishment may not appear in this world, but human calamity is different. Human beings are affected by the power of heaven and earth. Under the current circumstances, the power of human calamity has reached an even more terrifying level. No matter how concealed Xingtian is, the power of human calamity cannot be avoided. As long as Xingtian succeeds, the qi of heaven and earth will affect his enemies, inspiring Shot towards Xingtian.

In the imperial capital, Xingtian was protected by the Humane Array, which could conceal the secrets of heaven, but the power of Human Tribulation could not be protected by the Humane Array, because Human Tribulation is in the Humane. Unfortunately, Xingtian still does not know this and has not done it yet. Be prepared. As for the power of the human emperor, although it is very important and can play a role, it is impossible for the human emperor to interfere in the human robbery. After all, the human emperor is far from mastering the power of humanity, even The power of 10% of humanity has not been mastered!

After three days passed, Xingtian did not respond. After seven days, there was still no response at Xingtian. This gradually made more people feel unbearable. Even the emperor was extremely impatient at this time. You must know how much One day was an incomparable ordeal for him, and he was under tremendous pressure. After all, there were too many enemies in Xingtian in the entire imperial capital, and a news that made the emperor more disturbing appeared. The imperial capital is coming. At this time, when the opponent is coming to the imperial capital, it is obvious that he is coming for Xing Tian. Whether the opponent is good intentions or malicious, it is a huge pressure for the emperor!

"Damn, these things one after another, Xingtian, the lunatic, hasn’t reacted yet, and the people of Taipingdao will come first. If they appear in the imperial capital, it will be a great disaster for the empire. But now the empire can't move them at all. These **** seem to think that the empire will block them, and they will come to the imperial capital in an upright manner, and will not give us a chance to start!" At this time, the human emperor's mind is extremely heavy and peaceful. Appearing will have a huge impact on the entire situation, and will make your own situation and the situation of the empire even more difficult. After all, the power of the peace road is there!

"Perhaps I should really use the power of humanity and use the power of the imperial capital to understand what Xing Tian is doing. It is not a way to wait endlessly. After all, there are too many enemies of Xing Tian. If you drag it on, it is impossible to suppress them. The evil thoughts in the heart, a killing will inevitably be staged in the imperial capital!" The emperor secretly thought to himself, but it is not easy to make this decision, after all, the cost of doing so is also huge.

"Let’s wait and see what Xing Tian’s reaction is. I’ve waited for seven days and don’t care about waiting two more days. After all, once the shot is taken, the price paid is too great, and the entire imperial capital’s wealthy families will do it. Be vigilant, and even drive them crazy!" For the Emperor, it is not a last resort and will not make such a decision easily until the last moment!

For those who are waiting, the time flies extremely long, the human emperor is urgent, and those ambitious chaos are the same, even they are more anxious than the human emperor, after all, they do not want to expose themselves because of the madness of those ignorant people. , The most important thing is that they are unwilling to let the situation go out of control. As long as someone does it, this peace writing will be broken. Once the situation is broken, although the emperor will be affected, they will also be powerful from the empire. suppress!

"Damn Xingtian, he suddenly made such a move at this time. Isn't it all right? And the **** of the peace road, they can't come to the imperial capital quickly, can't sneak into the imperial capital, they have to be upright and bright. If you make it clear to the emperor's face, you don't make it clear that you are giving eye medicine to the emperor. These **** are really unreliable!"

For these careerists, and for the wealthy of the family, the peacekeepers are doing this to create pressure for them, making it difficult for them to act, otherwise they will only be targeted by the empire, and they will only become the thorns of the emperor. Internal thorns, once such a situation occurs, their situation will be very dangerous, and they may be exposed.

"Yeah, these **** are too hateful. The pressure we are under is too great. Now those **** who are ready to move can't bear it anymore. Seven days are already their limit. We can hardly keep them Calm down and tell them not to act rashly. After all, in the eyes of their bastards, this is the best chance to kill Xing Tian!"

"No, I have to suppress them anyway, and don’t let them ruin our major affairs. If someone doesn’t obey the order, just kill them, even if it is to cause a disturbance, we must do this. You can't expose yourself, and you can't let the emperor stare at us. There is a way that a dead dao friend is not a poor dao. These **** want to die, then fulfill them!"

"I want to do this too, but do you think it's possible to record? Do you think we can succeed? Those **** can't move at all. After all, he has a deep connection with us. We haven't done anything yet, those **** will get News, and we really have to do this, we will immediately have countless more enemies. At that time, we will act as a shield for the **** Xingtian, we have blocked a lot of troubles for him, and also hated other wealthy families, making us fall into Into a huge crisis!"


"I also know all of this, but now we have no choice. Don't forget. There are jerks of the peace road to appear. They are not fuel-efficient lamps. If they say that they have no calculations in their hearts, would you believe it? They are at this time If you say that it is impossible without calculations, we have to prepare for the worst for them!"

