God of Destruction

Chapter 3978: Festival trap

Chapter 3978: Trap

For enemies, Xing Tian is never soft-hearted. What kind of enemy is the best. Naturally, he is dead. He dares to calculate himself when he is weakest, and there is nothing to say. The **** who dares to test himself must not let go. However, death is their best destination. Not only do they want to devour their origins and enhance the origins of the killing avenue, but also to frighten the enemy and buy more time for themselves so that they can complete the aggregation of the killing avenue!

For many people, it is terrible and dangerous. Almost everyone is afraid of it. However, Xing Tian has no fear in his heart. Whether it is the punishment of heaven or the robbery, although it is a threat, it is also a chance. , It is tempering, and I will not be afraid of being robbed by others. This is the test I must face in my practice, and it is also the temper that I must experience to strengthen myself!

kill! When the killing intent was in the heart, a terrible murderous intent radiated from Xing Tian's body. When this killing intent moved, the entire defense formation instantly changed. The original solid defense had a slight fluctuation, as if it could not withstand external forces. As soon as this situation occurred, the faces of the enemies who had attacked Xingtian Defense were all smiles, and their hearts were all overjoyed. They saw the hope and saw the death of Xingtian. Hopefully, they thought that Xing Tian was in the maze of Gufu, but the reaction of the defensive formation eliminated the vigilance in their hearts. This only shook Xingtian's defensive formation at the beginning. It can be seen that Xing Tian has really encountered trouble, otherwise How could this happen.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Faced with such a great opportunity, these stupid **** don't want to let it go. They are afraid that if they hesitate for a while, they will miss the opportunity in vain, let Xing Tian live through the best moments, and let Xing Tian escape the crisis. As for whether this could be a trap set by Xingtian, it was deliberately to lure the enemy into deep. They did not think carefully because they did not have the time. They were all affected by the qi, and they had already thrown away this possibility. Behind the head!

kill! Xingtian must not be given a chance to breathe, he must be killed when he is at his weakest. No matter what the **** is doing right now, he must not let go of this great opportunity. Every stupid **** seems to have been beaten in blood. Extremely brave, one by one without reservation, frantically began to vent their combat power.

Just as these stupid people imagined, Xingtian’s defensive formation was soon torn apart under their attack. Although there was no collapse, there was a gap, which made them ecstatic one by one, without the slightest. He hesitated and rushed into the gap frantically, for fear that he would go a step late in the next moment and be taken the lead by others.

When such a situation appeared on Xingtian, the calm enemies had a gloomy face. They were all worried, they were all afraid, and even they all saw something wrong, no matter what happened to Xingtian. What kind of anomaly, but this defense formation cannot be torn apart so easily, there must be fraud in it. Unfortunately, even though they have such speculations in their hearts, they can't stop that crazy fool. At this time, even if you say it is crazy, these stupid **** won't believe it. There is only one thought in their minds, that is, killing Xingtian. , Whoever blocks them is the enemy.

"Damn, these **** bastards, why are they so stupid? Is Xing Tian so easy to kill? If Xing Tian was so good at killing, he would have died on the way to the imperial capital, how could it be left to them these bastards, and Xing Tian's defensive array It's so easy to be torn apart. Xing Tian has long since disappeared. This is clearly a trap, a trap to kill everyone, why they can't see clearly. It doesn't matter if these **** die, but don't hurt us!"

"Oh! What's the use of saying so much? I said long ago that time waits for no one. We can't suppress everyone's greed. When they are stunned by benefits, it is the beginning of a **** storm. It was also a killing. These **** died when they died, but their death has hurt everyone miserably and will make us the thorns of the Emperor!"

"Knowing that these **** are so stupid, we should take the initiative to get rid of them first, so that we won't have the current dilemma that makes us unable to advance or retreat. Fortunately, these **** say that we still have reasons to shirk. But the **** of the Peace Road are even more shameless. They are still outside the imperial capital, and they are not in a hurry to enter the imperial capital. These **** are afraid that there are ghosts in their hearts, and they are also calculating everyone, and cooperating with these bastards. Still wrong!"

"Taipingdao, we can cooperate, but we can't completely trust them. After all, the reputation of Taipingdao is not good. Back then, even their disciples were able to calculate and force them to death, let alone those of us. For the benefit of these bastards, we must be fully prepared and plan for the worst!"

"These **** from Taiping Road haven't entered the imperial capital yet. I'm afraid they are deliberately watching. They want to truly determine Xingtian's strength and make the final plan. It is impossible to expect them to charge into battle. These **** will not be there. Under certain circumstances, they will make a big deal with Xingtian. They have some consideration in their hearts and even more terrifying calculations. We cannot be careless or take it lightly, otherwise it will only be us who will suffer in the end!"

"Forget it, let's just ignore the **** of the Peace Road. No matter what their calculations or what they want to do, they will eventually enter the imperial capital. Our biggest enemy today is Xingtian. This **** is absolutely incapable of creating such a situation. The purpose of the accusation, for this purpose, we have to make it clear that we cannot let the confrontation with the lunatic Xingtian fall down. After all, the current situation is dangerous. If you are not careful, everyone will fall into terrible trouble. !"

"You said what Xingtian lunatic wants to do, what is his secret? What is the purpose of this defense? Is he really injured, or is there an accident, or is all this just a trap that Xingtian deliberately set?"

"Huh, what is the use of thinking so much? No matter how much you think about it, it is useless to face the lunatic Xing Tian. This lunatic is not understandable by ordinary people. What we have to do is actually very simple. That is to sit on the sidelines. No matter what kind of situation the lunatic Xingtian plays, as long as we don’t act rashly, there will be no danger. Since those stupid **** are willing to be vanguards, let them do well. We can just see the lunatic Xingtian. The bottom line, understanding the true thoughts of this madman, no matter who wins or loses in this war, it is a good thing for us!"


