God of Destruction

Chapter 3981: Day penalty

Chapter 3980

If these aristocratic families can be ruthless, be able to attack the emperor desperately, or even direct a **** path away from the emperor, then they still have a chance to live, after all, no one wants to be an enemy of such a madman, a madness Even those who really stood at the top of the family’s wealthy family should be jealous. As long as you can’t kill them all, you must be alert to their revenge at any time. The most important thing is even if you can kill them all. , Also have to pay a heavy price. In this catastrophe, no one is willing to pay such a price. No force will make such a choice. You must know that at this time, if you lose your own power, you will not Responsible!

It is a pity that the patriarchs of these aristocratic families did not think of this. They all only wanted to use negotiation to win the gleam of life, but they forgot that life is never a compromise. They are forced from the blood and rain. Those who were killed, like Xingtian, have endless killings. Whoever dares to attack him easily, who dares to be an enemy of such lunatics, that is, their stupidity, will count Xingtian at this time and under such circumstances. , A person who can kill countless, can survive under the eyes of the old guys to the present, is it possible for them to be able to calculate it?

Xing Tian didn’t care about what the outside world was like. In Xing Tian’s heart, he did not care at all. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cohesion of the primordial fetus of Killing Dao, with so much blood, this ready-made killing air, Xing Tian did not encounter much resistance to the aggregation of the Dao of Slaughter Yuan. Those enemies who were beheaded by Xing Tian, ​​all of their blood and murderous aura were absorbed by Xing Tian, ​​turned into the nutrients of the Dao of Slaughter, and constantly nourished their own Dao of Slaughter. origin.

'boom! boom! boom! 'Beats of beating sound constantly sounded from Xing Tian's body, Xing Tian's phantom body was also constantly changing, a trace of vitality was radiating from the body condensed by the power of the source, killing the source of Xingtian Gradually began to condense under the control, and the Yuan fetus began to condense, a trace of vitality exuded from Xingtian’s phantom body, and within this vitality there was a terrible killing intent, as if there was endless killing intent from Xingtian’s body. Out of it!

What is the original tire of Slaughter Avenue? Xing Tian also didn’t know. Unlike his previous condensed Swallowing Dao Yuan Fei, this Slaughter Dao Yuan Fei seemed to directly act on the body of the phantom. With the flesh and blood of those powerful enemies, the essence of the whole body was absorbed by Slaughter Dao Dao. After that, Xing Tian’s phantom body had an extra heart, which was the heart of killing condensed by the primordial body of the killing avenue. Once the heart of killing was condensed, Xing Tian’s phantom body had undergone a qualitative transformation, and the vitality began from the heart of killing. Surging out, it is constantly being created in the phantom body, blood vessels appear, blood veins begin to condense, and as soon as the killing elementary fetus emerges, Xing Tian’s phantom body begins to solidify and become a real flesh and blood body, although this takes time, However, this means that Xing Tian’s slaughter avenue, the original birthplace, has brought new life to the phantom, making Xingtian’s phantom real and stronger, and it also has endless potential. It is no longer what it was before, no matter what. Reinforcement is just an illusion, with limits!

When the heart of killing is condensed, the blood of killing is also condensed, flowing continuously in Xiang Xing Tian’s body, forming an internal loop, transforming this phantom body into a flesh and blood body. Unfortunately, Xing Tian’s heart of killing is just just now Condensation is very far from Xiaocheng, otherwise Xing Tian's phantom body can transform from imaginary to real flesh and blood within a few breaths!

"If you are not complete, your body is not complete. The primordial fetus condensed in the Devouring Dao acts on the soul, while the primordial fetus in the Slaughter Avenue is condensed in the heart and acts on the physical body. To complete Consummation, this physical body needs more. The origin, and even the need for a new road, or just relying on the heart of killing will have a certain impact on oneself and affect the potential of this body!" Xing Tian naturally has to be cautious about his own transformation and naturally pursues The most powerful, I didn’t have anything to do before, so I didn’t care about the potential of the illusion, I only pursued rapid growth, but now it’s different, everything has changed, my own requirements have naturally changed and become high-end. , After all, the transformation of this phantom has pointed out a new path for himself!

