God of Destruction

Chapter 3979: Festival killing

Chapter 3979: Killing

"Retreat, don't confront this lunatic. This is the trap he has already set. If we stay a little longer, it will be more dangerous. Let's leave first. Use our hole cards to tear the defense here. Everyone retreat!" When Xing Tian replied, someone couldn’t help but made the decision to retreat. In his opinion, it’s better for everyone to leave at this time, or the result would be unthinkable. After all, they missed their hands, they got caught, and just stayed. Irresponsibility for your own life!

Fleeing without a fight may be a bit embarrassing, but it’s better to be ashamed than to lose your life, and facing the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​they are really too careless, too self-righteous, otherwise how could they easily step into such a trap. In the meantime, Xingtian, a **** bastard, was calculated, and if he didn't leave, I was afraid that everyone would not be able to leave!

"Yes, we are not the time to confront this madman. Here we are very passive, leaving first, and the others wait to go out before settle accounts with this **** madman!" When facing their own safety, no one will Taking risks, even if these people hate Xingtian, no matter how they want to kill Xingtian, but when they fall into the trap of death, they will still make the right choice and make the choice to retreat instead of blindly doing it. .

It's a pity that these people think of Xing Tian too simply. Will Xing Tian give them a chance to retreat easily? Impossible, Xing Tian will not let their goals be achieved, and will not watch these **** escape from his own battle. Xing Tian will use these **** to kill chickens and monkeys, to deter other enemies, and to buy enough time for himself. In this case, they want to escape, it can only be said to be too naive. If they all escape in the first time, there is still a glimmer of hope, but unfortunately they didn’t do this. They even had a ridiculous relationship with Xingtian. Negotiations, this wasted the opportunity to escape!

"If you want to escape, you think too much. Since it's here, you can leave it to me and become my nourishment!" In an instant, Xing Tian's figure appeared in front of these enemies, condescendingly looking at these ignorant and stupid ones. Bastard, an invisible force of terror enveloped four hundred and eight directions, that was Xing Tian's aura, Xing Tian condensed the power of the domain formed by devouring the Dao Yuan Fei!

"Feng Tian Jedi, hey!" Xing Tian looked at these ignorant **** indifferently, his mind moved, and the whole array was fully activated. In an instant, Xing Tian mobilized part of the original power of the imperial capital humanity array and passed the Emperor. Overcoming those royal powerhouses who had always mastered the big formation, they silently took over part of the power of the humanitarian big formation.

Without disturbing anyone, Xing Tian was able to mobilize a part of the humane force so easily. This shows how powerful Xing Tian is above the humane perception, and it shows how terrifying Xing Tian's control of the formation is. It is said that even if he is the enemy of the emperor and the entire imperial family, Xingtian is confident that he can retreat from the imperial capital. The imperial capital will not have any impact on Xingtian, and it will even become an aid for Xingtian to escape. This is Xingtian’s Emboldened!

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, the entire array immediately shook. In an instant, the original power of the Dao was madly condensed, and the terrible power continued to rise. For a moment, countless avenues were condensed into a powerful energy shield, covering Xingtian’s entire courtyard was isolated from the outside world, wrapping the courtyard like an eggshell!

Xing Tian’s defensive power is not only aimed at the invaders, but also at the external enemies. When the defensive cover is together, no matter whether it is an external enemy or an enemy inside, it is impossible to shake this defense, the enemy outside. If you can't attack, the enemy inside can't escape, and is directly imprisoned by Xingtian, becoming the nutrient of Xingtian's cultivation!

"Damn Xingtian, what do you want to do? Do you know what you are doing? If you move us, you will be the enemy of the entire imperial capital family and the empire. You still have time to stop, so don’t let yourself be fooled. !"

"Yes, Xing Tian, ​​if you stop now, we will assume that nothing happened, otherwise you absolutely cannot afford the consequences!"

When the powerful defensive shield appeared, the trapped enemies were all afraid of it. Although they all had backs, their backs were all abolished in the face of such a powerful defensive cover. Xing Tian's defense formation has a humane origin, and no matter how powerful their backhands are, they will all be suppressed by the humane origin.

"Joke, you are really ignorant and pitiful. At this time, you are still thinking about such a good thing. Who do you think Xingtian is? Would you be scared by your ridiculous threats? Don't want to leave when you come. I am an enemy of Xingtian. If I dare to calculate my Xingtian, I must be prepared to die. Today, no one can save you. Even if the emperor comes, I can’t save you, let alone a family. I have never treated you like this in Lao Tzu’s eyes. The family takes it as one thing!"

Yes, in Xingtian’s eyes, he never regarded the aristocratic family as the same thing, because Xingtian’s greatest enemy was never that aristocratic family, but the way of heaven, the will of the world, the will of the world, and himself. For Xingtian, Oneself is the greatest enemy of one's own cultivation, and everything else is nothing. The so-called wealthy family is like that in Xing Tian's eyes!

"Asshole, how dare you, dare to speak such wild words!" In an instant, these enemies were **** off by Xing Tian's arrogance, and each of them was furious at Xing Tian, ​​and they yelled at Xing Tian. Xing Tian was beating them. Face, hitting the face of the aristocratic family, this is something they cannot accept and cannot tolerate. Xing Tian's attitude deeply stimulates them!

"Huh! Ignorance, stupid, what do you think you are? This world is respected by strength. You don't have strong strength, let alone invincible combat power. You want to be the enemy of Xingtian, and want to get from me. To take advantage, you are looking for death on your own. Don’t take a family as your cause. You are not qualified enough. The real powerhouses of the family will not treat you as the same thing. They don’t care about your life or death!"


