God of Destruction

Chapter 3982: Knot changes

Chapter 3982 Changes

"You said lightly. How can you let the lunatic Xingtian stop at this time? Do you think he will listen to us? At this time, let alone us, even the Emperor cannot stop him. He is a lunatic, a thorough Madman, he won’t have any concessions at all. Heaven’s punishment comes. This is his purpose. He wants to use Heaven’s punishment to warn everyone and let us all understand that he is not to be provoked, or else he must Prepared to die together! At this time, it's too late to say anything, but still wait quietly, waiting for this lunatic to make the final decision, and hope that he will not go in the worst direction!"

"Waiting, placing hope on others, you are embarrassed to say this, you are joking about your own life, you are joking about the life and death of your family, do you know?" When he heard this answer, Someone couldn't bear it, and completely vented the anger in their hearts, and the voice was full of endless anger!

"Huh! Don't wait, then what do you think we should do? Let's make a big move to stop Xingtian? Don't be stupid. At this time, we really can do it. We have hit Xingtian's conspiracy. Once we make a move, he will surely provoke Tianpu, let Heavenly punishment envelops us. Let us help him through this terrible punishment. Now I can't think of any other way besides waiting. If you have a way to say it, as long as it can be realized, I absolutely support it. !"

If there is a way to solve the current crisis, these people will not be so angry. After all, Xing Tian is just a junior in their eyes. Even if this junior is crazy and has the means, it will still be a junior, but now this junior has given them These self-righteous people have a big mouth, which makes it difficult for them to accept, but they can't find a solution!

"Wait, don't do anything. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic is already on the verge of rage. It is definitely not a good thing to provoke him at this time. Although the punishment is about to fall, I believe this lunatic dare not involve the entire Emperor, even if No matter how crazy he is, he dare not take the lives of so many creatures as a bet. He is just warning us that if we ignore, Xingtian, a lunatic, will gather his breath and not let the punishment that day affect too many people, and if it is us I don’t know how to converge. On the contrary, the consequences will be very terrible. This madman will really involve the entire Emperor Capital and let everyone face the punishment. At that time, the cause and effect will not only fall on the lunatic Xingtian, but will fall on More than half of us people, because we forced Xing Tian to do this, we will bear most of the cause and effect, most of the karma, if you are not afraid, you can give it a go!"

"Hey!" When these words were heard, the powerful family members couldn't help but gasped. If this is the case, the consequences are really terrible. Xingtian, a lunatic, is too sinister and vicious. They are dead, if anyone dared to be infected with such a huge cause and effect, it would definitely be dead, and the family would definitely be cut by luck.

"Lunatic, how can this lunatic dare to do this? Does he really have no fear in his heart? How dare he bet the life and death of the entire imperial capital? This lunatic can't let him stay in the imperial capital anymore, otherwise we can't bear it. With successive shocks, no one can keep calm under such provocation!"

"That's right, we must not allow this madman to stay in the imperial capital. After all this is over, we must use all our forces and force the emperor to drive this madman out of the imperial capital. No matter how great the price we pay, we We must do this, or it won’t take long for us to be driven crazy by this bastard, and the whole situation will collapse!”

"It's easy for you to say that we can see the horror of the lunatic Xingtian, can't the Emperor see it? Do you think the Emperor will promise us so easily that he will force the lunatic Xingtian out of the imperial capital? I'm afraid it's unrealistic. No matter how much we mobilize, we can't do it, unless we have a reason for the emperor to refuse!"

"Reason? What reasons are we looking for at this time? Isn't this ready? The lunatic Xingtian takes the lives of the entire emperor as a bet. This is enough for the emperor to promise us, otherwise the entire emperor will be dissatisfied with the emperor. I don’t want to fall into the crisis of death at any time, and no one wants to face the bombardment of God’s punishment!"

"Yes, that's it. It is useless no matter how Human Emperor defends Xing Tian. We only need to spread the news among the imperial capital. No matter how powerful the Human Emperor has, the general situation cannot be changed. Xing Tian's departure from the emperor is inevitable. As a result, no one is willing to let such a madman stay in the imperial capital, and put himself and his family under threat of death at any time. Let’s get the momentum, even if it pays a high price, it must achieve the goal, although it will cause people. The emperor’s dissatisfaction, but the emperor will not take action against us because we have good reasons, and the emperor does not dare to act rashly!"

Soon these aristocratic powerhouses reached an agreement. They worked with all their strength, and their forces were pushing Xing Tian's crazy move with all their strength. Of course, all of this was only done in secret, not on the bright side, because They dare not risk their lives. They dare not make everyone in the imperial capital attack Xingtian at this time. It will only be counterproductive and will only provoke Xingtian and cause Xingtian to provoke Tianpu in his anger. It's serious!

Even if it is to be launched, it is necessary to wait for the lunatic Xingtian to pass the punishment. Before this, no matter how crazy Xingtian is, they will not take action, so as not to completely anger Xingtian and make the situation uncontrollable. The entire emperor is in a crisis of death, and they don't want to make fun of their lives.

auzw.com At this time, it is not just these powerful family members who felt Xingtian’s anger, and felt Xingtian’s intentions. Anyone with a little sense and mind can understand Xingtian’s intentions, so At this time, no one stood up to stop it. Even the aristocratic families targeted by Xing Tian did not stand up. In fact, if they stood up at this time, the result might be completely different. Unfortunately, their greed for life and fear of death. Let this opportunity flow away in vain.