Thinking about new methods of evolution, to perceive new avenues, and to condense new avenues? Xing Tian shook his head and gave up the idea. Although this is a road, he does not have so much time to spend on it now, and the outside situation does not allow him to continue. He condensed the killing of the original tire and condensed himself. Xing Tian felt a trace of blood movement when he was killing the heart. People related to him appeared in the imperial capital, and his killing heart was warning him!

"Who is it? It's not the royal family. The bloodline power of the royal family has no effect on me. It seems to be the blood relatives of the father's line, huh! At this time, it seems that they can't bear to jump out when they appear in the Imperial City. I can take this opportunity to resolve the cause and effect of my own blood. My previous enlightenment swallowed the blood of the royal family with the help of the swallowing avenue, and broke one of my involvement. Now I just take the opportunity to cut off another blood cause and effect. I hope he Don't let me down!"

It’s not that Xing Tian is cruel, but that in the midst of this great calamity, he can’t stand without being cruel, and he can’t live without being cruel. The royal family is calculating himself, and his father’s line, so why wouldn’t peace Calculate yourself. At this time they appeared in the imperial capital. If they said that there was no calculation for them, Xing Tian would not believe it. Since the opponent has come out, this is his opportunity.

However, when Xing Tian made a decision, when Xing Tian was about to withdraw from the big formation, a nameless throbbing appeared in his heart again. This time it was not a throbbing of blood, but a throbbing from the soul. It’s a natural punishment. Although I have used the power of humanity to cover my transformation and the cohesion of the Dao Yuan’s embryo, when my phantom body is transformed, when I turn into reality, I must face the punishment. , This is the change brought about by the transformation of essence, even if the power of humanity in the imperial capital cannot be eliminated, the punishment of heaven will come, and I must save the catastrophe to be able to complete this transformation and to complete myself!

"Damn, I still overestimate the power of humanity. This is not the peak of the imperial dynasty. Although the power of the human emperor exists, the current empire has been declining. Just swallowing the avenue and condensing the corpse can also cover it. After the original fetus is condensed, when the heart of killing is condensed, and when one's own body turns from virtual to solid, the humane force can't conceal one's own breath. His transformation is against the sky, and he must face the punishment of heaven. Unchangeable!"

In an instant, Xing Tian understood his own problems, and understood why he had to spend the day's punishment in the imperial capital. He still underestimated the virtual reality, the power of flesh and blood transformation, and underestimated the power of heaven and earth. Even if it is covered by humane power, when Xing Tian completes the transformation of his own limit, everything is different!


"It's a pity, the city of thunder punishment has already disappeared, otherwise there is nothing to worry about even if the heavenly punishment comes, and you can use the power of the thunder punishment city to swallow the heavenly punishment and strengthen its origin! Now I must Facing it alone, I hope that this time the punishment will not be too strong, will not damage the Dao Yuan fetus that he has finally condensed, and it will not hurt the original source!" There is no such accident in Xing Tian's heart. With absolute certainty, Xing Tian naturally did not dare to care about the punishment of the sky. After the punishment of the sky, Xing Tian deeply understood its horror, and understood the blow that his body just changed from the virtual reality will bear and will face. What a terrible impact, success and consummation, and failure, this hard-to-consolidate Dao Yuantai will be hit hard, and even be destroyed under thunder punishment, everything you have paid before will be turned into nothingness!

"It's careless, this time things are troublesome, but I can't help myself. Even if I don't withdraw from the formation, I have been using the humane power to cover myself, but I can't hold on for long. When the Qi leaks, I have no choice. The Great Array can only delay a little time for himself, and the longer the time is, the more terrifying the Heavenly Punishment he faces, and the more dangerous he will be. The Heavenly Punishment is the Heavenly Tribulation, and it’s hard to say whether there will be someone from the Heavenly Tribulation or the Earth Tribulation. Once it appears, I will definitely endure a greater crisis!"