Xing Tian was right. This is the true portrayal of the aristocratic family. If those wealthy families are really monolithic, it would not happen like this. When his own defensive shield appears, countless enemies will take action. The giants of the world will launch attacks one after another, but this situation has not happened now. No one has made a big shot for these ignorant bastards. This makes Xing Tian even more dismissive, and this also makes Xing Tian believe that the dragon veins of the empire are really being killed. The enemy is a wealthy family. They dare not act rashly for fear of exposing their plans!

"You can die with peace of mind. No one can save you, and no one will save you. Of course, even if there is, I don’t care about it. No one can offend me without paying the price. No! Go to death, killing is coming, killing the world, killing the common people, killing the sky, killing the earth, killing the common people! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As Xing Tian’s words fell, endless murderous intent broke out in an instant, and the terrible killing aura enveloped everyone. Xing Tian’s killing avenue broke out in an all-round way, and no one could resist Xing Tian’s crazy killing intent. No matter how much preparation these enemies have, they will not be able to withstand a single blow in front of Xingtian's avenue of killing, because Xingtian's avenue of killing has gone a step further and can directly point to the enemy's soul and the enemy's heart.

"Damn, we all underestimate the power of this **** Xingtian, his killing avenue is even more terrifying than previously revealed, we were pitted by this bastard!" In the eyes of these enemies, all this is a trap that Xingtian has set long ago. , Even his own understanding of Xing Tian is false, and Xing Tian's strength is even more terrifying than they thought.

"No, we can't give up. Even if we die, we must drag this **** to death!" Faced with such a terrible situation, some people's minds began to collapse, and they made the craziest decision to die with Xing Tian. It is a pity that his These words had just fallen, and before he had time to act, a sword light fell, blood splashed in the void, and he died on the spot!

"Asshole, Xing Tian, ​​you **** asshole, how dare you do this!" When Xing Tian killed the person who encouraged everyone to die with Xing Tian, ​​these enemies were more afraid and uneasy. They really had to believe Xing Tian at this moment. He will not show mercy, will not give them a way to survive, and will not care about the threat of the so-called wealthy family, but he still wants to hold on, because he doesn't want to die, he still dreams that he can have a chance to make Xingtian stop!

"Stupid, at this time, what's the use of saying these, let's do it, even if we die, we have to die with dignity, and we have to drag Xingtian this **** to the end, even if we can't do it, we can't make this **** feel good. Don’t think about life anymore. Xing Tian, ​​the bastard, has made it clear that he is going to kill us!"

These enemies are not of the same mind, and their reactions are different. Some people are afraid of death and still have a illusion in their hearts, while those who are more determined have the heart to die together. Such a group of chaotic people also delusions and Xingtian. The enemy also wanted to take the opportunity to assassinate Xingtian, but they could only say that they were too arrogant and ignorant.

Together with Xingtian’s killing, he won’t stop. His own killing avenue needs the source of killing, and these enemies took the initiative to send it to the door, just in line with his own heart, so that he does not need to worry about the lack of killing source and destroys his own killing avenue. The opportunity of Yuan Tire put himself in a crisis. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian would naturally not stop!

Swords of light are everywhere. Under the blessing of Slaughter Avenue, the treasure in Xingtian's hands is invincible, and everything is unbreakable. No matter how strong these enemies have defenses, it will be difficult to withstand Xingtian's killing. One person after another In a pool of blood, being beheaded by Xingtian here has become Xingtian’s nourishment. Almost no one can withstand Xingtian’s slaughter. The power gap between them and Xingtian is so large that they cannot be confronted at all, even Can't even do suicide attacks.

Obviously Xingtian is right in front of them, but no one can rush to Xingtian, cause Xingtian to be hurt, hurt Xingtian, and break Xingtian’s terrible killing. They have not rushed to Xingtian’s body, they were Xingtian. It can be said that they are not the enemy of Xingtian. This result makes them feel deep despair!

gap! This is the gap in strength! Of course, the reason why Xingtian was able to kill people like chickens was effortless, not only because of his own strength, but also because of the suppression of the large array, with the help of part of the original force of the humanitarian array. The formation can suppress half of these enemies' power and lose half of their combat power. Naturally, they are not Xing Tian's enemy!

I have to say that these ignorant **** died a bit resentful, and their arrogance directly ruined their lives. If they did not fall into the Xingtian formation and were not suppressed by the Xingtian formation, there would still be a glimmer of life. , After all, they all have powerful back players in their hands, but now, no matter how accurate they are, it’s useless, and no matter how strong they are, they can’t exert their true power. Under this circumstance, what life is there for them? , They do not die, who die!

Soon, Xing Tian relied on the treasure in his hand and the power of the large array to kill these damned invading enemies one by one. The flesh and blood of these enemies were turned into the nutrients of Xingtian cultivation, and that death brought them. The killing intent of Xingtian has also become the nutrient of Xingtian's killing avenue, making Xingtian's sense of killing more intense, so that Xingtian no longer has to worry about the matter of condensing and killing the original birth!

Although Xingtian used a large formation to cover everything, the terrible killing intent was still leaked. After all, so many powerful people died, and there is still a battle between the two sides. Even if Xingtian's large array is fierce, it can't control everything. They are all covered, and the most important thing is that those dead enemies have their own natal cards, and their deaths will be noticed by the family behind them! Fate cards continue to explode among the enemy’s families, representing the end of their lives, and such an ending makes those families fear and fear it, because those who die are the strongest among their families. A great power. Without this power, the strength of their family will be greatly weakened. Not to mention whether Xing Tian will come to the door, not to mention whether the Emperor of Humanity will kill because of their ignorance, even within their family. Some people can't help but take action. After all, aristocratic families are not monolithic. They also have enemies. Such things as beating down dogs and falling into rocks will never be less among the wealthy families. Once their situation is known by the enemy, it is when they are down. It is the cruelty of the family!


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