The anger of the aristocratic family did not cover up. Soon the emperor in the imperial palace got the news that he knew that Xing Tian was guilty of public anger this time, and he also knew that Xing Tian had such crazy intentions. Under this circumstance, the emperor’s mood was natural. It is conceivable and extremely heavy. Although he does not want to see Xingtian, he really does not want to give up Xingtian's thugs, but now he has to reluctantly let go. Who let Xingtian, a lunatic, make the situation so terrifying, let that knot The aristocratic family caught the handle. If it weren’t for Xing Tian to be too crazy and vicious, it would scare those aristocratic families, I’m afraid someone would propose to kill Xingtian. After all, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, made such a big move in the Imperial City and angered too much. Too many people and forces!

"Ignorance, stupid! It's a rotten wood that can't be carved. I thought he was a cultivable talent, but now it seems to be unbearable. I don't even have a calm mentality. I was easily angered and committed such crimes. The anger is coming!" After receiving the news, the emperor said angrily, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart, but he forgot that Xing Tian is not his subordinate, and Xing Tian does not need to take care of so much. In Xing Tian's eyes, he was stupid and ignorant, but in Xing Tian's eyes, he could not have done so correctly. Only in this way could he be able to frighten strong enemies and buy himself enough time!

Seeing the angry face of the human emperor, the empress opened her mouth and wanted to say something a few times, but she finally swallowed it back after the words reached her lips. At this time, it was useless to say anything, and the emperor had already identified Xingtian. It is rotten wood that cannot be carved. No matter how much you say, there will be no result. On the contrary, if you say too much, it will only affect you.

The empress empress’s expression was seen in the eyes of the emperor, and the emperor only heard the emperor’s solemn voice say: “Why does my queen have any different opinions? Do you think the **** Xingtian is doing the right thing, because we should not ask too much. he?"

Facing the question from the Emperor, the Empress Empress gently shook her head and said: "Your Majesty, although you are reasonable, but you are just looking at the problem from your own perspective. You regard Xing Tian as your subordinate. But he is not your subordinate, he has nothing to do with the empire. The so-called blood relationship is not worth mentioning in Xing Tian’s eyes. He will not consider you or the empire because he is not the same as us. , You think he did something wrong, but Xingtian’s standpoint is correct. There are people in the imperial capital who dare to take action against him. If Xingtian doesn’t react at all at this time, it’s too abnormal and he will be caught Those secret lunatics swarmed up and cut their bodies directly."

After hearing the Empress Empress’s reminder, the expression of the emperor changed drastically. He immediately understood everything. Yes, he still made a big mistake. Everything was viewed from his own standpoint, and Xing Tian was regarded as Xing Tian. It is his own subordinate, but in fact Xingtian is not his subordinate at all. The two sides said that the relationship is at best only a collaborator, and there is no partner who has successfully reached an agreement. At this time, I use my own position to view Xingtian's counterattack, which is somewhat inappropriate.

When seeing the emperor thoughtful, the empress empress breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Xing Tian is indeed crazy, but his madness is not without purpose. He is deterring everyone, all forces, and warning everyone. People are also demonstrating their strengths. Faced with such a crazy Xingtian, no matter what aristocratic family or sect, they dare not act rashly, because no one knows what Xingtian lunatic will do in the next moment. Once they angered Xingtian and caused the punishment to come, and the entire emperor was robbed, they would bear most of the cause and effect. At that time, no matter how powerful their aristocratic family was, no matter how powerful their sects were, they would face destruction. Disaster, not everyone can be as crazy as Xingtian, and dare to fight against the punishment!"

"Yes, the lunatic Xingtian really thinks so. This is indeed a big conspiracy. This lunatic is really sinister and vicious enough. You must know that he has faced the punishment once and successfully passed the punishment, even if he has The ability to control the city of Thunder Punishment is such a treasure of origin, even if the punishment comes, even if it is to bear part of the karma, Xingtian, this lunatic has the confidence to face it, but other people and other forces cannot do it. Some people really have to take action at this time. , Then he really got Xingtian’s calculations and became another target of Xingtian’s prestige. Once he has a family or a sect, and is destroyed by the punishment, no one dares to beat him again. This lunatic is really Sinister and vicious, everyone and all forces have been calculated!"

As if seeing through Xingtian’s conspiracy, the emperor was shocked, revealing endless shock and loss in his eyes. Originally, he still had the idea to make a deal with Xingtian, but now it seems that Xingtian’s emergence is afraid of It was part of the conspiracy. Perhaps the lunatic Xing Tian never planned to cooperate with the empire or with his own emperor.

"Damn, how can this lunatic dared to ignore the empire so much, so calculating my emperor, he really has no family affection in his eyes, and there is really no fear? This madman's move is only afraid to completely shock all the powerful enemies, and he himself They will definitely be affected by those wealthy families, and they must agree to their terms and drive the madman Xingtian out of the imperial capital. As long as he does this, he will never have the opportunity to cooperate with Xingtian. Those aristocratic families are not good birds and they have to take advantage of the fire. !"

In an instant, the emperor thought of more things, and the more he thought about it, the emperor’s heart was really powerless, everything was beyond his grasp, everything became so crazy, so unhealthy, originally he wanted to kill others. Wei, I was going to destroy those few aristocratic families to frighten other aristocratic families, as well as the major sects, but now that Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic, took action, his great situation instantly reversed, and his situation became very dangerous. The situation becomes difficult!

"Asshole, these people are all assholes, no matter the family, the sect, and Xingtian, they are all assholes. They didn't treat me as the emperor, they didn't treat the empire as the same. Calculate the empire, calculate my emperor, these **** are damned!" The emperor’s heart is cursing everyone, but it’s useless. All this has happened, he must face it, and he must solve this big problem. , Must bear the consequences of all this, whoever makes oneself the lord of a country, who makes oneself the emperor, at this time, if you do not stand up to solve the problem, it will only give the wealthy family and all parties more excuses To deal with yourself, to attack the luck of the empire!


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