God of Destruction

Chapter 3980: Fear

Chapter 3980: Fear

"Crazy, the **** Xingtian is really crazy. He is so violent, he has no regard for him. There is no fear in his heart, he does not regard the emperor as the same thing, and he does not regard our wealthy family as the same thing. The lunatics are the enemy. Those **** are too ignorant. This time they finally received a lesson. Unfortunately, they never have the chance to start all over again!” When Xingtian was slaughtered with this crazy killing, those wealthy families who were directly focused on Xingtian The strong were horrified. Although they had guessed in their hearts before, they still couldn't believe it and couldn't accept it after it happened.

How horrible and crazy this thing is! I was in the imperial capital, but I didn’t take it into consideration. I dared to be so crazy, let alone an outsider, even if they were aristocrats who didn’t dare to do it, even the emperor did not dare to do it, but Xing Tian did. Moreover, it was done so thoroughly that it did not leave any retreat for the other party, and directly destroyed it.

"Everyone, have you seen it. This is Xingtian. He is a madman who doesn’t care about anything. In any case, I’m still saying that before. We can’t face this madman as an enemy. We can’t afford this madman. Counterattack, let’s not say that we are capable of destroying him, even those ancestors dare not take it lightly, and they dare not sorrow to kill him. We can’t. Once we fail, the consequences will be disastrous, and none of us can afford it. No matter who complained, they ignored it. They chose this path themselves, and they have to bear the consequences themselves. We will not participate!"

"That's right, we don't participate in this matter. We tried to persuade them twice before, but who listened to them, now something happened, and they want us to get ahead. This is impossible, and they should look for it. Go to the emperor to complain, not to us. We have fulfilled our responsibilities. This time, even if the **** of the Peace Road are here, we should not have anything to do with them. Everything is up to them to decide. We watched indifferently. !"

Xingtian’s crazy killing has brought endless shocks to all the forces in the imperial capital, making them all fearful. An innocent madman who is not afraid of anything. Although Xingtian does not fight back, everyone understands that as long as Xingtian After appearing, another killing will be staged, and the madness of Xingtian will not let those families go.

"Haha! This killing came well, I would like to know how the emperor would solve it, whether to appease those aristocratic families or to appease the lunatic Xingtian. If one is not careful, he will be both innocent and offend them all, but Xingtian this The strength of the madman is indeed terrible. The strength of the formation is so powerful that it can directly trap and strangle so many people. We must be vigilant about this. The strength of the formation is very important. We must be careful! "

"No matter how strong the formation is, it is also an external force. I was a little surprised. Xing Tian didn't use the power of the city of thunder punishment. If he used this treasure of origin, there is no need to cover it. It seems that the city of thunder punishment is really not there. Xing Tian’s hands are only the power that can be borrowed. There is no such treasure as the City of Thunder Punishment. We don’t need to worry too much. After all, Xing Tian’s own strength is still insufficient. We have enough power to suppress him!"

"No, you can't think so, no matter whether Xingtian has the city of thunder and punishment, the original treasure, we must treat it as if he has this treasure in hand, carefully sailing the boat for ten thousand years, no matter how cautious such a lunatic is, we don’t think Before, who can dare to guarantee that this lunatic is using this treasure as a killer, has always kept it, and has been confusing us!"

There are joys and worries. The patriarchs of the wealthy families who stand at the peak are happy, but the emperor has a headache. If such a big thing has happened in the imperial capital, he must have a saying that those wealthy families who were killed by Xing Tian must They will complain to the empire, and the ministers in the court will also fall into trouble. In this way, the pressure on himself has been much greater!

There is no reason to take action against Xingtian, and you can’t do that. Once you do it, there is no chance to look back, and you will truly forge a feud with Xingtian and become an unending mortal enemy. This result is unwilling to accept the Emperor. Yes, but don’t do anything. Those ministers and aristocratic families will add to the flames, let themselves, and affect the reputation of the empire. After all, these aristocratic families are courtiers of the empire. They die in the imperial capital, even if it is because of their own greed. , But the empire must have a statement!

"Damn it, how could this be? Why didn't those **** think of how terrible the consequences of failure would be. Xingtian, a lunatic, is so unscrupulous and not easy to provoke. The most important thing is that when this lunatic walks out of the courtyard, he is A **** storm will surely clean up those wealthy families. Even if the empire deliberately conceals them, someone will tell the lunatic Xingtian the news of these people. After all, those wealthy families have enemies, not to mention there are some in secret. The **** who borrowed the knife to kill!"

There is a dilemma. This is the situation of the human emperor. This is the fate of the human emperor's self-righteousness. If the human emperor is not too arrogant and self-righteous, how can things fall to this point? If the human emperor will take action before, arrange the strong to guard Xingtian In the courtyard, if the wealthy family members are not given the chance to attack, all of this will not happen. Now that things have happened, the emperor must face it, explain it, and give everyone an explanation.

"Your Majesty, people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. By this time, you have no choice, and the empire has no choice. Those wealthy families must be cleaned up. All these are caused by themselves, and they must bear the consequences. We can Use this opportunity to clean up these families that are not the same as the enemy, so as to frighten other wealthy families and let them know that this world belongs to you and the empire. Anyone who dares to violate the laws of the empire will bear the price! They will never stand with the empire, they will always only take care of their own interests!" When seeing the embarrassed face of the human emperor, the empress empress said what she thought in her heart, which was the only thing in her opinion Solutions to the problem!