"We only have three days at most. If the lunatic Xingtian hasn't responded for three days, we will no longer be able to suppress those bastards. A killing will inevitably occur in the imperial capital, and the situation will be beyond our grasp. !"

Three days is very short for everyone, and the hearts of all these strong men are extremely heavy. They don’t know if Xing Tian will show up after three days, will he withdraw from the big formation, if it is Xing Tian If there is no response, can they bear the consequences? Will things get out of hand? Will the Emperor have an excuse to make a big move?

At this time, Xing Tian has already condensed the Dao Yuantai to the last step. As long as he persists for a little longer, he can fully condense the Dao Yuantai, can change his essence, and allow his illusion to evolve towards the ancient gods. The direction of the devil changed, and at this time, Xing Tian's heart was vaguely alert and uneasy, as if there was some danger about to happen, he was in the imperial capital, and he was sheltered by a large array, but he felt that way, this A shadow was cast over Xing Tian's heart. If he had forgotten something, he must have neglected.

"What have I forgotten? How can I feel like this? What kind of power is threatening my safety? What is going on?" When facing the strange feeling in his heart, Xing Tian was thinking, thinking about it. To resolve this crisis.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn’t have much time to waste thinking about this issue, because at this time his Dao Yuantai has reached the final moment, Xing Tian can’t be distracted for a long time, and it’s impossible to put his energy away. In this regard.

Without waiting for Xing Tian to think too much, the power that swallowed the origin of the Dao began to riot, and the opportunity to condense the original birth appeared. If the origin of the Dao was condensed to the limit, if he did not take action, he would miss this opportunity and let himself. There is an accident in his future, and he is severely hit, and it will even kill himself!

The rumbling sound of the body sounded continuously in Xing Tian's body, and the terrible swallowing avenues began to transform. A huge force surged from Xing Tian's body. Xing Tian was finally about to complete the last step, finally Gather the last strength, to complete the rebirth of the Dao Ti, and to transform your illusion to the final moment!

No years of practice, Xing Tian didn’t know how long he had been half-closed, and didn’t know how much pressure he was going to endure. Seven days passed, and these last three days had also reached the end. At this time, Xing Tian had already completed the accumulation of the origin of the original birth. It has already reached the transformation of itself, the origin of the powerful Devouring Dao is condensed in the soul consciousness sea of ​​Xingtian Illusion Body, and the power of the black hole is taking shape. When the power of this black hole completes the final condensing shape, a terrible breath sweeps away. After Xing Tian's body, Xing Tian can clearly feel that his body is changing, and a trace of the sentiment that swallows the Dao rushes into his heart again. This is the back feeding of the Dao, and the back feeding of the law of heaven and earth. It is the insight of completing the Dao practice!

In an instant, Xing Tian felt his own weakness, which came from the weakness above the soul. You must know that when this Dao Yuantai was condensed, it swallowed up 90% of the accumulation of Xing Tian's soul and knowledge, making Xing Tian naturally extremely weak. Just when Xing Tian was accurately gathering his mind and regaining his health and restoring his strength, suddenly a powerful force was shaking his great array!

"Damn, someone can't help but shoot me. What is the Emperor doing? Why didn't he stop the chaos? What the Emperor wants to do, does he really care about me, or does the Emperor reach a new agreement with these bastards?" Xing Tian's The first time I thought of the Human Emperor, I felt that this was a conspiracy by the Human Emperor, or was the Human Emperor colluding with the enemy?

"No, it's impossible. The Emperor Human, no matter how stupid it is, will not make such a crazy decision. It seems that the Emperor has a very ordinary grasp of the wealthy family, and even the aristocratic families in the capital can't suppress it. Let them dare to take a big shot at me! However, this may not be entirely the incompetence of the human emperor, perhaps there is the power of human calamity, the cohesion of the great primordial fetus, attracts the power of human robbery, these damned sneak attackers may It is part of the human robbery!"

Soon Xing Tian thought of his own problems. If human calamity appears, this may be right for him. The aggregation of Dao Yuantai itself is an enemy of heaven and earth, and it is going against the sky, because Dao Yuantai is a chaos **** and demon. The origin of power is the path of the chaotic gods and demons. Heaven's punishment did not appear, which is already a good result for him, because this is the imperial capital, a humane shelter.

"Let me just say it, I seem to have forgotten something important. It turned out to be human calamity, but that's okay. There is no response for a long time. Those **** enemies can't bear the greed in their hearts. It's convenient for me. Kill them to condense the primordial fetus of the slaughter avenue. With these chaotic lives as a nutrient, your own genius of the slaughter avenue will be more easily condensed, which will greatly save yourself time, and the death of these **** can also warn those enemies! "

When he sensed that his defensive array was under attack, and understood that he had forgotten important issues before, Xing Tian immediately made a decision. At this time, he started to kill, and killing the enemy is more suitable for him. This is human robbery. , Is also a chance!


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