A good thing? Is this really the case? Do these people here really think so? Impossible, absolutely impossible. No one is stupid enough to do this. No matter what Xingtian this lunatic thinks, no one dares to despise Xingtian. If anyone dares to despise Xingtian, he is ruining himself or destroying himself. No one. Think Xing Tian will be a complete failure!

"Although I don’t know the real situation of Xingtian, the bastard, but the situation in front of you is a trap. This is certain. Even if Xingtian suffers a major change, it is impossible for Xingtian to lay down such a fragile defensive formation. He has no ability to block the enemy. , A random attack will be torn apart. It is not so much a defensive formation, it is better to say that this is a trap, a trap that will wipe out the enemy. We either do nothing, wait quietly, and wait for the result of all this , Either directly go to war with Xingtian and destroy Xingtian with lightning speed, but do you think we have this possibility?"

No, no one is confident that Xing Tian can be killed in the shortest possible time. If Xing Tian is so easy to kill, he will not survive now, not to mention that there is a human emperor by the side, especially everyone who has such a big secret!

"Friends of dead Daoist do not die poor Dao. Since these stupid **** are looking for death, let them die. It is better to die in Xingtian's hands than dying in our hands, and we still have a chance to explore the reality of Xingtian. I believe that since these **** dare to do something, they definitely have a little bit of confidence, and they can't make a splash!"

Under normal circumstances, this is true. No matter how powerful Xing Tian is, those enemies who make a move cannot be taken away by a wave. But this time it is not a normal situation, but with mental arithmetic and unintentional. When Xing Tian decides to condense Dao Yuan's birth , I have already thought of the possible crisis, and I have made all-round preparations. Xingtian’s great formation is connected to the imperial capital’s humanitarian formation. Xingtian can mobilize a trace of humane power, which can crush all enemies, even without disturbing people. Emperor!

Such a situation occurred outside Xingtian's residence, such a conflict occurred, what is the emperor doing, didn't he see all this? This is impossible. If the human emperor can't even grasp the situation of the emperor, he will not survive now. The empire has long been shattered. At this time, the human emperor has not stopped or sent people to rescue. What does he want to do?

Like those careerists, the emperor is watching coldly, wanting to know what Xing Tian is this lunatic doing? I want to determine the true situation of Xing Tian and prepare for the next judgment. Before I understand Xing Tian’s situation, no matter how he judges Xing Tian, ​​I have no confidence. The most important thing is that I can’t figure out Xing Tian’s true thoughts at all. Such a group of ignorant **** will take action. Naturally, this is a great opportunity. The Emperor himself must grasp it. As to whether he will make Xing Tian hate himself more, this is not in the consideration of the Emperor. After all, there is already a relationship between the Emperor and Xingtian. If there is a gap, more is no big deal!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! This is especially true for the Emperor. Although Xingtian is very important to him, it is nothing compared to the life and death of the empire. Don’t look at the empress empress who value Xingtian, and don’t look at the slight regret in the heart of the Emperor. That's just a normal reaction. If you try again, the Emperor will still make the same decision.

"The trap, it is a trap, what a Xingtian, sinister enough!" When the stupid **** rushed into Xingtian's formation, there was still no breath leaking out, the emperor's expression changed drastically. Gloomy, he felt endless anger against Xing Tian, ​​in his opinion Xing Tian didn't want to cooperate with the Empire at all.

"What does he want to do, what does he want to do? Does he still have me as the emperor in his eyes, and does the empire still exist? How dare to ignore the majesty of the empire? Such a person, no matter how powerful it is, we dare to use it Do you dare to cooperate with him?"

Hearing what the Emperor said, a wry smile appeared on the empress’s face. Such a situation did not occur to her. The situation at Xingtian’s residence showed that Xingtian did not take the Emperor seriously and did not take it seriously. Did not care about the majesty of the empire.

The Emperor only thought of his own feelings, but did not think about Xing Tian's feelings before, because he never put Xing Tian in the same position as himself in his heart. In his eyes, Xing Tian is just a junior, one can overlook In fact, Xing Tian’s behavior has already been disgusted by Xing Tian. What about the Lord of a country is nothing to Xing Tian.

"No, we are in the midst of it. This is a trap!" When those who rushed into the Xingtian formation went deep into Xingtian's residence, a powerful force pressed on them, making them immobile. This is the suppression from the soul. No matter how much preparation they have, no matter how powerful they are, it is useless. They can't use it at all. When this happens, even stupid people understand it. This is a trap, and I understand that I have been in the calculation.

Regret, these people are very regretful for a moment. They knew that Xingtian was so insidious. He shouldn’t be hotheaded, refuse to listen to people’s persuasion, and insist on taking action. His life was lost here, and he didn't even have the ability to resist, and he couldn't even hurt the enemy's fur. The contrast was so great that it made their hearts tremble and they couldn't bear it.

"Xingtian, you **** who have the ability to fight with us honestly, so what does it mean to injure people with secret arrows?" Those people are yelling frantically, wanting Jixingtian to come forward, and Jixingtian let them go, but this is useless. Because of this, when they stepped into Xingtian’s great formation, their fate was already doomed. Death was their destination. At this time, no one could save them, and no one would come to save them, regardless of Xingtian’s calculations. How crazy, no matter what outsiders think, at this time, under such circumstances, no one will show up, and they are not willing to forge feuds with Xingtian!


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