When all this happens, the royal family has no way out, and muddy mud will not work. It will only offend both parties. In this case, it is better to directly attack the family and use these families to kill chickens and monkeys, in order to invigorate the imperial power. The power of the empire, as for Xing Tian, ​​it is better to do nothing, after all, he is too crazy and unscrupulous!

auzw.com In the imperial capital, such a murderous precept, Xing Tian dared to do so must have his own confidence, he must be able to retreat from the imperial capital with confidence, facing such a lunatic, the empire really Can’t become a deadly enemy with Xingtian, not to mention that this killing was not provoked by Xingtian alone, and the empire has no reason to attack Xingtian. Once the empire takes action against Xingtian, it will not only make itself an enemy, but will also chill those scattered. No one will come to take refuge in the heart of Xiu.

Yes! The empire and aristocratic families will never stand together, especially under the current circumstances, under the temptation of the emperor’s status, those aristocratic families will be even more crazy and hostile to the empire. Why should the empire care about such existence? , Why bother to protect their interests? There is no such need. Once you do this, it will only destroy your own foundation!

"Yes, it's reasonable. At this time, I just used this as an excuse to destroy these aristocratic families first, and reduce the pressure within the empire. What if someone is dissatisfied? Those **** find all of this by themselves. They don't know the rules of the imperial capital, since they know the law and break the law. , Then you have to pay for it, and you can take this opportunity to test the ideas of other forces!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When the opposition relationship is determined, the emperor naturally no longer hesitates, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will not come again. Such opportunities are not always available. Now because of the existence of Xingtian, those wealthy families will be exposed. If Xingtian leaves, , It would be impossible to have such an opportunity anymore, and Xing Tian’s big killings would make those wealthy families be vigilant, and would not act rashly without complete assurance!

"Kill, tomorrow, to establish their crimes, to directly convict these bastards, and to use them to look at the thoughts of the ministers in the past, and to clean up those strange bastards. Since we want to reform, we cannot be merciful. Otherwise, these aristocratic families will never be cleaned up, and the general trend of the empire will be condensed. There is no bloodless reform, this time is the beginning!"

This time, the emperor was also cruel. If he doesn’t do anything, and if he doesn’t make up his mind, all his so-called changes are just false talk, and they won’t make much difference at all. Regardless of the fact that the important frontier generals have changed, but This is just the beginning. As time goes on, no one knows that they will be overwhelmed with the thoughts of the book. If you can't clean up the inside of the empire, you still have to talk about the great cause, even if you have the emperor, it will still be difficult. Run away to death.

The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is both a catastrophe and an opportunity, and it is also the only opportunity for the empire. Once it fails, it is good for oneself, and everyone in his line will be backlashed by the empire’s fortune, and they will all die. What is there to take care of? Even a lunatic like Xing Tian can be unscrupulous and can kill as he pleases. As the emperor, why should he care about the thoughts of the family and the thoughts of the ministers? To have the dignity of the emperor, this time is the time when one's dignity is emphasized, this time is the beginning of suppressing the family and cleaning up the empire!

Those strong men of the aristocratic family still underestimated the emperor’s determination, and when they gave the emperor this excuse, they started the battle between the emperor and the family and started a killing. At the beginning, now that the human emperor is in control of the military, there is no need to worry about the rebellion of the family. If the family rebels at this time, it will only become the military merits of the generals in the army. If you miss this opportunity, wait until the enthusiasm of the king is weakened. There is no more chance!

When the emperor made a decision, the patriarchs of the wealthy families in the imperial capital shivered, as if some danger was coming, and all the patriarchs of the aristocratic families had a gloomy face. They all understood that the danger was coming, and understood that this was a warning!

"Damn, those **** **** finally caused the disaster for our wealthy family. It attracted the anger of the madman Xing Tian and the killing of the emperor. This time, the emperor finally found an excuse. Maybe Xing Tian and the empress empress had an excuse. Another negotiation is just a bait, a trap, in order to calculate our family's wealthy family, so that the emperor can have an excuse to go to war! No, we can't sit and wait for death, we need to unite, and we need to work together to fight the impact of the emperor!"

joint? How to unite, under this situation, that a wealthy family is willing to come forward, willing to make a strong come forward for these mortal people? No, those who really stand at the top of the wealthy family don't care about their life and death. Since they are stupid and ignorant, and they don't obey the command, they think they are right, such a little brother will die in vain!

regret! After the warning, those families who attacked Xingtian were afraid and regretted. This time they were in great trouble. This time they really had to face the catastrophe. They were unwilling to sit back and wait for death. They wanted to resist, so these wealthy families Together again, they will resist together and fight for that ray of life together.

Of course, while doing the last fight, they are also arranging for their disciples to evacuate from the imperial capital, to protect their blood from the end of this killing, and they are planning for the worst. If things really get out of control, they will reach the end. At a bad point, they will give their lives to fight and buy enough time for the evacuation of those disciples!

When their request for help failed, and when the top family members refused, these family members gave up their hearts. They no longer pin their hopes on others. They have to fight to the death, and they have to fight for their lives! Although there are not many wealthy families who fight to the death, when they really have to make up their minds, they also have the power to fight!

Kill Xingtian first? No, these aristocratic families have no such idea. Even if they gather the power of everyone, they do not have the confidence to break Xingtian’s defenses, and they do not have the confidence to kill Xingtian. The object they want to resist is the Emperor, and they don’t At the last moment, they won't work hard, after all, no one wants to face death!

For these aristocratic families, as long as there is still a chance for life, they will definitely fight for it. They still have companions. They can also use the Minister of Korea to fight for the last chance for themselves. As long as this life is not cut off, they are Will not give up, this is the'weakness' of the wealthy family, this is their weakness!

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