Was it an accident? No, this is not an accident. This is the most reasonable evolution. If there is no punishment, even if Xingtian can use the heart of killing and even feel the new source of origin to improve himself, it is only perfection, not perfection at all. Only after experiencing the punishment of heaven and thunder, can you truly transform yourself into perfection, and be able to integrate into the world. This is the only way for evolution. If there is no such punishment, the transformation of Xingtian is flawed. , Maybe it's not a big deal now, when Xing Tian cultivates to the highest level, it will become a hidden danger to his own practice, and even drag himself down!

When Xingtian’s breath leaked out, and when the killing intent rushed into the sky, all the sentient beings in the entire imperial capital felt an inexplicable fear. From the emperor to the common people, they all felt the fear from the soul. Punishment, this is the breath of Heaven Punishment. They felt the threat of Heaven Punishment. Because Xing Tian borrowed the power of humanity to cover himself, the entire emperor capital felt the anger of Heaven Punishment and the threat of Heaven Punishment. It is a warning from heaven!

"Asshole, how could there be a breath of Heaven's Punishment suddenly? It was that **** **** who caused Heaven's Punishment, and it was in the imperial capital. What does he want to do?' When he felt the aura of Heaven's Punishment, he was in the Imperial Capital. Those old guys were angry about it, and they were afraid, because the breath of Heaven's Punishment made them feel threatened. Once such a Heaven's Punishment comes, it will be a heavy blow to the Imperial Capital, and the entire emperor will suffer a little carelessness. A devastating blow!

The old royal guys in charge of the imperial capital formation quickly mobilized the humane force, took the entire emperor capital in their own hands, thoroughly searched the source of the problem, and soon they felt the terrible killing aura from the Xingtian courtyard. That condensed murderous aura shocked their minds and made them feel the terrifying avenue of killing!

"Damn it, it's the boy Xingtian. His avenue of killing has undergone a transformation and a new increase, which has triggered Tianpu. How dare this **** do this in the imperial capital? Even if he wants to break through, he must leave the imperial capital. , Is he trying to pull the entire emperor to spend the punishment for himself? Isn't he afraid of causation and making the punishment more terrifying?"

Drag the entire imperial capital into his own heavenly punishment, how powerful will the heavenly punishment be. Every practitioner of this knows in his heart that Xingtian’s doing this is simply seeking his own death, but for the imperial capital For those old guys, it doesn't matter if Xing Tian wants to die, but don't tire them. A **** will lock them these old guys, and the consequences will be disastrous!

"Asshole, what the lunatic Xing Tian wants to do, is it just because someone has tried to plot against him, is it necessary to trigger the punishment, trigger the thunder robbery, and pull everyone to death? It doesn't matter if the lunatic himself died, but don't hurt us!" , The most powerful people of the aristocratic family also felt the problem, felt the source of the punishment, the terrible killing aura above the Xingtian courtyard, made them feel terrified and uneasy, but the innocence of the Xingtian really drags everyone into the robbery. , The entire imperial capital is bound to face the disaster of extinction, I don't know how many creatures will die in the punishment!

"I knew that this lunatic was so crazy before. Even if we paid a high price before, even if we turned our eyes with other wealthy families, we still had to stop those stupid bastards. These **** died on their own but left the disaster to us, so terrifying. Once the punishment of heaven falls, the entire emperor will suffer a devastating blow. Our plan will be exposed under the punishment of thunder. All the cover will be broken by the punishment of thunder. Then we will be completely exposed to everything. In the sight of human beings, we will become the common enemy of all the forces. Not to mention how the Human Emperor will react, even other forces will not let us go!"

"What's the use of saying these now? If you have the mind to care about these, it is better to think about how to solve the current crisis, and let Xingtian this **** **** stop. If he is allowed to continue like this, we will all have a dead end. If we die, our family will be completely destroyed in this turmoil, no power will tolerate us, even those **** of peace will abandon us, and they will kill us, these bastards. They will not take risks for us and work hard for us. Once the situation breaks out, we will die without life!"


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